private void cmb_stDate_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int l = cmb_stDate.SelectedIndex; cmb_endDate.Items.Clear(); for (int i = l; i < num_points; i++) { string xx = Regex.Match(chtData[i, 0], @"\d+").Value; cmb_endDate.Items.Add(xx); } cmb_endDate.SelectedIndex = cmb_endDate.Items.Count - 1; //Calculate_CAGR(); string cmbText = cmb_calcType.Text; if (cmbText == "AAGR") { Calculate_AAGR(); } else { Calculate_CAGR(); } } catch (Exception err) { this.Close(); string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "cmb_stDate_SelectedIndexChanged"); MessageBox.Show("Check chart type and chart value", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public string SelectedShapeNumber(int sldNum, PowerPoint.Shape selShape) { string selshpname = null; try { string selShpName = selShape.Name; float selShpWd = selShape.Width; float selShpHt = selShape.Height; float selShpLf = selShape.Left; float selShpTp = selShape.Top; for (int sn = 1; sn <= ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes.Count; sn++) { string tempShpName = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[sn].Name; float tempShpWd = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[sn].Width; float tempShpHt = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[sn].Height; float tempShpLf = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[sn].Left; float tempShpTp = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[sn].Top; if (tempShpName == selShpName && tempShpWd == selShpWd && tempShpHt == selShpHt && tempShpLf == selShpLf && tempShpTp == selShpTp) { selshpname = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[sn].Name; break; } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "SelectedShapeNumber"); } return(selshpname); }
public void Format_Series(PowerPoint.Chart myChart, bool hasYAxis, string chType) { try { //bool secAxis = false; PowerPoint.SeriesCollection sc = myChart.SeriesCollection(); if (chType == "Pie" || chType == "Doughnut" || chType == "Surface") { return; } if (chType == "Column") { for (int i = 1; i <= sc.Count; i++) { PowerPoint.Series chartSeries = myChart.SeriesCollection(i); myChart.SeriesCollection(i).Format.Line.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue; myChart.SeriesCollection(i).Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255).ToArgb(); chartSeries.Format.Line.Weight = (float)0.75; } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "Format_PlotArea"); } }
public void DeleteFormatComments_M1(int sldNum) { int numComments = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Comments.Count; try { if (numComments > 0) { for (int xx = numComments; xx >= 1; xx--) { PowerPoint.Comment myComment = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Comments[xx]; if (myComment.AuthorInitials == "TFR") //if (myComment.Author == shpName + " Error" && myComment.AuthorInitials == "TFR") { myComment.Delete(); // break; } } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "DeleteFormatComments_M1"); } }
public void Format_XGrids(PowerPoint.Chart myChart, bool hasXGrids, string chType) { try { if (chType == "Pie" || chType == "Doughnut") { if (hasXGrids == true) { if (myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory).HasMajorGridlines == true) { myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory).MajorGridlines.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(127, 127, 127).ToArgb(); myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory).MajorGridlines.Border.LineStyle = PowerPoint.XlLineStyle.xlDot; } } else if (hasXGrids == false) { myChart.HasAxis[XlAxisType.xlCategory] = false; } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "Format_XGrids"); } }
//'This function formats the y-grids line style, tick marks, title and ticklables font name, style, size, color, sub-super script, underline public void Format_YGrids(PowerPoint.Chart myChart, bool hasYAxis, string chType, bool ch3D) { try { bool hasYGrids = false; if (chType == "Pie" || chType == "Doughnut") { return; } if (chType == "Radar" || (hasYAxis && ch3D == true)) { hasYGrids = true; } if (hasYGrids == true) { myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue).HasMajorGridlines = true; myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue).MajorGridlines.Border.Color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(127, 127, 127).ToArgb(); myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue).MajorGridlines.Border.LineStyle = PowerPoint.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; } else if (hasYGrids == false) { myChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue).HasMajorGridlines = false; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "Format_YGrids"); } }
public void DeleteFormatComments_M3(int sldnum) { int numComments = ActivePPT.Slides[sldnum].Comments.Count; PowerPoint.Comment myComment = null; try { if (numComments > 0) { for (int i = numComments; i >= 1; i--) { myComment = ActivePPT.Slides[sldnum].Comments[i]; if (myComment.AuthorInitials == "TFR") { myComment.Delete(); } } // --- } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "DeleteFormatComments_M3"); } }
public void CreateBullet(int sldNum, string shpname) { try { PowerPoint.TextRange txtRng = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[shpname].TextFrame.TextRange; float indentVal = (float)0.64; var paragraphs = txtRng.Paragraphs(-1, -1); for (int index = 1; index <= txtRng.Paragraphs().Count; index++) { //string paraText = txtRng.Paragraphs(index).Text; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).IndentLevel = index; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).ParagraphFormat.Alignment = PowerPoint.PpParagraphAlignment.ppAlignLeft; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).ParagraphFormat.HangingPunctuation = MsoTriState.msoTrue; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 6; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 0; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).ParagraphFormat.SpaceWithin = (float)0.85; txtRng.Paragraphs(index).Parent.Ruler.Levels[index].FirstMargin = indentVal;//18 * (index - 1); txtRng.Paragraphs(index).Parent.Ruler.Levels[index].LeftMargin = 18 * (index); indentVal = indentVal + (float)0.47; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "CreateBullet"); } }
public MsoTriState getMsoTriState(int dbVal) { //int dbVal = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["FillVisible"]); try { if (dbVal == 1) { objValue = MsoTriState.msoCTrue; } else if (dbVal == 0) { objValue = MsoTriState.msoFalse; } else if (dbVal == -2) { objValue = MsoTriState.msoTriStateMixed; } else if (dbVal == -3) { objValue = MsoTriState.msoTriStateToggle; } else if (dbVal == -1) { objValue = MsoTriState.msoTrue; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "getMsoTriState"); } return(objValue); }
// -- Main method to correct Each shapes format public void CorrectFormat_Selected(int sldNum, string shpName) { try { PowerPoint.Presentation ActivePPT = ppApp.ActivePresentation; CorrectFormat_ShapeInSlide(sldNum, shpName); if (ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].CustomLayout.Name == "Title Slide") { CorrectFormat_TitleSlide(sldNum, shpName); } else if (ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].CustomLayout.Name == "Content Slide") { CorrectFormat_ContentSlide(sldNum, shpName); } else if (ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].CustomLayout.Name == "Divider Slide") { CorrectFormat_DividerSlide(sldNum, shpName); } else { CorrectFormat_MainSlide(sldNum, shpName); } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "CorrectFormat_Selected"); } }
public void SetNamesUnique(int sldNum) { int shpCount = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes.Count; try { for (int i = 1; i <= shpCount; i++) { PowerPoint.Shape osh = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[i]; if (osh.Type == MsoShapeType.msoGroup) { for (int x = 1; x <= osh.GroupItems.Count; x++) { string shpName = osh.GroupItems[x].Name; ChangeNames(sldNum, shpName, x); } } else { string shpName = osh.Name; ChangeNames(sldNum, shpName, i); } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "SetNamesUnique"); } }
public void btnformatTable_Click(Office.IRibbonControl rib, string galleryID, int selectedIndex) { pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); string tbltype = null; if (funObj.TSCThemeLoaded()) { clstblformat tableObj = new clstblformat(); switch (galleryID) { case "ftable1": { tbltype = "Atable1"; break; } case "ftable2": { tbltype = "Atable2"; break; } case "ftable3": { tbltype = "Atable3"; break; } case "ftable4": { tbltype = "Atable4"; break; } case "ftable5": { tbltype = "Atable5"; break; } case "ftable6": { tbltype = "Atable6"; break; } case "ftable7": { tbltype = "Atable7"; break; } case "ftable8": { tbltype = "Atable8"; break; } } tableObj.tableformat(tbltype); } else { MessageBox.Show("This functionality works with TSC Theme. Please Load TSC theme and try again. Thanks", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public static void saveSpacification(StringBuilder str, string shpName) { try { string newPath = logfile + @"TheSmartCube\Log\"; string path = newPath + "Spacification_" + shpName + ".txt"; if (!File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { sw.WriteLine(str); sw.Close(); } } else if (File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path)) { sw.WriteLine(str); sw.Close(); } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "saveSpacification"); } }
public void CorrectFormat_DividerSlide(int sldNum, string shpName) { try { PowerPoint.Shape shp = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[shpName]; if (shp.Type == MsoShapeType.msoAutoShape || shp.Type == MsoShapeType.msoPlaceholder || shp.Type == MsoShapeType.msoTextBox) { if (shp.HasTextFrame == MsoTriState.msoTrue) { DataTable dt1 = actionObj.get_specification("Section Title"); string STitle = chkObj.CheckIfBoxAlreadyExist1(sldNum, dt1); DataTable dt2 = actionObj.get_specification("Section Content"); string SContent = chkObj.CheckIfBoxAlreadyExist1(sldNum, dt2); if (shpName == STitle && dt1.Rows.Count != 0) { FormatShape(sldNum, shpName, dt1, false); } else if (shpName == SContent && dt2.Rows.Count != 0) { FormatShape(sldNum, shpName, dt2, false); } } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "CorrectFormat_DividerSlide"); } }
public void btnInsertTable_Click(Office.IRibbonControl rib, string galleryID, int selectedIndex) { pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); if (funObj.TSCThemeLoaded()) { frmtable tableObj = new frmtable(); switch (galleryID) { case "Atable1": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable1"); break; } case "Atable2": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable2"); break; } case "Atable3": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable3"); break; } case "Atable4": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable4"); break; } case "Atable5": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable5"); break; } case "Atable6": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable6"); break; } case "Atable7": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable7"); break; } case "Atable8": { PPTAttribute.tableType.Add("Atable8"); break; } } tableObj.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("This functionality works with TSC Theme. Please Load TSC theme and try again. Thanks", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public PowerPoint.PpChangeCase txtChangeCase(int dbVal) { try { if (dbVal == 2) { objValue4 = PowerPoint.PpChangeCase.ppCaseLower; } else if (dbVal == 1) { objValue4 = PowerPoint.PpChangeCase.ppCaseSentence; } else if (dbVal == 4) { objValue4 = PowerPoint.PpChangeCase.ppCaseTitle; } else if (dbVal == 5) { objValue4 = PowerPoint.PpChangeCase.ppCaseToggle; } else if (dbVal == 3) { objValue4 = PowerPoint.PpChangeCase.ppCaseUpper; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "txtChangeCase"); } return(objValue4); }
public PowerPoint.PpBulletType getPpBulletType(int dbVal) { try { if (dbVal == 1) { objValue5 = PowerPoint.PpBulletType.ppBulletUnnumbered; } else if (dbVal == -2) { objValue5 = PowerPoint.PpBulletType.ppBulletMixed; } else if (dbVal == 0) { objValue5 = PowerPoint.PpBulletType.ppBulletNone; } else if (dbVal == 2) { objValue5 = PowerPoint.PpBulletType.ppBulletNumbered; } else if (dbVal == 3) { objValue5 = PowerPoint.PpBulletType.ppBulletPicture; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "getPpBulletType"); } return(objValue5); }
//Start a new presentation with TSC 2015 Theme. public void TSCP_Callback12(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); funObj.addNewPPT_In_tsc_format(rib); PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public void ChangeNames(int sldNum, string shpName, int index) { try { for (int j = 1; j <= ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes.Count; j++) { PowerPoint.Shape osh1 = ActivePPT.Slides[sldNum].Shapes[j]; if (osh1.Type == MsoShapeType.msoGroup) { for (int y = 1; y <= osh1.GroupItems.Count; y++) { string tName = osh1.GroupItems[y].Name; if (tName == shpName && y != index) { osh1.GroupItems[y].Name = osh1.GroupItems[y].Name + "_C"; } } } else { string tName = osh1.Name; if (tName == shpName && j != index) { osh1.Name = osh1.Name + "_C"; } } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "ChangeNames"); } }
public void TSCP_Callback82(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { tscformat choObj = new tscformat(); choObj.tsc_loadtheme(); PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public void btnformatPPT_Click(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { frmPPTFormat frmObj = new frmPPTFormat(); pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); frmObj.ShowDialog(); PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
//Load TSC 2018 Theme in active presentation. public void TSCP_Callback11(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); funObj.ApplyPPT_Theme(rib); PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); //this.ribbon.InvalidateControl("customButton13"); }
public void btnfeedback_Click(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { Outlook.Application mailObj = Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application") as Outlook.Application; Outlook.MailItem newmail = mailObj.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); newmail.Subject = "Feedback - TSC PPT Addin"; newmail.To = "[email protected];[email protected]"; newmail.Display(); PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public static void ErrorLog(string ErrDis, string rib) { String strUserName; String strWholeText; try { PowerPoint.Presentation ActivePPT = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation; string newPath; if (!Directory.Exists(logfile + @"TheSmartCube\Log\")) { newPath = logfile + @"TheSmartCube\Log\"; } else { newPath = logfile + @"TheSmartCube\Log\"; } System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath); string path = newPath + "ErrorLog_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".txt"; strUserName = Environment.UserName; if (rib.Length <= 12) { return; } if (getButtonDiscription(rib) != null) { strWholeText = strUserName + "|" + getButtonDiscription(rib) + "|" + ErrDis + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "|" + ActivePPT.Name; } else { strWholeText = strUserName + "|" + rib + "|" + ErrDis + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "|" + ActivePPT.Name; } if (!File.Exists(path)) { //File.Create(path); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { sw.WriteLine(strWholeText); sw.Close(); } } else if (File.Exists(path)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path)) { sw.WriteLine(strWholeText); sw.Close(); } } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "ErrorLog"); } }
//Growth Rates public void TSCP_Callback51(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { PowerPoint.Application ppApp = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application; pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); Shapecheck shpObj = new Shapecheck(); frmChartcalc chartObj = new frmChartcalc(); //frmCalculator frmObj = new frmCalculator(); Shapecheck PPTshpchk = new Shapecheck(); List <string> SelectedCharts = new List <string>(); SelectedCharts = PPTshpchk.FindSelectedCharts(); PowerPoint.Presentation ActivePPT = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation; int numSelCht = SelectedCharts.Count; if (numSelCht == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a chart for CAGR/AAGR calculation.", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } int sld_num = ppApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideNumber; PowerPoint.Chart myChart = ActivePPT.Slides[sld_num].Shapes[SelectedCharts[0]].Chart; string chType = shpObj.chartType(myChart); if (funObj.TSCThemeLoaded()) { if (numSelCht == 0) { //frmObj.Show(); MessageBox.Show("Please select a chart CAGR/AAGR calculation.", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (numSelCht > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please select a single chart CAGR/AAGR calculation.", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else if (numSelCht == 1) { //PPT.Chart myChart = //string chType = PPTshpchk.chartType(); if (chType != "Pie") { chartObj.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a column chart for CAGR/AAGR Calculation.", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("This functionality works with TSC Theme. Please Load TSC theme and try again. Thanks", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public bool chart3D(PowerPoint.Chart myChart) { bool chart3dVal = false; try { if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DBarClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DBarStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DBarStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderBarClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderBarStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderBarStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeBarClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeBarStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeBarStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidBarClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidBarStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidBarStacked100) { chart3dVal = true; } else if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DColumnClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DColumnStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DColumnStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderColClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderColStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderColStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeColClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeColStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeColStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidColClustered || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidColStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidColStacked100 || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DColumn || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlConeCol || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlCylinderCol || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlPyramidCol) { chart3dVal = true; } else if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DLine) { chart3dVal = true; } else if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DPie || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DPieExploded) { chart3dVal = true; } else if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DArea || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DAreaStacked || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xl3DAreaStacked100) { chart3dVal = true; } else if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlBubble3DEffect) { chart3dVal = true; } else if (myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlSurface || myChart.ChartType == XlChartType.xlSurfaceWireframe) { chart3dVal = true; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "chart3D"); } return(chart3dVal); }
public void TSCP_Callback_Chart(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); if (funObj.TSCThemeLoaded()) { funObj.InsertCharts(rib); } else { MessageBox.Show("This functionality works with TSC Theme. Please Load TSC theme and try again. Thanks", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
// Function chekc if shape allready exist the return shape name public string CheckIfBoxAlreadyExist1(int sldIndex, DataTable dt) { int boxNum = 0; String returnValue = null; try { string shpName = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["Name"]); float shpLeft = (float)Convert.ToDecimal((dt.Rows[0]["ShapeLeft"])); float shpTop = (float)Convert.ToDecimal((dt.Rows[0]["ShapeTop"])); float shpWidth = (float)Convert.ToDecimal((dt.Rows[0]["ShapeWidth"])); float shpHeight = (float)Convert.ToDecimal((dt.Rows[0]["ShapeHeight"])); int shpCount = ActivePPT.Slides[sldIndex].Shapes.Count; int cnt = 0; foreach (PowerPoint.Shape shp in ActivePPT.Slides[sldIndex].Shapes) { if (shp.Name == shpName) { cnt++; } } if (cnt == 0) { boxNum = FindWhenNoBox(sldIndex, shpName, shpWidth, shpHeight, shpLeft, shpTop); } else if (cnt == 1) { boxNum = FindWhenOneBox(sldIndex, shpName, shpWidth, shpHeight, shpLeft, shpTop); } else if (cnt > 1) { boxNum = FindWhenMultipleBox(sldIndex, shpName, shpWidth, shpHeight, shpLeft, shpTop); } if (boxNum > 0) { returnValue = ActivePPT.Slides[sldIndex].Shapes[boxNum].Name; } else { returnValue = null; } } catch (Exception err) { string errtext = err.Message; PPTAttribute.ErrorLog(errtext, "CheckIfBoxAlreadyExist1"); } return(returnValue); }
public void btnbullet_Click(Office.IRibbonControl rib) { pptfunctions funObj = new pptfunctions(); if (funObj.TSCThemeLoaded()) { funObj.formatbullettxt(rib); } else { MessageBox.Show("This functionality works with TSC Theme. Please Load TSC theme and try again. Thanks", PPTAttribute.msgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }
public void btnSave_Click(Office.IRibbonControl rib) //Maksood { clsSave csave = new clsSave(); if (rib.Id == "btnSaveSelectedSlide") { csave.pSaveSelectedSlide(); } else if (rib.Id == "btnSaveAllSlide") { csave.pSeprateEachSlide(); } PPTAttribute.UserTracker(rib); }