public void ReadCompressedZip(string filepath)
            while (BackgroundWriting) ;

            ZipInputStream instream = new ZipInputStream(filepath);
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
            searchDump = new TCPTCPGecko.Dump((uint)formatter.Deserialize(instream), (uint)formatter.Deserialize(instream));
            instream.Read(searchDump.mem, 0, (int)(searchDump.EndAddress - searchDump.StartAddress));

            resultsList = (System.Collections.Generic.List<UInt32>)formatter.Deserialize(instream);

        public void SaveSearchBackground(int index, List<UInt32> resultsList, Dump searchDump)
            SearchItem foo = new SearchItem();
            // make a copy in case the user starts deleting, sorting, etc the original list
            foo.resultsList = new List<uint>(resultsList);
            foo.searchDump = searchDump;
            foo.index = index;

            // block in the event of a rapid-fire double call
            while (backgroundWriting) ;

            Thread zipThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SaveSearchBackground));

            // Set the state before calling the thread
            backgroundWriting = true;

 public SearchHistoryItem()
     resultsList = null;
     searchDump = null;
     backgroundWriting = false;
        public void SaveSearch(string filepath, List<UInt32> resultsList, Dump searchDump)
            ZipOutputStream outstream = new ZipOutputStream(filepath);
            outstream.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestSpeed;
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            // First entry is the dump

            //DateTime start = Logger.WriteLineTimedStarted("compressing search dump");

            // Must put the addresses first, so that it can derive the right number of bytes to read for the dump
            formatter.Serialize(outstream, searchDump.StartAddress);
            formatter.Serialize(outstream, searchDump.EndAddress);
            outstream.Write(searchDump.mem, 0, (int)(searchDump.EndAddress - searchDump.StartAddress));

            //Logger.WriteLineTimedFinished("compressing search dump", start);

            // Second entry is the list

            //start = Logger.WriteLineTimedStarted("compressing search list");

            formatter.Serialize(outstream, resultsList);

            //Logger.WriteLineTimedFinished("compressing search list", start);

 public void SaveSearch(int index, List<UInt32> resultsList, Dump searchDump)
     // TODO subdir?  check file exists?
     char delim = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
     SaveSearch("DumpHistory" + delim + "DumpHistory" + index + ".zip", resultsList, searchDump);
        public Dump LoadSearchDump(string filepath)
            // spin while background writing to prevent us from reading a file that has yet to be written
            while (BackgroundWriting) ;

            ZipInputStream instream = new ZipInputStream(filepath);
            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

            // First entry is the dump
            Dump searchDump = new Dump((uint)formatter.Deserialize(instream), (uint)formatter.Deserialize(instream));
            instream.Read(searchDump.mem, 0, (int)(searchDump.EndAddress - searchDump.StartAddress));


            return searchDump;
예제 #7
        public void Dump(UInt32 startdump, UInt32 enddump, Dump memdump)
            //Reset connection

            //How many bytes of data have to be transferred
            UInt32 memlength = enddump - startdump;

            //How many chunks do I need to split this data into
            //How big ist the last chunk
            UInt32 fullchunks = memlength / packetsize;
            UInt32 lastchunk = memlength % packetsize;

            //How many chunks do I need to transfer
            UInt32 allchunks = fullchunks;
            if (lastchunk > 0)

            UInt64 GeckoMemRange = ByteSwap.Swap((UInt64)(((UInt64)startdump << 32) + ((UInt64)enddump)));
            if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(cmd_readmem), 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
                throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);

            //Read reply - expcecting GCACK -- nope, too slow, TCP is reliable!
            Byte retry = 0;
            /*while (retry < 10)
                Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
                if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
                    throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
                Byte reply = response[0];
                if (reply == GCACK)
                if (retry == 9)
                    throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDIInvalidReply);

            //Now let's send the dump information
            if (GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GeckoMemRange), 8) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
                throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDICommandSendError);

            //We start with chunk 0
            UInt32 chunk = 0;
            retry = 0;

            // Reset cancel flag
            bool done = false;
            CancelDump = false;

            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[packetsize]; //read buffer
            //GeckoApp.SubArray<Byte> buffer;
            while (chunk < fullchunks && !done)
                //buffer = new SubArray<byte>(mem, chunk*packetsize, packetsize);
                //No output yet availible
                SendUpdate(startdump + chunk * packetsize, chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, true);
                //Set buffer
                Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
                if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
                    //Major fail, give it up
                    GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                    throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
                Byte reply = response[0];
                if (reply == BlockZero)
                    for (int i = 0; i < packetsize; i++)
                        buffer[i] = 0;
                    FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, packetsize);
                    if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
                        if (retry >= 3)
                            //Give up, too many retries
                            GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                            throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
                        //GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
                    else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
                        //Major fail, give it up
                        GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                        throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
                //write received package to output stream
                //foreach (Stream stream in saveStream)
                //    stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)packetsize));

                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, memdump.mem, (int)(chunk * packetsize + (startdump - memdump.StartAddress)), (int)packetsize);

                memdump.ReadCompletedAddress = (UInt32)((chunk + 1) * packetsize + startdump);

                //reset retry counter
                retry = 0;
                //next chunk

                if (!CancelDump)
                    //ackowledge package -- nope, too slow, TCP is reliable!
                    //GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
                    // User requested a cancel
                    GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                    done = true;

            //Final package?
            while (!done && lastchunk > 0)
                //buffer = new SubArray<byte>(mem, chunk * packetsize, lastchunk);
                //No output yet availible
                SendUpdate(startdump + chunk * packetsize, chunk, allchunks, chunk * packetsize, memlength, retry == 0, true);
                //Set buffer
                // buffer = new Byte[lastchunk];
                Byte[] response = new Byte[1];
                if (GeckoRead(response, 1) != FTDICommand.CMD_OK)
                    //Major fail, give it up
                    GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                    throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
                Byte reply = response[0];
                if (reply == BlockZero)
                    for (int i = 0; i < lastchunk; i++)
                        buffer[i] = 0;
                    FTDICommand returnvalue = GeckoRead(buffer, lastchunk);
                    if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_ResultError)
                        if (retry >= 3)
                            //Give up, too many retries
                            GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                            throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.TooManyRetries);
                        //GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCRETRY), 1);
                    else if (returnvalue == FTDICommand.CMD_FatalError)
                        //Major fail, give it up
                        GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCFAIL), 1);
                        throw new ETCPGeckoException(ETCPErrorCode.FTDIReadDataError);
                //write received package to output stream
                //foreach (Stream stream in saveStream)
                //    stream.Write(buffer, 0, ((Int32)lastchunk));

                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, memdump.mem, (int)(chunk * packetsize + (startdump - memdump.StartAddress)), (int)lastchunk);

                //reset retry counter
                retry = 0;
                //cancel while loop
                done = true;
                //ackowledge package -- nope, too slow, TCP is reliable!
                //GeckoWrite(BitConverter.GetBytes(GCACK), 1);
            SendUpdate(enddump, allchunks, allchunks, memlength, memlength, true, true);
예제 #8
 public void Dump(Dump dump)
     //Stream[] tempStream = { dump.dumpStream, dump.getOutputStream() };
     //Stream[] tempStream = { dump.dumpStream };
     //Dump(dump.startAddress, dump.endAddress, tempStream);
     Dump(dump.StartAddress, dump.EndAddress, dump);