public NonlinearRandom() { InitializeComponent(); _errorEffect = new DropShadowEffect() { Color = UtilityWPF.ColorFromHex("FF0000"), BlurRadius = 4, Direction = 0, Opacity = .5, ShadowDepth = 0, }; txtBell2.Text = @"0 0 .1 .15 .9 .15 1 1"; txtBell3.Text = @".4 .3 .6 .8"; try { RebuildBell3Combo(); } catch (Exception) { } _initialized = true; }
SetEffect ( Effect effect ) { AssertValid(); this.VisualEffect = effect; }
/// <summary> /// Apply Blur Effect on the window /// </summary> /// <param name="win"></param> public static void ApplyEffect(this System.Windows.Window win) { // Create new effective objects System.Windows.Media.Effects.BlurEffect objBlur = new System.Windows.Media.Effects.BlurEffect(); objBlur.Radius = 5; System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush mask = new System.Windows.Media.SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Colors.DarkGray); mask.Opacity = 50; // Buffering ... effectBuffer = win.Effect; brushBuffer = win.OpacityMask; // Change effective objects win.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { win.Effect = objBlur; }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal); win.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { win.OpacityMask = mask; }), System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal); }
private void setControls() { panel.Children.Clear(); if (this.DataContext is Effect || this.DataContext == null) { Effect iEffect = DataContext as Effect; _editingEffect = iEffect ?? PlayInfo.DefaultEffect.CloneCurrentValue(); if (_editingEffect is SilhouetteSaverLib.GrayAlphaEffect) { SilhouetteSaverLib.GrayAlphaEffect gaef = _editingEffect as SilhouetteSaverLib.GrayAlphaEffect; GrayAlphaEffectControl ctrl = new GrayAlphaEffectControl(); ctrl.DataContext = gaef; panel.Children.Add(ctrl); } } }
public MainWindow() { m_model = new PageInfo(); InitializeComponent(); DataContext = m_model; InitPage(); PageManager.setPageListener(this); PageManager.setPageChange(ePAGE.ePage_StartPage); m_effect = gdBackgroundContainer.Effect; _updateEffect(); }
public void Start() { _tileData = new TileData { Title = "Hot artists", BackgroundImage = _tileIcon }; _tileEffect = new ColorToneShaderEffect { DarkColor = Colors.Black, LightColor = Colors.DarkOrange, Desaturation = 0.5, Toned = 0.5 }; _tileEffect.Freeze(); _dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => _tileService.Add<Views.Hot.HotArtistsView>(_tileData)), DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle); Job<TileData> job = new Job<TileData>("HotTile"); job.Data = _tileData; job.Run.From(DateTime.Now).Every.Seconds(60); _scheduler.SubmitJob(job, HotTileJobExecution); }
public EffectViewItem(Effect e) { _effect = e; }
public static void SetEffect(DependencyObject dc, Effect value) { dc.SetValue(EffectProperty, value); }
//public static void RenderXrayImage_TrimatEffect(ref BitmapSource bsource, TrimatEffect trimatEffect, SourceObject sourceObject, ViewObject viewObject) //{ // PixelFormat pixelFormat = PixelFormats.Bgr24; // int pixelOffset = pixelFormat.BitsPerPixel / 8; // int stride = sourceObject.Width * pixelOffset; // byte[] newData = new byte[viewObject.Trimat.Data.Length * pixelOffset]; // ImageBrush colorMapping = trimatEffect.ColorMapping as ImageBrush; // BitmapImage bs = colorMapping.ImageSource as BitmapImage; // int width = (int)bs.Width; // int height = (int)bs.Height; // PixelFormat pf = bs.Format; // int po = pf.BitsPerPixel / 8; // int rawstride = width * po; // byte[] pixels = new byte[rawstride * height]; // bs.CopyPixels(pixels, rawstride, 0); // Parallel.For(0, sourceObject.Data.Length, i => // { // float data = viewObject.Trimat.Data[i]; // float alpha = viewObject.Trimat.AlphaData[i]; // Color color = new Color(); // float compare = 1.0F - data; // if (compare < 0.15 || compare > 0.907) // { // color.ScR = color.ScG = color.ScB = data; // } // else // { // int y = (int)(alpha * height); // int x = (int)(compare * width); // int location = y * rawstride + x * po; // color.B = pixels[location]; // color.G = pixels[location + 1]; // color.R = pixels[location + 2]; // } // newData[i * pixelOffset + 0] = color.B; // newData[i * pixelOffset + 1] = color.G; // newData[i * pixelOffset + 2] = color.R; // }); // bsource = BitmapSource.Create(viewObject.Trimat.Width, viewObject.Trimat.Height, 96.0, 96.0, pixelFormat, null, newData, stride); //} /// <summary> /// Apply an effect to a bitmap. Renders the bitmap again and returns the new bitmap. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The starting source.</param> /// <param name="effect">The effect to apply.</param> /// <returns>The newly rendered bitmap with effect applied.</returns> private static void ApplyEffectToBitmap(ref BitmapSource source, Effect effect) { if (effect != null) { DrawingVisual dw = new DrawingVisual(); ImageBrush ib = new ImageBrush(); ib.ImageSource = source; using (DrawingContext dc = dw.RenderOpen()) { Size sz = new Size((int)source.Width, (int)source.Height); Pen p = new Pen(); Point pt = new Point(0, 0); dc.DrawRectangle(ib, p, new System.Windows.Rect(pt, sz)); dc.Close(); } dw.Effect = effect; // force run the garbage collection before rendering to mitigate the possibility of an OutOfMemoryException GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); source = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)source.Width, (int)source.Height, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Default); ((RenderTargetBitmap)source).Render(dw); } }
/// <summary> /// 对UIElement执行最简单的Double类型的单属性Effect动画 /// </summary> /// <param name="obj">UIElement对象</param> /// <param name="effect">特效</param> /// <param name="autoReverse">至结束后是否翻向播放至起点</param> /// <param name="repeat">是否永远执行</param> /// <param name="propertyName">要执行动画的特效属性</param> /// <param name="from">起始值</param> /// <param name="to">结束值</param> /// <param name="duration">间隔</param> /// <param name="easingFunction">缓动接口</param> /// <param name="superposition">是否允许对同一对象叠加执行</param> public static void RunEffectAnimation(UIElement obj, Effect effect, bool autoReverse, bool repeat, string propertyName, double from, double to, Duration duration, IEasingFunction easingFunction, bool superposition) { if (superposition || (!superposition && !animateUIElement.Contains(obj))) { if (!superposition) { animateUIElement.Add(obj); } obj.Effect = effect; Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard() { AutoReverse = autoReverse }; if (repeat) { storyboard.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever; } storyboard.Children.Add(CreateDoubleAnimation(effect,propertyName, from, to,duration,easingFunction)); EventHandler handler = null; storyboard.Completed += handler = (s, e) => { Storyboard sb = s as Storyboard; sb.Stop(); sb.Completed -= handler; obj.Effect = null; if (!superposition) { animateUIElement.Remove(obj); } }; storyboard.Begin(); } }
public void AddEffect(ThumbPosition position, Effect effect) { Thumb control; switch (position) { default: case ThumbPosition.Left: control = left; break; case ThumbPosition.Top: control = top; break; case ThumbPosition.Right: control = right; break; case ThumbPosition.Bottom: control = bottom; break; } control.Effect = effect; }
public HoverGlowBehaviourEffect(FrameworkElement e, Effect effect) : base(e) { hovereffect = effect; }
/// <summary> /// Create an effect on a bitmap source /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <param name="effect">The effect</param> /// <param name="visual">A visual to get the dpi from it</param> /// <returns>bitmap source with effect</returns> public static BitmapSource UseEffect(this BitmapSource source, Effect effect, Visual visual) { Matrix mat = PresentationSource.FromVisual(visual).CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice; return UseEffect(source, effect, mat.M11, mat.M22); }
public static BitmapSource UseEffect(this BitmapSource source, Effect effect) { return UseEffect(source, effect, source.DpiX, source.DpiY); }
public static BitmapSource UseEffect(this BitmapSource source, Effect effect, double dpiX, double dpiY) { RenderTargetBitmap bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)source.PixelWidth, (int)source.PixelHeight, dpiX, dpiY, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); Border image = new Border(); image.RenderSize = new Size(source.Width, source.Height); image.Background = new ImageBrush(source); image.Effect = effect; image.Measure(new Size(source.Width, source.Height)); image.Arrange(new Rect(new Size(source.Width, source.Height))); bmp.Render(image); return BitmapFrame.Create(bmp); }
public EvenDistributionCube() { InitializeComponent(); _errorEffect = new DropShadowEffect() { Color = UtilityWPF.ColorFromHex("FF0000"), BlurRadius = 4, Direction = 0, Opacity = .5, ShadowDepth = 0, }; _timer = new DispatcherTimer(); _timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10); _timer.Tick += Timer_Tick; _initialized = true; }
public MadShatter() { InitializeComponent(); // Camera Trackball _trackball = new TrackBallRoam(_camera); _trackball.EventSource = grdViewPort; //NOTE: If this control doesn't have a background color set, the trackball won't see events (I think transparent is ok, just not null) _trackball.AllowZoomOnMouseWheel = true; _trackball.Mappings.AddRange(TrackBallMapping.GetPrebuilt(TrackBallMapping.PrebuiltMapping.MouseComplete_NoLeft)); //_trackball.GetOrbitRadius += new GetOrbitRadiusHandler(Trackball_GetOrbitRadius); _errorEffect = new DropShadowEffect() { Color = UtilityWPF.ColorFromHex("FF0000"), BlurRadius = 4, Direction = 0, Opacity = .5, ShadowDepth = 0, }; _initialized = true; }
private void OnMouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { backup = AttachedElement.Effect; AttachedElement.Effect = hovereffect; }
private void setMyProtectedVisualEffect(Effect effect) { VisualEffect = effect; }
private void DrawFlag(Point position, double width, double height, FlagVisual flag, Effect effect = null) { // This fails when trying to clone (no default constructor) //FrameworkElement cloned = UtilityCore.Clone(flag); //cloned.Width = width; //cloned.Height = height; FlagVisual cloned = new FlagVisual(width, height, flag.FlagProps); Canvas.SetLeft(cloned, position.X - (width / 2)); Canvas.SetTop(cloned, position.Y - (height / 2)); if (effect != null) { cloned.Effect = effect; } canvasMap.Children.Add(cloned); }
private void DrawTriangle(Point position, double width, double height, double angle, Brush fill, Brush stroke, double strokeThickness, Effect effect = null) { Polygon triangle = new Polygon() { Fill = fill, Stroke = stroke, StrokeThickness = strokeThickness }; double halfWidth = width / 2; double halfHeight = height / 2; triangle.Points.Add(new Point(-halfWidth, halfHeight)); triangle.Points.Add(new Point(halfWidth, halfHeight)); triangle.Points.Add(new Point(0, -halfHeight)); Canvas.SetLeft(triangle, position.X - halfWidth); Canvas.SetTop(triangle, position.Y - halfHeight); if (effect != null) { triangle.Effect = effect; } triangle.RenderTransform = new RotateTransform(angle); canvasMap.Children.Add(triangle); }
private TextBlock CreateLabel(Color color, Effect effect, double top, double left, int i) { return new TextBlock { Name = "CalendarLabel" + i, Text = i.ToString(), FontFamily = font, FontSize = 36, Effect = effect, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left, TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right, Width = 50, Margin = new Thickness(left, top, 0, 0), Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(color), }; }