public void PasteTextIntoFunctionBindingList() { IFunction function = new Function(); var argument = new Variable<string>("A"); function.Arguments.Add(argument); var component = new Variable<string>("B"); function.Components.Add(component); var view = new TableView(); IBindingList bindingList = new FunctionBindingList(function) { SynchronizeInvoke = view }; view.Data = bindingList; const string argumentvalue1 = "argumentvalue1"; const string componentvalue1 = "componentvalue1"; const string argumentvalue2 = "argumentvalue2"; string componentvalue2 = "componentvalue2" + (char)0x03A9; Clipboard.SetText(string.Format("{0}\t{1}" + Environment.NewLine + "{2}\t{3}", argumentvalue1, componentvalue1, argumentvalue2, componentvalue2)); //action! pasting the text should fill out the function view.PasteClipboardContents(); Thread.Sleep(2000); Assert.AreEqual(argumentvalue1, argument.Values[0]); Assert.AreEqual(componentvalue1, component.Values[0]); Assert.AreEqual(argumentvalue2, argument.Values[1]); Assert.AreEqual(componentvalue2, component.Values[1]); }
public void PasteIntoGridBoundToDataTable() { var tableWithTwoStrings = new DataTable(); tableWithTwoStrings.Columns.Add("A", typeof(string)); tableWithTwoStrings.Columns.Add("B", typeof(string)); tableWithTwoStrings.Rows.Add("a", "b"); var tableView = new TableView { Data = tableWithTwoStrings }; Clipboard.SetText(string.Format("{0}\t{1}" + Environment.NewLine + "{0}\t{1}", "oe", "oe1")); tableView.PasteClipboardContents(); //WindowsFormsTestHelper.ShowModal(tableView); //should overwrite existing row and add another one Assert.AreEqual(2, tableWithTwoStrings.Rows.Count); Assert.AreEqual("oe", tableWithTwoStrings.Rows[0][0]); Assert.AreEqual("oe1", tableWithTwoStrings.Rows[0][1]); Assert.AreEqual("oe", tableWithTwoStrings.Rows[1][0]); Assert.AreEqual("oe1", tableWithTwoStrings.Rows[1][1]); }
public void PasteIntoEmptyTableView() { var persons = new List<Person>(); //set two persons in clipboard const string clipBoardContents = "cees anton\t34\r\nsaifon\t66\r\nmartijn\t31\r\n"; Clipboard.SetText(clipBoardContents); //setup a tableview var tableView = new TableView { Data = persons }; //action! tableView.PasteClipboardContents(); Assert.AreEqual("martijn", persons[2].Name); Assert.AreEqual(31, persons[2].Age); Assert.AreEqual(3, persons.Count); //WindowsFormsTestHelper.ShowModal(tableView); }
public void PasteClipboardContentsOverwritesExistingRows() { var person = new List<Person> { new Person { Age = 12, Name = "Hoi" }, new Person { Age = 11, Name = "keers" } }; //set two persons in clipboard const string clipBoardContents = "cees anton\t34\r\nsaifon\t66\r\n"; Clipboard.SetText(clipBoardContents); //setup a tableview var tableView = new TableView { Data = person }; tableView.PasteClipboardContents(); Assert.AreEqual("cees anton", person[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual(34, person[0].Age); Assert.AreEqual("saifon", person[1].Name); Assert.AreEqual(66, person[1].Age); }
public void PasteClipboardContentsCanAddRows() { var person = new List<Person> { new Person { Age = 12, Name = "Hoi" }, new Person { Age = 11, Name = "keers" } }; //set two persons in clipboard const string clipBoardContents = "cees anton\t34\r\nsaifon\t66\r\nmartijn\t31\r\n"; Clipboard.SetText(clipBoardContents); //setup a tableview var tableView = new TableView { Data = person }; tableView.PasteClipboardContents(); Assert.AreEqual("martijn", person[2].Name); Assert.AreEqual(31, person[2].Age); }