internal virtual void AfterEvent(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { if (args != null) { this.OwnerDocument.AfterEvent(args); } }
private void AttributeChange(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { XmlAttribute attribute = src as XmlAttribute; if(attribute.LocalName == "externalResourcesRequired") { externalResourcesRequired = null; } }
private void OnListChanged( object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args ) { if( atomized == false ) { this.localName = this.rootNode.Document.NameTable.Add( this.localName ); this.namespaceURI = this.rootNode.Document.NameTable.Add( this.namespaceURI ); this.atomized = true; } if ( IsMatch( args.Node ) ) { this.changeCount++ ; this.curInd = -1; this.curElem = rootNode; if( args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert ) this.empty = false; } }
internal void ConcurrencyCheck(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args){ if( atomized == false ) { XmlNameTable nameTable = this.rootNode.Document.NameTable; this.localName = nameTable.Add( this.localName ); this.namespaceURI = nameTable.Add( this.namespaceURI ); this.atomized = true; } if ( IsMatch( args.Node ) ) { this.changeCount++ ; this.curInd = -1; this.curElem = rootNode; if( args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert ) this.empty = false; } this.matchCount = -1; }
private void AttributeChange(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { XmlAttribute attribute = src as XmlAttribute; if(attribute.NamespaceURI.Length == 0) { switch(attribute.LocalName) { case "viewBox": viewBox = null; break; case "preserveAspectRatio": preserveAspectRatio = null; break; } } }
private void HandleNodeChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs ea) { if (ea.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Change && ea.NewValue == ea.OldValue) { // A void change can be ignored. // return; } if (_changedNodes == null) _changedNodes = new Stack(); _changedNodes.Push(new XmlNodeTrackBack(ea)); // Propagate changes to parent object, if set. // if (_parent != null) _parent.OnPropertyChanged(_propertyInfo); }
internal void ConcurrencyCheck(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { if (_atomized == false) { XmlNameTable nameTable = _rootNode.Document.NameTable; _localName = nameTable.Add(_localName); _namespaceURI = nameTable.Add(_namespaceURI); _atomized = true; } if (IsMatch(args.Node)) { _changeCount++; _curInd = -1; _curElem = _rootNode; if (args.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert) _empty = false; } _matchCount = -1; }
private void OnListChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { lock (this) { if (this.elemList != null) { XmlElementList target = (XmlElementList) this.elemList.Target; if (target != null) { target.ConcurrencyCheck(args); } else { this.doc.NodeInserted -= this.nodeChangeHandler; this.doc.NodeRemoved -= this.nodeChangeHandler; this.elemList = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when any attribute is changing. This is typically triggered by calls to /// setAttribute() and should only be called from the CssXmlDocument. /// </summary> /// <see cref="CssXmlDocument"/> public virtual void AttributeChange(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { // Invalidate the CSS, the cascade for the CSS heirarchy will need to be recomputed // We do this before and after the change because we need to invalidate the old and new locations CssInvalidate(); XmlAttribute attribute = src as XmlAttribute; if(attribute != null) { HandleAttributeChange(attribute); } // Notify any listeners FireAttributeChange(src, args); FireParentNodeChange(src, args, false); FireChildNodeChange(src, args, false); // Invalidate the CSS, the cascade for the CSS heirarchy will need to be recomputed CssInvalidate(); }
void OnPIChange(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { XmlProcessingInstruction pi = (XmlProcessingInstruction)e.Node; if (pi.Name == "xml-stylesheet") { if (e.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove) { // see if there's another! pi = (XmlProcessingInstruction)this.doc.SelectSingleNode("processing-instruction('xml-stylesheet')"); } if (pi != null) { this.xsltFilename = DomLoader.ParseXsltArgs(pi.Data); } } }
private void OnDocumentChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { // initialize t ModelChangeType t = ModelChangeType.NodeChanged; if (e.Node is XmlProcessingInstruction) { OnPIChange(e); } if (XmlHelpers.IsXmlnsNode(e.NewParent) || XmlHelpers.IsXmlnsNode(e.Node)) { // we flag a namespace change whenever an xmlns attribute changes. t = ModelChangeType.NamespaceChanged; XmlNode node = e.Node; if (e.Action == XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove) { node = e.OldParent; // since node.OwnerElement link has been severed! } this.dirty = true; FireModelChanged(t, node); } else { switch (e.Action) { case XmlNodeChangedAction.Change: t = ModelChangeType.NodeChanged; break; case XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert: t = ModelChangeType.NodeInserted; break; case XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove: t = ModelChangeType.NodeRemoved; break; } this.dirty = true; FireModelChanged(t, e.Node); } }
public override void NodeUpdateEvent(object src, System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private XmlAttribute GetAttributeFromEvent(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { if ( e.Node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ) // node attribute direct return (XmlAttribute) e.Node; else if ( e.NewParent != null && e.NewParent.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ) // text under node attribute return (XmlAttribute) e.NewParent; // not attribute return null; }
protected void NodeRemoved(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { XmlAttribute attr=GetAttributeFromEvent(e); if ( attr != null ) { if ( e.OldParent != null && XmlUtil.HasAncestor(e.OldParent, attr.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement) ) { ValidateRemovedAttribute((XmlElement) e.OldParent, attr); RemoveIdOrIdRef((XmlElement) e.OldParent, attr); } return; } switch ( e.Node.NodeType ) { case XmlNodeType.Element: case XmlNodeType.EntityReference: // remove this node and any child nodes RecursiveRemove(e.Node); XmlElement p=e.OldParent as XmlElement; if ( p == null ) // go up dealing with entity references p=XmlUtil.GetParentNode(e.Node) as XmlElement; if ( p != null ) Validate(p); break; default: // any other cases? break; } }
// Adds the specified node to the end of the list of children of this node. public virtual XmlNode AppendChild(XmlNode newChild) { XmlDocument thisDoc = OwnerDocument; if (thisDoc == null) { thisDoc = this as XmlDocument; } if (!IsContainer) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Contain); } if (this == newChild || AncestorNode(newChild)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Child); } if (newChild.ParentNode != null) { newChild.ParentNode.RemoveChild(newChild); } XmlDocument childDoc = newChild.OwnerDocument; if (childDoc != null && childDoc != thisDoc && childDoc != this) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Context); } // special case for doc-fragment. if (newChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment) { XmlNode first = newChild.FirstChild; XmlNode node = first; while (node != null) { XmlNode next = node.NextSibling; newChild.RemoveChild(node); AppendChild(node); node = next; } return(first); } if (!(newChild is XmlLinkedNode) || !IsValidChildType(newChild.NodeType)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_TypeConflict); } if (!CanInsertAfter(newChild, LastChild)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Location); } string newChildValue = newChild.Value; XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args = GetEventArgs(newChild, newChild.ParentNode, this, newChildValue, newChildValue, XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert); if (args != null) { BeforeEvent(args); } XmlLinkedNode refNode = LastNode; XmlLinkedNode newNode = (XmlLinkedNode)newChild; if (refNode == null) { = newNode; LastNode = newNode; newNode.SetParent(this); } else { =; = newNode; LastNode = newNode; newNode.SetParent(this); if (refNode.IsText) { if (newNode.IsText) { NestTextNodes(refNode, newNode); } } } if (args != null) { AfterEvent(args); } return(newNode); }
static internal object PreviousState(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { return null; }
private void AttributeChange(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { XmlAttribute attribute = src as XmlAttribute; if (attribute.NamespaceURI == SvgDocument.XLinkNamespace && attribute.LocalName == "href") { href = null; absoluteUri = null; } }
static internal object PreviousState(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { return e.Node.Value; }
static internal object PreviousState(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { return e.Node.NextSibling; }
private void EventNodeChanging (Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { changing = true; }
// // Private Methods // // event handler for XmlNodeChanged event private void OnXmlNodeChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { DeliverEvent(sender, args); }
// Removes specified child node. public virtual XmlNode RemoveChild(XmlNode oldChild) { if (!IsContainer) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Remove_Contain); } if (oldChild.ParentNode != this) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xdom_Node_Remove_Child); } XmlLinkedNode oldNode = (XmlLinkedNode)oldChild; string oldNodeValue = oldNode.Value; XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args = GetEventArgs(oldNode, this, null, oldNodeValue, oldNodeValue, XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove); if (args != null) { BeforeEvent(args); } XmlLinkedNode lastNode = LastNode; if (oldNode == FirstChild) { if (oldNode == lastNode) { LastNode = null; = null; oldNode.SetParent(null); } else { XmlLinkedNode nextNode =; if (nextNode.IsText) { if (oldNode.IsText) { UnnestTextNodes(oldNode, nextNode); } } = nextNode; = null; oldNode.SetParent(null); } } else { if (oldNode == lastNode) { XmlLinkedNode prevNode = (XmlLinkedNode)oldNode.PreviousSibling; =; LastNode = prevNode; = null; oldNode.SetParent(null); } else { XmlLinkedNode prevNode = (XmlLinkedNode)oldNode.PreviousSibling; XmlLinkedNode nextNode =; if (nextNode.IsText) { if (prevNode.IsText) { NestTextNodes(prevNode, nextNode); } else { if (oldNode.IsText) { UnnestTextNodes(oldNode, nextNode); } } } = nextNode; = null; oldNode.SetParent(null); } } if (args != null) { AfterEvent(args); } return(oldChild); }
private void NodeChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { if (this._Undoing) { // if we're undoing ignore the event since it is the result of an undo _pState = null; _Undoing = false; return; } UndoItem undo = null; switch (e.Action) { case XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert: undo = new NodeInsertedUndo(e, _pState); break; case XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove: undo = new NodeRemovedUndo(e, _pState); break; case XmlNodeChangedAction.Change: undo = new NodeChangedUndo(e, _pState); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown Action"); } _pState = null; if (_currentUndoGroup != null) { _currentUndoGroup.AddUndoItem(undo); } else if (GroupsOnly) { _pState = null; } else { _actions.Push(undo); } }
public NodeInsertedUndo(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e, object previous) { iNode = e.Node; }
internal virtual void BeforeEvent(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { if (args != null) OwnerDocument.BeforeEvent(args); }
internal NodeRemovedUndo(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e, object previous) { removedNode = e.Node; parentNode = e.OldParent; nextSibling = previous as XmlNode; }
// Inserts the specified node immediately before the specified reference node. public virtual XmlNode InsertBefore(XmlNode newChild, XmlNode refChild) { if (this == newChild || AncestorNode(newChild)) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Child); } if (refChild == null) { return(AppendChild(newChild)); } if (!IsContainer) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Contain); } if (refChild.ParentNode != this) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Path); } if (newChild == refChild) { return(newChild); } XmlDocument childDoc = newChild.OwnerDocument; XmlDocument thisDoc = OwnerDocument; if (childDoc != null && childDoc != thisDoc && childDoc != this) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Context); } if (!CanInsertBefore(newChild, refChild)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_Location); } if (newChild.ParentNode != null) { newChild.ParentNode.RemoveChild(newChild); } // special case for doc-fragment. if (newChild.NodeType == XmlNodeType.DocumentFragment) { XmlNode first = newChild.FirstChild; XmlNode node = first; if (node != null) { newChild.RemoveChild(node); InsertBefore(node, refChild); // insert the rest of the children after this one. InsertAfter(newChild, node); } return(first); } if (!(newChild is XmlLinkedNode) || !IsValidChildType(newChild.NodeType)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Xdom_Node_Insert_TypeConflict); } XmlLinkedNode newNode = (XmlLinkedNode)newChild; XmlLinkedNode refNode = (XmlLinkedNode)refChild; string newChildValue = newChild.Value; XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args = GetEventArgs(newChild, newChild.ParentNode, this, newChildValue, newChildValue, XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert); if (args != null) { BeforeEvent(args); } if (refNode == FirstChild) { = refNode; = newNode; newNode.SetParent(this); if (newNode.IsText) { if (refNode.IsText) { NestTextNodes(newNode, refNode); } } } else { XmlLinkedNode prevNode = (XmlLinkedNode)refNode.PreviousSibling; = refNode; = newNode; newNode.SetParent(this); if (prevNode.IsText) { if (newNode.IsText) { NestTextNodes(prevNode, newNode); if (refNode.IsText) { NestTextNodes(newNode, refNode); } } else { if (refNode.IsText) { UnnestTextNodes(prevNode, refNode); } } } else { if (newNode.IsText) { if (refNode.IsText) { NestTextNodes(newNode, refNode); } } } } if (args != null) { AfterEvent(args); } return(newNode); }
internal NodeChangedUndo(XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e, object pValue) { oldValue = pValue as string; node = e.Node; }
/// <summary> /// Extends BeginInvoke so that when a state object is not needed, null does not need to be passed. /// <example> /// xmlnodechangedeventhandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback); /// </example> /// </summary> public static IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(this XmlNodeChangedEventHandler xmlnodechangedeventhandler, Object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback) { if(xmlnodechangedeventhandler == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlnodechangedeventhandler"); return xmlnodechangedeventhandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, null); }
private void NodeChanging(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { if (this._Undoing) return; switch (e.Action) { case XmlNodeChangedAction.Insert: _pState = NodeInsertedUndo.PreviousState(e); break; case XmlNodeChangedAction.Remove: _pState = NodeRemovedUndo.PreviousState(e); break; case XmlNodeChangedAction.Change: _pState = NodeChangedUndo.PreviousState(e); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown Action"); } }
protected void NodeChanged(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { // Fired when XmlNode.Value is changed // The only types that have non-null Value are: // - Attribute (special case) // - CDATASection (not significant for validation) // - Comment (not significant for validation) // - ProcessingInstruction (not significant for validation) // - Text (not significant for validation when changed) // - [Significant]Whitespace (not significant for validation) // - XmlDeclaration (not significant for validation) Console.WriteLine("Node {0} changed", e.Node.Name); XmlAttribute attr=GetAttributeFromEvent(e); if ( attr == null || !XmlUtil.HasAncestor(attr.OwnerElement, attr.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement) ) // attribute's parent is not part of the document return; ValidateAttributeAddOrChange(attr); }
private void ReferencedNodeChange(Object src, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { if (NodeChanged != null) { NodeChanged(src, args); } }
protected void NodeChanging(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { // we're only interested in attribute nodes XmlAttribute attr=GetAttributeFromEvent(e); if ( attr == null || !XmlUtil.HasAncestor(attr.OwnerElement, attr.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement) ) // attribute's parent is not part of the document return; RemoveIdOrIdRef(attr.OwnerElement, attr); }
protected void NodeInserted(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs e) { XmlAttribute attr=GetAttributeFromEvent(e); if ( attr != null ) { // we deal with attributes differently if ( attr.OwnerElement != null && XmlUtil.HasAncestor(attr.OwnerElement, attr.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement) ) // owner element is part of doc, so validate ValidateAttributeAddOrChange(attr); return; } Console.WriteLine("Node {0} inserted", e.Node.Name); if ( !XmlUtil.HasAncestor(e.NewParent, e.NewParent.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement) ) { Console.WriteLine("Insert of {0} under {1}, is not part of doc", e.Node.Name, e.NewParent.Name); // new parent is not part of doc return; } XmlElement p=e.NewParent as XmlElement; if ( p == null ) // must be entity reference p=(XmlElement) XmlUtil.GetParentNode(e.NewParent); RemoveValidationErrors(new ContextErrorFilter(e.Node)); Console.WriteLine("Validating parent node {0}", e.NewParent.Name); Validate(p); XmlElement elem=e.Node as XmlElement; if ( elem != null ) RecursiveInsert(elem); if ( e.OldParent != null ) Validate((XmlElement) e.OldParent); }
private void OnNodeInserted(object sender, XmlNodeChangedEventArgs args) { if (!raiseDocumentEvents) { return; } bool escapedRaiseDataSetEvents = raiseDataSetEvents; raiseDataSetEvents = false; // If the parent node is mapped to a DataTable, then // add a DataRow and map the parent element to it. // // AND If the child node is mapped to a DataTable, then // 1. if it is mapped to a DataTable and relation, add // a new DataRow and map the child element to it. // 2. if it is mapped to a DataColumn, set the column // value of the parent DataRow as the child try { if (!(args.NewParent is XmlElement)) { // i.e. adding document element foreach (XmlNode table in args.Node.ChildNodes) { CheckDescendantRelationship(table); } return; } DataRow row = GetRowFromElement(args.NewParent as XmlElement); if (row == null) { // That happens only when adding table to existing DocumentElement (aka DataSet element) if (args.NewParent == DocumentElement) { CheckDescendantRelationship(args.Node); } return; } XmlAttribute attr = args.Node as XmlAttribute; if (attr != null) // fill attribute value { DataColumn col = row.Table.Columns [XmlHelper.Decode(attr.LocalName)]; if (col != null) { row [col] = StringToObject(col.DataType, args.Node.Value); } } else { DataRow childRow = GetRowFromElement(args.Node as XmlElement); if (childRow != null) { // child might be a table row. // I might be impossible to set parent // since either of them might be detached if (childRow.RowState != DataRowState.Detached && row.RowState != DataRowState.Detached) { FillRelationship(row, childRow, args.NewParent, args.Node); } } else if (args.Node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { // child element might be a column DataColumn col = row.Table.Columns [XmlHelper.Decode(args.Node.LocalName)]; if (col != null) { row [col] = StringToObject(col.DataType, args.Node.InnerText); } } else if (args.Node is XmlCharacterData) { if (args.Node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Comment) { for (int i = 0; i < row.Table.Columns.Count; i++) { DataColumn col = row.Table.Columns [i]; if (col.ColumnMapping == MappingType.SimpleContent) { row [col] = StringToObject(col.DataType, args.Node.Value); } } } } } } finally { raiseDataSetEvents = escapedRaiseDataSetEvents; } }