private static void DoGeocode(ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> goodAddr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> badAddr, MsgOut msgOut, DataRow Row, int rowCnt) { // tblRecipient_Address, tblRecipient_Address1, tblRecipient_City, tblRecipient_State, tblRecipient_PostalCode TDayAddress addr = new TDayAddress() { FirstName = EatTheDamReturns(Row[0].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), LastName = EatTheDamReturns(Row[1].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), Address1 = EatTheDamReturns(Row[2].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), AptNum = EatTheDamReturns(Row[3].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), Address2 = EatTheDamReturns(Row[4].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), City = EatTheDamReturns(Row[5].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), State = EatTheDamReturns(Row[6].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), Zip = EatTheDamReturns(Row[7].ToString()), HomePhone = EatTheDamReturns(Row[8].ToString()), CellPHone = EatTheDamReturns(Row[9].ToString()), DelDay = EatTheDamReturns(Row[10].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), NumMeals = 0, Notes = EatTheDamReturns(Row[12].ToString().Replace(",", " ")) }; int numMeals = 0; addr.NumMeals = 0; if (int.TryParse(Row[11].ToString(), out numMeals)) { addr.NumMeals = numMeals; //msgOut.WriteLine(addr); } GeocodeAddress(addr, goodAddr, badAddr, msgOut).Wait(); //GeocodeAddressGoogle(addr, goodAddr, badAddr, msgOut); msgOut($"Procesed address: {goodAddr.Count + badAddr.Count} of {rowCnt} on thread: {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}\r", true); }
public static void ReadExcelFile(string excelFile, string outDir, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> goodAddr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> badAddr, MsgOut msgOut) { using (var stream = File.Open(excelFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream)) { var dataSet = reader.AsDataSet(); // Now you can get data from each sheet by its index or its "name" var dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0]; int numCPU = Environment.ProcessorCount / 2; msgOut($"Processing on {numCPU} threads\n"); Parallel.ForEach(dataTable.Rows.OfType <DataRow>(), new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = numCPU }, (Row) => { // tblRecipient_Address, tblRecipient_Address1, tblRecipient_City, tblRecipient_State, tblRecipient_PostalCode TDayAddress addr = new TDayAddress() { FirstName = EatTheDamReturns(Row[0].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), LastName = EatTheDamReturns(Row[1].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), Address1 = EatTheDamReturns(Row[2].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), AptNum = EatTheDamReturns(Row[3].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), Address2 = EatTheDamReturns(Row[4].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), City = EatTheDamReturns(Row[5].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), State = EatTheDamReturns(Row[6].ToString().Replace(",", " ")), Zip = EatTheDamReturns(Row[7].ToString()), HomePhone = EatTheDamReturns(Row[8].ToString()), CellPHone = EatTheDamReturns(Row[9].ToString()), DelDay = EatTheDamReturns(Row[10].ToString()), NumMeals = 0, Notes = EatTheDamReturns(Row[12].ToString()) }; int numMeals = 0; if (int.TryParse(Row[11].ToString(), out numMeals)) { addr.NumMeals = numMeals; //msgOut.WriteLine(addr); GeocodeAddress(addr, goodAddr, badAddr, msgOut).Wait(); } msgOut($"Procesed count: {goodAddr.Count + badAddr.Count}\r"); }); // Write out the addresses using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outDir, "GoodAddresses.csv"))) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { csv.WriteRecords(goodAddr); } using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outDir, "BadAddresses.csv"))) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { csv.WriteRecords(badAddr); } } } }
private static async Task GeocodeAddress(TDayAddress addr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> goodAddr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> badAddr, MsgOut msgOut) { var bingKey = "Aq03fYCDuaMZk0OxpH97nxHInqIsJDzab90p3twCHCk8CvlRoKjB4Xs5Msbgsvq6"; // ServiceManager.Proxy = new WebProxy(""); var request = new GeocodeRequest() { Query = addr.ToAddress(), IncludeIso2 = true, IncludeNeighborhood = true, MaxResults = 25, BingMapsKey = bingKey }; //Process the request by using the ServiceManager. var response = await request.Execute(); if (response != null && response.ResourceSets != null && response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 && response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null && response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0) { Location foundAddr = null; foreach (var res in response.ResourceSets[0].Resources) { if (((Location)res).Address.AdminDistrict == "NY" && ((Location)res).Address.PostalCode != null && ((Location)res).Address.PostalCode.StartsWith("12")) { foundAddr = (Location)res; break; } } //var result = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Location; if (foundAddr != null && foundAddr.MatchCodes[0].ToString() == "Good") { addr.Address1 = foundAddr.Address.AddressLine; addr.City = foundAddr.Address.Locality; addr.State = foundAddr.Address.AdminDistrict; addr.Zip = foundAddr.Address.PostalCode; var coords = foundAddr.Point.Coordinates; if (coords != null && coords.Length == 2) { addr.Lat = (float)coords[0]; addr.Lon = (float)coords[1]; } goodAddr.Add(addr); } else { badAddr.Add(addr); } //msgOut($"Geocode: {addr} => Results - Code: {result.MatchCodes[0]}\r"); } }
private static void GeocodeAddressGoogle(TDayAddress addr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> goodAddr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> badAddr, MsgOut msgOut) { string YOUR_API_KEY = "AIzaSyDSyz9RnSKz7AMs_EQhDVhpXvuhHmyDTGc"; string address = addr.ToAddress(); string requestUri = string.Format("{1}&address={0}&sensor=false", Uri.EscapeDataString(address), YOUR_API_KEY); WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(requestUri); WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(response.GetResponseStream()); addr.Restaurant = GetRestaurant(addr.Zip); if (xdoc.Element("GeocodeResponse").Element("status").Value == "OK") { XElement result = xdoc.Element("GeocodeResponse").Element("result"); string [] vals = result.Element("formatted_address").ToString().Split(','); string[] tmp = vals[2].TrimStart(' ').Split(' '); vals[2] = tmp[0]; vals[3] = tmp[1]; //msgOut($"Addr: {addr.ToAddress()} Return: {addrFormat.ToString()}"); if (vals[3] != addr.Zip) { msgOut($"Changed zip: {addr.ToAddress()} => {result.Element("formatted_address").ToString()}"); } XElement locationElement = result.Element("geometry").Element("location"); addr.Address1 = vals[0]; addr.City = vals[1]; addr.State = vals[2]; addr.Zip = vals[3]; addr.Lat = float.Parse(locationElement.Element("lat").Value); addr.Lon = float.Parse(locationElement.Element("lng").Value); goodAddr.Add(addr); } else { badAddr.Add(addr); } }
private static async Task GeocodeAddress(TDayAddress addr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> goodAddr, ConcurrentBag <TDayAddress> badAddr, MsgOut msgOut) { var bingKey = "Aq4xnynDuADw0OMoyrHEvCrM8VqhI8HlGIusrLdL30LGJBz71X9JtUCMcVU6mj7Y"; // ServiceManager.Proxy = new WebProxy(""); var request = new GeocodeRequest() { Query = addr.ToAddress(), IncludeIso2 = true, IncludeNeighborhood = true, MaxResults = 25, BingMapsKey = bingKey }; //Process the request by using the ServiceManager. var response = await request.Execute(); if (response != null && response.ResourceSets != null && response.ResourceSets.Length > 0 && response.ResourceSets[0].Resources != null && response.ResourceSets[0].Resources.Length > 0) { Location foundAddr = null; foreach (var res in response.ResourceSets[0].Resources) { if (((Location)res).Address.AdminDistrict == "NY" && ((Location)res).Address.PostalCode != null && ((Location)res).Address.PostalCode.StartsWith("12")) { foundAddr = (Location)res; //if (((Location)res).Address.PostalCode != addr.Zip) //{ // msgOut($"Changed zip: {addr.ToAddress()} {foundAddr.Address.FormattedAddress}"); //} break; } } //var result = response.ResourceSets[0].Resources[0] as Location; addr.Restaurant = GetRestaurant(addr.Zip); if (foundAddr != null && foundAddr.MatchCodes[0].ToString() == "Good") { //addr.Address1 = foundAddr.Address.AddressLine; //addr.City = foundAddr.Address.Locality; //addr.State = foundAddr.Address.AdminDistrict; //addr.Zip = foundAddr.Address.PostalCode; var coords = foundAddr.Point.Coordinates; if (coords != null && coords.Length == 2) { addr.Lat = (float)coords[0]; addr.Lon = (float)coords[1]; } goodAddr.Add(addr); } else { badAddr.Add(addr); } //msgOut($"Geocode: {addr} => Results - Code: {result.MatchCodes[0]}\r"); } }