예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Fills a Rectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="color">The Color.</param>
 /// <param name="rectangle">The Rectangle.</param>
 public void FillRectangle(Color color, Rectangle rectangle)
     var line = new Line(_direct3D9Device) {Antialias = true, Width = rectangle.Height};
         DirectXHelper.ConvertToVertex(new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Center.Y),
             new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Center.Y)),
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Hook for IDirect3DDevice9.EndScene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="devicePtr">Pointer to the IDirect3DDevice9 instance. Note: object member functions always pass "this" as the first parameter.</param>
        /// <returns>The HRESULT of the original EndScene</returns>
        /// <remarks>Remember that this is called many times a second by the Direct3D application - be mindful of memory and performance!</remarks>
        int EndSceneHook(IntPtr devicePtr)
            using (Device device = Device.FromPointer(devicePtr))
                // If you need to capture at a particular frame rate, add logic here decide whether or not to skip the frame
                    #region Screenshot Request
                    // Is there a screenshot request? If so lets grab the backbuffer
                    lock (_lockRenderTarget)
                        if (Request != null)
                            _lastRequestTime = DateTime.Now;
                            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
                                // First ensure we have a Surface to the render target data into
                                if (_renderTarget == null)
                                    // Create offscreen surface to use as copy of render target data
                                    using (SwapChain sc = device.GetSwapChain(0))
                                        _renderTarget = Surface.CreateOffscreenPlain(device, sc.PresentParameters.BackBufferWidth, sc.PresentParameters.BackBufferHeight, sc.PresentParameters.BackBufferFormat, Pool.SystemMemory);

                                #region Prepare lines for overlay
                                if (this.Request.RegionToCapture.Width == 0)
                                    _lineVectors = new SlimDX.Vector2[] { 
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(0, 0),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(_renderTarget.Description.Width - 1, _renderTarget.Description.Height - 1),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(0, _renderTarget.Description.Height - 1),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(_renderTarget.Description.Width - 1, 0),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(0, 0),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(0, _renderTarget.Description.Height - 1),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(_renderTarget.Description.Width - 1, _renderTarget.Description.Height - 1),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(_renderTarget.Description.Width - 1, 0),
                                    _lineVectors = new SlimDX.Vector2[] { 
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.X, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Y),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.Right, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Bottom),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.X, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Bottom),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.Right, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Y),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.X, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Y),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.X, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Bottom),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.Right, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Bottom),
                                        new SlimDX.Vector2(this.Request.RegionToCapture.Right, this.Request.RegionToCapture.Y),

                                using (Surface backBuffer = device.GetBackBuffer(0, 0))
                                    // Create a super fast copy of the back buffer on our Surface
                                    device.GetRenderTargetData(backBuffer, _renderTarget);

                                    // We have the back buffer data and can now work on copying it to a bitmap
                                // We have completed the request - mark it as null so we do not continue to try to capture the same request
                                // Note: If you are after high frame rates, consider implementing buffers here to capture more frequently
                                //         and send back to the host application as needed. The IPC overhead significantly slows down 
                                //         the whole process if sending frame by frame.
                                Request = null;
                            DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
                            this.DebugMessage("EndSceneHook: Capture time: " + (end - start).ToString());
                            _lastScreenshotTime = (end - start);

                    #region Example: Draw Overlay (after screenshot so we don't capture overlay as well)

                    if (this.ShowOverlay)
                        #region Draw fading lines based on last screencapture request
                        if (_lastRequestTime != null && _lineVectors != null)
                            TimeSpan timeSinceRequest = DateTime.Now - _lastRequestTime.Value;
                            if (timeSinceRequest.TotalMilliseconds < 1000.0)
                                using (Line line = new Line(device))
                                    _lineAlpha = (float)((1000.0 - timeSinceRequest.TotalMilliseconds) / 1000.0); // This is our fade out
                                    line.Antialias = true;
                                    line.Width = 1.0f;
                                    line.Draw(_lineVectors, new SlimDX.Color4(_lineAlpha, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));
                                _lineVectors = null;

                        #region Draw frame rate
                        using (SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font font = new SlimDX.Direct3D9.Font(device, new System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman", 16.0f)))
                            if (_lastFrame != null)
                                font.DrawString(null, String.Format("{0:N1} fps", (1000.0 / (DateTime.Now - _lastFrame.Value).TotalMilliseconds)), 100, 100, System.Drawing.Color.Red);
                            _lastFrame = DateTime.Now;

                catch(Exception e)
                    // If there is an error we do not want to crash the hooked application, so swallow the exception
                    this.DebugMessage("EndSceneHook: Exeception: " + e.GetType().FullName + ": " + e.Message);

                // EasyHook has already repatched the original EndScene - so calling EndScene against the SlimDX device will call the original
                // EndScene and bypass this hook. EasyHook will automatically reinstall the hook after this hook function exits.
                return device.EndScene().Code;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a Rectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pen">The Pen.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The Rectangle.</param>
        public void DrawRectangle(Pen pen, Rectangle rectangle)
            var dxPen = pen.Instance as DirectXPen;
            if (dxPen == null) throw new ArgumentException("DirectX9 expects a DirectXPen as resource.");

            var line = new Line(_direct3D9Device) {Antialias = true, Width = dxPen.Width};

                    new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Y),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Y),
                    new Vector2(rectangle.X + rectangle.Width, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height)),

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills a Ellipse.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">The Color.</param>
        /// <param name="ellipse">The Ellipse.</param>
        public void FillEllipse(Color color, Ellipse ellipse)
            var line = new Line(_direct3D9Device) {Antialias = false, Width = 2};

            line.Draw(DirectXHelper.ConvertToVertex(ellipse.Points), DirectXHelper.ConvertColor(color));

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a Polygon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pen">The Pen.</param>
        /// <param name="polygon">The Polygon.</param>
        public void DrawPolygon(Pen pen, Polygon polygon)
            var dxPen = pen.Instance as DirectXPen;
            if (dxPen == null) throw new ArgumentException("DirectX9 expects a DirectXPen as resource.");

            var line = new Line(_direct3D9Device) {Antialias = true, Width = dxPen.Width};
            line.Draw(DirectXHelper.ConvertToVertex(polygon.Points), DirectXHelper.ConvertColor(dxPen.Color));
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a line.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
 /// <param name="startPoint">The start point.</param>
 /// <param name="endPoint">The end point.</param>
 public void DrawLine(char token, Coordinate startPoint, Coordinate endPoint)
     var line = new Line(startPoint, endPoint, token);
예제 #7
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: Al90/Project
        private void RenderEngine(object obj)
            SolidBrush Background = new SolidBrush(Color.White);

            int Ticks_1000ms = Environment.TickCount;
            int Ticks_50ms = Environment.TickCount;
            Point Acceleration = new Point(0, 1); // 10 px down
            Point No_Acceleration = new Point(-Acceleration.X * 2, -Acceleration.Y * 2);
            Pen Arrow = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Green), 2f);
            Pen TestPoints = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 1f);
            Pen TestCutts = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Lime), 1f);
            Font fps_font = new Font("Arial", 12);
            SolidBrush fps_brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);

            Bitmap RenderedFrame = new Bitmap(Paint_Area.Width, Paint_Area.Height);
            Graphics f_Handle = Graphics.FromImage(RenderedFrame);
            //Obstacle Obs = new Obstacle(new Point())

            //TestCut = new Point(Paint_Area.Width / 2, Paint_Area.Height / 2);

            Cross Test = new Cross(new Point(Paint_Area.Width / 2, Paint_Area.Height / 2)); // centered test point
            Test.Color = Color.Green;

            Line Mirror = new Line();
            Mirror.Start = new Point(Paint_Area.Width / 2 - 100, Paint_Area.Height / 2 - 100);
            Mirror.End = new Point(Paint_Area.Width / 2 + 100, Paint_Area.Height / 2 + 100);
            Mirror.Color = Color.Gray;

            Line Exit = new Line();
            Exit.Color = Color.Red;
            Exit.Start = Test.Position;

            int fps = 0;
            int frames_rendered = 0;
            string info = "";
            double Angle = 45;
            double Length = 300;

                // draw background
                f_Handle.FillRectangle(Background, Paint_Area);

                // draw balls
                foreach(Ball ball in Balls)

                // draw lines
                foreach(Obstacle obs in Lines)

                // draw arrow
                if (ShowArrow)
                    f_Handle.DrawLine(Arrow, ArrowStart, ArrowEnd);

                    // calculate angle and arrow

                f_Handle.DrawString(fps.ToString() + "fps", fps_font, fps_brush, 0, 0);

                // draw crosses
                Test.Draw(f_Handle, Paint_Area.Height);
                Actual.Draw(f_Handle, Paint_Area.Height);

                The.Start = Actual.Position;
                The.End = Test.Position;
                The.Draw(f_Handle, Paint_Area.Height);
                Mirror.Draw(f_Handle, Paint_Area.Height);

                // calculate end
                double beta = Mirror.Angle - The.Angle;
                double c = The.Lenght * Math.Cos(beta / 360 * 2 * Math.PI);

                Exit.End = new Point((int)(2 * c * Math.Cos(Mirror.Angle / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) + The.Start.X), (int)(2 * c * Math.Sin(Mirror.Angle / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) + The.Start.Y));
                Exit.Draw(f_Handle, Paint_Area.Height);

                // draw info
                info = "beta: " + beta.ToString() + "\n";
                info += "c: " + c.ToString();

                f_Handle.DrawString(info, fps_font, fps_brush, 0, 50);

                // draw line

                // testpoints
                f_Handle.DrawLine(TestPoints, TestStart.X - 10, TestStart.Y, TestStart.X + 10, TestStart.Y);
                f_Handle.DrawLine(TestPoints, TestStart.X, TestStart.Y - 10, TestStart.X, TestStart.Y + 10);
                f_Handle.DrawLine(TestPoints, TestEnd.X - 10, TestEnd.Y, TestEnd.X + 10, TestEnd.Y);
                f_Handle.DrawLine(TestPoints, TestEnd.X, TestEnd.Y - 10, TestEnd.X, TestEnd.Y + 10);
                f_Handle.DrawLine(TestCutts, TestCut.X - 10, TestCut.Y, TestCut.X + 10, TestCut.Y);
                f_Handle.DrawLine(TestCutts, TestCut.X, TestCut.Y - 10, TestCut.X, TestCut.Y + 10);*/

                // draw on screen
                g_Handle.DrawImage(RenderedFrame, 0, 0,800,600);

                // check for change
                if(Environment.TickCount > (Ticks_50ms + 50))
                    // refresh ticks
                    Ticks_50ms = Environment.TickCount;

                    // every 50 ms
                    Mirror.Start.X = (int)(-(Length / 2) * Math.Sin(Angle / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) + The.End.X);
                    Mirror.Start.Y = (int)(-(Length / 2) * Math.Cos(Angle / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) + The.End.Y);
                    Mirror.End.X = (int)((Length / 2) * Math.Sin(Angle / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) + The.End.X);
                    Mirror.End.Y = (int)((Length / 2) * Math.Cos(Angle / 360 * 2 * Math.PI) + The.End.Y);

                    // inkrement angle
                    //Angle += 1;

                // calculate fps
                if (Environment.TickCount > (Ticks_1000ms + 1000))
                    // refresh ticks
                    Ticks_1000ms = Environment.TickCount;

                    fps = frames_rendered;
                    frames_rendered = 0;

                // move balls every 500 ms
                if(Environment.TickCount > (Ticks + 10))
                    // refresh ticks
                    Ticks = Environment.TickCount;

                    // move balls
                    foreach(Ball ball in Balls)
                        // move ball

                        // check for exit down
                        if(ball.Position.Y > Paint_Area.Height)
                            // change direction
                            ball.Movement = new Point(ball.Movement.X, -ball.Movement.Y * 70 / 100);

                        // exit right
                        if ((ball.Position.X > Paint_Area.Width) || (ball.Position.X < 0))
                            // change direction
                            ball.Movement = new Point(-ball.Movement.X * 70 / 100, ball.Movement.Y);

                        // check for collision
                        foreach(Obstacle obs in Lines)

                    // check for finish
                    Balls.RemoveAll(x => (x.Position.X > Paint_Area.Width) || (x.Position.X < 0) || (x.Position.Y > Paint_Area.Height) || (x.Position.Y < 0));

                // check for new balls
                while(Queued_Balls.Count > 0)
예제 #8
파일: Picture.cs 프로젝트: GuzziMP/my-films
 public static void DrawRectangle(System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, long color, bool fill)
     if (fill)
     System.Drawing.Rectangle[] regions = new System.Drawing.Rectangle[1]
     GUIGraphicsContext.DX9Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, (int)color, 1f, 0, regions);
     Vector2[] vertexList = new Vector2[2];
     vertexList[0].X = (float)rect.Left;
     vertexList[0].Y = (float)rect.Top;
     vertexList[1].X = (float)(rect.Left + rect.Width);
     vertexList[1].Y = (float)rect.Top;
     using (Line line = new Line(GUIGraphicsContext.DX9Device))
       line.Draw(vertexList, (int)color);
       vertexList[0].X = (float)(rect.Left + rect.Width);
       vertexList[0].Y = (float)rect.Top;
       vertexList[1].X = (float)(rect.Left + rect.Width);
       vertexList[1].Y = (float)(rect.Top + rect.Height);
       line.Draw(vertexList, (int)color);
       vertexList[0].X = (float)(rect.Left + rect.Width);
       vertexList[0].Y = (float)(rect.Top + rect.Width);
       vertexList[1].X = (float)rect.Left;
       vertexList[1].Y = (float)(rect.Top + rect.Height);
       line.Draw(vertexList, (int)color);
       vertexList[0].X = (float)rect.Left;
       vertexList[0].Y = (float)(rect.Top + rect.Height);
       vertexList[1].X = (float)rect.Left;
       vertexList[1].Y = (float)rect.Top;
       line.Draw(vertexList, (int)color);
예제 #9
파일: Picture.cs 프로젝트: GuzziMP/my-films
 public static void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, long color)
     Vector2[] vertexList = new Vector2[2];
       vertexList[0].X = (float)x1;
       vertexList[0].Y = (float)y1;
       vertexList[1].X = (float)x2;
       vertexList[1].Y = (float)y2;
       using (Line line = new Line(GUIGraphicsContext.DX9Device))
     line.Draw(vertexList, (int)color);