예제 #1
파일: list.aspx.cs 프로젝트: wjszxli/xdjb
 public string RptBind()
     TPortalClass.JpCommon JpCommon = new TPortalClass.JpCommon();
     StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
     TPortalClass.JpArticle JpArticle = new TPortalClass.JpArticle();
     string ls_where = " and cid like '" + pis_cid + "%' and sfzwd='否' ";
     string ls_order = " order by pubtime desc";
     DataTable dt = JpArticle.SearchdocsByKey(ls_where, ls_order, 1, 6);
     int commentCount = 0;
     JpComment jpComment = new JpComment();
     for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
         commentCount = jpComment.GetdocsbyaidAllCount(dt.Rows[i]["aid"].ToString(), pis_cid);
         stringBuilder.Append("<li><a onclick=\"locationDetail('art_detail.aspx?aid=" + dt.Rows[i]["aid"].ToString() + "&cid=" + pis_cid + "','" + locationType + "','1')\">");
         stringBuilder.Append("<img  class=\"scrollLoading\"  src=\"" + dt.Rows[i]["indexdisplaypicpath"].ToString() + "\"><h1>");
         stringBuilder.Append("" + dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString() + "</h1>");
         stringBuilder.Append("<p class=\"fleft\">" + JpCommon.DateDiff(DateTime.Now, Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[i]["crtime"].ToString())) + "</p><p class=\"fleft\"><span><i class=\"ico-dj\"></i>" + dt.Rows[i]["praiseCount"].ToString() + "</span></p><p class=\"fleft\"><span><i class=\"ico-pl\"></i>" + commentCount + "</span>");
         if (dt.Rows[i]["map_cid"].ToString() != "")
             stringBuilder.Append("<p class=\"fright\"><i class=\"ico-zt\">" + dt.Rows[i]["map_cid"].ToString() + "</i></p>");
     return stringBuilder.ToString();
예제 #2
파일: index.aspx.cs 프로젝트: wjszxli/xdjb
    /// <summary>
    /// 根据传入的条件显示新闻列表
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pis_cid">栏目ID</param>
    /// <param name="pis_sfzwd">是否主文档</param>
    /// <param name="pis_iftop">是否置顶</param>
    /// <param name="num">显示数量</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public string NewsLists(string pis_cid, string pis_sfzwd, string pis_iftop, int page, int pagesize)
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        string ls_return = "", ls_form = "art_detail.aspx";
        int k = 0;
        TPortalClass.JpArticle JpArticle = new TPortalClass.JpArticle();
        TPortalClass.JpCommon JpCommon = new TPortalClass.JpCommon();
        string ls_where = " and cid like '" + pis_cid + "%' ";
        if (pis_cid == "003")
            ls_where = " and cid like '" + pis_cid + "%' and cid <> '003004' ";
        if (pis_sfzwd != "")
            ls_where += " and sfzwd='" + pis_sfzwd + "' ";
        if (pis_sfzwd == "是")
            ls_form = "column_list_more.aspx";
        if (pis_iftop != "")
            ls_where += " and iftop='" + pis_iftop + "' ";
        string ls_order = " order by pubtime desc";
        DataTable dt = JpArticle.SearchdocsByKey(ls_where, ls_order, page, pagesize);

        string onclickType = "";
        JpColumns jpColumns = new JpColumns();
        DataTable dtColumns = jpColumns.GetColumnBycid(pis_cid);
        string strColumnName = "";
        if (dtColumns.Rows.Count > 0)
            strColumnName = dtColumns.Rows[0]["cname"].ToString();
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            if (dt.Rows.Count > pagesize)
                k = pagesize;
                k = dt.Rows.Count;
            JpComment jpComment = new JpComment();
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                string ls_aid = dt.Rows[i]["aid"].ToString();
                string ls_cid = dt.Rows[i]["cid"].ToString();
                string ls_title = dt.Rows[i]["title"].ToString();
                string ls_pic = dt.Rows[i]["indexdisplaypicpath"].ToString();
                string ls_goodnum = dt.Rows[i]["goodnum"].ToString();
                string ls_url = ls_form + "?aid=" + ls_aid + "&cid=" + ls_cid + "&rnd=" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                int commentCount = 0;
                commentCount = jpComment.GetdocsbyaidAllCount(ls_aid, ls_cid);
                DateTime ls_date = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["pubtime"].ToString());
                DateTime ls_now = DateTime.Now;
                string ls_time = JpCommon.DateDiff(ls_now, ls_date);
                string strArtType = "0";
                if (ls_form == "art_detail.aspx")
                    strArtType = "1";
                if (pis_sfzwd == "是")
                    onclickType = "locationList('" + ls_url + "','" + locationType + "','" + strColumnName + "')";
                    onclickType = "locationDetail('" + ls_url + "','" + locationType + "','" + strArtType + "')";
                stringBuilder.Append("<li><a onclick=\"" + onclickType + "\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\"><img src=\"images/loading.gif\" data-original=\"" + ls_pic + "\" onError=\"this.src='images/nophoto.jpg';\"><h2>" + ls_title + "</h2>");
                stringBuilder.Append("<p class=\"fleft\"><span>" + ls_time + "</span></p><p class=\"fright\"><i class=\"ico-pl2\"></i><span>" + commentCount + "</span></p></a></li>");

        ls_return = stringBuilder.ToString();
        stringBuilder.Remove(0, stringBuilder.Length);
        return ls_return;
예제 #3
파일: index.aspx.cs 프로젝트: wjszxli/xdjb
    private void GetNewsPics()
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        TPortalClass.JpArticle JpArticle = new TPortalClass.JpArticle();
        string ls_where = "  and iftop='1' ";
        string ls_order = " order by pubtime desc";
        DataTable dt = JpArticle.SearchdocsByKey(ls_where, ls_order, 1, 4);
        if (dt.Rows.Count == 4)
            DateTime ls_now = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime ls_date = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["pubtime"].ToString());
            DateTime ls_date1 = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[1]["pubtime"].ToString());
            DateTime ls_date2 = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[2]["pubtime"].ToString());
            DateTime ls_date3 = DateTime.Parse(dt.Rows[3]["pubtime"].ToString());

            string ls_rnd = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string ls_aid = dt.Rows[0]["aid"].ToString();
            string ls_aid1 = dt.Rows[1]["aid"].ToString();
            string ls_aid2 = dt.Rows[2]["aid"].ToString();
            string ls_aid3 = dt.Rows[3]["aid"].ToString();

            string ls_cid = dt.Rows[0]["cid"].ToString();
            string ls_cid1 = dt.Rows[1]["cid"].ToString();
            string ls_cid2 = dt.Rows[2]["cid"].ToString();
            string ls_cid3 = dt.Rows[3]["cid"].ToString();

            string ls_pic = dt.Rows[0]["indexdisplaypicpath"].ToString();
            string ls_pic1 = dt.Rows[1]["indexdisplaypicpath"].ToString();
            string ls_pic2 = dt.Rows[2]["indexdisplaypicpath"].ToString();
            string ls_pic3 = dt.Rows[3]["indexdisplaypicpath"].ToString();

            string ls_title = dt.Rows[0]["title"].ToString();
            string ls_title1 = dt.Rows[1]["title"].ToString();
            string ls_title2 = dt.Rows[2]["title"].ToString();
            string ls_title3 = dt.Rows[3]["title"].ToString();

            string ls_url = "art_detail.aspx?aid=" + ls_aid + "&cid=" + ls_cid + "&rnd=" + ls_rnd;
            string ls_url1 = "art_detail.aspx?aid=" + ls_aid1 + "&cid=" + ls_cid1 + "&rnd=" + ls_rnd;
            string ls_url2 = "art_detail.aspx?aid=" + ls_aid2 + "&cid=" + ls_cid2 + "&rnd=" + ls_rnd;
            string ls_url3 = "art_detail.aspx?aid=" + ls_aid3 + "&cid=" + ls_cid3 + "&rnd=" + ls_rnd;

            int commentCount = 0;
            JpComment jpComment = new JpComment();
            commentCount = jpComment.GetdocsbyaidAllCount(ls_aid, ls_cid);
            stringBuilder.Append("<a onclick=\"locationDetail('" + ls_url + "','" + locationType + "','1')\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ><div class=\"swipe\"><div class=\"xd\"><img src=\"" + ls_pic + "\" onError=\"this.src='images/nophoto.jpg';\" />");
            stringBuilder.Append("<div class=\"jd\"><h1>" + ls_title + "</h1><time>" + JpCommon.DateDiff(ls_now, ls_date) + "</time>");
            stringBuilder.Append("<span><i class=\"ico-pl\"></i>" + commentCount + "</span></div></div></a>");
            commentCount = jpComment.GetdocsbyaidAllCount(ls_aid1, ls_cid1);
            stringBuilder.Append("<a onclick=\"locationDetail('" + ls_url1 + "','" + locationType + "','1')\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ><div class=\"tp1\"><img src=\"" + ls_pic1 + "\" onError=\"this.src='images/nophoto.jpg';\" />");
            stringBuilder.Append("<div class=\"jd\"><h2>" + ls_title1 + "</h2><time>" + JpCommon.DateDiff(ls_now, ls_date1) + "</time>");
            stringBuilder.Append("<span><i class=\"ico-pl\"></i>" + commentCount + "</span></div></div></a>");
            commentCount = jpComment.GetdocsbyaidAllCount(ls_aid2, ls_cid2);
            stringBuilder.Append("<div class=\"tp\"><ul><li><a onclick=\"locationDetail('" + ls_url2 + "','" + locationType + "','1')\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ><img src=\"" + ls_pic2 + "\" onError=\"this.src='images/nophoto.jpg';\" />");
            stringBuilder.Append("<div class=\"jd\"><h2>" + ls_title2 + "</h2><time>" + JpCommon.DateDiff(ls_now, ls_date2) + "</time>");
            stringBuilder.Append("<span><i class=\"ico-pl\"></i>" + commentCount + "</span></div></a></li></ul>");
            commentCount = jpComment.GetdocsbyaidAllCount(ls_aid3, ls_cid3);
            stringBuilder.Append("<ul><li><a onclick=\"locationDetail('" + ls_url3 + "','" + locationType + "','1')\" href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ><img src=\"" + ls_pic3 + "\" class=\"m05\" onError=\"this.src='images/nophoto.jpg';\" />");
            stringBuilder.Append("<div class=\"jd\"><h2>" + ls_title3 + "</h2><time>" + JpCommon.DateDiff(ls_now, ls_date3) + "</time>");
            stringBuilder.Append("<span><i class=\"ico-pl\"></i>" + commentCount + "</span></div></a></li></ul></div></div>");
        this.lb_head.Text = stringBuilder.ToString();
        stringBuilder.Remove(0, stringBuilder.Length); //清空字节流