private void UpdateTexture(TojamGame game) { Debug.WriteLine("updating saved texture"); // set the rendertarget as background game.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(this.renderTarget); game.GraphicsDevice.Clear(style.backgroundColor); game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate); // draw messages from the bottom to the top Point origin = new Point(style.externalPadding, style.internalBounds.Height - style.externalPadding); int i = 0; for (; i < messages.Count; i++) { origin.Y -= messages[i].getHeight(style); messages[i].Draw(style, origin, game); origin.Y -= style.messagePadding; if (origin.Y < style.internalBounds.Y) { break; } } // end batch and clear the rendertarget game.spriteBatch.End(); game.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); // delete old messages that were not traversed while (i < messages.Count) { messages.RemoveAt(i); } }
public void UpdateRenderTarget(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) {;; game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, null, SamplerState.PointClamp); if (sky != null) { sky.Draw(this.bounds, game, gameTime); } if (background != null) { background.Draw(this.bounds, game, gameTime); } if (midground != null) { midground.Draw(this.bounds, game, gameTime); } if (foreground != null) { foreground.Draw(this.bounds, game, gameTime); } game.spriteBatch.End();; }
public static void LoadContent(TojamGame game) { Texture2D alex = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("misc/alex"); PlayerCostume alexCostume = new PlayerCostume( alex, "alexander biggs" ); playerCostumes.Add(alexCostume); Texture2D baby = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("misc/baby"); PlayerCostume babyCostume = new PlayerCostume( baby, "a dumb baby" ); playerCostumes.Add(babyCostume); Texture2D cheetoes = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("misc/cheeotes"); PlayerCostume cheetoesCostume = new PlayerCostume( cheetoes, "Flamin' Hot Cheetoes (tm)" ); playerCostumes.Add(cheetoesCostume); }
public void Update(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { foreach (Entity e in entities) { e.Update(game, gameTime); } }
public void Draw(Rectangle bounds, TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { foreach (PicturePart part in parts) { part.Draw(bounds, game, gameTime); } }
public void Update(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { chatLog.Update(game, gameTime); textBox.Update(game, gameTime); if (game.gameInstance.GameStarted()) { if (game.gameInstance.GetMyPlayer().carLocation != Player.CarLocation.NotInCar) { carPicture.SetMidground(CarPicture.Midground.Car); } else { carPicture.SetMidground(CarPicture.Midground.None); } Location currentLocation =; carPicture.SetBackground(currentLocation.Background); } // TODO process messages from the server // broadcast ready messages to the server if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { String textString = textBox.GetAndClear(); if (textString != "") { game.gameInstance.SendPlayerCommand(textString); } } carPicture.Update(game, gameTime); playerStatusIndicator.UpdateToPlayer(game, game.gameInstance.GetMyPlayer()); }
internal static void RunGame() { game = new TojamGame(); game.Run(); #if !__IOS__ && !__TVOS__ game.Dispose(); #endif }
public override void Draw(Rectangle bounds, TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { if (animating) { this.texture = textures[((int)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalMilliseconds / frameRate) % this.textures.Length]; } base.Draw(bounds, game, gameTime); }
public SignAnimation(SpriteFont font, Texture2D sign, TojamGame game) { this.sign = sign; = game; this.font = font; target = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, (int)(sign.Width * signScale), (int)(sign.Height * signScale)); textCenter = new Vector2(target.Width / 2, 25); }
public void Update(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { // update animation positions animationTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; if (animationTime > animationDuration) { animationTime = animationDuration; } }
public void Update(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { // re-render to the rendertarget if needed if (dirty) { this.UpdateTexture(game); this.dirty = false; } }
public GameInstance(TojamGame game) { = game; myPlayerId = 0; carIsDriving = false; carLocation = 0; world = new World(); rand = new Random(); }
public void Update(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { // check for a player that has pressed start or something that hasn't for (int i = selectedPlayers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (selectedPlayers[i].input.KeyPressed(Key.CANCEL)) { selectedPlayers.RemoveAt(i); } else if (selectedPlayers[i].input.KeyPressed(Key.START) || selectedPlayers[i].input.KeyPressed(Key.CANCEL)) { // transition into the actual game if 2+ players have joined if (selectedPlayers.Count >= 2) { StartGame(game); } } } // check for a player pressing start and put them in the boundInputs page for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++) { Input input = inputs[i]; if (input.KeyPressed(Key.START) && selectedPlayers.TrueForAll(p => p.input != input)) { PlayerSelection selection = new PlayerSelection(input, 0); selectedPlayers.Add(selection); selectors[selectedPlayers.Count - 1].SetSelection(selection, 1); } } // check for a player pressing start and put them in the boundInputs page for (int i = 0; i < selectedPlayers.Count; i++) { PlayerSelection selection = selectedPlayers[i]; if (selection.input.KeyPressed(Key.DOWN) || selection.input.KeyPressed(Key.RIGHT)) { selection.playerSpriteId = (selection.playerSpriteId + 1) % PlayerCostume.playerCostumes.Count; selectors[i].SetSelection(selection, 1); } if (selection.input.KeyPressed(Key.UP) || selection.input.KeyPressed(Key.LEFT)) { selection.playerSpriteId = (selection.playerSpriteId - 1 + PlayerCostume.playerCostumes.Count) % PlayerCostume.playerCostumes.Count; selectors[i].SetSelection(selection, -1); } } foreach (PlayerSelector selector in selectors) { selector.Update(game, gameTime); } }
private void StartGame(TojamGame game) { Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { parameters["player" + (i + 1)] = selectedPlayers.Count > i ? selectedPlayers[i] : null; } game.SwitchScene(TojamGame.GameScenes.Game, parameters); }
public void UpdateToPlayer(TojamGame game, Player p) { if (p == null) { this.text = ""; return; } this.text = String.Format("HAPPINESS = {0} HUNGER = {1} THIRST = {2} TIRED = {3} MONEY = {4}", p.happyness, p.hunger, p.thirst, p.tired, ); }
public void Initialize(TojamGame game) { Debug.WriteLine("ChatLog : making rendertarget"); Rectangle externalBounds = style.GetExternalBounds(); renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D( game.GraphicsDevice, externalBounds.Width, externalBounds.Height ); }
public void Draw(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) {; game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend); foreach (Entity e in entities) { e.Draw(game, gameTime); } game.spriteBatch.End(); }
public void Draw(ChatLogStyle style, Point origin, TojamGame game) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) { Point drawOrigin = origin + new Point(0, (style.linePadding + style.font.LineSpacing) * i); game.spriteBatch.DrawString( style.font, lines[i], new Vector2(drawOrigin.X, drawOrigin.Y), lineColor ); } }
public void Draw(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend);; foreach (PlayerSelector selector in selectors) { selector.Draw(game, gameTime); } game.spriteBatch.End(); }
public void Initialize(TojamGame game) { // get dimensions to size thingsa round renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, chatSceneDimensions.Width, chatSceneDimensions.Height); Rectangle screenBounds = chatSceneDimensions; int messageBufferWidth = 200; // build chatlog ChatLogStyle style = new ChatLogStyle(); style.font = game.GameFont; style.linePadding = 1; style.messagePadding = 5; style.externalPadding = 10; style.internalBounds = new Rectangle( screenBounds.Width - messageBufferWidth + style.externalPadding, style.externalPadding, messageBufferWidth - style.externalPadding * 2, screenBounds.Height - style.externalPadding ); style.backgroundColor = Color.Black; chatLog = new ChatLog(style); chatLog.Initialize(game); chatLog.AppendMessage("Welcome to Algonquin Park Roadtrip Simulator 2018!", Color.White); chatLog.AppendMessage("Your goal is to reach Algonquin Park and have happy camping trip", Color.Gray); chatLog.AppendMessage("Type `help` to see commands", Color.Gray); // chatLog.AppendMessage("Type 'join <ip>' to join a game, or 'host' to start a new one", Color.Gray); chatLog.AppendMessage("Type 'setname <name>' set your name before starting a game", Color.Gray); // build textbox textBox = new TextBox( game.GameFont, new Rectangle( 0, screenBounds.Height - game.GameFont.LineSpacing, screenBounds.Width - messageBufferWidth, game.GameFont.LineSpacing )); // initialize displayable scene carPicture = new CarPicture(new Rectangle(0, 0, screenBounds.Width - messageBufferWidth, screenBounds.Height - game.GameFont.LineSpacing * 2 - 5)); carPicture.Initialize(game); carPicture.SetSky(CarPicture.Sky.Day); carPicture.SetBackground(CarPicture.Background.Title); //carPicture.TriggerEvent("town", new Dictionary<String, Object> { { "townName", "Algonquin" } }); playerStatusIndicator = new PlayerStatusIndicator(game.GameFont, new Vector2(0, screenBounds.Height - game.GameFont.LineSpacing * 2)); }
public void Draw(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { // press Start to join if (currentName == null) { game.spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "Press Start to Join", this.position, Color.White); } else { // do some easing float effectiveTime = (float)Math.Sin(animationTime / animationDuration / (Math.PI / 4.0)); if (animationDirection == -1) { effectiveTime = 1 - effectiveTime; } Debug.WriteLine(effectiveTime); Vector2 introImageInterpolated = (introImagePosition * (1 - effectiveTime)) + restingImagePosition * effectiveTime; // draw the first text Vector2 introInterpolated = (introTextPosition * (1 - effectiveTime)) + restingTextPosition * effectiveTime; game.spriteBatch.DrawString(font, currentName, this.position + introInterpolated, Color.White * effectiveTime); game.spriteBatch.Draw(currentSprite, new Rectangle( (int)(position.X + introImageInterpolated.X), (int)(position.Y + introImageInterpolated.Y), 64, 64 ), Color.White * effectiveTime); if (previousName != null) { // draw the previous name easing out Vector2 outroInterpolated = (restingTextPosition * (1 - effectiveTime)) + exitingTextPosition * effectiveTime; Vector2 outroImageInterpolated = (introImagePosition * effectiveTime) + restingImagePosition * (1 - effectiveTime); game.spriteBatch.DrawString(font, previousName, this.position + outroInterpolated, Color.White * (1 - effectiveTime)); game.spriteBatch.Draw( previousSprite, new Rectangle( (int)(position.X + outroImageInterpolated.X), (int)(position.Y + outroImageInterpolated.Y), 64, 64 ), Color.White * (1 - effectiveTime)); } } }
public void Draw(Rectangle bounds, TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { if (animating) { time += (int)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; } int millis = time - animationStartTime; if (millis > animationLength) { animating = false; paused = false; return; } if (!this.animating && !this.paused) { return; } float frac = 1.0f * millis / animationLength; Vector2 interpolatedPosition = startPoint * (1 - frac) + endPoint * frac; interpolatedPosition -= new Vector2(target.Width, target.Height); float scale = startScale * (1 - frac) + endScale * frac; game.spriteBatch.Draw( target, new Rectangle( (int)interpolatedPosition.X, (int)interpolatedPosition.Y, (int)(scale * target.Width), (int)(scale * target.Height) ), new Rectangle( 0, 0, target.Width, target.Height ), Color.White ); }
public void Initialize(TojamGame game) { // initialize bound controllers inputs.Add(new Input(Input.Type.Keyboard)); inputs.Add(new Input(Input.Type.JoypadOne)); inputs.Add(new Input(Input.Type.JoypadTwo)); inputs.Add(new Input(Input.Type.JoypadThree)); inputs.Add(new Input(Input.Type.JoypadFour)); // do some selectors selectors.Add(new PlayerSelector(new Vector2(20, 200))); selectors.Add(new PlayerSelector(new Vector2(220, 200))); selectors.Add(new PlayerSelector(new Vector2(420, 200))); selectors.Add(new PlayerSelector(new Vector2(620, 200))); foreach (PlayerSelector selector in selectors) { selector.SetFont(renderFont); } }
public virtual void Draw(Rectangle bounds, TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { Rectangle src = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height); Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height); // fit dest ratio to a slice of src float scalingFactor = Math.Min(1.0f * src.Width / bounds.Width, 1.0f * src.Height / bounds.Height); Rectangle scaledDest = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(scalingFactor * dest.Width), (int)(scalingFactor * dest.Height)); scaledDest.X = -(scaledDest.Width - src.Width) / 2; scaledDest.Y = -(scaledDest.Height - src.Height) / 2; game.spriteBatch.Draw( this.texture, new Rectangle(0, 0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height), scaledDest, Color.White ); }
public void Draw(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) {;; game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, SamplerState.PointClamp); carPicture.Draw(game, gameTime); chatLog.Draw(game, gameTime); textBox.Draw(game, gameTime); playerStatusIndicator.Draw(game, gameTime); game.spriteBatch.End();;; game.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, SamplerState.PointClamp); // deferred rendering Rectangle realScreenBounds = game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.Bounds; Rectangle renderTargetBounds = this.renderTarget.Bounds; float ratio = Math.Min((float)realScreenBounds.Width / renderTarget.Width, (float)realScreenBounds.Height / renderTarget.Height); //Debug.WriteLine( // (float)realScreenBounds.Width / renderTarget.Width + // ", " + // (float)realScreenBounds.Height / renderTarget.Height //); Rectangle scaledRenderTarget = new Rectangle( 0, 0, (int)(this.renderTarget.Width * ratio), (int)(this.renderTarget.Height * ratio) ); scaledRenderTarget.X = (realScreenBounds.Width - scaledRenderTarget.Width) / 2; scaledRenderTarget.Y = (realScreenBounds.Height - scaledRenderTarget.Height) / 2; game.spriteBatch.Draw(renderTarget, scaledRenderTarget, renderTargetBounds, Color.White); game.spriteBatch.End(); }
public void Draw(TojamGame game, GameTime gameTime) { // start a new batch to draw the buffer to the screen game.spriteBatch.Draw(renderTarget, style.GetExternalBounds(), Color.White); }
public void LoadContent(TojamGame game) { }
public void Initialize(TojamGame game) { // TODO Load spritesheets for each player character }
public void LoadContent(TojamGame game) { renderFont = game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("fonts/Cutive_Mono"); }
public void LoadContent(TojamGame game) { Debug.WriteLine("Chat : Load Content"); CarPicture.LoadContent(game); }