private void OnTileEdit( object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args ) { if (players[args.Player.Index]) { switch( args.Action ) { case GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillTile: case GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillTileNoItem: WorldGen.KillTile(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; case GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillWall: WorldGen.KillWall(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; case GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillWire: WorldGen.KillWire(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; case GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillWire2: WorldGen.KillWire2(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; case GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillWire3: WorldGen.KillWire3(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; } } }
private void OnGetData(GetDataEventArgs e) { if (e.Handled) { return; } PacketTypes type = e.MsgID; Debug.WriteLine("Recv: {0:X}: {2} ({1:XX})", e.Msg.whoAmI, (byte)type, type); var player = Players[e.Msg.whoAmI]; if (player == null) { e.Handled = true; return; } if (!player.ConnectionAlive) { e.Handled = true; return; } if (player.RequiresPassword && type != PacketTypes.PasswordSend) { e.Handled = true; return; } if ((player.State < 10 || player.Dead) && (int)type > 12 && (int)type != 16 && (int)type != 42 && (int)type != 50 && (int)type != 38) { e.Handled = true; return; } using (var data = new MemoryStream(e.Msg.readBuffer, e.Index, e.Length)) { try { if (GetDataHandlers.HandlerGetData(type, player, data)) { e.Handled = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } }
private void OnGetData(GetDataEventArgs e) { if (e.Handled) { return; } PacketTypes type = e.MsgID; Debug.WriteLine("Recv: {0:X}: {2} ({1:XX})", e.Msg.whoAmI, (byte)type, type); var player = Players[e.Msg.whoAmI]; if (player == null) { e.Handled = true; return; } if (!player.ConnectionAlive) { e.Handled = true; return; } // Stop accepting updates from player as this player is going to be kicked/banned during OnUpdate (different thread so can produce race conditions) if ((Config.BanKillTileAbusers || Config.KickKillTileAbusers) && player.TileThreshold >= Config.TileThreshold && !player.Group.HasPermission(Permissions.ignoregriefdetection)) { Log.Debug("Rejecting " + type + " from " + player.Name + " as this player is about to be kicked"); e.Handled = true; } else { using (var data = new MemoryStream(e.Msg.readBuffer, e.Index, e.Length)) { try { if (GetDataHandlers.HandlerGetData(type, player, data)) { e.Handled = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } } }
private void OnTileEdit( object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args ) { if (players[args.Player.Index]) { switch (args.EditType) { case 0: case 4: { Recursive re = new Recursive(); List<Vector2> del = re.RecursiveEdit(args.X, args.Y, args.EditType); foreach (Vector2 tip in del) { WorldGen.KillTile(Convert.ToInt16(tip.X), Convert.ToInt16(tip.Y)); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(Convert.ToInt16(tip.X), Convert.ToInt16(tip.Y), 1); } break; } case 2: { Recursive re = new Recursive(); List<Vector2> del = re.RecursiveEdit(args.X, args.Y, args.EditType); foreach (Vector2 tip in del) { WorldGen.KillWall(Convert.ToInt16(tip.X), Convert.ToInt16(tip.Y)); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(Convert.ToInt16(tip.X), Convert.ToInt16(tip.Y), 1); } break; } case 6: { Recursive re = new Recursive(); List<Vector2> del = re.RecursiveEdit(args.X, args.Y, args.EditType); foreach (Vector2 tip in del) { WorldGen.KillWire(Convert.ToInt16(tip.X), Convert.ToInt16(tip.Y)); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(Convert.ToInt16(tip.X), Convert.ToInt16(tip.Y), 1); } break; } } } }
private void ChangeTeam( object sender, GetDataHandlers.PlayerTeamEventArgs args ) { TSPlayer player = TShock.Players[args.PlayerId]; Point spawn = config.Spawns.GetSpawn(player.Group.Name, args.Team - 1); if( spawn.X == -1 || spawn.Y == -1 ) { if (config.Spawns.forceSpawn) { player.Spawn(); } } else { if (config.Spawns.forceSpawn) { player.Teleport(spawn.X*16, spawn.Y*16); } } }
private void OnItemDrop(object sender, GetDataHandlers.ItemDropEventArgs args) { if (args.Handled) return; for (int i = 0; i < TShock.Players.Length; i++) { if (TShock.Players[i] == null) continue; TSPlayer tsplr = TShock.Players[i]; if (!tsplr.Group.HasPermission("geldar.admin") && !config.protectedIDs.Contains(args.ID)) { tsplr.SendErrorMessage("You are not allowed to drop items on the server!"); tsplr.SendErrorMessage("Rebind your drop key to avoid the destruction of more items."); tsplr.SendErrorMessage("We will not refund any lost items"); args.Handled = true; } } }
private void OnTileEdit( object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args ) { if (players[args.Player.Index]) { switch( args.EditType ) { case 0: case 4: WorldGen.KillTile(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; case 2: WorldGen.KillWall(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; case 6: WorldGen.KillWire(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); break; } } }
/// <summary>Checks whether a player's attempted tile edit is valid. A tile edit is considered invalid if it's only possible due to the presence of phantom tiles.</summary> /// <param name="region">The region to check.</param> /// <param name="x">The x coordinate of the edited tile.</param> /// <param name="y">The y coordinate of the edited tile.</param> /// <param name="editType">The type of the edit.</param> /// <returns>true if the edit was valid; false if it wasn't.</returns> public bool tileValidityCheck(Region region, int x, int y, GetDataHandlers.EditAction editType) { // Check if there's a wall or another tile next to this tile. if (editType == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PlaceWall) { if (Main.tile[x, y] != null && Main.tile[x, y].active()) return true; if (Main.tile[x - 1, y] != null && ((Main.tile[x - 1, y].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x - 1, y].type]) || Main.tile[x - 1, y].wall > 0)) return true; if (Main.tile[x + 1, y] != null && ((Main.tile[x + 1, y].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x + 1, y].type]) || Main.tile[x + 1, y].wall > 0)) return true; if (Main.tile[x, y - 1] != null && ((Main.tile[x, y - 1].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type]) || Main.tile[x, y - 1].wall > 0)) return true; if (Main.tile[x, y + 1] != null && ((Main.tile[x, y + 1].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x, y + 1].type]) || Main.tile[x, y + 1].wall > 0)) return true; } else { if (Main.tile[x, y] != null && Main.tile[x, y].wall > 0) return true; if (Main.tile[x - 1, y] != null && Main.tile[x - 1, y].wall > 0) return true; if (Main.tile[x + 1, y] != null && Main.tile[x + 1, y].wall > 0) return true; if (Main.tile[x, y - 1] != null && Main.tile[x, y - 1].wall > 0) return true; if (Main.tile[x, y + 1] != null && Main.tile[x, y + 1].wall > 0) return true; if (Main.tile[x - 1, y] != null && Main.tile[x - 1, y].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x - 1, y].type]) return true; if (Main.tile[x + 1, y] != null && Main.tile[x + 1, y].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x + 1, y].type]) return true; if (Main.tile[x, y - 1] != null && Main.tile[x, y - 1].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type]) return true; if (Main.tile[x, y - 1] != null && Main.tile[x, y + 1].active() && !Main.tileNoAttach[Main.tile[x, y + 1].type]) return true; } // Check if this tile is next to a region boundary. if (x >= region.showArea.Left - 1 && x <= region.showArea.Right + 1 && y >= region.showArea.Top - 1 && y <= region.showArea.Bottom + 1 && !(x >= region.showArea.Left + 2 && x <= region.showArea.Right - 2 && y >= region.showArea.Top + 2 && y <= region.showArea.Bottom - 2)) return false; return true; }
private void OnTileEdit(object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args) { if (args.Player.AwaitingName) { var protectedboxes = boxman.InAreaBoxName(args.X, args.Y); if (protectedboxes.Count == 0) { args.Player.SendMessage("Box is not protected", Color.Yellow); } else { string boxlist = string.Join(",", protectedboxes.ToArray()); args.Player.SendMessage("Box Name(s): " + boxlist, Color.Yellow); } args.Player.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y); args.Player.AwaitingName = false; args.Handled = true; } if (args.Handled) { return; } if (!boxman.CanBuild(args.X, args.Y, args.Player)) { if (((DateTime.Now.Ticks/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) - args.Player.RPm) > 2000) { args.Player.SendMessage("Box protected from changes.", Color.Red); args.Player.RPm = DateTime.Now.Ticks/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } args.Player.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y); args.Handled = true; } }
/// <summary>CheckTilePermission - Checks to see if a player has permission to modify a tile in general.</summary> /// <param name="player">player - The TSPlayer object.</param> /// <param name="tileX">tileX - The x coordinate of the tile.</param> /// <param name="tileY">tileY - The y coordinate of the tile.</param> /// <param name="tileType">tileType - The tile type.</param> /// <param name="actionType">actionType - The type of edit that took place.</param> /// <returns>bool - True if the player should not be able to modify a tile.</returns> public static bool CheckTilePermission(TSPlayer player, int tileX, int tileY, short tileType, GetDataHandlers.EditAction actionType) { if (!player.Group.HasPermission(Permissions.canbuild)) { if (TShock.Config.AllowIce && actionType != GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PlaceTile) { foreach (Point p in player.IceTiles) { if (p.X == tileX && p.Y == tileY && (Main.tile[p.X, p.Y].type == 0 || Main.tile[p.X, p.Y].type == 127)) { player.IceTiles.Remove(p); return false; } } if (((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) - player.BPm) > 2000) { player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to build!"); player.BPm = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } return true; } if (TShock.Config.AllowIce && actionType == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PlaceTile && tileType == 127) { player.IceTiles.Add(new Point(tileX, tileY)); return false; } if (((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) - player.BPm) > 2000) { player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to build!"); player.BPm = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } return true; } if (!player.Group.HasPermission(Permissions.editregion) && !Regions.CanBuild(tileX, tileY, player) && Regions.InArea(tileX, tileY)) { if (((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) - player.RPm) > 2000) { player.SendErrorMessage("This region is protected from changes."); player.RPm = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } return true; } if (Config.DisableBuild) { if (!player.Group.HasPermission(Permissions.antibuild)) { if (((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) - player.WPm) > 2000) { player.SendErrorMessage("The world is protected from changes."); player.WPm = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } return true; } } if (Config.SpawnProtection) { if (!player.Group.HasPermission(Permissions.editspawn)) { if (CheckSpawn(tileX, tileY)) { if (((DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond) - player.SPm) > 2000) { player.SendErrorMessage("Spawn is protected from changes."); player.SPm = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond; } return true; } } } return false; }
void OnProjectile(Object sender, GetDataHandlers.NewProjectileEventArgs args) { if (args.Owner < 255) { var projectile = Main.projectile[args.Identity]; if ( && projectile.type == 34 && cannonPlayers[args.Owner] && Main.player[args.Owner].channel && !projectileList.Contains(projectile)) { projectileList.Add(projectile); } } }
public void OnTileEdit(object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args) { FTPlayer ply = FreezeTools.GetFTPlayerByID(args.Player.Index); if (args.Handled) { return; } if (ply.Tagged) { args.Player.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y); args.Handled = true; } if (ply.IsIt) { if (ply.CurrentGame != null) { lock (ply.CurrentGame.Players) { foreach (FTPlayer plyr in ply.CurrentGame.Players) { if (plyr.Tagged && FreezeTools.GetRectOutline(plyr.TagBox).Contains(new Point((int)args.X, (int)args.Y))) { args.Handled = true; } } } } } }
private void TileKill(object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args) { if (args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillWall && blacklistedWalls.Contains(Main.tile[args.X, args.Y].wall) && !args.Player.Group.HasPermission("invincibletile.breakwall")) { args.Handled = true; args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to break protected walls."); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); } else if ((args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillTile || args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.KillTileNoItem || args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PoundTile) && blacklistedTiles.Contains(Main.tile[args.X, args.Y].type) && !args.Player.Group.HasPermission("invincibletile.breaktile")) { args.Handled = true; args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to modify protected tiles."); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X,args.Y, 1); } else if (args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PlaceTile) { if (blacklistedWalls.Contains(Main.tile[args.X, args.Y].wall) && !args.Player.Group.HasPermission("invincibletile.placeoverprotectedwalls")) { args.Handled = true; args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to place tiles over protected walls."); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); } else if (blacklistedTiles.Contains(Main.tile[args.X, args.Y].type) && !args.Player.Group.HasPermission("invincibletile.placetile")) { args.Handled = true; args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to place tiles that are protected."); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); } } else if (args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PlaceWall) { if (blacklistedWalls.Contains(Main.tile[args.X, args.Y].wall) && !args.Player.Group.HasPermission("invincibletile.placewall")) { args.Handled = true; args.Player.SendErrorMessage("You do not have permission to place walls that are protected."); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 1); } } }
public override void Initialize() { if (!Directory.Exists(SavePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(SavePath); } #if DEBUG Log.Initialize(Path.Combine(SavePath, "log.txt"), LogLevel.All, false); #else Log.Initialize(Path.Combine(SavePath, "log.txt"), LogLevel.All & ~LogLevel.Debug, false); #endif AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; try { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(SavePath, ""))) { Log.ConsoleInfo("TShock was improperly shut down. Deleting invalid pid file..."); File.Delete(Path.Combine(SavePath, "")); } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(SavePath, ""), Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString()); ConfigFile.ConfigRead += OnConfigRead; FileTools.SetupConfig(); HandleCommandLine(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()); if (Config.StorageType.ToLower() == "sqlite") { string sql = Path.Combine(SavePath, "tshock.sqlite"); DB = new SqliteConnection(string.Format("uri=file://{0},Version=3", sql)); } else if (Config.StorageType.ToLower() == "mysql") { try { var hostport = Config.MySqlHost.Split(':'); DB = new MySqlConnection(); DB.ConnectionString = String.Format("Server={0}; Port={1}; Database={2}; Uid={3}; Pwd={4};", hostport[0], hostport.Length > 1 ? hostport[1] : "3306", Config.MySqlDbName, Config.MySqlUsername, Config.MySqlPassword ); } catch (MySqlException ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); throw new Exception("MySql not setup correctly"); } } else { throw new Exception("Invalid storage type"); } Backups = new BackupManager(Path.Combine(SavePath, "backups")); Backups.KeepFor = Config.BackupKeepFor; Backups.Interval = Config.BackupInterval; Bans = new BanManager(DB); Warps = new WarpManager(DB); Users = new UserManager(DB); Groups = new GroupManager(DB); Groups.LoadPermisions(); Regions = new RegionManager(DB); Itembans = new ItemManager(DB); RememberedPos = new RemeberedPosManager(DB); RestApi = new SecureRest(Netplay.serverListenIP, 8080); RestApi.Verify += RestApi_Verify; RestApi.Port = Config.RestApiPort; RestManager = new RestManager(RestApi); RestManager.RegisterRestfulCommands(); var geoippath = Path.Combine(SavePath, "GeoIP.dat"); if (Config.EnableGeoIP && File.Exists(geoippath)) { Geo = new MaxMind.GeoIPCountry(geoippath); } Log.ConsoleInfo(string.Format("TShock Version {0} ({1}) now running.", Version, VersionCodename)); GameHooks.PostInitialize += OnPostInit; GameHooks.Update += OnUpdate; ServerHooks.Join += OnJoin; ServerHooks.Leave += OnLeave; ServerHooks.Chat += OnChat; ServerHooks.Command += ServerHooks_OnCommand; NetHooks.GetData += OnGetData; NetHooks.SendData += NetHooks_SendData; NetHooks.GreetPlayer += OnGreetPlayer; NpcHooks.StrikeNpc += NpcHooks_OnStrikeNpc; GetDataHandlers.InitGetDataHandler(); Commands.InitCommands(); //RconHandler.StartThread(); if (Config.BufferPackets) { PacketBuffer = new PacketBufferer(); } Log.ConsoleInfo("AutoSave " + (Config.AutoSave ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")); Log.ConsoleInfo("Backups " + (Backups.Interval > 0 ? "Enabled" : "Disabled")); if (Initialized != null) { Initialized(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Fatal Startup Exception"); Log.Error(ex.ToString()); Environment.Exit(1); } }
private void TShock_PlayerSpawn(object sender, GetDataHandlers.SpawnEventArgs e) { if (this.isDisposed || !this.hooksEnabled || e.Handled) return; TSPlayer player = TShock.Players[e.Player]; if (player == null || !player.IsLoggedIn) return; e.Handled = this.UserInteractionHandler.HandlePlayerSpawn(player, new DPoint(e.SpawnX, e.SpawnY)); }
private void HandleDeath( object sender, GetDataHandlers.KillMeEventArgs args ) { if (args.Handled) return; byte PlayerID = args.PlayerId; byte hitDirection = args.Direction; Int16 Damage = args.Damage; bool PVP = args.Pvp; if( !deadplayers.ContainsKey(PlayerID) ) { deadplayers.Add(PlayerID, TShock.Players[PlayerID].Team); } else { deadplayers.Remove(PlayerID); deadplayers.Add(PlayerID, TShock.Players[PlayerID].Team); } }
private void OnPlayerUpdate(object sender, GetDataHandlers.PlayerUpdateEventArgs args) { TSPlayer tsplayer = TShock.Players[args.PlayerId]; if (tsplayer == null) return; ATPlayer player = ATPlayers[args.PlayerId]; if (player == null) return; // Console.WriteLine("Flags: {0}", flags); if ((args.Control & 32) == 32) { try { var BT = player.GetBindTool(Main.player[args.PlayerId].inventory[args.Item]); if (BT != null) { BT.DoCommand(tsplayer); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ConsoleError(ex.ToString()); } //Console.WriteLine("Player {0} used item: {1}", player.TSPlayer.Name, Main.player[plyID].inventory[item].name); } }
private void OnTileEdit(object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args) { if (args.Action == GetDataHandlers.EditAction.PlaceWire) { if (storage.ContainsKey(args.Player.Index)) { WireX = args.X; WireY = args.Y; WirePlace(args.Player.Index, WireX, WireY); args.Handled = true; } } }
public void TileEdit(Object sender, GetDataHandlers.TileEditEventArgs args) { if ((args.EditType == 0 || args.EditType == 4) && new int[] { 3, 24, 32, 51, 52, 61, 62, 69, 71, 73, 74, 80, 82, 83, 84, 110, 113, 115, 138 }.Contains(Main.tile[args.X, args.Y].type)) { try { foreach (Region reg in regionList) { if (reg != null && reg.InArea(args.X, args.Y)) { WorldGen.KillTile(args.X, args.Y); TSPlayer.All.SendTileSquare(args.X, args.Y, 3); args.Handled = true; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ConsoleError(ex.ToString()); } } }