public void SetUp() { XmlCompletionDataProvider completionDataProvider = new XmlCompletionDataProvider(new XmlSchemaCompletionDataCollection(), null, String.Empty); treeViewContainerControl = new XmlTreeViewContainerControl(); treeView = treeViewContainerControl.TreeView; treeViewContainerControl.LoadXml(GetXml(), completionDataProvider); doc = treeViewContainerControl.Document; clipboardHandler = treeViewContainerControl as IClipboardHandler; htmlElement = doc.DocumentElement; bodyElement = htmlElement.FirstChild as XmlElement; paragraphElement = bodyElement.SelectSingleNode("p") as XmlElement; paragraphText = paragraphElement.SelectSingleNode("text()") as XmlText; bodyComment = bodyElement.SelectSingleNode("comment()") as XmlComment; htmlTreeNode = treeView.Nodes[0] as XmlElementTreeNode; htmlTreeNode.PerformInitialization(); bodyTreeNode = htmlTreeNode.FirstNode as XmlElementTreeNode; bodyTreeNode.PerformInitialization(); bodyCommentTreeNode = bodyTreeNode.FirstNode as XmlCommentTreeNode; paragraphTreeNode = bodyTreeNode.LastNode as XmlElementTreeNode; paragraphTreeNode.PerformInitialization(); paragraphTextTreeNode = paragraphTreeNode.FirstNode as XmlTextTreeNode; }
public void SetUpFixture() { doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml("<root><firstChild><secondChild/></firstChild><textChild>some text</textChild></root>"); using (XmlTreeViewControl treeView = new XmlTreeViewControl()) { treeView.Document = doc; treeView.SelectedNode = treeView.Nodes[0]; rootNodeElement = treeView.SelectedElement; isRootElementSelected = treeView.IsElementSelected; rootNode = (ExtTreeNode)treeView.SelectedNode; rootNodeHadChildrenBeforeExpansion = rootNode.Nodes.Count > 0; rootNode.Expanding(); firstChildNode = (ExtTreeNode)rootNode.Nodes[0]; firstChildNodeHadChildrenBeforeExpansion = firstChildNode.Nodes.Count > 0; firstChildNode.Expanding(); secondChildNode = (ExtTreeNode)firstChildNode.Nodes[0]; textChildNode = (ExtTreeNode)rootNode.Nodes[1]; textChildNode.Expanding(); textNode = (ExtTreeNode)textChildNode.Nodes[0]; isTextContentSelectedBeforeTextNodeSelected = treeView.IsTextNodeSelected; textContentBefore = treeView.SelectedTextNode; treeView.SelectedNode = textNode; isTextContentSelectedAfterTextNodeSelected = treeView.IsTextNodeSelected; textContentAfter = treeView.SelectedTextNode; textNodeElement = treeView.SelectedElement; } }
protected override void ExecuteCore(XmlText text) { Validate(); var element = text.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(Name); element.InnerText = text.Value; text.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(element, text); }
public XmlTextTreeNode(XmlText xmlText) : base(xmlText) { this.xmlText = xmlText; ImageKey = XmlTextTreeNodeImageKey; SelectedImageKey = ImageKey; Update(); }
void AppendTextToDocumentation(XmlText textNode) { if (textNode != null) { if (textNode.Data != null) { documentation.Append(textNode.Data); } } }
public Channel(XmlDocument doc, XmlNode node) { = node; this.doc = doc; title = MakeTextElement ("title"); link = MakeTextElement ("link"); description = MakeTextElement ("description"); }
public void Init() { base.InitFixture(); paragraphElement = (XmlElement)editor.Document.SelectSingleNode("/html/body/p"); textNode = (XmlText)paragraphElement.SelectSingleNode("text()"); mockXmlTreeView.SelectedTextNode = textNode; editor.InsertTextNodeBefore(); }
public void Init() { base.InitFixture(); rootElement = editor.Document.DocumentElement; bodyElement = (XmlElement)rootElement.FirstChild; paragraphElement = (XmlElement)bodyElement.SelectSingleNode("p"); bodyComment = (XmlComment)bodyElement.SelectSingleNode("comment()"); paragraphText = (XmlText)paragraphElement.SelectSingleNode("text()"); }
static int ConnectSample() { PmsXchangeService service = new PmsXchangeService(); System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); //The security header is untyped due to the lax processing instruction System.Xml.XmlElement token = doc.CreateElement("UsernameToken"); System.Xml.XmlElement password = doc.CreateElement("Password"); System.Xml.XmlElement username = doc.CreateElement("Username"); System.Xml.XmlText usernameText = doc.CreateTextNode("SPIOrangeTest"); System.Xml.XmlText passwordText = doc.CreateTextNode("YOURPASSWORD"); username.AppendChild(usernameText); password.AppendChild(passwordText); token.AppendChild(username); token.AppendChild(password); System.Xml.XmlElement[] elements = new System.Xml.XmlElement[] { token }; SecurityHeaderType type = new SecurityHeaderType(); service.Security = type; service.Security.Any = elements; OTA_ReadRQ otaReadRQ = new OTA_ReadRQ(); otaReadRQ.Version = 1.0M; OTA_ReadRQReadRequests rr = new OTA_ReadRQReadRequests(); OTA_ReadRQReadRequestsHotelReadRequest hotelR = new OTA_ReadRQReadRequestsHotelReadRequest(); hotelR.HotelCode = "123"; object[] ob = new object[] { hotelR }; rr.Items = ob; OTA_ReadRQReadRequestsHotelReadRequestSelectionCriteria crit = new OTA_ReadRQReadRequestsHotelReadRequestSelectionCriteria(); OTA_ReadRQReadRequestsHotelReadRequestSelectionCriteriaSelectionType selType = OTA_ReadRQReadRequestsHotelReadRequestSelectionCriteriaSelectionType.Undelivered; crit.SelectionType = selType; crit.SelectionTypeSpecified = true; hotelR.SelectionCriteria = crit; otaReadRQ.ReadRequests = rr; // Retrieve the response Console.WriteLine("About to make request :::"); OTA_ResRetrieveRS resRetrieveRS = service.ReadRQ(otaReadRQ); Console.WriteLine("Received response :::"); //Do further work .... // .... return(0); }
private static string GetElementText(Xml.XmlElement element) { foreach (Xml.XmlNode n in element.ChildNodes) { if (n is Xml.XmlText) { Xml.XmlText textNode = (Xml.XmlText)n; return(textNode.Value); } } return(string.Empty); }
public void Print(XmlText text, bool enter) { if (SkipText) { return; } Context.Output.Write(text.Value.Trim()); if (enter) { Context.Output.WriteLine(); } }
protected override void ExecuteCore(XmlText text) { Validate(); var element = text.ParentNode as XmlElement; if (element != null && element.Attributes[Name] == null) { var attribute = text.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute(Name); attribute.Value = text.Value; element.Attributes.Append(attribute); element.RemoveChild(text); } }
public void core0007T() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlText oldTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlText newTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlNode testNode = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException";//util.INDEX_SIZE_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0007T"); try { results.description = "The \"splitText(offset)\" method raises an " + "INDEX_SIZE_ERR Exception if the specified " + "offset is negative."; // // Retrieve the targeted data // testNode = util.nodeObject(util.THIRD, util.SECOND); oldTextNode = (System.Xml.XmlText)testNode.FirstChild; // // Call the "spitText(offset)" method with "offset" equal to a negative // number should raise an exception. // try { oldTextNode.SplitText(-69); } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType().FullName; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); Assert.AreEqual(results.expected, results.actual); }
public TextDocumentFacade(XmlDocument document) { this.document = document; root = document.CreateElement("html"); document.AppendChild(root); body = document.CreateElement("body"); head = document.CreateElement("head"); root.AppendChild(head); root.AppendChild(body); title = document.CreateElement("title"); titleText = document.CreateTextNode(""); head.AppendChild(title); }
public void core0008T() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlText oldTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlNode testNode = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"; testResults results = new testResults("Core0008T"); try { results.description = "The \"splitText(offset)\" method raises an " + "ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the specified " + "offset is greater than the number of 16-bit units " + "in the Text node."; // // Retrieve the targeted data. // testNode = util.nodeObject(util.THIRD, util.SECOND); oldTextNode = (System.Xml.XmlText)testNode.FirstChild; // // Call the "spitText(offset)" method with "offset" greater than the numbers // of characters in the Text node, it should raise an exception. try { oldTextNode.SplitText(300); } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType().ToString(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); Assert.AreEqual(results.expected, results.actual); }
public void SetUpFixture() { base.InitFixture(); // User selects text node and alters its text. textNode = (XmlText)mockXmlTreeView.Document.DocumentElement.FirstChild; mockXmlTreeView.SelectedTextNode = textNode; editor.SelectedNodeChanged(); mockXmlTreeView.TextContent = "new value"; editor.TextContentChanged(); // The user then selects another element and then switches // back to the text node. mockXmlTreeView.SelectedElement = mockXmlTreeView.Document.DocumentElement; editor.SelectedNodeChanged(); mockXmlTreeView.TextContent = String.Empty; mockXmlTreeView.SelectedTextNode = textNode; editor.SelectedNodeChanged(); }
[Ignore(".NET DOM implementation does not match W3C DOM specification.")] // MS DOM is buggy public void core0009T() { string computedValue = ""; System.Xml.XmlNode testNode = null; System.Xml.XmlText readOnlyText = null; string expectedValue = "System.ArgumentException";//util.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; testResults results = new testResults("Core0009T"); try { results.description = "The \"splitText(offset)\" method raises a " + "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR Exception if the " + "node is readonly."; // // Attempt to modify descendants of an EntityReference node should raise // an exception. // testNode = util.nodeObject(util.SECOND, util.SIXTH); readOnlyText = (System.Xml.XmlText)testNode.ChildNodes.Item(util.FIRST).FirstChild; try { readOnlyText.SplitText(5); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { computedValue = ex.GetType().FullName; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); Assert.AreEqual(results.expected, results.actual); }
public void core0005T() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = " Jones"; System.Xml.XmlText oldTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlText newTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlNode testNode = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0005T"); try { results.description = "After the \"splitText(offset)\" method is invoked, the " + "new Text node contains all of the content from the offset " + "point to the end of the text."; // // Retrieve the targeted data. // testNode = util.nodeObject(util.THIRD, util.SECOND); oldTextNode = (System.Xml.XmlText)testNode.FirstChild; // // Split the two lines of text into two different Text nodes. // newTextNode = oldTextNode.SplitText(util.SEVENTH); computedValue = newTextNode.Value; } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); Assert.AreEqual(results.expected, results.actual); }
public void core0003T() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "Jones"; System.Xml.XmlText oldTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlNode testNode = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0003T"); try { results.description = "The \"splitText(offset)\" method breaks the Text node " + "into two Text nodes at the specified offset, keeping each " + "node in the tree as siblings."; // // Retrieve the targeted data. // testNode = util.nodeObject(util.THIRD, util.SECOND); oldTextNode = (System.Xml.XmlText)testNode.FirstChild; // // Split the two lines of text into two different Text nodes. // oldTextNode.SplitText(util.EIGHT); computedValue = oldTextNode.NextSibling.Value; } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); Assert.AreEqual(results.expected, results.actual); }
public void core0006T() { string computedValue = ""; string expectedValue = "98551"; System.Xml.XmlText oldTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlText newTextNode = null; System.Xml.XmlNode testNode = null; testResults results = new testResults("Core0006T"); try { results.description = "The \"splitText(offset)\" method returns the " + "new Text node."; // // Retrieve the targeted data. // testNode = util.nodeObject(util.FIRST, util.SIXTH); oldTextNode = (System.Xml.XmlText)testNode.FirstChild; // // Split the two lines of text into two different Text nodes. // newTextNode = oldTextNode.SplitText(30); computedValue = newTextNode.Value; } catch (System.Exception ex) { computedValue = "Exception " + ex.Message; } // // Write out results // results.expected = expectedValue; results.actual = computedValue; util.resetData(); Assert.AreEqual(results.expected, results.actual); }
/// <summary> Encodes a Primitive in XML by adding it's value as a child of the given Element. /// Returns true if the given Primitive contains a value. /// </summary> private bool encodePrimitive(Primitive datatypeObject, System.Xml.XmlElement datatypeElement) { bool hasValue = false; if (datatypeObject.Value != null && !datatypeObject.Value.Equals("")) { hasValue = true; } System.Xml.XmlText t = datatypeElement.OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode(datatypeObject.Value); if (hasValue) { try { datatypeElement.AppendChild(t); } catch (System.Exception e) { throw new DataTypeException("DOMException encoding Primitive: ", e); } } return(hasValue); }
public void SetUp() { treeViewContainerControl = new DerivedXmlTreeViewContainerControl(); treeView = treeViewContainerControl.TreeView; treeViewContainerControl.LoadXml(GetXml()); doc = treeViewContainerControl.Document; clipboardHandler = treeViewContainerControl as IClipboardHandler; htmlElement = doc.DocumentElement; bodyElement = htmlElement.FirstChild as XmlElement; paragraphElement = bodyElement.SelectSingleNode("p") as XmlElement; paragraphText = paragraphElement.SelectSingleNode("text()") as XmlText; bodyComment = bodyElement.SelectSingleNode("comment()") as XmlComment; htmlTreeNode = treeView.Nodes[0] as XmlElementTreeNode; htmlTreeNode.PerformInitialization(); bodyTreeNode = htmlTreeNode.FirstNode as XmlElementTreeNode; bodyTreeNode.PerformInitialization(); bodyCommentTreeNode = bodyTreeNode.FirstNode as XmlCommentTreeNode; paragraphTreeNode = bodyTreeNode.LastNode as XmlElementTreeNode; paragraphTreeNode.PerformInitialization(); paragraphTextTreeNode = paragraphTreeNode.FirstNode as XmlTextTreeNode; }
/// <summary> /// Removes the specified text node from the tree. /// </summary> public void RemoveTextNode(XmlText textNode) { XmlTextTreeNode node = FindTextNode(textNode); if (node != null) { node.Remove(); } }
/// <summary> /// Appends a new child text node to the currently selected element. /// </summary> public void AppendChildTextNode(XmlText textNode) { XmlElementTreeNode selectedNode = SelectedElementNode; if (selectedNode != null) { XmlTextTreeNode newNode = new XmlTextTreeNode(textNode); newNode.AddTo(selectedNode); selectedNode.Expand(); } }
private void AddXmlText(StringBuilder sb, int indentationLevel, XmlText xmlText) { Indent(sb, indentationLevel); sb.Append(string.Format(@"\cf{0}{1}\par", (int)ColorKinds.Value, XmlEncode(xmlText.Value))); }
private XmlNode LoadNodeDirect() { XmlNode node2; XmlReader reader = this.reader; XmlNode parentNode = null; Label_0009: node2 = null; switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: { bool isEmptyElement = this.reader.IsEmptyElement; XmlElement newChild = new XmlElement(this.reader.Prefix, this.reader.LocalName, this.reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc) { IsEmpty = isEmptyElement }; if (this.reader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = newChild.Attributes; do { XmlAttribute attribute = this.LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); attributes.Append(attribute); }while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()); } if (!isEmptyElement) { parentNode.AppendChildForLoad(newChild, this.doc); parentNode = newChild; goto Label_01FC; } node2 = newChild; break; } case XmlNodeType.Attribute: node2 = this.LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node2 = new XmlText(this.reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node2 = new XmlCDataSection(this.reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node2 = this.LoadEntityReferenceNode(true); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node2 = new XmlProcessingInstruction(this.reader.Name, this.reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node2 = new XmlComment(this.reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if (!this.preserveWhitespace) { goto Label_01FC; } node2 = new XmlWhitespace(this.reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node2 = new XmlSignificantWhitespace(this.reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.EndElement: if (parentNode.ParentNode != null) { parentNode = parentNode.ParentNode; goto Label_01FC; } return(parentNode); case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: goto Label_01FC; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType(this.reader.NodeType); } if (parentNode != null) { parentNode.AppendChildForLoad(node2, this.doc); } else { return(node2); } Label_01FC: if (reader.Read()) { goto Label_0009; } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Shows the corresponding tree node with the ghosted image /// that indicates it is being cut. /// </summary> void ShowCutTextNode(XmlText textNode, bool showGhostImage) { XmlTextTreeNode node = FindTextNode(textNode); node.ShowGhostImage = showGhostImage; }
/// <summary> /// Looks at all the nodes in the tree view and returns the /// tree node that represents the specified text node. /// </summary> XmlTextTreeNode FindTextNode(XmlText textNode, TreeNodeCollection nodes) { foreach (ExtTreeNode node in nodes) { XmlTextTreeNode textTreeNode = node as XmlTextTreeNode; if (textTreeNode != null) { if (textTreeNode.XmlText == textNode) { return textTreeNode; } } else { // Look for a match in the node's child nodes. XmlTextTreeNode childTextTreeNode = FindTextNode(textNode, node.Nodes); if (childTextTreeNode != null) { return childTextTreeNode; } } } return null; }
/// <summary> /// Updates the corresponding tree node's text based on /// the textNode's value. /// </summary> public void UpdateTextNode(XmlText textNode) { XmlTextTreeNode node = FindTextNode(textNode); if (node != null) { node.Update(); } }
/// <summary> /// Appends a new text node to the currently selected /// element. /// </summary> public void AppendChildTextNode(XmlText textNode) { xmlElementTreeView.AppendChildTextNode(textNode); }
// Used by the ReadNode method for recursively building a DOM subtree. internal XmlNode ReadNodeInternal(XmlReader r) { switch (r.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Attribute: { // create the attribute XmlAttribute att = CreateAttribute (r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI); // read and append the children ReadChildren(r, att); // return the attribute return(att); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.CDATA: { // create the character data section XmlCDataSection cdata = CreateCDataSection(r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the character data section return(cdata); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.Comment: { // create the comment XmlComment comment = CreateComment(r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the comment return(comment); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.DocumentType: { // create the document type XmlDocumentType doctype = CreateDocumentType (r.Name, r["PUBLIC"], r["SYSTEM"], r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the document type return(doctype); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.Element: { // create the element XmlElement elem = CreateElement (r.Prefix, r.LocalName, r.NamespaceURI); bool isEmptyElement = r.IsEmptyElement; // read the attributes while (r.MoveToNextAttribute()) { XmlAttribute att = (XmlAttribute)ReadNodeInternal(r); elem.SetAttributeNode(att); } r.MoveToElement(); // return now if there are no children if (isEmptyElement) { // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the empty element return(elem); } elem.IsEmpty = isEmptyElement; // read and append the children ReadChildren(r, elem); // return the element return(elem); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment: case XmlNodeType.EndElement: case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: case XmlNodeType.Entity: case XmlNodeType.Notation: { // TODO // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // nothing to return return(null); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: { // create the entity reference XmlEntityReference er = CreateEntityReference(r.Name); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the entity reference return(er); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: { // create the processing instruction XmlProcessingInstruction pi = CreateProcessingInstruction (r.Name, r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the processing instruction return(pi); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: { // create the significant whitespace XmlSignificantWhitespace sws = CreateSignificantWhitespace (r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the significant whitespace return(sws); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.Text: { // create the text XmlText text = CreateTextNode(r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the text return(text); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: { // if whitespace preservation is off, skip whitespace if (!preserveWhitespace) { while (r.Read()) { if (r.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace) { return(null); } } return(null); } // create the whitespace XmlWhitespace ws = CreateWhitespace(r.Value); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the whitespace return(ws); } // Not reached. case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration: { // set up the defaults String e = String.Empty; String s = String.Empty; // read the version r.MoveToNextAttribute(); // read the optional attributes if (r.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (r.Name == "encoding") { e = r.Value; if (r.MoveToNextAttribute()) { s = r.Value; } } else { s = r.Value; } } // create the xml declaration XmlDeclaration xml = CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", e, s); // advance the reader to the next node r.Read(); // return the xml declaration return(xml); } // Not reached. default: { throw new InvalidOperationException(/* TODO */); } // Not reached. } }
protected override void ExecuteCore(XmlText text) { text.ParentNode.RemoveChild(text); }
public void UpdateTextNode(XmlText textNode) { textNodesUpdated.Add(textNode); }
private XmlNode LoadEntityChildren() { XmlNode node = null; // We do not use creator functions on XmlDocument, b/c we do not want to let users extend the nodes that are children of entity nodes (also, if we do // this, XmlDataDocument will have a problem, b/c they do not know that those nodes should not be mapped). switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.EndElement: case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: break; case XmlNodeType.Element: { bool fEmptyElement = reader.IsEmptyElement; XmlElement element = new XmlElement(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc); element.IsEmpty = fEmptyElement; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { XmlAttribute attr = (XmlAttribute)LoadEntityChildren(); element.Attributes.Append(attr); } // recursively load all children. if (!fEmptyElement) { LoadEntityChildren(element); } node = element; break; } case XmlNodeType.Attribute: if (reader.IsDefault) { XmlUnspecifiedAttribute attr = new XmlUnspecifiedAttribute(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc); LoadEntityAttributeChildren(attr); attr.SetSpecified(false); node = attr; } else { XmlAttribute attr = new XmlAttribute(reader.Prefix, reader.LocalName, reader.NamespaceURI, this.doc); LoadEntityAttributeChildren(attr); node = attr; } break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node = new XmlSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if (preserveWhitespace) { node = new XmlWhitespace(reader.Value, this.doc); } else { // if preserveWhitespace is false skip all subsequent WS nodes and position on the first non-WS node do { if (!reader.Read()) { return(null); } } while (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace); node = LoadEntityChildren(); // Skip WS node if preserveWhitespace is false } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node = new XmlText(reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node = new XmlCDataSection(reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: { XmlEntityReference eref = new XmlEntityReference(reader.Name, this.doc); if (reader.CanResolveEntity) { reader.ResolveEntity(); LoadEntityChildren(eref); //what if eref doesn't have children at all? should we just put a Empty String text here? if (eref.ChildNodes.Count == 0) { eref.AppendChild(new XmlText("")); } } node = eref; break; } case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node = new XmlProcessingInstruction(reader.Name, reader.Value, this.doc); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node = new XmlComment(reader.Value, this.doc); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_Load_NodeType), reader.NodeType.ToString())); } return(node); }
public override XmlNode CloneNode(bool deep) { XmlText newText = OwnerDocument.CreateTextNode(Data); return(newText); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a text node before the currently selected /// node. /// </summary> public void InsertTextNodeBefore(XmlText textNode) { InsertTextNode(textNode, InsertionMode.Before); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a new text node before the currently selected /// node. /// </summary> public void InsertTextNodeBefore(XmlText textNode) { xmlElementTreeView.InsertTextNodeBefore(textNode); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a text node after the currently selected /// node. /// </summary> public void InsertTextNodeAfter(XmlText textNode) { InsertTextNode(textNode, InsertionMode.After); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a new text node after the currently selected /// node. /// </summary> public void InsertTextNodeAfter(XmlText textNode) { xmlElementTreeView.InsertTextNodeAfter(textNode); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a new text node either before or after the /// currently selected node. /// </summary> void InsertTextNode(XmlText textNode, InsertionMode insertionMode) { ExtTreeNode selectedNode = (ExtTreeNode)SelectedNode; if (selectedNode != null) { XmlElementTreeNode parentNode = (XmlElementTreeNode)selectedNode.Parent; XmlTextTreeNode newNode = new XmlTextTreeNode(textNode); int index = parentNode.Nodes.IndexOf(selectedNode); if (insertionMode == InsertionMode.After) { index++; } newNode.Insert(index, parentNode); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes the currently selected text node. /// </summary> public void RemoveTextNode(XmlText textNode) { xmlElementTreeView.RemoveTextNode(textNode); }
/// <summary> /// Finds the specified text node in the tree. /// </summary> XmlTextTreeNode FindTextNode(XmlText textNode) { XmlTextTreeNode selectedTextTreeNode = SelectedNode as XmlTextTreeNode; if (selectedTextTreeNode != null && selectedTextTreeNode.XmlText == textNode) { return selectedTextTreeNode; } else { return FindTextNode(textNode, Nodes); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the corresponding tree node's text. /// </summary> public void UpdateTextNode(XmlText textNode) { xmlElementTreeView.UpdateTextNode(textNode); }
// LoadNodeDirect does not use creator functions on XmlDocument. It is used loading nodes that are children of entity nodes, // because we do not want to let users extend these (if we would allow this, XmlDataDocument would have a problem, because // they do not know that those nodes should not be mapped). It can be also used for an optimized load path when if the // XmlDocument is not extended if XmlDocumentType and XmlDeclaration handling is added. private XmlNode LoadNodeDirect() { XmlReader r = _reader; XmlNode parent = null; do { XmlNode node = null; switch (r.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: bool fEmptyElement = _reader.IsEmptyElement; XmlElement element = new XmlElement(_reader.Prefix, _reader.LocalName, _reader.NamespaceURI, _doc); element.IsEmpty = fEmptyElement; if (_reader.MoveToFirstAttribute()) { XmlAttributeCollection attributes = element.Attributes; do { XmlAttribute attr = LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); attributes.Append(attr); // special case for load } while (r.MoveToNextAttribute()); } // recursively load all children. if (!fEmptyElement) { parent.AppendChildForLoad(element, _doc); parent = element; continue; } else { node = element; break; } case XmlNodeType.EndElement: Debug.Assert(parent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element); if (parent.ParentNode == null) { return(parent); } parent = parent.ParentNode; continue; case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: node = LoadEntityReferenceNode(true); break; case XmlNodeType.EndEntity: continue; case XmlNodeType.Attribute: node = LoadAttributeNodeDirect(); break; case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: node = new XmlSignificantWhitespace(_reader.Value, _doc); break; case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: if (_preserveWhitespace) { node = new XmlWhitespace(_reader.Value, _doc); } else { continue; } break; case XmlNodeType.Text: node = new XmlText(_reader.Value, _doc); break; case XmlNodeType.CDATA: node = new XmlCDataSection(_reader.Value, _doc); break; case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: node = new XmlProcessingInstruction(_reader.Name, _reader.Value, _doc); break; case XmlNodeType.Comment: node = new XmlComment(_reader.Value, _doc); break; default: throw UnexpectedNodeType(_reader.NodeType); } Debug.Assert(node != null); if (parent != null) { parent.AppendChildForLoad(node, _doc); } else { return(node); } }while (r.Read()); return(null); }
private void ValidateElement() { _nsManager.PushScope(); XmlElement elementNode = _currentNode as XmlElement; Debug.Assert(elementNode != null); XmlAttributeCollection attributes = elementNode.Attributes; XmlAttribute attr = null; //Find Xsi attributes that need to be processed before validating the element string xsiNil = null; string xsiType = null; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) { attr = attributes[i]; string objectNs = attr.NamespaceURI; string objectName = attr.LocalName; Debug.Assert(_nameTable.Get(attr.NamespaceURI) != null); Debug.Assert(_nameTable.Get(attr.LocalName) != null); if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, _nsXsi)) { if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiType)) { xsiType = attr.Value; } else if (Ref.Equal(objectName, _xsiNil)) { xsiNil = attr.Value; } } else if (Ref.Equal(objectNs, _nsXmlNs)) { _nsManager.AddNamespace(attr.Prefix.Length == 0 ? string.Empty : attr.LocalName, attr.Value); } } _validator.ValidateElement(elementNode.LocalName, elementNode.NamespaceURI, _schemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, null, null); ValidateAttributes(elementNode); _validator.ValidateEndOfAttributes(_schemaInfo); //If element has children, drill down for (XmlNode child = elementNode.FirstChild; child != null; child = child.NextSibling) { ValidateNode(child); } //Validate end of element _currentNode = elementNode; //Reset current Node for validation call back _validator.ValidateEndElement(_schemaInfo); //Get XmlName, as memberType / validity might be set now if (_psviAugmentation) { elementNode.XmlName = _document.AddXmlName(elementNode.Prefix, elementNode.LocalName, elementNode.NamespaceURI, _schemaInfo); if (_schemaInfo.IsDefault) { //the element has a default value XmlText textNode = _document.CreateTextNode(_schemaInfo.SchemaElement.ElementDecl.DefaultValueRaw); elementNode.AppendChild(textNode); } } _nsManager.PopScope(); //Pop current namespace scope }