예제 #1
        public static DomElementLocator GenerateLocator(String raw)
            if (!raw.StartsWith(Constant.DOMElementPrefix))
                return null;

            LocatorMethod method;

            raw = raw.Substring(1);
            if (raw.StartsWith(Constant.DOMIDPrefix))
                method = LocatorMethod.ID;
                raw = raw.Substring(Constant.DOMIDPrefix.Length);
            else if (raw.StartsWith(Constant.DOMNamePrefix))
                method = LocatorMethod.Name;
                raw = raw.Substring(Constant.DOMNamePrefix.Length);
            else if (raw.StartsWith(Constant.DOMXPathPrefix))
                method = LocatorMethod.XPath;
                raw = raw.Substring(Constant.DOMXPathPrefix.Length);
                return null;

            return new DomElementLocator(method, raw);
        public new String Clean(String value)
            // get rid of commas
            value = StringUtils.ReplaceAnyOf(value, ",().-_", ' ');

            // do basic cleaning
            value = _sub.Clean(value);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                return "";

            // perform pre-registered transforms
            value = base.Clean(value);

            // renormalize whitespace, since being able to replace tokens with spaces
            // makes writing transforms easier
            value = StringUtils.NormalizeWs(value);

            // transforms:
            // "as foo bar" -> "foo bar as"
            // "al foo bar" -> "foo bar al"
            if (value.StartsWith("as ") || value.StartsWith("al "))
                value = value.Substring(3) + ' ' + value.Substring(0, 2);

            return value;
 private dynamic GetValue(Process p, String type, DeepPointer pointer)
     if (type == "int")
         return pointer.Deref<int>(p);
     else if (type == "uint")
         return pointer.Deref<uint>(p);
     else if (type == "float")
         return pointer.Deref<float>(p);
     else if (type == "double")
         return pointer.Deref<double>(p);
     else if (type == "byte")
         return pointer.Deref<byte>(p);
     else if (type == "sbyte")
         return pointer.Deref<sbyte>(p);
     else if (type == "short")
         return pointer.Deref<short>(p);
     else if (type == "ushort")
         return pointer.Deref<ushort>(p);
     else if (type == "bool")
         return pointer.Deref<bool>(p);
     else if (type.StartsWith("string"))
         var length = Int32.Parse(type.Substring("string".Length));
         return pointer.DerefString(p, length);
     else if (type.StartsWith("byte"))
         var length = Int32.Parse(type.Substring("byte".Length));
         return pointer.DerefBytes(p, length);
     throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The provided type, '{0}', is not supported", type));
예제 #4
        public static Uri NormalizeIdentityUrl(String identityUrl)
            Uri retVal = null;
               // To get an iname to fit onto a Uri object, we prefix
               // with "xri:". This is because Uri object will not allow "xri://".
               if (identityUrl.StartsWith("xri://"))
               identityUrl = identityUrl.Substring("xri://".Length);
               retVal = new Uri("xri:" + identityUrl);
               else if (identityUrl.StartsWith("=") || identityUrl.StartsWith("@"))
               retVal = new Uri("xri:" + identityUrl);
               else if (!identityUrl.StartsWith("http://"))
               retVal = Janrain.OpenId.UriUtil.NormalizeUri(string.Format("http://{0}/", identityUrl.Trim("/".ToCharArray())));

               retVal = Janrain.OpenId.UriUtil.NormalizeUri(identityUrl);
               return retVal;
예제 #5
        // accept either a POINT(X Y) or a "X Y"
        public point(String ps)
            if (ps.StartsWith(geomType, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // remove point, and matching brackets
                ps = ps.Substring(geomType.Length);
                if (ps.StartsWith("("))
                    ps = ps.Substring(1);
                if (ps.EndsWith(")"))
                    ps = ps.Remove(ps.Length - 1);

            ps = ps.Trim(); // trim leading and trailing spaces
            String[] coord = ps.Split(CoordSeparator.ToCharArray());
            if (coord.Length == 2)
                X = Double.Parse(coord[0]);
                Y = Double.Parse(coord[1]);
                throw new WaterOneFlowException("Could not create a point. Coordinates are separated by a space 'X Y'");
예제 #6
파일: PathUtil.cs 프로젝트: limingnihao/Net
 public static String MergeHttp(String server, String path)
     if (server.StartsWith("http:"))
         server = server.Substring(5);
     while (server.StartsWith("/"))
         server = server.Substring(1);
     while (server.EndsWith("/"))
         server = server.Substring(0, server.Length - 1);
     while (path.StartsWith("/"))
         path = path.Substring(1);
     if (path.StartsWith(":"))
         return "http://" + server + "" + path;
         return "http://" + server + "/" + path;
예제 #7
        public void process( String s)
            reply = s;

            if( reply.StartsWith("I:")){
            else if( reply.StartsWith("S:")){

            else if (reply.StartsWith("G:"))

            else if (reply.StartsWith("C:"))

            else if (reply.StartsWith("L:"))
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Modifies the specified CommandBar item
 /// </summary>
 public static void ExecuteFlagAction(ToolStripItem item, String action, Boolean value)
     if (action.StartsWith("Check:"))
         if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
             ((ToolStripMenuItem)item).Checked = value;
     else if (action.StartsWith("Uncheck:"))
         if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
             ((ToolStripMenuItem)item).Checked = !value;
     else if (action.StartsWith("Enable:"))
         item.Enabled = value;
     else if (action.StartsWith("Disable:"))
         item.Enabled = !value;
예제 #9
        public static bool SendMessageCustomToken(String Channel, String Message, String Token)
            APICaller apic = new APICaller(Token);
            bool returned = false;
            Dictionary<String, dynamic> Params = new Dictionary<string, dynamic>();

            if (Token.Equals("someone"))
                Token = "xoxp-5007212458-11027941589-11025314452-ac4fcf3c3b";
            else if (Token.Equals("timo"))
                Token = "xoxb-5134150563-iZKW7CIodzRbffqVmFmz6m2S";
            else if (Token.Equals("lily"))
                Token = "xoxb-7444634401-UTU2IHZE2kULUWu70hgKV0FA";

            if (Channel.StartsWith("C") || Channel.StartsWith("D"))
                Params.Add("channel", Channel);
                Params.Add("text", Message);
                Params.Add("as_user", "true");
                Params.Add("token", Token);
                returned = apic.CallMethodCustomToken("chat.postMessage", Params).Result["ok"];
            Console.WriteLine("Posted message: " + Message + " to Channel: " + Channel + " with return code: " + returned);
            return returned;
예제 #10
 public void UpdateApp(XApplication app, String path, XAppInstallListener listener)
     bool isAbsolute = path.StartsWith("/") || path.StartsWith("\\");
     String tmp = isAbsolute ? path : ResolvePathUsingWorkspace(app.GetWorkSpace(), path);
     String abspath = XUtils.BuildabsPathOnIsolatedStorage(tmp);
     appManagement.UpdateApp(abspath, listener);
예제 #11
        public static String removeFirstSlash(String path)
            if (path.StartsWith("/") || path.StartsWith("\\") )
                return path.Substring(1);

            return path;
예제 #12
파일: Address.cs 프로젝트: Creou/OISCVM
 public Address(String sourceAddressCode)
     if (sourceAddressCode.StartsWith(LexicalSymbols.LabelAddress))
         this.IsLabelledAddress = true;
         this.AddressLabel = sourceAddressCode.Replace(LexicalSymbols.LabelAddress, String.Empty);
     else if (sourceAddressCode.StartsWith(LexicalSymbols.BinaryAddress))
         this.BinaryAddress = int.Parse(sourceAddressCode.Replace(LexicalSymbols.BinaryAddress, String.Empty));
         this.SourceAddress = BinaryToSource(this.BinaryAddress);
         this.SourceAddress = int.Parse(sourceAddressCode);
         if (this.SourceAddress >= 0)
             this.BinaryAddress = SourceToBinary(this.SourceAddress);
             this.BinaryAddress = this.SourceAddress;
예제 #13
 //- ~CreateHttpHandler -//
 internal static IHttpHandler CreateHttpHandler(String text)
     IHttpHandler handler = null;
     if (!text.StartsWith("{") && text.Contains(","))
         return ObjectCreator.CreateAs<IHttpHandler>(text);
     if (!text.StartsWith("{") && RouteCache.HandlerFactoryCache != null)
         String lowerCaseText = text.ToLower(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
         List<IFactory> handlerFactoryList = RouteCache.HandlerFactoryCache.GetValueList();
         foreach (IFactory factory in handlerFactoryList)
             handler = ((HandlerFactory)factory).CreateHttpHandler(lowerCaseText);
             if (handler != null)
     if (handler == null && text.StartsWith("{"))
         text = text.Substring(1, text.Length - 2);
         List<Type> list = ScannedTypeCache.GetTypeData("httpHandler");
         Type httpHandlerType = list.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == text + "HttpHandler");
         if (httpHandlerType != null)
             handler = ObjectCreator.CreateAs<IHttpHandler>(httpHandlerType);
     return handler;
        protected override void TraceSimpleEvent(DateTime eventTime, Int32 threadId, TraceEventType eventType, String message, Int32 eventId, TraceEventCache eventCache, String source)
            if (_table != null)
                if (message.StartsWith("#Status ") || message.StartsWith("#Status:"))
                    Status status = new Status(eventTime.ToUniversalTime());
                    status.Level = eventType.ToString();
                    status.ThreadId = threadId;

                    string messageText;
                    string dataText;
                    GetMessageParts(message, out messageText, out dataText);
                    status.Message = messageText;
                    status.Data = dataText;

                        TableOperation operation = TableOperation.Insert(status);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception while saving to Azure storage.");
예제 #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Tries to the map the C# to JS namespace.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="serverNs">The namespace.</param>
		/// <param name="clientNs">The client namespace.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryMapNamespace(String serverNs, out string clientNs)
            foreach (var m in namespaceMapping)
                switch (m.Mode)
                    case NamespaceMappingMode.Exact:
                        if (m.Namespace == serverNs)
                            clientNs = m.ClientNamespace;
                            return true;
                    case NamespaceMappingMode.Prefix:
                        if (serverNs.StartsWith(m.Namespace))
                            clientNs = m.ClientNamespace + serverNs.Substring(m.Namespace.Length);
                            return true;
                    case NamespaceMappingMode.PrefixExact:
                        if (serverNs.StartsWith(m.Namespace))
                            clientNs = m.ClientNamespace;
                            return true;
            clientNs = null;
            return false;
예제 #16
파일: regmatcher.cs 프로젝트: hvva/IoAF
        Boolean isInDB(String dbname, String type, String regex, signCls s)
            if (falsegrp.Contains(s.group))
                return false;

            SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            if (type.StartsWith("reg"))
                cmd.CommandText = "select * from reglist where reglist.path REGEXP @param1;";
            else if (type.StartsWith("file"))
                cmd.CommandText = "select * from filelist where filelist.path REGEXP @param1;";
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@param1", regex));

            SQLiteDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            bool res = r.HasRows;
            if (res == false)

            return res;
예제 #17
 bool IsTagOpen(String sb)
     if (sb.StartsWith("</") && sb.EndsWith(">"))
         return false;
     else if (sb.StartsWith("<") && sb.EndsWith(">"))
         return true;
     else return false;
예제 #18
 private static void EditVcardEncoding(ref String contents, ref String lineEdited, String line)
     lineEdited = line;
     if (line.StartsWith("FN:")) lineEdited = line.Substring(0, 2) + ";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:" + line.Substring(3);
     if (line.StartsWith("N:")) lineEdited = line.Substring(0, 1) + ";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:" + line.Substring(2).Replace("\\","");
     if (line.StartsWith("ORG:")) lineEdited = line.Substring(0, 3) + ";ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE;CHARSET=UTF-8:" + line.Substring(4);
     contents += System.Environment.NewLine + lineEdited;
예제 #19
 // Schemes that are generally considered safe for the purposes of redirects or other places where URLs are rendered to the page.
 internal static bool IsSafeScheme(String url) {
     return url.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) == -1 ||
             url.StartsWith("http:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
             url.StartsWith("https:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
             url.StartsWith("ftp:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
             url.StartsWith("file:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
             url.StartsWith("news:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
예제 #20
        private static bool IsSpecified(String argument, String parameter)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(argument))
                return false;

            return argument.StartsWith("-" + parameter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                argument.StartsWith("--" + parameter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
		public Boolean Contains(String argument) {

			if (argument.StartsWith("-") || argument.StartsWith("/")) {
				argument = argument.Remove(0, 1);
			return _arguments.Contains(argument);
예제 #22
        public static void ProcessCommand(String message)
            int distOut;

            message = message.ToLower().Trim();

            if (message.Contains("buy") || message.Contains("get") || message.Contains("rush") ||
                Shop.RushItem = Shop.GetItemByName(message);

            else if (message.StartsWith("distance "))
                String distance = message.Split(" ".ToCharArray())[1].Trim();
                int dist = Int32.Parse(distance);
                Core.MaxDistanceFromCarry = dist;

            else if (message.StartsWith("frdm ") || message.StartsWith("freedom "))
                String freedom = message.Split(" ".ToCharArray())[1].Trim();

                Console.WriteLine("Setting freedom " + freedom);
                HeatMap.Frdm = HeatMap.freedomFromString(freedom.ToUpper());


            else if (message.StartsWith("pos "))
                String position = message.Split(" ".ToCharArray())[1].Trim();

                Console.WriteLine("Setting position " + position);
                HeatMap.Pos = HeatMap.posFromString(position.ToUpper());

            else if (Utility.Map.GetMap().Type == Utility.Map.MapType.SummonersRift && (message == "b" || message.Contains("back") || message.Contains("recall")))
                PingManager.Mode = BehaviourMode.PASSIVE;
                PingManager.Location = null;
                PingManager.Target = null;
                RecallManager.UserRecallRequest = true;

            else if (Int32.TryParse(message, out distOut) )
                Core.MaxDistanceFromCarry = distOut;

예제 #23
 private static String StripQuotes(String value)
     if (value.StartsWith("\"") && value.EndsWith("\"")) {
         value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
     } else if (value.StartsWith("\'") && value.EndsWith("\'")) {
         value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
     return value;
 /// <summary>
 ///     是否为系统数据集[无法删除]
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mongoDBName"></param>
 /// <param name="mongoColName"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Boolean IsSystemCollection(String mongoDBName, String mongoColName)
     if (mongoColName.StartsWith("system.")) return true;
     if (mongoColName.StartsWith("fs.")) return true;
     return IsSystemDataBase(mongoDBName);
예제 #25
 public static String ResolvePath(String path, String relativeTo)
     if (path == null || path.Length == 0) return null;
     Boolean isPathNetworked = path.StartsWith("\\\\") || path.StartsWith("//");
     if (Path.IsPathRooted(path) || isPathNetworked) return path;
     String resolvedPath = Path.Combine(relativeTo, path);
     if (Directory.Exists(resolvedPath) || File.Exists(resolvedPath)) return resolvedPath;
     return null;
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Abbreviates a ref-name, used in internal output
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dst">long ref</param>
 /// <param name="abbreviateRemote">abbreviate as remote</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected string AbbreviateRef(String dst, bool abbreviateRemote)
     if (dst.StartsWith(Constants.R_HEADS))
         dst = dst.Substring(Constants.R_HEADS.Length);
     else if (dst.StartsWith(Constants.R_TAGS))
         dst = dst.Substring(Constants.R_TAGS.Length);
     else if (abbreviateRemote && dst.StartsWith(Constants.R_REMOTES))
         dst = dst.Substring(Constants.R_REMOTES.Length);
     return dst;
예제 #27
 public PsEscapeSequenceParser(String text)
     this.text = text;
       // quotes are included, so start at 1
       this.start = 1;
       // single-quoted strings in powershell
       // don't support escape sequences
       if ( text.StartsWith("'") || text.StartsWith("@'") )
     this.start = text.Length;
예제 #28
 private String DecideType(String trainNo)
     if (trainNo.StartsWith("DJ")) { return "DJ"; }
     if (char.IsLetter(trainNo[0]) || trainNo.StartsWith("0")) { return trainNo[0].ToString(); }
     if (trainNo.Length < 5) { return "客"; }
     else {
         if (trainNo.Substring(0, 1) == "5") { return "路用"; }
         else{return "货";}
예제 #29
 public CEscapeSequenceParser(String text)
     this.text = text;
       // always skip the first char
       // (since quotes are included in the string)
       this.start = 1;
       // If this is an at-string, or a C preprocessor include
       // skip it
       if ( text.StartsWith("@") || text.StartsWith("<") )
     this.start = text.Length;
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Variable Expression
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Variable Name</param>
 public VariableTerm(String name)
     if (name.StartsWith("?") || name.StartsWith("$"))
         this._name = name.Substring(1);
         this._name = name;