예제 #1
        public static List <ValidationMessage> RemoveGoal(
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> goalId
            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            if (goalId.Value == Guid.Empty)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Goal must be supplied", Source = goalId.Source

            //perform add if no errors
            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllGoals items     = new AllGoals();
                Goal     existItem = items.Where(i => i.GoalId == goalId.Value).Single();

                if (existItem != null)


예제 #2
        public static List <ValidationMessage> SaveUserDetails(
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> userId,
            ValidatableParameter <string> userName,
            ValidatableParameter <string> displayName
            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            if (displayName == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName.Value) || displayName.Value.Trim().Length == 0)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Display Name must be supplied", Source = displayName.Source

            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllUsers items     = new AllUsers();
                User     existItem = items.Where(i => i.UserId == userId.Value).Single();
                existItem.DisplayName = displayName.Value;


예제 #3
        public static List <ValidationMessage> RemoveTimeEntry(
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> timeEntryId
            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            if (timeEntryId.Value == Guid.Empty)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Time Entry must be supplied", Source = timeEntryId.Source

            //perform add if no errors
            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllTimeEntry items     = new AllTimeEntry();
                TimeEntry    existItem = items.Where(i => i.TimeEntryId == timeEntryId.Value).Single();

                if (existItem != null)


예제 #4
        public static List <ValidationMessage> SaveGoal(
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> goalId,
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> userId,
            ValidatableParameter <string> description,
            ValidatableParameter <string> targetMeasure,
            ValidatableParameter <DateTime> targetCompletionDate,
            ValidatableParameter <bool> isCompleted,
            ValidatableParameter <string> resultMeasure,
            ValidatableParameter <int> resultMeasureRating,
            ValidatableParameter <DateTime> resultCompletionDate,
            ValidatableParameter <int> resultCompletionDateRating,
            ValidatableParameter <string> positives,
            ValidatableParameter <string> improvements
            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            if (description == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(description.Value) || description.Value.Trim().Length == 0)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Description must be supplied", Source = description.Source

            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllGoals items     = new AllGoals();
                Goal     existItem = new Goal();

                existItem.ActualCompletionDate = resultCompletionDate.Value;
                existItem.Completed            = isCompleted.Value;
                existItem.Description          = description.Value;
                existItem.GoalId                 = goalId.Value;
                existItem.Improvements           = improvements.Value;
                existItem.Positives              = positives.Value;
                existItem.ResultMeasure          = resultMeasure.Value;
                existItem.ResultMeasureRating    = resultMeasureRating.Value;
                existItem.ResultTimelinessRating = resultCompletionDateRating.Value;
                existItem.TargetCompletionDate   = targetCompletionDate.Value;
                existItem.TargetMeasure          = targetMeasure.Value;
                existItem.UserId                 = userId.Value;

                if (existItem.GoalId == Guid.Empty)
                    existItem.GoalId = Guid.NewGuid();
                    Goal updItem = items.Where(i => i.GoalId == goalId.Value).Single();
                    if (updItem == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Goal with id '{0}' not found", goalId.Value.ToString()));
                        //save it


예제 #5
        public static List <ValidationMessage> RemoveUserAccess(
            ValidatableParameter <string> projectId,
            ValidatableParameter <string> taskId,
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> userId
            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            Guid projId = Guid.Empty;
            Guid tskId  = Guid.Empty;

                projId = new Guid(projectId.Value);
            catch (FormatException)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Project Id must be in the format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd", Source = projectId.Source

                tskId = new Guid(taskId.Value);
            catch (FormatException)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Task Id must be in the format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd", Source = taskId.Source

            if (userId.Value == Guid.Empty)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "User must be supplied", Source = userId.Source
                //check for existing relationship
                UserTaskAccess existItem = AllUserTaskAccess.GetForUserAndProjectAndTask(userId.Value, projId, tskId);
                if (existItem == null)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("User does not have access to Task with Id {0}", existItem.TaskId.ToString()), Source = userId.Source

            //perform add if no errors
            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllUserTaskAccess items     = new AllUserTaskAccess();
                UserTaskAccess    existItem = items.Where(i => i.ProjectId == projId && i.TaskId == tskId && i.UserId == userId.Value).Single();
                if (existItem != null)


예제 #6
        public static List <ValidationMessage> SaveTask(
            ValidatableParameter <string> projectId,
            ValidatableParameter <string> taskId,
            ValidatableParameter <string> details,
            ValidatableParameter <bool> active
            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            Guid projId = Guid.Empty;
            Guid tskId  = Guid.Empty;

                projId = new Guid(projectId.Value);
            catch (FormatException)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Project Id must be in the format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd", Source = projectId.Source

                tskId = new Guid(taskId.Value);
            catch (FormatException)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Task Id must be in the format dddddddd-dddd-dddd-dddd-dddddddddddd", Source = taskId.Source

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Value) || details.Value.Trim().Length == 0)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = "Task Name must be supplied", Source = details.Source
                //check for existing name with different id (name already in use)
                Task existItem = AllTasks.GetForNameInProject(projId, details.Value);
                if (existItem != null && existItem.Id != tskId)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("Task Name is already in use by project with Id {0}, Task Id in use is {1}", existItem.ProjectId.ToString(), existItem.Id.ToString()), Source = details.Source

            //perform update if no errors
            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllTasks items   = new AllTasks();
                Task     newItem = new Task {
                    Id = tskId, ProjectId = projId, Description = details.Value, Active = active.Value
                if (tskId == Guid.Empty)
                    newItem.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); //set id
                    Task existItem = items.Where(i => i.Id == tskId).Single();


예제 #7
        public static List <ValidationMessage> SaveTimeEntry(
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> timeEntryId,
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> userId,
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> projectId,
            ValidatableParameter <Guid> taskId,
            ValidatableParameter <string> details,
            ValidatableParameter <DateTime?> startTime,
            ValidatableParameter <DateTime?> endTime,
            ValidatableParameter <int> exceptionMinutes,
            ValidatableParameter <string> exceptionDetail,
            out TimeEntry savedItem
            savedItem = null;

            List <ValidationMessage> errors = new List <ValidationMessage>();

            //check if user exists
            User usr = OperationsReadOnly.GetUser(userId.Value);

            if (usr == null)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = string.Format("User with id '{0}' was not found", userId.Value.ToString()), Source = userId.Source
                //check if project exists
                if (projectId.Value == Guid.Empty)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("Project must be selected"), Source = projectId.Source
                else if (OperationsReadOnly.GetProjectForUser(projectId.Value, usr.UserId) == null)
                    //check if project exists for user
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("Project with id '{0}' is not associated with User '{1}'", projectId.Value.ToString(), userId.Value.ToString()), Source = projectId.Source

                //check if task exists
                if (taskId.Value == Guid.Empty)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("Task must be selected"), Source = taskId.Source
                else if (OperationsReadOnly.GetTaskById(taskId.Value, projectId.Value, usr.UserId) == null)
                    //check if project exists for user
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("Task with id '{0}' is not associated with Project '{1}' and/or User '{2}'", taskId.Value.ToString(), projectId.Value.ToString(), userId.Value.ToString()), Source = taskId.Source

            //check dates
            if (startTime.Value == null || !startTime.Value.HasValue)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = string.Format("Start time must be supplied"), Source = startTime.Source
            else if (endTime.Value == null || !endTime.Value.HasValue)
                errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                    MessageText = string.Format("End time was not supplied"), Source = endTime.Source
                //we have both dates, compare
                if (startTime.Value >= endTime.Value)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("Start time must be before End time"), Source = startTime.Source
                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                        MessageText = string.Format("End time must be after Start time"), Source = endTime.Source
                    //check for overlaps
                    List <TimeEntry> overlaps = OperationsReadOnly.GetTimeEntryForDateTimesRange(startTime.Value.Value, endTime.Value.Value, userId.Value);
                    if (overlaps != null && overlaps.Count > 0)
                        foreach (TimeEntry currItem in overlaps)
                            if (currItem.TimeEntryId != timeEntryId.Value)
                                if (currItem.StartDateTime < startTime.Value.Value)
                                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                                        MessageText = string.Format("Start time overlaps with another item, Project: {0}, Task: {1} with start time {2} and end time {3}", currItem.ProjectName, currItem.TaskName, currItem.StartDateTime.ToString(Constants.cstrDateFormatDisplay), currItem.EndDateTime.ToString(Constants.cstrDateFormatDisplay)), Source = startTime.Source

                                if (currItem.EndDateTime > endTime.Value.Value)
                                    errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                                        MessageText = string.Format("End time overlaps with another item, Project: {0}, Task: {1} with start time {2} and end time {3}", currItem.ProjectName, currItem.TaskName, currItem.StartDateTime.ToString(Constants.cstrDateFormatDisplay), currItem.EndDateTime.ToString(Constants.cstrDateFormatDisplay)), Source = endTime.Source

                    if (exceptionMinutes.Value > 0 && exceptionDetail.Value.Trim().Length == 0)
                        errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                            MessageText = string.Format("Subtract description text must be entered if period in minutes is to be recorded"), Source = exceptionDetail.Source

                    //check for minutes empty but text not
                    if (exceptionMinutes.Value <= 0 && exceptionDetail.Value.Trim().Length > 0)
                        errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                            MessageText = string.Format("Subtract period in minutes must be entered if text is be recorded"), Source = exceptionMinutes.Source

                    int timeDifferenceMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(endTime.Value.Value.Subtract(startTime.Value.Value).TotalMinutes);
                    if (exceptionMinutes.Value > timeDifferenceMinutes)
                        errors.Add(new ValidationMessage {
                            MessageText = string.Format("Subtract period in minutes must be less than the total number of minutes spent on the task"), Source = exceptionMinutes.Source

                    //if ( exceptionEntries != null && exceptionEntries.Count > 0 )
                    //    //we have both dates, we can check exceptions
                    //    int timeDifferenceMinutes = Convert.ToInt32( endTime.Value.Value.Subtract( startTime.Value.Value ).TotalMinutes );

                    //    bool hadOneGreater = false;
                    //    int totalExceptionMinutes = 0;

                    //    foreach ( ValidatableIntStringPair currEx in exceptionEntries )
                    //    {
                    //        //Check for text empty but minutes not
                    //        if ( currEx.IntValue.Value > 0 && currEx.StringValue.Value.Trim().Length == 0 )
                    //        {
                    //            errors.Add( new ValidationMessage { MessageText = string.Format( "Exception text must be entered if period in minutes is to be recorded" ), Source = currEx.StringValue.Source } );
                    //        }

                    //        //check for minutes empty but text not
                    //        if ( currEx.IntValue.Value <= 0 && currEx.StringValue.Value.Trim().Length > 0 )
                    //        {
                    //            errors.Add( new ValidationMessage { MessageText = string.Format( "Exception period in minutes must be entered if text is be recorded" ), Source = currEx.IntValue.Source } );
                    //        }

                    //        //check if any one is greater then the actual task number of minutes
                    //        if ( currEx.IntValue.Value > 0 && currEx.IntValue.Value > timeDifferenceMinutes )
                    //        {
                    //            errors.Add( new ValidationMessage { MessageText = string.Format( "An exception period must be less than than the total time spent on the task" ), Source = currEx.IntValue.Source } );
                    //            hadOneGreater = true;
                    //        }

                    //        if ( !hadOneGreater && ( currEx.IntValue.Value > 0 ) )
                    //        {
                    //            //if not one single one was greater than the tiem difference, check if the total minutes is greater
                    //            //than the actual task number of minutes - If so attach error to it (any any after it)
                    //            totalExceptionMinutes += currEx.IntValue.Value;
                    //            if ( totalExceptionMinutes >= timeDifferenceMinutes )
                    //            {
                    //                errors.Add( new ValidationMessage { MessageText = string.Format( "The total exception period of all exceptions together must be less than the total time spent on the task" ), Source = currEx.IntValue.Source } );
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //    }

            if (errors.Count == 0)
                AllTimeEntry dataItems = new AllTimeEntry();

                TimeEntry item = new TimeEntry {
                    EndDateTime = endTime.Value.Value, Details = details.Value, ProjectId = projectId.Value, StartDateTime = startTime.Value.Value, TaskId = taskId.Value, TimeEntryId = timeEntryId.Value, UserId = userId.Value, ExceptionDetails = exceptionDetail.Value, ExceptionMinutes = exceptionMinutes.Value
                if (timeEntryId.Value != Guid.Empty)
                    TimeEntry updItem = dataItems.Where(i => i.TimeEntryId == item.TimeEntryId).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (updItem == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Time entry with id '{0}' not found", timeEntryId.Value.ToString()));
                        //save it
                    //add time entry
                    item.TimeEntryId = Guid.NewGuid();  //set id

                savedItem = item; //set the saved item
