예제 #1
        XmlTypeMapElementInfoList ImportAnyElementInfo(string defaultNamespace, XmlReflectionMember rmember, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, XmlAttributes atts)
            XmlTypeMapElementInfoList list = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();

            ImportTextElementInfo(list, rmember.MemberType, member, atts);

            foreach (XmlAnyElementAttribute att in atts.XmlAnyElements)
                XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo(member, TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(typeof(XmlElement)));
                if (att.Name != null && att.Name != string.Empty)
                    elem.ElementName = att.Name;
                    elem.Namespace   = (att.Namespace != null) ? att.Namespace : "";
                    elem.IsUnnamedAnyElement = true;
                    elem.Namespace           = defaultNamespace;
                    if (att.Namespace != null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The element " + rmember.MemberName + " has been attributed with an XmlAnyElementAttribute and a namespace '" + att.Namespace + "', but no name. When a namespace is supplied, a name is also required. Supply a name or remove the namespace.");
예제 #2
        private XmlTypeMapping ImportClassMapping(TypeData typeData, string defaultNamespace)
            Type type = typeData.Type;

            if (type.IsValueType)
                throw this.CreateStructException(type);
            if (type == typeof(object))
                defaultNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
            ReflectionHelper.CheckSerializableType(type, false);
            XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping = this.helper.GetRegisteredClrType(type, this.GetTypeNamespace(typeData, defaultNamespace));

            if (xmlTypeMapping != null)
            xmlTypeMapping = this.CreateTypeMapping(typeData, null, defaultNamespace);
            this.helper.RegisterClrType(xmlTypeMapping, type, xmlTypeMapping.Namespace);
            xmlTypeMapping.MultiReferenceType = true;
            ClassMap classMap = new ClassMap();

            xmlTypeMapping.ObjectMap = classMap;
            ICollection reflectionMembers = this.GetReflectionMembers(type);

            foreach (object obj in reflectionMembers)
                XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember = (XmlReflectionMember)obj;
                if (!xmlReflectionMember.SoapAttributes.SoapIgnore)
                    classMap.AddMember(this.CreateMapMember(xmlReflectionMember, defaultNamespace));
            SoapIncludeAttribute[] array = (SoapIncludeAttribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SoapIncludeAttribute), false);
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                Type type2 = array[i].Type;
            if (type == typeof(object) && this.includedTypes != null)
                foreach (object obj2 in this.includedTypes)
                    Type type3 = (Type)obj2;
            if (type.BaseType != null)
                XmlTypeMapping xmlTypeMapping2 = this.ImportClassMapping(type.BaseType, defaultNamespace);
                if (type.BaseType != typeof(object))
                    xmlTypeMapping.BaseMap = xmlTypeMapping2;
                this.RegisterDerivedMap(xmlTypeMapping2, xmlTypeMapping);
예제 #3
        private MemberMapping ImportMemberMapping(XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] xmlReflectionMembers, XmlSchemaForm form, RecursionLimiter limiter)
            SoapAttributes soapAttributes = xmlReflectionMember.SoapAttributes;

            if (soapAttributes.SoapIgnore)
            MemberMapping accessor = new MemberMapping {
                IsSoap = true,
                Name   = xmlReflectionMember.MemberName
            bool       checkSpecified = XmlReflectionImporter.FindSpecifiedMember(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMembers) != null;
            FieldModel model          = new FieldModel(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMember.MemberType, this.typeScope.GetTypeDesc(xmlReflectionMember.MemberType), checkSpecified, false);

            accessor.CheckShouldPersist = model.CheckShouldPersist;
            accessor.CheckSpecified     = model.CheckSpecified;
            accessor.ReadOnly           = model.ReadOnly;
            this.ImportAccessorMapping(accessor, model, soapAttributes, ns, form, limiter);
            if (xmlReflectionMember.OverrideIsNullable)
                accessor.Elements[0].IsNullable = false;
예제 #4
        private MemberMapping ImportMemberMapping(XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] xmlReflectionMembers, XmlSchemaForm form, RecursionLimiter limiter)
            SoapAttributes a = xmlReflectionMember.SoapAttributes;

            if (a.SoapIgnore)
            MemberMapping member = new MemberMapping();

            member.IsSoap = true;
            member.Name   = xmlReflectionMember.MemberName;
            bool       checkSpecified = XmlReflectionImporter.FindSpecifiedMember(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMembers) != null;
            FieldModel model          = new FieldModel(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMember.MemberType, _typeScope.GetTypeDesc(xmlReflectionMember.MemberType), checkSpecified, false);

            member.CheckShouldPersist = model.CheckShouldPersist;
            member.CheckSpecified     = model.CheckSpecified;
            member.ReadOnly           = model.ReadOnly; // || !model.FieldTypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor;
            ImportAccessorMapping(member, model, a, ns, form, limiter);
            if (xmlReflectionMember.OverrideIsNullable)
                member.Elements[0].IsNullable = false;
예제 #5
        public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(string mappingName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool rpc)
            Array membersObjects = _wrapperObject.InitializeArray(XmlMappingTypesHelper.XmlReflectionMemberType, members);

            object[] parameters = new object[] { mappingName, ns, membersObjects, hasWrapperElement, rpc };
            object o = _wrapperObject.CallMethod(s_importMembersMapping, parameters);
            return new XmlMembersMapping(o);
예제 #6
		private XmlReflectionMember CreateReflectionMember (MessagePartDescription partDesc, bool isReturnValue)
			XmlReflectionMember m = new XmlReflectionMember ();
			m.IsReturnValue = isReturnValue;
			m.MemberName = partDesc.Name;
			m.MemberType = partDesc.Type;
			return m;
예제 #7
		private XmlReflectionMember CreateReflectionMember (MessagePartDescription partDesc, bool isReturnValue)
			XmlReflectionMember m = new XmlReflectionMember ();
			m.IsReturnValue = isReturnValue;
			m.MemberName = partDesc.Name;
			m.MemberType = partDesc.Type;
			m.XmlAttributes = partDesc.MemberInfo == null ? new XmlAttributes () : new XmlAttributes (partDesc.MemberInfo);
			return m;
		private XmlMembersMapping MembersMap (Type t, SoapAttributeOverrides overrides, 
			XmlReflectionMember [] members, bool inContainer, bool writeAccessors)
			SoapReflectionImporter ri = new SoapReflectionImporter (overrides);
			XmlMembersMapping mm = ri.ImportMembersMapping (null, null, members, 
				inContainer, writeAccessors);
			return mm;
예제 #9
 public void CheckOptionalValueType(XmlReflectionMember[] members)
     // Used when reflecting a list of members (e.g. web service parameters)
     for (int n = 0; n < members.Length; n++)
         XmlReflectionMember m = members [n];
         if (m.MemberName == Name + "Specified" && m.MemberType == typeof(bool) && m.XmlAttributes.XmlIgnore)
             IsOptionalValueType   = true;
             _specifiedGlobalIndex = n;
		public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping (string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validate)
			XmlMemberMapping[] mapping = new XmlMemberMapping[members.Length];
			for (int n=0; n<members.Length; n++)
				XmlTypeMapMember mapMem = CreateMapMember (members[n], ns);
				mapping[n] = new XmlMemberMapping (members[n].MemberName, ns, mapMem, true);
			XmlMembersMapping mps = new XmlMembersMapping (elementName, ns, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, mapping);
			mps.RelatedMaps = relatedMaps;
			mps.Format = SerializationFormat.Encoded;
			mps.Source = new MembersSerializationSource (elementName, hasWrapperElement, members, writeAccessors, false, null, includedTypes);
			return mps;
        ICollection GetReflectionMembers(Type type)
            ArrayList members = new ArrayList();

            PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties)
                if (!prop.CanRead)
                if (!prop.CanWrite && (TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(prop.PropertyType).SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Array || prop.PropertyType.IsArray))

                SoapAttributes atts = attributeOverrides[type, prop.Name];
                if (atts == null)
                    atts = new SoapAttributes(prop);
                if (atts.SoapIgnore)
                XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, atts);

            FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
                SoapAttributes atts = attributeOverrides[type, field.Name];
                if (atts == null)
                    atts = new SoapAttributes(field);
                if (atts.SoapIgnore)
                XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember(field.Name, field.FieldType, atts);
        MembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(XmlReflectionMember[] xmlReflectionMembers, string ns, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validateWrapperElement)
            MembersMapping members = new MembersMapping();

            members.TypeDesc = typeScope.GetTypeDesc(typeof(object[]));
            MemberMapping[] mappings = new MemberMapping[xmlReflectionMembers.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++)
                try {
                    XmlReflectionMember member  = xmlReflectionMembers[i];
                    MemberMapping       mapping = ImportMemberMapping(member, ns, xmlReflectionMembers, hasWrapperElement ? XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified : XmlSchemaForm.Qualified);
                    if (member.IsReturnValue && writeAccessors)   // no special treatment for return values with doc/enc
                        if (i > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidReturnPosition));
                        mapping.IsReturnValue = true;
                    mappings[i] = mapping;
                catch (Exception e) {
                    if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException)
                    throw ReflectionException(xmlReflectionMembers[i].MemberName, e);
                catch {
                    throw ReflectionException(xmlReflectionMembers[i].MemberName, null);
            members.Members           = mappings;
            members.HasWrapperElement = hasWrapperElement;
            if (hasWrapperElement)
                members.ValidateRpcWrapperElement = validateWrapperElement;
            members.WriteAccessors = writeAccessors;
            members.IsSoap         = true;
            if (hasWrapperElement && !writeAccessors)
                members.Namespace = ns;
예제 #13
        private MembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(XmlReflectionMember[] xmlReflectionMembers, string ns, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validateWrapperElement, RecursionLimiter limiter)
            MembersMapping mapping = new MembersMapping {
                TypeDesc = this.typeScope.GetTypeDesc(typeof(object[]))

            MemberMapping[] mappingArray = new MemberMapping[xmlReflectionMembers.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < mappingArray.Length; i++)
                    XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember = xmlReflectionMembers[i];
                    MemberMapping       mapping2            = this.ImportMemberMapping(xmlReflectionMember, ns, xmlReflectionMembers, hasWrapperElement ? XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified : XmlSchemaForm.Qualified, limiter);
                    if (xmlReflectionMember.IsReturnValue && writeAccessors)
                        if (i > 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString("XmlInvalidReturnPosition"));
                        mapping2.IsReturnValue = true;
                    mappingArray[i] = mapping2;
                catch (Exception exception)
                    if (((exception is ThreadAbortException) || (exception is StackOverflowException)) || (exception is OutOfMemoryException))
                    throw this.ReflectionException(xmlReflectionMembers[i].MemberName, exception);
            mapping.Members           = mappingArray;
            mapping.HasWrapperElement = hasWrapperElement;
            if (hasWrapperElement)
                mapping.ValidateRpcWrapperElement = validateWrapperElement;
            mapping.WriteAccessors = writeAccessors;
            mapping.IsSoap         = true;
            if (hasWrapperElement && !writeAccessors)
                mapping.Namespace = ns;
예제 #14
        private ICollection GetReflectionMembers(Type type)
            ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();

            PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
                if (propertyInfo.CanRead)
                    if (propertyInfo.CanWrite || (TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(propertyInfo.PropertyType).SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array && !propertyInfo.PropertyType.IsArray))
                        SoapAttributes soapAttributes = this.attributeOverrides[type, propertyInfo.Name];
                        if (soapAttributes == null)
                            soapAttributes = new SoapAttributes(propertyInfo);
                        if (!soapAttributes.SoapIgnore)
                            XmlReflectionMember value = new XmlReflectionMember(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.PropertyType, soapAttributes);
            FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in fields)
                SoapAttributes soapAttributes2 = this.attributeOverrides[type, fieldInfo.Name];
                if (soapAttributes2 == null)
                    soapAttributes2 = new SoapAttributes(fieldInfo);
                if (!soapAttributes2.SoapIgnore)
                    XmlReflectionMember value2 = new XmlReflectionMember(fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.FieldType, soapAttributes2);
        MemberMapping ImportMemberMapping(XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember, string ns, XmlSchemaForm form)
            SoapAttributes a = xmlReflectionMember.SoapAttributes;

            if (a.SoapIgnore)
            MemberMapping member = new MemberMapping();

            member.IsSoap = true;
            member.Name   = xmlReflectionMember.MemberName;
            FieldModel model = new FieldModel(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMember.MemberType, typeScope.GetTypeDesc(xmlReflectionMember.MemberType), false, false);

            member.ReadOnly = model.ReadOnly || !model.FieldTypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor;
            ImportAccessorMapping(member, model, a, ns, form);
            if (xmlReflectionMember.OverrideIsNullable)
                member.Elements[0].IsNullable = false;
예제 #16
		public void ExportXmlSerializable_NestedClassMapping () {

			XmlSchemas schemas = new XmlSchemas ();

			XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember = new XmlReflectionMember ();
			XmlSchemaExporter xmlSchemaExporter = new XmlSchemaExporter (schemas);
			XmlReflectionImporter xmlReflectionImporter = new XmlReflectionImporter ();

			//Export mapping for DataSet1 class.
			xmlReflectionMember.MemberType = typeof (DataSet1);
			XmlMembersMapping xmlMembersMapping = xmlReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping ("DataSet1Response", "ResponseNamespace",
				new XmlReflectionMember [] { xmlReflectionMember }, true);

			xmlSchemaExporter.ExportMembersMapping (xmlMembersMapping);

			//Export mapping for nested of DataSet1 class.
			xmlReflectionMember.MemberType = typeof (DataSet1.DataTable1DataTable);
			xmlMembersMapping = xmlReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping ("DataTable1DataTableResponse", "ResponseNamespace",
				new XmlReflectionMember [] { xmlReflectionMember }, true);

			xmlSchemaExporter.ExportMembersMapping (xmlMembersMapping);

예제 #17
		XmlTypeMapElementInfoList ImportAnyElementInfo (string defaultNamespace, XmlReflectionMember rmember, XmlTypeMapMemberElement member, XmlAttributes atts)
			XmlTypeMapElementInfoList list = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();

			ImportTextElementInfo (list, rmember.MemberType, member, atts, defaultNamespace);

#if !MOONLIGHT // no practical anyElement support
			foreach (XmlAnyElementAttribute att in atts.XmlAnyElements)
				XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo (member, TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(typeof(XmlElement)));
				if (att.Name.Length != 0) 
					elem.ElementName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(att.Name);
					elem.Namespace = (att.Namespace != null) ? att.Namespace : "";
					elem.IsUnnamedAnyElement = true;
					elem.Namespace = defaultNamespace;
					if (att.Namespace != null) 
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("The element " + rmember.MemberName + " has been attributed with an XmlAnyElementAttribute and a namespace '" + att.Namespace + "', but no name. When a namespace is supplied, a name is also required. Supply a name or remove the namespace.");
				list.Add (elem);
			return list;
		public MembersSerializationSource (string elementName, bool hasWrapperElement, XmlReflectionMember [] members, bool writeAccessors, 
										   bool literalFormat, string namspace, ArrayList includedTypes)
		: base (namspace, includedTypes)
			this.elementName = elementName;
			this.hasWrapperElement = hasWrapperElement;
			this.writeAccessors = writeAccessors;
			this.literalFormat = literalFormat;
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
			sb.Append (members.Length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
			foreach (XmlReflectionMember mem in members)
				mem.AddKeyHash (sb);
			membersHash = sb.ToString();
예제 #19
		XmlReflectionMember [] BuildResponseReflectionMembers (XmlElementAttribute optional_ns)
			ParameterInfo [] output = MethodInfo.OutParameters;
			bool has_return_value = !(OneWay || MethodInfo.ReturnType == typeof (void));
			XmlReflectionMember [] out_members = new XmlReflectionMember [(has_return_value ? 1 : 0) + output.Length];
			XmlReflectionMember m;
			int idx = 0;

			if (has_return_value)
				m = new XmlReflectionMember ();
				m.IsReturnValue = true;
				m.MemberName = Name + "Result";
				m.MemberType = MethodInfo.ReturnType;

				m.XmlAttributes = new XmlAttributes (MethodInfo.ReturnTypeCustomAttributeProvider);
				m.SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes (MethodInfo.ReturnTypeCustomAttributeProvider);

				if (optional_ns != null)
					m.XmlAttributes.XmlElements.Add (optional_ns);
				out_members [0] = m;
			for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
				m = new XmlReflectionMember ();
				m.IsReturnValue = false;
				m.MemberName = output [i].Name;
				m.MemberType = output [i].ParameterType;
				m.XmlAttributes = new XmlAttributes (output[i]);
				m.SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes (output[i]);

				if (m.MemberType.IsByRef)
					m.MemberType = m.MemberType.GetElementType ();
				if (optional_ns != null)
					m.XmlAttributes.XmlElements.Add (optional_ns);
				out_members [i + idx] = m;
			return out_members;
        static internal XmlReflectionMember GetXmlReflectionMember(XmlName memberName, XmlName elementName, string ns, Type type, MemberInfo additionalAttributesProvider, bool isMultiple, bool isWrapped)
            XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember();
            member.MemberName = (memberName ?? elementName).DecodedName;
            member.MemberType = type;
            if (member.MemberType.IsByRef)
                member.MemberType = member.MemberType.GetElementType();
            if (isMultiple)
                member.MemberType = member.MemberType.MakeArrayType();
            if (additionalAttributesProvider != null)
                member.XmlAttributes = XmlAttributesHelper.CreateXmlAttributes(additionalAttributesProvider);

            if (member.XmlAttributes == null)
                member.XmlAttributes = new XmlAttributes();
                Type invalidAttributeType = null;
                if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlAttribute != null)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlAttributeAttribute);
                else if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlAnyAttribute != null && !isWrapped)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlAnyAttributeAttribute);
                else if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlChoiceIdentifier != null)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute);
                else if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlIgnore)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute);
                else if (member.XmlAttributes.Xmlns)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlNamespaceDeclarationsAttribute);
                else if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlText != null)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlTextAttribute);
                else if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlEnum != null)
                    invalidAttributeType = typeof(XmlEnumAttribute);
                if (invalidAttributeType != null)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(isWrapped ? SR.SFxInvalidXmlAttributeInWrapped : SR.SFxInvalidXmlAttributeInBare, invalidAttributeType, elementName.DecodedName)));
                if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray != null && isMultiple)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.SFxXmlArrayNotAllowedForMultiple, elementName.DecodedName, ns)));

            bool isArray = member.MemberType.IsArray;
            if ((isArray && !isMultiple && member.MemberType != typeof(byte[])) ||
                (!isArray && typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(member.MemberType) && member.MemberType != typeof(string) && !typeof(XmlNode).IsAssignableFrom(member.MemberType) && !typeof(IXmlSerializable).IsAssignableFrom(member.MemberType)))
                if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray != null)
                    if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray.ElementName == String.Empty)
                        member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray.ElementName = elementName.DecodedName;
                    if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray.Namespace == null)
                        member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray.Namespace = ns;
                else if (HasNoXmlParameterAttributes(member.XmlAttributes))
                    member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray = new XmlArrayAttribute();
                    member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray.ElementName = elementName.DecodedName;
                    member.XmlAttributes.XmlArray.Namespace = ns;
                if (member.XmlAttributes.XmlElements == null || member.XmlAttributes.XmlElements.Count == 0)
                    if (HasNoXmlParameterAttributes(member.XmlAttributes))
                        XmlElementAttribute elementAttribute = new XmlElementAttribute();
                        elementAttribute.ElementName = elementName.DecodedName;
                        elementAttribute.Namespace = ns;
                    foreach (XmlElementAttribute elementAttribute in member.XmlAttributes.XmlElements)
                        if (elementAttribute.ElementName == String.Empty)
                            elementAttribute.ElementName = elementName.DecodedName;
                        if (elementAttribute.Namespace == null)
                            elementAttribute.Namespace = ns;

            return member;
예제 #21
        ICollection GetReflectionMembers(Type type)
            // First we want to find the inheritance hierarchy in reverse order.
            Type      currentType = type;
            ArrayList typeList    = new ArrayList();

            while (currentType != typeof(object))
                currentType = currentType.BaseType;              // Read the base type.
                typeList.Insert(0, currentType);                 // Insert at 0 to reverse the order.

            // Read all Fields via reflection.
            ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList();

            FieldInfo[] tfields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            currentType = null;
            int currentIndex = 0;

            foreach (FieldInfo field in tfields)
                // This statement ensures fields are ordered starting from the base type.
                if (currentType != field.DeclaringType)
                    currentType  = field.DeclaringType;
                    currentIndex = 0;
                fieldList.Insert(currentIndex++, field);

            // Read all Properties via reflection.
            ArrayList propList = new ArrayList();

            PropertyInfo[] tprops = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            currentType  = null;
            currentIndex = 0;
            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in tprops)
                // This statement ensures properties are ordered starting from the base type.
                if (currentType != prop.DeclaringType)
                    currentType  = prop.DeclaringType;
                    currentIndex = 0;
                if (!prop.CanRead)
                if (!prop.CanWrite && TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(prop.PropertyType).SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Array)
                if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0)
                propList.Insert(currentIndex++, prop);

            ArrayList members    = new ArrayList();
            int       fieldIndex = 0;
            int       propIndex  = 0;

            // We now step through the type hierarchy from the base (object) through
            // to the supplied class, as each step outputting all Fields, and then
            // all Properties.  This is the exact same ordering as .NET 1.0/1.1.
            foreach (Type t in typeList)
                // Add any fields matching the current DeclaringType.
                while (fieldIndex < fieldList.Count)
                    FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)fieldList[fieldIndex];
                    if (field.DeclaringType == t)
                        XmlAttributes atts = attributeOverrides[type, field.Name];
                        if (atts == null)
                            atts = new XmlAttributes(field);
                        if (atts.XmlIgnore)
                        XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember(field.Name, field.FieldType, atts);

                // Add any properties matching the current DeclaringType.
                while (propIndex < propList.Count)
                    PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)propList[propIndex];
                    if (prop.DeclaringType == t)
                        XmlAttributes atts = attributeOverrides[type, prop.Name];
                        if (atts == null)
                            atts = new XmlAttributes(prop);
                        if (atts.XmlIgnore)
                        XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, atts);
예제 #22
        private XmlTypeMapMember CreateMapMember(XmlReflectionMember rmember, string defaultNamespace)
            SoapAttributes   soapAttributes = rmember.SoapAttributes;
            TypeData         typeData       = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType);
            XmlTypeMapMember xmlTypeMapMember;

            if (soapAttributes.SoapAttribute != null)
                if (typeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Enum && typeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Primitive)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot serialize member '{0}' of type {1}. SoapAttribute cannot be used to encode complex types.", new object[]
                if (soapAttributes.SoapElement != null)
                    throw new Exception("SoapAttributeAttribute and SoapElementAttribute cannot be applied to the same member");
                XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute = new XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute();
                if (soapAttributes.SoapAttribute.AttributeName.Length == 0)
                    xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute.AttributeName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(rmember.MemberName);
                    xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute.AttributeName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(soapAttributes.SoapAttribute.AttributeName);
                xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute.Namespace = ((soapAttributes.SoapAttribute.Namespace == null) ? string.Empty : soapAttributes.SoapAttribute.Namespace);
                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute.MappedType = this.ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, defaultNamespace);
                typeData         = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, soapAttributes.SoapAttribute.DataType);
                xmlTypeMapMember = xmlTypeMapMemberAttribute;
                xmlTypeMapMember.DefaultValue = this.GetDefaultValue(typeData, soapAttributes.SoapDefaultValue);
                if (typeData.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array)
                    xmlTypeMapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberList();
                    xmlTypeMapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberElement();
                if (soapAttributes.SoapElement != null && soapAttributes.SoapElement.DataType.Length != 0)
                    typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, soapAttributes.SoapElement.DataType);
                XmlTypeMapElementInfoList xmlTypeMapElementInfoList = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();
                XmlTypeMapElementInfo     xmlTypeMapElementInfo     = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo(xmlTypeMapMember, typeData);
                xmlTypeMapElementInfo.ElementName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName((soapAttributes.SoapElement == null || soapAttributes.SoapElement.ElementName.Length == 0) ? rmember.MemberName : soapAttributes.SoapElement.ElementName);
                xmlTypeMapElementInfo.Namespace   = string.Empty;
                xmlTypeMapElementInfo.IsNullable  = (soapAttributes.SoapElement != null && soapAttributes.SoapElement.IsNullable);
                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    xmlTypeMapElementInfo.MappedType = this.ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, defaultNamespace);
                ((XmlTypeMapMemberElement)xmlTypeMapMember).ElementInfo = xmlTypeMapElementInfoList;
            xmlTypeMapMember.TypeData      = typeData;
            xmlTypeMapMember.Name          = rmember.MemberName;
            xmlTypeMapMember.IsReturnValue = rmember.IsReturnValue;
                internal XmlMembersMapping ImportFaultElement(FaultDescription fault, out XmlQualifiedName elementName)
                    // the number of reflection members is always 1 because there is only one fault detail type
                    XmlReflectionMember[] members = new XmlReflectionMember[1];

                    XmlName faultElementName = fault.ElementName;
                    string faultNamespace = fault.Namespace;
                    if (faultElementName == null)
                        XmlTypeMapping mapping = _parent._importer.ImportTypeMapping(fault.DetailType);
                        faultElementName = new XmlName(mapping.ElementName, false /*isEncoded*/);
                        faultNamespace = mapping.Namespace;
                        if (faultElementName == null)
                            throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.SFxFaultTypeAnonymous, this.Operation.Name, fault.DetailType.FullName)));

                    elementName = new XmlQualifiedName(faultElementName.DecodedName, faultNamespace);

                    members[0] = XmlSerializerHelper.GetXmlReflectionMember(null /*memberName*/, faultElementName, faultNamespace, fault.DetailType,
                        null /*additionalAttributesProvider*/, false /*isMultiple*/, false /*isWrapped*/);

                    string mappingKey = "fault:" + faultElementName.DecodedName + ":" + faultNamespace;
                    return ImportMembersMapping(faultElementName.EncodedName, faultNamespace, members, false /*hasWrapperElement*/, this.IsRpc, mappingKey);
                internal XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(XmlName elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool rpc, string mappingKey)
                    XmlMembersMapping mapping;
                    string mappingName = elementName.DecodedName;
                    if (XmlMappings.TryGetValue(mappingKey, out mapping))
                        return mapping;

                    mapping = this.XmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping(mappingName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, rpc);
                    XmlMappings.Add(mappingKey, mapping);
                    return mapping;
예제 #25
        private XmlTypeMapMember CreateMapMember(XmlReflectionMember rmember, string defaultNamespace)
            XmlTypeMapMember mapMember;
            XmlAttributes    atts     = rmember.XmlAttributes;
            TypeData         typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType);

            if (atts.XmlAnyAttribute != null)
                if ((rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlAttribute[]") ||
                    (rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlNode[]"))
                    mapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberAnyAttribute();
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("XmlAnyAttributeAttribute can only be applied to members of type XmlAttribute[] or XmlNode[]");
            else if (atts.XmlAnyElements != null && atts.XmlAnyElements.Count > 0)
                if ((rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlElement[]") ||
                    (rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlNode[]") ||
                    (rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlElement"))
                    XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement member = new XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement();
                    member.ElementInfo = ImportAnyElementInfo(defaultNamespace, rmember, member, atts);
                    mapMember          = member;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("XmlAnyElementAttribute can only be applied to members of type XmlElement, XmlElement[] or XmlNode[]");
            else if (atts.Xmlns)
                XmlTypeMapMemberNamespaces mapNamespaces = new XmlTypeMapMemberNamespaces();
                mapMember = mapNamespaces;
            else if (atts.XmlAttribute != null)
                // An attribute

                if (atts.XmlElements != null && atts.XmlElements.Count > 0)
                    throw new Exception("XmlAttributeAttribute and XmlElementAttribute cannot be applied to the same member");

                XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute mapAttribute = new XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute();
                if (atts.XmlAttribute.AttributeName == null)
                    mapAttribute.AttributeName = rmember.MemberName;
                    mapAttribute.AttributeName = atts.XmlAttribute.AttributeName;

                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    mapAttribute.MappedType = ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, null, mapAttribute.Namespace);

                if (atts.XmlAttribute.Namespace != null && atts.XmlAttribute.Namespace != defaultNamespace)
                    if (atts.XmlAttribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("The Form property may not be 'Unqualified' when an explicit Namespace property is present");
                    mapAttribute.Form      = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified;
                    mapAttribute.Namespace = atts.XmlAttribute.Namespace;
                    mapAttribute.Form = atts.XmlAttribute.Form;
                    if (atts.XmlAttribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)
                        mapAttribute.Namespace = defaultNamespace;
                        mapAttribute.Namespace = "";

                typeData  = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, atts.XmlAttribute.DataType);
                mapMember = mapAttribute;
            else if (typeData.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array)
                // If the member has a single XmlElementAttribute and the type is the type of the member,
                // then it is not a flat list

                if (atts.XmlElements.Count > 1 ||
                    (atts.XmlElements.Count == 1 && atts.XmlElements[0].Type != typeData.Type) ||
                    (atts.XmlText != null))
                    // A flat list

                    // TODO: check that it does not have XmlArrayAttribute
                    XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList member = new XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList();
                    member.ListMap          = new ListMap();
                    member.ListMap.ItemInfo = ImportElementInfo(rmember.MemberName, defaultNamespace, typeData.ListItemType, member, atts);
                    member.ElementInfo      = member.ListMap.ItemInfo;
                    mapMember = member;
                    // A list

                    XmlTypeMapMemberList member = new XmlTypeMapMemberList();

                    // Creates an ElementInfo that identifies the array instance.
                    member.ElementInfo = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();
                    XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo(member, typeData);
                    elem.ElementName = (atts.XmlArray != null && atts.XmlArray.ElementName != null) ? atts.XmlArray.ElementName : rmember.MemberName;
                    elem.Namespace   = (atts.XmlArray != null && atts.XmlArray.Namespace != null) ? atts.XmlArray.Namespace : defaultNamespace;
                    elem.MappedType  = ImportListMapping(rmember.MemberType, null, elem.Namespace, atts, 0);
                    elem.IsNullable  = (atts.XmlArray != null) ? atts.XmlArray.IsNullable : false;
                    elem.Form        = (atts.XmlArray != null) ? atts.XmlArray.Form : XmlSchemaForm.Qualified;

                    mapMember = member;
                // An element

                XmlTypeMapMemberElement member = new XmlTypeMapMemberElement();
                member.ElementInfo = ImportElementInfo(rmember.MemberName, defaultNamespace, rmember.MemberType, member, atts);
                mapMember          = member;

            mapMember.DefaultValue  = atts.XmlDefaultValue;
            mapMember.TypeData      = typeData;
            mapMember.Name          = rmember.MemberName;
            mapMember.IsReturnValue = rmember.IsReturnValue;
예제 #26
		XmlTypeMapping ImportEnumMapping (TypeData typeData, XmlRootAttribute root, string defaultNamespace)
			Type type = typeData.Type;
			XmlTypeMapping map = helper.GetRegisteredClrType (type, GetTypeNamespace (typeData, root, defaultNamespace));
			if (map != null) return map;
			if (!allowPrivateTypes)
				ReflectionHelper.CheckSerializableType (type, false);
			map = CreateTypeMapping (typeData, root, null, defaultNamespace);
			map.IsNullable = false;
			helper.RegisterClrType (map, type, map.XmlTypeNamespace);

			ArrayList members = new ArrayList();
			foreach (string name in GetEnumNames (type)) {
			string [] names = Enum.GetNames (type);
			foreach (string name in names) {
				FieldInfo field = type.GetField (name);
				string xmlName = null;
				if (field.IsDefined(typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute), false))
				object[] atts = field.GetCustomAttributes (typeof(XmlEnumAttribute), false);
				if (atts.Length > 0) xmlName = ((XmlEnumAttribute)atts[0]).Name;
				if (xmlName == null) xmlName = name;
				long value = ((IConvertible) field.GetValue (null)).ToInt64 (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
				members.Add (new EnumMap.EnumMapMember (xmlName, name, value));

			bool isFlags = type.IsDefined (typeof (FlagsAttribute), false);
			map.ObjectMap = new EnumMap ((EnumMap.EnumMapMember[])members.ToArray (typeof(EnumMap.EnumMapMember)), isFlags);
			ImportTypeMapping (typeof(object)).DerivedTypes.Add (map);
			return map;

		XmlTypeMapping ImportXmlSerializableMapping (TypeData typeData, XmlRootAttribute root, string defaultNamespace)
			Type type = typeData.Type;
			XmlTypeMapping map = helper.GetRegisteredClrType (type, GetTypeNamespace (typeData, root, defaultNamespace));
			if (map != null) return map;
			if (!allowPrivateTypes)
				ReflectionHelper.CheckSerializableType (type, false);
			map = CreateTypeMapping (typeData, root, null, defaultNamespace);
			helper.RegisterClrType (map, type, map.XmlTypeNamespace);
			return map;

		void ImportIncludedTypes (Type type, string defaultNamespace)
			XmlIncludeAttribute[] includes = (XmlIncludeAttribute[])type.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (XmlIncludeAttribute), false);
			for (int n=0; n<includes.Length; n++)
				Type includedType = includes[n].Type;
				ImportTypeMapping (includedType, null, defaultNamespace);

		ICollection GetReflectionMembers (Type type)
			// First we want to find the inheritance hierarchy in reverse order.
			Type currentType = type;
			ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
			while (currentType != typeof(object))
				currentType = currentType.BaseType; // Read the base type.
				typeList.Insert(0, currentType); // Insert at 0 to reverse the order.

			// Read all Fields via reflection.
			ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList();
			FieldInfo[] tfields = type.GetFields (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			// This statement ensures fields are ordered starting from the base type.
			for (int ti=0; ti<typeList.Count; ti++) {
				for (int i=0; i<tfields.Length; i++) {
					FieldInfo field = tfields[i];
					if (field.DeclaringType == typeList[ti])
						fieldList.Add (field);
			currentType = null;
			int currentIndex = 0;
			foreach (FieldInfo field in tfields)
				// This statement ensures fields are ordered starting from the base type.
				if (currentType != field.DeclaringType)
					currentType = field.DeclaringType;
				fieldList.Insert(currentIndex++, field);
			// Read all Properties via reflection.
			ArrayList propList = new ArrayList();
			PropertyInfo[] tprops = type.GetProperties (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			// This statement ensures properties are ordered starting from the base type.
			for (int ti=0; ti<typeList.Count; ti++) {
				for (int i=0; i<tprops.Length; i++) {
					PropertyInfo prop = tprops[i];
					if (!prop.CanRead) continue;
					if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0) continue;
					if (prop.DeclaringType == typeList[ti])
						propList.Add (prop);
			currentType = null;
			currentIndex = 0;
			foreach (PropertyInfo prop in tprops)
				// This statement ensures properties are ordered starting from the base type.
				if (currentType != prop.DeclaringType)
					currentType = prop.DeclaringType;
					currentIndex = 0;
				if (!prop.CanRead) continue;
				if (prop.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0) continue;
				propList.Insert(currentIndex++, prop);
			ArrayList members = new ArrayList();
			int fieldIndex=0;
			int propIndex=0;
			// We now step through the type hierarchy from the base (object) through
			// to the supplied class, as each step outputting all Fields, and then
			// all Properties.  This is the exact same ordering as .NET 1.0/1.1.
			foreach (Type t in typeList)
				// Add any fields matching the current DeclaringType.
				while (fieldIndex < fieldList.Count)
					FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)fieldList[fieldIndex];
					if (field.DeclaringType==t)
						XmlAttributes atts = attributeOverrides[type, field.Name];
						if (atts == null) atts = new XmlAttributes (field);
						if (atts.XmlIgnore) continue;
						XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember(field.Name, field.FieldType, atts);
						member.DeclaringType = field.DeclaringType;
					else break;

				// Add any properties matching the current DeclaringType.
				while (propIndex < propList.Count)
					PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)propList[propIndex];
					if (prop.DeclaringType==t)
						XmlAttributes atts = attributeOverrides[type, prop.Name];
						if (atts == null) atts = new XmlAttributes (prop);
						if (atts.XmlIgnore) continue;
						if (!prop.CanWrite && (TypeTranslator.GetTypeData (prop.PropertyType).SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Array || prop.PropertyType.IsArray)) continue;
						XmlReflectionMember member = new XmlReflectionMember(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType, atts);
						member.DeclaringType = prop.DeclaringType;
					else break;
			return members;		
예제 #27
		public void CheckOptionalValueType (XmlReflectionMember[] members)
			// Used when reflecting a list of members (e.g. web service parameters)
			for (int n=0; n<members.Length; n++) {
				XmlReflectionMember m = members [n];
				if (m.MemberName == Name + "Specified" && m.MemberType == typeof(bool) && m.XmlAttributes.XmlIgnore) {
					IsOptionalValueType = true;
					_specifiedGlobalIndex = n;
예제 #28
		XmlReflectionMember [] BuildRequestReflectionMembers (XmlElementAttribute optional_ns)
			ParameterInfo [] input = MethodInfo.InParameters;
			XmlReflectionMember [] in_members = new XmlReflectionMember [input.Length];

			for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
				XmlReflectionMember m = new XmlReflectionMember ();
				m.IsReturnValue = false;
				m.MemberName = input [i].Name;
				m.MemberType = input [i].ParameterType;

				m.XmlAttributes = new XmlAttributes (input[i]);
				m.SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes (input[i]);

				if (m.MemberType.IsByRef)
					m.MemberType = m.MemberType.GetElementType ();
				if (optional_ns != null)
					m.XmlAttributes.XmlElements.Add (optional_ns);
				in_members [i] = m;
			return in_members;
 /// <include file='doc\SoapReflectionImporter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members) {
     return ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, true, true, false);
예제 #30
		XmlReflectionMember [] BuildHeadersReflectionMembers (HeaderInfo[] headers)
			XmlReflectionMember [] mems = new XmlReflectionMember [headers.Length];

			for (int n=0; n<headers.Length; n++)
				HeaderInfo header = headers [n];
				XmlReflectionMember m = new XmlReflectionMember ();
				m.IsReturnValue = false;
				m.MemberName = header.HeaderType.Name;
				m.MemberType = header.HeaderType;

				// MS.NET reflects header classes in a weird way. The root element
				// name is the CLR class name unless it is specified in an XmlRootAttribute.
				// The usual is to use the xml type name by default, but not in this case.
				XmlAttributes ats = new XmlAttributes (header.HeaderType);
				if (ats.XmlRoot != null) {
					XmlElementAttribute xe = new XmlElementAttribute ();
					xe.ElementName = ats.XmlRoot.ElementName;
					xe.Namespace = ats.XmlRoot.Namespace;
					m.XmlAttributes = new XmlAttributes ();
					m.XmlAttributes.XmlElements.Add (xe);
				mems [n] = m;
			return mems;
 /// <include file='doc\SoapReflectionImporter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping2"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validate) {
     return ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, validate, XmlMappingAccess.Read | XmlMappingAccess.Write);
예제 #32
		public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping (string elementName,
			string ns,
			XmlReflectionMember [] members,
			bool hasWrapperElement)
			return ImportMembersMapping (elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, true);
 MembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(XmlReflectionMember[] xmlReflectionMembers, string ns, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validateWrapperElement) {
     MembersMapping members = new MembersMapping();
     members.TypeDesc = typeScope.GetTypeDesc(typeof(object[]));
     MemberMapping[] mappings = new MemberMapping[xmlReflectionMembers.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++) {
         try {
             XmlReflectionMember member = xmlReflectionMembers[i];
             MemberMapping mapping = ImportMemberMapping(member, ns, xmlReflectionMembers, hasWrapperElement ? XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified : XmlSchemaForm.Qualified);
             if (member.IsReturnValue && writeAccessors) { // no special treatment for return values with doc/enc
                 if (i > 0) throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.XmlInvalidReturnPosition));
                 mapping.IsReturnValue = true;
             mappings[i] = mapping;
         catch (Exception e) {
             if (e is ThreadAbortException || e is StackOverflowException || e is OutOfMemoryException) {
             throw ReflectionException(xmlReflectionMembers[i].MemberName, e);
         catch {
             throw ReflectionException(xmlReflectionMembers[i].MemberName, null);
     members.Members = mappings;
     members.HasWrapperElement = hasWrapperElement;
     if (hasWrapperElement) {
         members.ValidateRpcWrapperElement = validateWrapperElement;
     members.WriteAccessors = writeAccessors;
     members.IsSoap = true;
     if (hasWrapperElement && !writeAccessors)
         members.Namespace = ns;
     return members;
예제 #34
		XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping (string elementName, 
			string ns, 
			XmlReflectionMember[] members, 
			bool hasWrapperElement, 
			bool writeAccessors, 
			bool validate,
			XmlMappingAccess access)
//			Reset ();	Disabled. See ChangeLog

			ArrayList mapping = new ArrayList ();
			for (int n=0; n<members.Length; n++)
				if (members[n].XmlAttributes.XmlIgnore) continue;
				XmlTypeMapMember mapMem = CreateMapMember (null, members[n], ns);
				mapMem.GlobalIndex = n;
				mapMem.CheckOptionalValueType (members);
				mapping.Add (new XmlMemberMapping (members[n].MemberName, ns, mapMem, false));
			elementName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName (elementName);
			XmlMembersMapping mps = new XmlMembersMapping (elementName, ns, hasWrapperElement, false, (XmlMemberMapping[])mapping.ToArray (typeof(XmlMemberMapping)));
			mps.RelatedMaps = relatedMaps;
			mps.Format = SerializationFormat.Literal;
			Type[] extraTypes = includedTypes != null ? (Type[])includedTypes.ToArray(typeof(Type)) : null;
#if !NET_2_1
			mps.Source = new MembersSerializationSource (elementName, hasWrapperElement, members, false, true, ns, extraTypes);
			if (allowPrivateTypes) mps.Source.CanBeGenerated = false;
			return mps;
        private XmlTypeMapMember CreateMapMember(XmlReflectionMember rmember, string defaultNamespace)
            XmlTypeMapMember mapMember;
            SoapAttributes   atts     = rmember.SoapAttributes;
            TypeData         typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType);

            if (atts.SoapAttribute != null)
                // An attribute

                if (typeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Enum && typeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Primitive)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                                      "Cannot serialize member '{0}' of type {1}. " +
                                                                      "SoapAttribute cannot be used to encode complex types.",
                                                                      rmember.MemberName, typeData.FullTypeName));

                if (atts.SoapElement != null)
                    throw new Exception("SoapAttributeAttribute and SoapElementAttribute cannot be applied to the same member");

                XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute mapAttribute = new XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute();
                if (atts.SoapAttribute.AttributeName.Length == 0)
                    mapAttribute.AttributeName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(rmember.MemberName);
                    mapAttribute.AttributeName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(atts.SoapAttribute.AttributeName);

                mapAttribute.Namespace = (atts.SoapAttribute.Namespace != null) ? atts.SoapAttribute.Namespace : "";
                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    mapAttribute.MappedType = ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, defaultNamespace);

                typeData  = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, atts.SoapAttribute.DataType);
                mapMember = mapAttribute;
                mapMember.DefaultValue = GetDefaultValue(typeData, atts.SoapDefaultValue);
                if (typeData.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array)
                    mapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberList();
                    mapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberElement();

                if (atts.SoapElement != null && atts.SoapElement.DataType.Length != 0)
                    typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, atts.SoapElement.DataType);

                // Creates an ElementInfo that identifies the element
                XmlTypeMapElementInfoList infoList = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();
                XmlTypeMapElementInfo     elem     = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo(mapMember, typeData);

                elem.ElementName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName((atts.SoapElement != null && atts.SoapElement.ElementName.Length != 0) ? atts.SoapElement.ElementName : rmember.MemberName);
                elem.Namespace   = string.Empty;
                elem.IsNullable  = (atts.SoapElement != null) ? atts.SoapElement.IsNullable : false;
                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    elem.MappedType = ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, defaultNamespace);

                ((XmlTypeMapMemberElement)mapMember).ElementInfo = infoList;

            mapMember.TypeData      = typeData;
            mapMember.Name          = rmember.MemberName;
            mapMember.IsReturnValue = rmember.IsReturnValue;
예제 #36
		private XmlTypeMapMember CreateMapMember (Type declaringType, XmlReflectionMember rmember, string defaultNamespace)
			XmlTypeMapMember mapMember;
			XmlAttributes atts = rmember.XmlAttributes;
			TypeData typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData (rmember.MemberType);

			if (atts.XmlArray != null) {
				if (atts.XmlArray.Namespace != null && atts.XmlArray.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("XmlArrayAttribute.Form must not be Unqualified when it has an explicit Namespace value.");
				if (typeData.SchemaType != SchemaTypes.Array &&
				    !(typeData.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Primitive && typeData.Type == typeof (byte [])))
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("XmlArrayAttribute can be applied to members of array or collection type.");

			if (atts.XmlAnyAttribute != null)
				if ( (rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlAttribute[]") ||
					 (rmember.MemberType.FullName == "System.Xml.XmlNode[]") )
					mapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberAnyAttribute();
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("XmlAnyAttributeAttribute can only be applied to members of type XmlAttribute[] or XmlNode[]");
			if (atts.XmlAnyElements != null && atts.XmlAnyElements.Count > 0)
				// no XmlNode type check is done here (seealso: bug #553032).
				XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement member = new XmlTypeMapMemberAnyElement();
				member.ElementInfo = ImportAnyElementInfo (defaultNamespace, rmember, member, atts);
				mapMember = member;
			else if (atts.Xmlns)
				XmlTypeMapMemberNamespaces mapNamespaces = new XmlTypeMapMemberNamespaces ();
				mapMember = mapNamespaces;
			else if (atts.XmlAttribute != null)
				// An attribute

				if (atts.XmlElements != null && atts.XmlElements.Count > 0)
					throw new Exception ("XmlAttributeAttribute and XmlElementAttribute cannot be applied to the same member");

				XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute mapAttribute = new XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute ();
				if (atts.XmlAttribute.AttributeName.Length == 0) 
					mapAttribute.AttributeName = rmember.MemberName;
					mapAttribute.AttributeName = atts.XmlAttribute.AttributeName;

				mapAttribute.AttributeName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName (mapAttribute.AttributeName);

				if (typeData.IsComplexType)
					mapAttribute.MappedType = ImportTypeMapping (typeData.Type, null, defaultNamespace);

				if (atts.XmlAttribute.Namespace != null && atts.XmlAttribute.Namespace != defaultNamespace)
					if (atts.XmlAttribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("The Form property may not be 'Unqualified' when an explicit Namespace property is present");
					mapAttribute.Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified;
					mapAttribute.Namespace = atts.XmlAttribute.Namespace;
					mapAttribute.Form = atts.XmlAttribute.Form;
					if (atts.XmlAttribute.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Qualified)
						mapAttribute.Namespace = defaultNamespace;
						mapAttribute.Namespace = "";
				typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, atts.XmlAttribute.DataType);
				mapMember = mapAttribute;
			else if (typeData.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array)
				// If the member has a single XmlElementAttribute and the type is the type of the member,
				// then it is not a flat list
				if (atts.XmlElements.Count > 1 ||
				   (atts.XmlElements.Count == 1 && atts.XmlElements[0].Type != typeData.Type) ||
				   (atts.XmlText != null))
					// A flat list

					// check that it does not have XmlArrayAttribute
					if (atts.XmlArray != null)
						throw new InvalidOperationException ("XmlArrayAttribute cannot be used with members which also attributed with XmlElementAttribute or XmlTextAttribute.");

					XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList member = new XmlTypeMapMemberFlatList ();
					member.ListMap = new ListMap ();
					member.ListMap.ItemInfo = ImportElementInfo (declaringType, XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName (rmember.MemberName), defaultNamespace, typeData.ListItemType, member, atts);
					member.ElementInfo = member.ListMap.ItemInfo;
					member.ListMap.ChoiceMember = member.ChoiceMember;
					mapMember = member;
					// A list

					XmlTypeMapMemberList member = new XmlTypeMapMemberList ();

					// Creates an ElementInfo that identifies the array instance. 
					member.ElementInfo = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();
					XmlTypeMapElementInfo elem = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo (member, typeData);
					elem.ElementName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName((atts.XmlArray != null && atts.XmlArray.ElementName.Length != 0) ? atts.XmlArray.ElementName : rmember.MemberName);
					// note that it could be changed below (when Form is Unqualified)
					elem.Namespace = (atts.XmlArray != null && atts.XmlArray.Namespace != null) ? atts.XmlArray.Namespace : defaultNamespace;
					elem.MappedType = ImportListMapping (rmember.MemberType, null, elem.Namespace, atts, 0);
					elem.IsNullable = (atts.XmlArray != null) ? atts.XmlArray.IsNullable : false;
					elem.Form = (atts.XmlArray != null) ? atts.XmlArray.Form : XmlSchemaForm.Qualified;
					// This is a bit tricky, but is done
					// after filling descendant members, so
					// that array items could be serialized
					// with proper namespace.
					if (atts.XmlArray != null && atts.XmlArray.Form == XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)
						elem.Namespace = String.Empty;

					member.ElementInfo.Add (elem);
					mapMember = member;
				// An element

				XmlTypeMapMemberElement member = new XmlTypeMapMemberElement ();
 				member.ElementInfo = ImportElementInfo (declaringType, XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(rmember.MemberName), defaultNamespace, rmember.MemberType, member, atts);
				mapMember = member;

			mapMember.DefaultValue = GetDefaultValue (typeData, atts.XmlDefaultValue);
			mapMember.TypeData = typeData;
			mapMember.Name = rmember.MemberName;
			mapMember.IsReturnValue = rmember.IsReturnValue;
			return mapMember;
예제 #37
		XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping (string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validate, XmlMappingAccess access)
			elementName = XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName (elementName);
			XmlMemberMapping[] mapping = new XmlMemberMapping[members.Length];
			for (int n=0; n<members.Length; n++)
				XmlTypeMapMember mapMem = CreateMapMember (members[n], ns);
				mapping[n] = new XmlMemberMapping (XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName (members[n].MemberName), ns, mapMem, true);
			XmlMembersMapping mps = new XmlMembersMapping (elementName, ns, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, mapping);
			mps.RelatedMaps = relatedMaps;
			mps.Format = SerializationFormat.Encoded;
			Type[] extraTypes = includedTypes != null ? (Type[])includedTypes.ToArray(typeof(Type)) : null;
			mps.Source = new MembersSerializationSource (elementName, hasWrapperElement, members, writeAccessors, false, null, extraTypes);
			return mps;
예제 #38
		XmlSerializer GetSerializer (MessageBodyDescription desc)
			if (bodySerializers.ContainsKey (desc))
				return bodySerializers [desc];

			int count = desc.Parts.Count + (HasReturnValue (desc) ? 1 : 0);
			XmlReflectionMember [] members = new XmlReflectionMember [count];

			int ind = 0;
			if (HasReturnValue (desc))
				members [ind++] = CreateReflectionMember (desc.ReturnValue, true);

			foreach (MessagePartDescription partDesc in desc.Parts)
				members [ind++] = CreateReflectionMember (partDesc, false);

			XmlReflectionImporter xmlImporter = new XmlReflectionImporter ();
			// Register known types into xmlImporter.
			foreach (var type in OperationKnownTypes)
				xmlImporter.IncludeType (type);
			XmlMembersMapping [] partsMapping = new XmlMembersMapping [1];
			partsMapping [0] = xmlImporter.ImportMembersMapping (desc.WrapperName, desc.WrapperNamespace, members, true);
			bodySerializers [desc] = XmlSerializer.FromMappings (partsMapping) [0];
			return bodySerializers [desc];
                private XmlMembersMapping LoadBodyMapping(MessageDescription message, string mappingKey, out MessagePartDescriptionCollection rpcEncodedTypedMessageBodyParts)
                    MessagePartDescription returnPart;
                    string wrapperName, wrapperNs;
                    MessagePartDescriptionCollection bodyParts;
                    rpcEncodedTypedMessageBodyParts = null;
                    returnPart = OperationFormatter.IsValidReturnValue(message.Body.ReturnValue) ? message.Body.ReturnValue : null;
                    bodyParts = message.Body.Parts;
                    wrapperName = message.Body.WrapperName;
                    wrapperNs = message.Body.WrapperNamespace;
                    bool isWrapped = (wrapperName != null);
                    bool hasReturnValue = returnPart != null;
                    int paramCount = bodyParts.Count + (hasReturnValue ? 1 : 0);
                    if (paramCount == 0 && !isWrapped) // no need to create serializer
                        return null;

                    XmlReflectionMember[] members = new XmlReflectionMember[paramCount];
                    int paramIndex = 0;
                    if (hasReturnValue)
                        members[paramIndex++] = XmlSerializerHelper.GetXmlReflectionMember(returnPart, IsRpc, isWrapped);

                    for (int i = 0; i < bodyParts.Count; i++)
                        members[paramIndex++] = XmlSerializerHelper.GetXmlReflectionMember(bodyParts[i], IsRpc, isWrapped);

                    if (!isWrapped)
                        wrapperNs = ContractNamespace;
                    return ImportMembersMapping(wrapperName, wrapperNs, members, isWrapped, IsRpc, mappingKey);
 /// <include file='doc\SoapReflectionImporter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping1"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors) {
     return ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, false);
                private XmlMembersMapping LoadHeadersMapping(MessageDescription message, string mappingKey)
                    int headerCount = message.Headers.Count;

                    if (headerCount == 0)
                        return null;

                    int unknownHeaderCount = 0, headerIndex = 0;
                    XmlReflectionMember[] members = new XmlReflectionMember[headerCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < headerCount; i++)
                        MessageHeaderDescription header = message.Headers[i];
                        if (!header.IsUnknownHeaderCollection)
                            members[headerIndex++] = XmlSerializerHelper.GetXmlReflectionMember(header, false/*isRpc*/, false/*isWrapped*/);

                    if (unknownHeaderCount == headerCount)
                        return null;

                    if (unknownHeaderCount > 0)
                        XmlReflectionMember[] newMembers = new XmlReflectionMember[headerCount - unknownHeaderCount];
                        Array.Copy(members, newMembers, newMembers.Length);
                        members = newMembers;

                    return ImportMembersMapping(ContractName, ContractNamespace, members, false /*isWrapped*/, false /*isRpc*/, mappingKey);
        /// <include file='doc\SoapReflectionImporter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping3"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool writeAccessors, bool validate, XmlMappingAccess access) {
            ElementAccessor element = new ElementAccessor();
            element.IsSoap = true;
            element.Name = elementName == null || elementName.Length == 0 ? elementName : XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName(elementName);

            element.Mapping = ImportMembersMapping(members, ns, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, validate);
            element.Mapping.TypeName = elementName;
            element.Namespace = element.Mapping.Namespace == null ? ns : element.Mapping.Namespace;
            element.Form = XmlSchemaForm.Qualified;
            XmlMembersMapping xmlMapping = new XmlMembersMapping(typeScope, element, access);
            xmlMapping.IsSoap = true;
            xmlMapping.GenerateSerializer = true;
            return xmlMapping;
 internal XmlMembersMapping ImportMembersMapping(string elementName, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] members, bool hasWrapperElement, bool rpc, string mappingKey)
     string key = mappingKey.StartsWith(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? _keyBase + mappingKey : mappingKey;
     return _parent._importer.ImportMembersMapping(new XmlName(elementName, true /*isEncoded*/), ns, members, hasWrapperElement, rpc, key);
 MemberMapping ImportMemberMapping(XmlReflectionMember xmlReflectionMember, string ns, XmlReflectionMember[] xmlReflectionMembers, XmlSchemaForm form) {
     SoapAttributes a = xmlReflectionMember.SoapAttributes;
     if (a.SoapIgnore) return null;
     MemberMapping member = new MemberMapping();
     member.IsSoap = true;
     member.Name = xmlReflectionMember.MemberName;
     bool checkSpecified = XmlReflectionImporter.FindSpecifiedMember(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMembers) != null;
     FieldModel model = new FieldModel(xmlReflectionMember.MemberName, xmlReflectionMember.MemberType, typeScope.GetTypeDesc(xmlReflectionMember.MemberType), checkSpecified, false);
     member.CheckShouldPersist = model.CheckShouldPersist;
     member.CheckSpecified = model.CheckSpecified;
     member.ReadOnly = model.ReadOnly; // || !model.FieldTypeDesc.HasDefaultConstructor;
     ImportAccessorMapping(member, model, a, ns, form);
     if (xmlReflectionMember.OverrideIsNullable)
         member.Elements[0].IsNullable = false;
     return member;
예제 #45
        private XmlTypeMapMember CreateMapMember(XmlReflectionMember rmember, string defaultNamespace)
            XmlTypeMapMember mapMember;
            SoapAttributes   atts     = rmember.SoapAttributes;
            TypeData         typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType);

            if (atts.SoapAttribute != null)
                // An attribute

                if (atts.SoapElement != null)
                    throw new Exception("SoapAttributeAttribute and SoapElementAttribute cannot be applied to the same member");

                XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute mapAttribute = new XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute();
                if (atts.SoapAttribute.AttributeName == null)
                    mapAttribute.AttributeName = rmember.MemberName;
                    mapAttribute.AttributeName = atts.SoapAttribute.AttributeName;

                mapAttribute.Namespace = (atts.SoapAttribute.Namespace != null) ? atts.SoapAttribute.Namespace : "";
                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    mapAttribute.MappedType = ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, defaultNamespace);

                typeData  = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, atts.SoapAttribute.DataType);
                mapMember = mapAttribute;
                if (typeData.SchemaType == SchemaTypes.Array)
                    mapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberList();
                    mapMember = new XmlTypeMapMemberElement();

                if (atts.SoapElement != null && atts.SoapElement.DataType != null)
                    typeData = TypeTranslator.GetTypeData(rmember.MemberType, atts.SoapElement.DataType);

                // Creates an ElementInfo that identifies the element
                XmlTypeMapElementInfoList infoList = new XmlTypeMapElementInfoList();
                XmlTypeMapElementInfo     elem     = new XmlTypeMapElementInfo(mapMember, typeData);

                elem.ElementName = (atts.SoapElement != null && atts.SoapElement.ElementName != null) ? atts.SoapElement.ElementName : rmember.MemberName;
                elem.Namespace   = string.Empty;
                elem.IsNullable  = (atts.SoapElement != null) ? atts.SoapElement.IsNullable : false;
                if (typeData.IsComplexType)
                    elem.MappedType = ImportTypeMapping(typeData.Type, defaultNamespace);

                ((XmlTypeMapMemberElement)mapMember).ElementInfo = infoList;

            mapMember.TypeData      = typeData;
            mapMember.Name          = rmember.MemberName;
            mapMember.IsReturnValue = rmember.IsReturnValue;