public void CannotCreateWithInvalidFolder() { var act = new Action(() => new RegistryInfo("some path", null)); var act2 = new Action(() => new RegistryInfo("some path", "")); act.ShouldThrow<ArgumentNullException>(); act2.ShouldNotThrow(); }
public void CanAlterDatabase(SqlConnection connection, Action action) { "Given a SQL Server connection" .f(c => connection = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString).Using(c)); "When I initialize that connection for this test" .f(() => action = () => connection.InitializeSchema("features", "CanAlterDatabase")); "Then that action should succeed" .f(() => action.ShouldNotThrow()); }
public void AsValidEntityUrl_ValidUrl_DoesNotThrows () { // arrange var url = "aaa"; // act var action = new Action (() => url.AsValidEntityUrl ("url")); // assert action.ShouldNotThrow (); }
private IQueryContainer AndAssignManyBoolQueries(QueryContainer q) { var container = new QueryContainer(); System.Action act = () => { for (var i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { container &= q; } }; act.ShouldNotThrow(); return(container); }
public void NullQueryDoesNotCauseANullReferenceException() { System.Action query = () => this.Client.Search <Project>(s => s .Query(q => q .Bool(b => b .Filter(f => f .Term(t => t.Name, null) ) ) ) ); query.ShouldNotThrow(); }
public void NullQueryDoesNotCauseANullReferenceException() { System.Action query = () => this.Client.Search <Project>(s => s .Query(q => q .DisMax(dm => dm .Queries( dmq => dmq.Term(t => t.Name, null) ) ) ) ); query.ShouldNotThrow(); }
private IQueryContainer OrAssignManyBoolQueries(QueryContainer q) { var container = new QueryContainer(); System.Action act = () => { for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++) { container |= q; } }; act.ShouldNotThrow(); LotsOfOrs(container); return(container); }
public async Task UndefinekeyCommandHandlerExecuteUnregistersAKeySequence() { var keySequences = new[] { "A", "Control+T", "Control+Shift+Alt+T" }; var undefinekeyCommandHandler = new UndefinekeyCommandHandler(this.keyMapService); var keymap = this.keyMapService.GetKeyMapByName(TestKeyMap); foreach (var keySequence in keySequences) { var undefinekeyCommand = new UndefinekeyCommand { Args = TestKeyMap + " " + keySequence }; (await undefinekeyCommandHandler.Execute(undefinekeyCommand)).Should().BeTrue(); var registerKey = new Action( () => { keymap.RegisterAction((Keys)new KeysConverter().ConvertFrom(keySequence), args => Task.Run(() => true)); }); registerKey.ShouldNotThrow(); } }
public void AsValidEntityUrl_Null_DoesNotThrows () { // arrange string url = null; // act // ReSharper disable once ExpressionIsAlwaysNull var action = new Action (() => url.AsValidEntityUrl ("url")); // assert action.ShouldNotThrow (); }
public void AsValidEmail_ValidEmail_DoesNotThrows () { // arrange var email = "a@a"; // act var action = new Action (() => email.AsValidEmail ("email")); // assert action.ShouldNotThrow (); }
public void CreatingAResultShouldNotThrowWithValidGuids() { var action = new Action(() => { var result = new Result(Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid()); }); action.ShouldNotThrow(); }
protected override void ShouldPass() { var action = new Action(() => { }); action.ShouldNotThrow(); }
public void ShouldPass() { var action = new Action(() => { }); action.ShouldNotThrow(); }
protected override void ShouldThrowAWobbly() { var action = new Action(() => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }); action.ShouldNotThrow("Some additional context"); }