public void PreScore(QASystem tis, TDSQASystemAPI.TestResults.TestResult tr, TDSQASystemAPI.Data.XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem, TDSQASystemAPI.Config.ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, ITISExtenderState state)
            //add accommodations if we're supposed to
            ConfigurationHolder configHolder = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ConfigurationHolder>();

            if (tr.Testee != null && configHolder.GetFromMetaData(tr.ProjectID, "Accommodations").Exists(x => x.IntVal.Equals(1)))
                bool            useAlternateStudentId = false;
                TesteeAttribute ssid = tr.Testee.GetAttribute("StudentIdentifier", TesteeProperty.PropertyContext.INITIAL);
                if (ssid == null)
                    ssid = tr.Testee.GetAttribute("AlternateSSID", TesteeProperty.PropertyContext.INITIAL);
                    useAlternateStudentId = true;

                if (ssid == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("Neither StudentIdentifier nor AlternateSSID were found as ExamineeAttributes in the XML file with context = INITIAL.  At least one is required to get accommodations from ART. OppID = " + tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID);

                List <TesteeRelationship> stateAbbrevsList = tr.Testee.GetRelationships("StateAbbreviation", TesteeProperty.PropertyContext.INITIAL);
                if (stateAbbrevsList.Count != 1)
                    throw new MissingMemberException(string.Format("StateAbbreviation ExamineeRelationship with context = INITIAL appeared {0} times, but it was exepected to appear only 1 time. OppID = {1}", stateAbbrevsList.Count, tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID));

                WebService webservice = Settings.WebService["ART"];
                if (webservice == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("ART web service is not defined in config file. This is required for getting accommodations from ART");

                XmlDocument doc = new ARTDAL(webservice).GetStudentPackageXML(ssid.Value, stateAbbrevsList[0].Value, useAlternateStudentId);
                if (doc == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException("ART Student package could not be retrieved for OppID " + tr.Opportunity.OpportunityID);

                ARTStudentPackage package = new ARTStudentPackage(doc);
                Dictionary <string, ARTAccommodation> artAccs = package.GetAccommodations(tr.Subject);
                //TODO: should we throw an exception if no accommodations are found?
                if (artAccs == null)

                //now grab the values from TDS configs DB. Key = type, value = list of accoms.
                Dictionary <string, List <TestAccomodation> > accomsDict = configHolder.GetTestAccommodations(tis.dbHandleConfig, tr.test.TestName);
                //now convert this to be key = code, value = list of accoms with distinct type / code
                Dictionary <string, List <TestAccomodation> > myAccomsDict = new Dictionary <string, List <TestAccomodation> >(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                foreach (List <TestAccomodation> acclist in accomsDict.Values)
                    foreach (TestAccomodation acc in acclist)
                        if (!myAccomsDict.ContainsKey(acc.Code))
                            myAccomsDict.Add(acc.Code, new List <TestAccomodation>()
                        //get only the list of distinct accom code / types (this is all that is needed for scoring)
                        if (!myAccomsDict[acc.Code].Any(x => x.Code.Equals(acc.Code) && x.Type.Equals(acc.Type)))

                //now add new accommodations to the Opportunity combining values from each
                foreach (ARTAccommodation accom in artAccs.Values)
                    if (!myAccomsDict.ContainsKey(accom.AccomCode))
                        continue; // ART accoms are by subject; it seems conceivable that not every test that the student is eligible for with the same subject would have the same accom configuration
                    //throw new NullReferenceException(string.Format("ART Accommodation code {0} was not found in TDS Configs DB.", accom.AccomCode));

                    //add all distinct type/code accommodations. Note that we hardcode segment to 0
                    foreach (TestAccomodation tdsAccom in myAccomsDict[accom.AccomCode])
                        tr.Opportunity.AddRTSAccomodation(tdsAccom.Type, tdsAccom.Description, tdsAccom.Code, 0 /*tdsAccom.Segment*/, "");
 public void PreRoute(QASystem tis, TDSQASystemAPI.TestResults.XMLAdapter adapter, TDSQASystemAPI.TestResults.TestResult tr, TDSQASystemAPI.Data.XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem, TDSQASystemAPI.Config.ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, TDSQASystemAPI.Routing.SendToModifiers sendToModifiers, ITISExtenderState state)
     // nothing
 public void PostSave(QASystem tis, TDSQASystemAPI.TestResults.TestResult tr, TDSQASystemAPI.Data.XmlRepositoryItem xmlRepoItem, TDSQASystemAPI.Config.ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, ITISExtenderState state)
     // nothing
 public bool ShouldScore(QASystem tis, TDSQASystemAPI.TestResults.XMLAdapter adapter, TDSQASystemAPI.TestResults.TestResult tr, TDSQASystemAPI.Config.ProjectMetaData projectMetaData, ITISExtenderState state)
     // score if it's not a reset or an opp with items still requiring scores (operational, selected, not dropped, and not marked as notForScoring)
     return(!tr.Opportunity.Status.Equals("reset", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
            !tr.HasItemsRequiringHandscores(TestResult.ItemOperationalStatus.Operational, true, true, true));