public AnalystsWorkstationMainForm() { InitializeComponent(); m_LPRCore = new LPRServiceEntryPoint(); m_AppData = m_LPRCore.GetAppData(); this.Text = "First Evidence Plate Analysts Workstation, version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); /// /// enable LPR Diagnostics /// if (Application.ExecutablePath.Contains("Visual Studio")) // assumes I am debugging on Vista { m_AppData.LPRDiagEnabled = true; } else { m_AppData.LPRDiagEnabled = false; } m_AppData.LPRDiagEnabled = false; // Remove Diagnostic tabs if not in diag mode if (!m_AppData.LPRDiagEnabled) { tabControlMain.TabPages.Remove(tabPageLPRDiagnostics); tabControlMain.TabPages.Remove(tabPageOCRLib); } else { OCRSourceFolder = UserSettings.Get(UserSettingTags.AW_OCRLibSourceDirectory); labelOCRSourceFolder.Text = OCRSourceFolder; OCRDestinationFolder = UserSettings.Get(UserSettingTags.AW_OCRLibDestinationDirectory); labelOCRDestinationFolder.Text = OCRDestinationFolder; } //// need some channel names assigned as place holders, off-line processing simulates hardware channels to the rest of the chain //for (int i = 0; i < m_AppData.MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS; i++) // UserSettings.Set(UserSettingTags.ChannelNames.Name(i), i.ToString()); // allow parallel processing based on the number of cores. The ProcessorCount returns the number of cores m_AppData.MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS = Math.Min(Environment.ProcessorCount,m_AppData.MAX_PHYSICAL_CHANNELS); m_DataGridRowIndex = new ThreadSafeHashTable(m_AppData.MAX_MOVIE_FILES_TO_LOAD); m_AppData.MoviePlayerParentForm = (object)this; m_AppData.RunninAsService = false; m_LPRCore.Start(m_AppData.RunninAsService); m_LPREngine = (LPREngine)m_AppData.LPREngine; m_LPREngine.OnNewFilteredPlateGroupEvent += new LPREngine.NewPlateEvent(m_LPREngine_OnNewPlateEvent); m_Log = (ErrorLog)m_AppData.Logger; m_FrameGenerator = (FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator; this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(AnalystsWorkstationMainForm_FormClosing); m_PathManager = (PATHS)m_AppData.PathManager; m_DVR = (DVR)m_AppData.DVR; m_SmartSearchUC = new SmartSearchLibUC(m_AppData, OnSearchFatalError); m_SmartSearchUC.Location = new Point(0, 0); m_SmartSearchUC.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; CreateBatchModeVideoDisplayPanels(); m_FrameGenerator.MovieFileController.DisplayPanels = m_VideoDisplayPanels; m_FrameGenerator.MovieFileController.OnStatusUpdateFromPlayerEvent += new MovieFiles.OnStatusUpdateFromPlayer(MovieFileController_OnStatusUpdateFromPlayerEvent); tabPageSearch.Controls.Add(m_SmartSearchUC); InitMainContainerGrid(dataGridViewFilesInProcess, new System.Drawing.Size(761, 200), new System.Drawing.Point(273, 483)); m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer = new ListView(); m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.Location = new Point(219, 200); m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.View = View.LargeIcon; m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - 275, this.Size.Height - 300); m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.ItemSelectionChanged += new ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventHandler(m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer_ItemSelectionChanged); buttonListViewVisible.Text = m_ShowThumbNails; m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.Enabled = false; m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.Visible = false; m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer.SendToBack(); tabPageEditMode.Controls.Add(m_EditModePictureSelectionViewer); tabControlLPRResults.TabPages.Clear(); // get DVR storage mode for the batch and edit mode processing string sm = UserSettings.Get(UserSettingTags.DVR_StorageMode); if (sm != null) { if (sm.Contains(UserSettingTags.DVR_StorageModeValueStoreOnMotion)) { m_AppData.DVRMode = APPLICATION_DATA.DVR_MODE.STORE_ON_MOTION; radioButtonStoreOnMotion.Checked = true; radioButtonStoreOnPlate.Checked = false; } else { radioButtonStoreOnMotion.Checked = false; radioButtonStoreOnPlate.Checked = true; m_AppData.DVRMode = APPLICATION_DATA.DVR_MODE.STORE_ON_PLATE_FOUND; } } else { radioButtonStoreOnMotion.Checked = false; radioButtonStoreOnPlate.Checked = true; m_AppData.DVRMode = APPLICATION_DATA.DVR_MODE.STORE_ON_PLATE_FOUND; } // by default, store batch outputs to repository radioToRepository.Checked = true; radioButtonToUserSpecifiedStorage.Checked = false; m_AppData.DVR_StoreToUserSpecifiedFolder = false; // now see if the user has previously chosen to store to specific folder -- get the user specified (if present) storage path for batch and edit mode processing string p = UserSettings.Get(UserSettingTags.DVR_UserSpecifiedStoragePath); if (p != null) { if (p.Contains(UserSettingTags.BOOL_TRUE)) { // the user want the batch processing results to go to a special folder and not the repository radioToRepository.Checked = false; string s = UserSettings.Get(UserSettingTags.DVR_UserSpecifiedStoragePath); if (s == null) { // error condition, the config setting says use userspecfifiedstorage, but the path is not there UserSettings.Set(UserSettingTags.DVR_StoreToUserSpecifiedFolder, UserSettingTags.BOOL_FALSE); radioButtonToUserSpecifiedStorage.Checked = false; string drive = null; if (m_PathManager.Drive == null) drive = "No repository found"; else drive = m_PathManager.Drive; textBoxUserSpecifiedStorageLocation.Text = drive; } else { // the good condition, all as it should be m_AppData.DVR_UserSpecifiedStoragePath = s; textBoxUserSpecifiedStorageLocation.Text = s; } } else { // the auto condition, use the DVRSTORAGE default storage area to put images and results into radioButtonToUserSpecifiedStorage.Checked = false; string drive = null; if (m_PathManager.Drive == null) { // if the user has configured a standard repository, then create one in the default user data folder string dirPath = Application.UserAppDataPath + "\\DVRSTORAGE"; if (!Directory.Exists(dirPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.UserAppDataPath + "\\DVRSTORAGE"); } drive = m_PathManager.Drive; } else { drive = m_PathManager.Drive; } textBoxUserSpecifiedStorageLocation.Text = drive; } } // display to the user the time stamps from the processed images so that user has a clue where to find // this images when searching in the search tool { int consumerID = ((FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator).GetNewConsumerID(); int maxChannels = ((FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator).GetNumberOfPhysicalChannels(); for (int c = 0; c < maxChannels; c++) ((FrameGenerator)m_AppData.FrameGenerator).RegisterToConsumeChannel(consumerID, c, OnReceiveNewFrameToExtractTimeStamp); // get callback on new frames m_ToDisplayProcessedTimeStampsQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<FRAME>(240); // store the frames into a Q when calledback. m_DisplayBatchTimeStampsThread = new Thread(DisplayBatchTimeStampsLoop); // empty the Q with this thread, dump to the listbox for user display m_DisplayBatchTimeStampsThread.Start(); } // install the user control to allow the user to import images from a field drive m_ImportImageDrive = new ImportImageDrive(m_AppData); tabPageImportImages.Controls.Add(m_ImportImageDrive); // show the results of LPR strings to the user m_LPRResultsToPostQ = new ThreadSafeQueue<LPR_RESULT_TO_POST>(100); m_LPRPostResultsThread = new Thread(LPRPostResultsLoop); m_LPRPostResultsThread.Start(); // keep tabs on the repository - find one and keep checking for lost drives m_CheckRepositoryStatusThread = new Thread(CheckRepositoryLoop); m_CheckRepositoryStatusThread.Start(); // m_LPRCore.OnSelfDestruct += CloseThis; }