public void replaceTxt() { /** TASK 1.2 * TODO implement a loop that replaces the word hate to love in the files generated before (using a foreach-loop). * Therefore use the Method _replaceTextInFile(FilePath) * Hint: The path to all generated files can looks like * String[] path = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path_seriell, "*.txt") //replace path_seriell to path_parallel for parallel data * * Implement ths function with a normal loop and a parallel loop and measure the time that is needed to generate the data * Save the data in two different folder (path_seriell and path_parallel) */ PerformanceMeasuring _perfMes_sequentialTxt = new PerformanceMeasuring("Text Replacement (sequential)"); //implement sequential string replacement here _perfMes_sequentialTxt.stopMeasuring(); // TO DO: parallel implementation PerformanceMeasuring _perfMes_parallelTxt = new PerformanceMeasuring("Text Replacement (parallel)"); //implement parallel string replacement here _perfMes_parallelTxt.stopMeasuring(); }
public void generateTxtFiles() { /** TASK 1.1 * TODO implement a loop that generates 100 files (using a for-loop). * Therefore use the Method _generateTextInFile(FilePath) * Hint: The path can be generated like: * string FilePath = path_seriell + @"File" + i.ToString() + ".txt"; //where i is the iteration number and change the path_seriell to path_parallel for paralel data * * Implement ths function with a normal loop and a parallel loop and measure the time that is needed to generate the data * Save the data in two different folder (path_seriell and path_parallel) */ PerformanceMeasuring _perfMes_sequential = new PerformanceMeasuring("File Generation (sequential)"); //implement sequential file generation here _perfMes_sequential.stopMeasuring(); PerformanceMeasuring _perfMes_parallel = new PerformanceMeasuring("File Generation (parallel)"); //implement parallel file generation here _perfMes_parallel.stopMeasuring(); }
public void implicitTasks() { /* TASK 2.1 * TODO: * write some code that calls the function * longMeanCalculations() and pintMinMaxValues() * and write some code lines that creates a file and saves the data in the file (every entry in a new line) * * Do this ina first step as a sequentiel code and measure the time needed * In a scond step use implicit tasks to do the job and compare the results * */ double[] data = gernateData(); measureTime = new PerformanceMeasuring("Sequential Calculations"); //place here code for sequntial running the tasks printMinMaxValues(data); longMeanCalculations(data); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("tempSeq.txt")) { foreach (var temp in data) { sw.WriteLine(temp.ToString()); } } measureTime.stopMeasuring(); measureTime = new PerformanceMeasuring("Parallel Calculations"); //place here code for parallel running the tasks Parallel.Invoke( () => printMinMaxValues(data), () => longMeanCalculations(data), () => { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("tempPara.txt")) { foreach (var temp in data) { sw.WriteLine(temp.ToString()); } } } ); measureTime.stopMeasuring(); }
public void implicitTasks() { /* TASK 2.1 * TODO: * write some code that calls the function * longMeanCalculations() and pintMinMaxValues() * and write some code lines that creates a file and saves the data in the file (every entry in a new line) * * Do this ina first step as a sequentiel code and measure the time needed * In a scond step use implicit tasks to do the job and compare the results * */ double[] data = gernateData(); measureTime = new PerformanceMeasuring("Sequential Calculations"); //place here code for sequntial running the tasks measureTime.stopMeasuring(); measureTime = new PerformanceMeasuring("Parallel Calculations"); //place here code for parallel running the tasks measureTime.stopMeasuring(); }