private void ContentLoader_BeginLoad_Callback(IAsyncResult result)
            DependencyObject content = null;
            Uri uriBeingLoaded       = null;

                NavigationOperation asyncNavigationOperationCompleted = result.AsyncState as NavigationOperation;

                NavigationOperation navOp = this._currentNavigation;
                if (navOp == null || navOp.Uri != asyncNavigationOperationCompleted.Uri)
                    // We already fired NavigationStopped in NavigateCore(), so just return without doing anything

                uriBeingLoaded = navOp.UriBeforeMapping;

                content = this._contentLoader.EndLoad(result) as DependencyObject;

                // If the content is anything but a UserControl, we should throw.
                // We support UserControls as they are a typical thing created in designers such as Blend,
                // but for a full experience one would use Page to get to things like NavigationContext,
                // NavigationService, Title, etc.
                if (!(content is UserControl))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                                      content == null ? "null" : content.GetType().ToString(),

                // Content loader was successful, so complete navigation

                // Create a new navigation context
                JournalEntry.SetNavigationContext(content, new NavigationContext(UriParsingHelper.InternalUriParseQueryStringToDictionary(asyncNavigationOperationCompleted.Uri, true /* decodeResults */)));
                content.SetValue(NavigationServiceProperty, this);

                // Complete navigation operation
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (this.RaiseNavigationFailed(uriBeingLoaded, ex))