///<summary> /// Registers new Tool Box button in main tool-set ///</summary> ///<param name="ownControl">Control owns button will be created</param> ///<param name="item">Instance of <see cref="ToolStripMenuItem"/> which provides information to create button</param> ///<param name="action">Action should be call when created button clicked</param> ///<returns>Action delegate to notify main form when created button should be enabled/disabled</returns> ///<exception cref="FireFlyException"></exception> public Action<bool> RegisterToolBoxButton([NotNull]Control ownControl, [NotNull]ToolStripMenuItem item, [CanBeNull]EventHandler action) { var nb = new ToolStripButton(item.Text, item.Image) { Name = item.Name, ToolTipText = item.ToolTipText, Tag = ownControl, Visible = false}; if (item.ShortcutKeys != Keys.None) { #if CHECKERS if (nb.ToolTipText.IsNull()) { throw new FireFlyException("{0} has empty ToolTipText property", nb.Name); } #endif nb.ToolTipText += " (" + new KeysConverter().ConvertToString(item.ShortcutKeys) + ")"; } nb.DisplayStyle = item.Image != null ? ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image : ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text; nb.Click += action ?? ((s, e) => item.PerformClick()); nb.Enabled = item.Visible && item.Enabled; tsMain.Items.Add(nb); ownControl.GotFocus += (s, e) => nb.Visible = true; ownControl.LostFocus += (s, e) => { nb.Visible = false; }; ownControl.Disposed += (s, e) => nb.Dispose(); return isActive => { nb.Enabled = isActive; item.Visible = isActive; }; }
public override void CloseTabPage() { //this.Controls.Clear(); base.CloseTabPage(); //this.drawarea.CloseDrawArea(); //panelPageNavigation = null; //toolStripPageNavigation = null; //toolStripButtonAdd = null; //toolStripButtonDelete = null; //toolStripSeparator1 = null; //toolStripButtonFirst = null; //toolStripButtonPrevious = null; //toolStripLabelPageNumber = null; //toolStripButtonNext = null; //toolStripButtonLast = null; //drawarea = null; //panelTabPage = null; panelPageNavigation.Dispose(); toolStripPageNavigation.Dispose(); toolStripButtonAdd.Dispose(); toolStripButtonDelete.Dispose(); toolStripSeparator1.Dispose(); toolStripButtonFirst.Dispose(); toolStripButtonPrevious.Dispose(); toolStripLabelPageNumber.Dispose(); toolStripButtonNext.Dispose(); toolStripButtonLast.Dispose(); //drawarea = null; }
protected override void OnTermination() { if (annotPanel != null) { ChartControl.Controls.Remove(annotPanel); annotPanel.Dispose(); } if (theSplitter != null) { ChartControl.Controls.Remove(theSplitter); theSplitter.Dispose(); } if (strip != null) { strip.Items.Remove(hideBtn); hideBtn.Dispose(); } dgv = null; theSplitter = null; strip = null; hideBtn = null; newBtn = null; reorgBtn = null; didWell = null; needsImprovement = null; base.OnTermination(); }
public override void CloseTabPage() { //bool ret = true; //this.Controls.Clear(); base.CloseTabPage(); #if EWSAPP if (Dirty) { if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save?", "Save", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)) { SaveTabPage(); } } #endif //return ret; tblpou.Pages = null; panelPageNavigation.Dispose(); toolStripPageNavigation.Dispose(); toolStripButtonAdd.Dispose(); toolStripButtonDelete.Dispose(); toolStripSeparator1.Dispose(); toolStripButtonFirst.Dispose(); toolStripButtonPrevious.Dispose(); toolStripLabelPageNumber.Dispose(); toolStripButtonNext.Dispose(); toolStripButtonLast.Dispose(); //drawarea = null; }
public static void MasterToolStrip(ToolStrip SourceToolbar) { ToolStripButton btn = null; //This procedure assumes an Image List has been already attached to the //supplied Toolbar with the required images in the required order try { ToolStrip with_1 = SourceToolbar; with_1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); //Add a Separator btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_2 = btn; with_2.AutoToolTip = true; with_2.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_NEW", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_2.Tag = "New"; with_2.ImageIndex = 0; with_1.Items.Add(btn); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_3 = btn; with_3.AutoToolTip = true; with_3.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_DELETE", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_3.Tag = "Delete"; with_3.ImageIndex = 1; with_1.Items.Add(btn); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_4 = btn; with_4.AutoToolTip = true; with_4.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_SAVECHANGES", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_4.Tag = "Save"; with_4.ImageIndex = 2; with_1.Items.Add(btn); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_5 = btn; with_5.AutoToolTip = true; with_5.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_UNDOCHANGES", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_5.Tag = "Undo"; with_5.ImageIndex = 3; with_1.Items.Add(btn); with_1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_6 = btn; with_6.AutoToolTip = true; with_6.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_FIND", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_6.Tag = "Find"; with_6.ImageIndex = 4; with_1.Items.Add(btn); with_1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_7 = btn; with_7.AutoToolTip = true; with_7.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_CLOSE", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_7.Tag = "Exit"; with_7.ImageIndex = 5; with_1.Items.Add(btn); } catch (Exception) { } finally { btn.Dispose(); } }
public static void TransactionToolStrip(ToolStrip SourceToolbar) { ToolStripItem btn = null; try { ToolStrip with_1 = SourceToolbar; with_1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); //Add a Separator btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_2 = ((ToolStripButton) btn); with_2.AutoToolTip = true; with_2.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_SAVECHANGES", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_2.Tag = "Save"; with_1.Items.Add(btn); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_3 = ((ToolStripButton) btn); with_3.AutoToolTip = true; with_3.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_UNDOCHANGES", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_3.Tag = "Undo"; with_1.Items.Add(btn); with_1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); btn = new ToolStripButton(); ToolStripButton with_4 = ((ToolStripButton) btn); with_4.AutoToolTip = true; with_4.ToolTipText = CultureSupport.TextDictionary("TT_CLOSE", TextReturnTypeEnum.PureString); with_4.Tag = "Exit"; with_1.Items.Add(btn); } catch (Exception) { } finally { btn.Dispose(); } }