/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public override void GenerateSchemaTypeObjects(PropertyInfo property, XmlSchemaType type, int level)
            var atts = GetAttributes<ConfigurationPropertyAttribute>(property);
            if (atts.Length == 0)

            XmlSchemaComplexType ct;
            if (Generator.ComplexMap.ContainsKey(property.PropertyType))
                //already done the work
                ct = Generator.ComplexMap[property.PropertyType];
                //  got to generate a new one
                ct = new XmlSchemaComplexType { Name = atts[0].Name + "CT" };
                ct.AddAnnotation(property, null);

                Generator.ComplexMap.Add(property.PropertyType, ct);

                //  get all properties from the configuration object
                var propertyInfos = GetProperties<ConfigurationPropertyAttribute>(property.PropertyType);

                foreach (var pi in propertyInfos)
                    var parser = TypeParserFactory.GetParser(Generator, pi);
                    parser.GenerateSchemaTypeObjects(pi, ct, level + 1);

            var element = new XmlSchemaElement
                Name = atts[0].Name, // property.PropertyType.Name + "CT",
                MinOccurs = atts[0].IsRequired ? 1 : 0,
                SchemaTypeName = new XmlQualifiedName(XmlHelper.PrependNamespaceAlias(ct.Name))
            var pct = (XmlSchemaComplexType) type;
            ((XmlSchemaGroupBase) pct.Particle).Items.Add(element);

            //  add the documentation
            element.AddAnnotation(property, atts[0]);