예제 #1
        // Определяет количество значимых цифр после запятой
        public static int MeaningNumbers(FnLabType input)
            FnLabType number = (FnLabType)0.0;
            string    s      = "";
            int       eps    = 0;

            if (number.GetType().ToString() == "System.Double")
                s   = Math.Abs(input).ToString("F15"); // s = A[i,i] c 15-ю цифрами после запятой
                s   = s.Substring(0, 16);              // всего в FnLabType 15 значачих цифр. + 1 запятая. Берем из s только 15 значащих цифр
                eps = 15 - s.IndexOf(",");             // отсюда получаем кол-во значащих цифр после запятой. 15 минус положение ","
                if (Math.Truncate(Math.Abs(input)) == (FnLabType)0)
            else if (number.GetType().ToString() == "System.Single")
                s   = Math.Abs(input).ToString("F7"); // s = A[i,i] c 7-ю цифрами после запятой
                s   = s.Substring(0, 8);              // всего в FnLabType 7 значачих цифр. + 1 запятая. Берем из s только 7 значащих цифр
                eps = 7 - s.IndexOf(",");             // отсюда получаем кол-во значащих цифр после запятой. 7 минус положение ","
                if (Math.Truncate(Math.Abs(input)) == (FnLabType)0)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            sbyte a1 = 1;

            System.SByte a2 = 1;
            byte         b1 = 2;

            System.Byte b2 = 2;
            short       c1 = 3;

            System.Int16 c2 = 3;
            ushort       d1 = 4;

            System.UInt16 d2 = 4;
            int           e1 = 5;

            System.Int32 e2 = 5;
            uint         f1 = 6;

            System.UInt32 f2 = 6;
            long          g1 = 7;

            System.Int64 g2 = 7;
            ulong        h1 = 8;

            System.UInt64 h2 = 8;
            char          i1 = 'a';

            System.Char i2 = 'a';
            float       k1 = 10;

            System.Single k2 = 10;
            double        l1 = 11;

            System.Double l2 = 11;
            bool          m1 = true;

            System.Boolean m2 = true;
            decimal        n1 = 12;

            System.Decimal n2 = 12;
            object         o1 = new object { };

            System.Object o2 = new object { };
            string        p1 = "Hello";

            System.String p2 = "Hello";

            Console.WriteLine(a1.GetType() + "\n" + a2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              b1.GetType() + "\n" + b2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              c1.GetType() + "\n" + c2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              d1.GetType() + "\n" + d2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              e1.GetType() + "\n" + e2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              f1.GetType() + "\n" + f2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              g1.GetType() + "\n" + g2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              h1.GetType() + "\n" + h2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              i1.GetType() + "\n" + i2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              k1.GetType() + "\n" + k2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              l1.GetType() + "\n" + l2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              m1.GetType() + "\n" + m2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              n1.GetType() + "\n" + n2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              o1.GetType() + "\n" + o2.GetType() + "\n" +
                              p1.GetType() + "\n" + p2.GetType() + "\n");
    void CheckOperators()
             * Section 6.21 Types and Operators
            float a = 1.0f;
            float b = 3.0f;
            bool  c = a > b; // false
            bool  d = a < b; // true

            Debug.Log("c:" + c + " d:" + d);
             * adding strings together
            string a = "hello, ";
            string b = "world.";
            string c = a + b;

            Debug.Log("c: " + c);
             * More things you can do with strings
            string a = "hello, ";
            string b = "world.";
            bool   c = a == b;         // false
            bool   d = a == "world.";  // true
            bool   e = a == "hello, "; // false
            bool   f = a != b;         // true
            string g = a + b;          // hello, world.

             * Some things you can't do with strings
            // string f = a - b;
            // string f = a * b;
            // string f = a / b;
            // bool g = a > b;
            // bool g = a < b;
            string a = "hello";
            switch (a)
            case "hello":
                Debug.Log("a was hello");

            case "world":
                Debug.Log("a was world");

             * Section 6.21.1 GetType()
            int    a = 7;
            string b = "hello";
            bool   c = a.GetType() == b.GetType();
            Debug.Log("a and b are the same type? " + c);
            // "a and b are the same type? False

            Debug.Log("a is type: " + a.GetType());
            // a is type System.Int32
            Debug.Log("b is type: " + b.GetType());
            // b is type System.String
            int    a = 7;
            string b = "7";
            bool   c = a.ToString() == b;
            Debug.Log("a as a string is the same as b? " + c);
            // "a as a string is the same as b? True"
            int   a = 7;
            float b = 7.0f;
            bool  c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("int a == float b? " + c);
            // "int a == float b? True"
             * Section 6.21.2 More Type Casting
            int   a = 7;
            float b = 7.9f;
            bool  c = a == b; // false
            /*   ↑   ↓    ↓                     */
            /*   │   │    └────┐                */
            /*   │ ┌─┴──┐    ┌─┴──┐             */
            /*   │ │ 7  │ == │7.9f│             */
            /*   │ └────┘ ↓  └────┘             */
            /*   │     ┌───────┐                */
            /*   └─────┤ False │                */
            /*         └───────┘                */
            bool d = a == (int)b;
            /*   ↑   ↓     ↓   ↓                */
            /*   │   │     │ ┌─┴──┐             */
            /*   │   │     │ │7.9f│             */
            /*   │   │     │ └─┬──┘             */
            /*   │   │     └─→(int) cast to int */
            /*   │   │         ↓                */
            /*   │ ┌─┴──┐    ┌─┴──┐             */
            /*   │ │ 7  │ == │ 7  │             */
            /*   │ └────┘ ↓  └────┘             */
            /*   │     ┌──────┐                 */
            /*   └─────┤ True │                 */
            /*         └──────┘                 */

            Debug.Log("c: " + c + " d: " + d);
            // c: False d: True
            int    a = 7;
            string b = "7";
            //bool c = a == (int)b;
            // Cannot convert type 'string' to 'int'
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            GameObject b = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            bool       c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("GameObjects a == b? " + c);
            // GameObjects a == b? False

            int a_InstanceID = a.GetInstanceID();
            int b_InstanceID = b.GetInstanceID();
            Debug.Log("a_InstanceID: " + a_InstanceID);
            // a_InstanceID: -2500
            // though the number itself will change every time you run the game
            Debug.Log("b_InstanceID: " + b_InstanceID);
            // b_InstanceID: -2510
            // though the number itself will change every time you run the game
            Debug.Log("GameObjects a_InstanceID == b_InstanceID? " + c);
            // GameObjects a_InstanceID == b_InstanceID? False
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            GameObject b;
            b = a;
            bool c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("GameObject a == b? " + c);
            // GameObject a == b? True
            GameObject gameObject = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            int        a          = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
            int        b;
            b = a;
            bool c = a == b;
            Debug.Log("InstanceIDs a == b? " + c);
            // InstanceIDs a == b? True
             * Can Types be equal?
            GameObject a     = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            GameObject b     = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            Type       aType = a.GetType();
            Type       bType = b.GetType();
            bool       c     = aType == bType;
            Debug.Log("aType: " + aType + " bType: " + bType + " aType == bType? " + c);
            // aType: UnityEngine.GameObject bType: UnityEngine.GameObject aType == bType? True
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            a.AddComponent <ZombieComponent>();
            // check if the GameObject a is a zombie by looking for the attached zombie component
            ZombieComponent component = a.GetComponent <ZombieComponent>();
            Type            b         = component.GetType();
            Type            c         = typeof(ZombieComponent);
            bool            d         = b == c;
            Debug.Log("b type: " + b + "c type: " + c + "b == c?" + d);
            System.Int32 a = 1;
            int          b = 3;
            bool         c = a.GetType() == b.GetType();
            Debug.Log("a == b? " + c);
            // "a == b? True

            System.Single d = 1.0f;
            float         e = 3.0f;
            bool          f = d.GetType() == e.GetType();
            Debug.Log("d == e? " + f);
            // "d == e? True
             * 6.21.3 Type Aliasing
            MyOwnType a = 1;
            Debug.Log("a is a: " + a.GetType());
            // "a is a: System.Int16"
             * 6.21.4 Boxing and Unboxing
            GameObject a = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            // remember, HumanWithStates : ZombieWithStates?
            ZombieWithStates b = a.AddComponent <HumanWithStates>();
            /*      ↑                                  ↑        */
            /*      └────────────────┬─────────────────┘        */
            /*                ┌──────┴─────────────┐            */
            /*                │types don't match   │            */
            /*                │but HumanWithStates │            */
            /*                │inherits from       │            */
            /*                │ZombieWithStates    │            */
            /*                └────────────────────┘            */

            GameObject    c = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            MonoBehaviour d = c.AddComponent <ZombieWithStates>();
            /*      ↑                                  ↑        */
            /*      └────────────────┬─────────────────┘        */
            /*                ┌──────┴─────────────┐            */
            /*                │types don't match   │            */
            /*                │either but          │            */
            /*                │ZombieWithStates    │            */
            /*                │inherits from       │            */
            /*                │MonoBehaviour       │            */
            /*                └────────────────────┘            */

            object e = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            /*  ↑           ↑                                   */
            /*  └─────┬─────┘                                   */
            /* ┌──────┴─────────────┐                           */
            /* │GameObject inherits │                           */
            /* │from object         │                           */
            /* │but every class in  │                           */
            /* │C# inherits from    │                           */
            /* │object!             │                           */
            /* └────────────────────┘                           */
            object f = 1;
            object g = 1.0f;
            object h = new object[] { 1, 1.0f, e, d, c, b, a };
            Debug.Log("what is h really? " + h);
            // what is h really? System.Object[]
            object[] objArray = h as object[];
            foreach (object o in objArray)
                if (o is GameObject)
                    Debug.Log("got a GameObject!");
            // got a GameObject!
            // got a GameObject!
            // got a GameObject!

            UnityEngine.Object[] allObjectsInTheScene = FindObjectsOfType <UnityEngine.Object>();
            foreach (UnityEngine.Object o in allObjectsInTheScene)
                Debug.Log("Object: " + o);
            // all kinds of things!
예제 #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool a = true;

            System.Boolean a1 = false;
            System.Type[]  a2 = { a.GetType(), a1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in a2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            byte b = 10;

            System.Byte   b1 = 11;
            System.Type[] b2 = { b.GetType(), b1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in b2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            sbyte c = 22;

            System.SByte  c1 = 23;
            System.Type[] c2 = { c.GetType(), c1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in c2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            short d = -33;

            System.Int16  d1 = -34;
            System.Type[] d2 = { d.GetType(), d1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in d2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            ushort e = 33;

            System.UInt16 e1 = 34;
            System.Type[] e2 = { e.GetType(), e1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in e2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            int f = 44;

            System.Int32  f1 = 45;
            System.Type[] f2 = { f.GetType(), f1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in f2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            uint g = 55;

            System.UInt32 g1 = 56;
            System.Type[] g2 = { g.GetType(), g1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in g2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            long h = -555;

            System.Int64  h1 = -556;
            System.Type[] h2 = { h.GetType(), h1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in h2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            ulong i = 555;

            System.UInt64 i1 = 556;
            System.Type[] i2 = { i.GetType(), i1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in i2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            float j = 666;

            System.Single j1 = 667;
            System.Type[] j2 = { j.GetType(), j1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in j2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            double k = 777;

            System.Double k1 = 778;
            System.Type[] k2 = { k.GetType(), k1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in k2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            decimal l = 888;

            System.Decimal l1 = 889;
            System.Type[]  l2 = { l.GetType(), l1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in l2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            char m = 'a';

            System.Char   m1 = 'b';
            System.Type[] m2 = { m.GetType(), m1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in m2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

            string n = "Hello";

            System.String n1 = "Bye";
            System.Type[] n2 = { n.GetType(), n1.GetType() };
            foreach (var item in n2)
                Console.Write(item.ToString() + "\n");

예제 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // объявляю все переменные двумя способами

            sbyte a1 = 1;

            System.SByte a2 = 2;

            short b1 = 3;

            System.Int16 b2 = 4;

            int c1 = 5;

            System.Int32 c2 = 6;

            long d1 = 7;

            System.Int64 d2 = 8;

            byte e1 = 9;

            System.Byte e2 = 10;

            ushort f1 = 11;

            System.UInt16 f2 = 12;

            uint g1 = 13;

            System.UInt32 g2 = 14;

            ulong h1 = 15;

            System.UInt64 h2 = 16;

            char i1 = 'A';

            System.Char i2 = 'B';

            float j1 = 17.1F;

            System.Single j2 = 17.2F;

            double k1 = 17.11;

            System.Double k2 = 17.22;

            bool l1 = false;

            System.Boolean l2 = true;

            decimal m1 = 1.1M;

            System.Decimal m2 = 2.2M;

            object n1 = 18;

            System.Object n2 = 19;

            string o1 = "Hi!";

            System.String o2 = "Bye!";

            //получаю типы этих переменных

            Type nameA1 = a1.GetType();
            Type nameA2 = a2.GetType();

            Type nameB1 = b1.GetType();
            Type nameB2 = b2.GetType();

            Type nameC1 = c1.GetType();
            Type nameC2 = c2.GetType();

            Type nameD1 = d1.GetType();
            Type nameD2 = d2.GetType();

            Type nameE1 = e1.GetType();
            Type nameE2 = e2.GetType();

            Type nameF1 = f1.GetType();
            Type nameF2 = f2.GetType();

            Type nameG1 = g1.GetType();
            Type nameG2 = g2.GetType();

            Type nameH1 = h1.GetType();
            Type nameH2 = h2.GetType();

            Type nameI1 = i1.GetType();
            Type nameI2 = i2.GetType();

            Type nameJ1 = j1.GetType();
            Type nameJ2 = j2.GetType();

            Type nameK1 = k1.GetType();
            Type nameK2 = k2.GetType();

            Type nameL1 = l1.GetType();
            Type nameL2 = l2.GetType();

            Type nameM1 = m1.GetType();
            Type nameM2 = m2.GetType();

            Type nameN1 = n1.GetType();
            Type nameN2 = n2.GetType();

            Type nameO1 = o1.GetType();
            Type nameO2 = o2.GetType();

            //вывожу типы переменных на консоль

예제 #6
        static void Main()
             * prefix s - simple type, primitive type, built in type, value type
             * prefix f - .NET Framework type
             * Numeric Types

            // signed 8 bit integer
            sbyte sByte = -128;

            System.SByte fByte = 127;

            // unsigned 8 bit integer
            byte sUnByte = 0;

            System.Byte fUnByte = 255;

            // signed 16 bit integer
            short sShort = -32768;

            System.Int16 fShort = 32767;

            // unsigned 16 bit integer
            ushort sUnShort = 0;

            System.UInt16 fUnShort = 65535;

            // signed 32 bit integer
            int sInt = -2147483648;

            System.Int32 fInt = 2_147_483_647;

            // unsigned 32 bit integer
            uint sUnInt = 0;

            System.UInt32 fUnInt = 4_294_967_295;

            // signed 64 bit integer
            long sLong = -9_223_372_036_854_775_808;

            System.Int64 fLong = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

            // unsigned 64 bit integer
            ulong sUnLong = 0;

            System.UInt64 fUnLong = System.UInt64.MaxValue;

            // float 32 bit floating-point value (to initialize float use suffix 'f' or 'F')
            float sFloat = -3.5F;

            System.Single fFloat = 3.5f;

            // double 64 bit floating-point value
            double sDouble = System.Double.MinValue;

            System.Double fDouble = System.Double.MaxValue;

            // decimal 128 bit floating-point value (financial calculations)(use suffix m for real numbers)
            decimal sDecimal = 300.5m;

            System.Decimal fDecimal = 300;

            // character data type
            char sChar = 'a';

            System.Char fChar = 'z';

            // boolean type
            bool trueValue  = true;
            bool falseValue = false;    // default value for bool type

            // write to console
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sByte.GetType(), sByte);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fByte.GetType(), fByte);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnByte.GetType(), sUnByte);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnByte.GetType(), fUnByte);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sShort.GetType(), sShort);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fShort.GetType(), fShort);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnShort.GetType(), sUnShort);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnShort.GetType(), fUnShort);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sInt.GetType(), sInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fInt.GetType(), fInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnInt.GetType(), sUnInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnInt.GetType(), fUnInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sLong.GetType(), sLong);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fLong.GetType(), fLong);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sUnLong.GetType(), sUnLong);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fUnLong.GetType(), fUnLong);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sFloat.GetType(), sFloat);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fFloat.GetType(), fFloat);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sDouble.GetType(), sDouble);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fDouble.GetType(), fDouble);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sDecimal.GetType(), sDecimal);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fDecimal.GetType(), fDecimal);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", sChar.GetType(), sChar);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", fChar.GetType(), fChar);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", trueValue.GetType(), trueValue);
            Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}, Value: {1}", falseValue.GetType(), falseValue);

            // wait for user input to close the window
            Console.Write("Press any key to continue...");