private void AddToPackages(HtmlElement elem, int packageKey) { this.dicPackage.Add(elem, packageKey); elem.MouseEnter += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.Package_MouseEnter); elem.MouseLeave += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.Package_MouseLeave); elem.Click += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.Package_Click); }
public override HtmlElement locate(HtmlElement parent) { HtmlElement ret = null; if (null != parent) { HtmlElement toMatch = null; foreach (HtmlElement child in parent.All) { toMatch = child; if (null != Filter) { toMatch = Filter.locate(child); } if (null != toMatch) { if (null == Matcher || Matcher.match(toMatch)) { ret = toMatch; break; } } } } return ret; }
private void AddToContents(HtmlElement elem, int contentKey) { this.dicContent.Add(elem, contentKey); elem.Click += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.Content_Click); elem.MouseEnter += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.Content_MouseEnter); elem.MouseLeave += new HtmlElementEventHandler(this.Content_MouseLeave); }
public TreeNodeEx(HtmlElement htmlElement) : base() { this.htmlElement = htmlElement; this.Text = htmlElement.TagName; this.PrepareChildrenNodes(); }
void SecondNavigation(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { string value = string.Empty; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement resultTable1 = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("nav-typeahead-wormhole"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement resultTable = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("block-system-main"); if (resultTable != null) { HtmlElementCollection input1 = resultTable.GetElementsByTagName("DIV"); foreach (System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement input2 in input1) { if (input2.GetAttribute("class") == "information") { System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement mainelement = input2; } } } else { value = "Not Found"; } Details = value; this.resultEvent.Set(); }
public void Click(HtmlElement h) { Focus(h); Over(h); Down(h); h.InvokeMember("click"); }
public static HtmlInputElement GetInputElement(HtmlElement element) { if (!element.TagName.Equals("input", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return null; } HtmlInputElement input = null; string type = element.GetAttribute("type").ToLower(); switch (type) { case "checkbox": input = new HtmlCheckBox(element); break; case "password": input = new HtmlPassword(element); break; case "submit": input = new HtmlSubmit(element); break; case "text": input = new HtmlText(element); break; default: break; } return input; }
public static List<TRow> Convert(HtmlElement table) { List<TRow> alRow = new List<TRow>(); foreach (HtmlElement el in table.Children) { if (String.Compare(el.TagName, "thead", true) == 0) { foreach (HtmlElement elChild in el.Children) { if (String.Compare(elChild.TagName, "tr", true) == 0) { ReadTr(alRow, TRowType.Head, elChild); } } } if (String.Compare(el.TagName, "tfoot", true) == 0) { foreach (HtmlElement elChild in el.Children) { if (String.Compare(elChild.TagName, "tr", true) == 0) { ReadTr(alRow, TRowType.Tail, elChild); } } } else if (String.Compare(el.TagName, "tbody", true) == 0) { foreach (HtmlElement elChild in el.Children) { if (String.Compare(elChild.TagName, "tr", true) == 0) { ReadTr(alRow, TRowType.None, elChild); } } } else if (String.Compare(el.TagName, "tr", true) == 0) { ReadTr(alRow, TRowType.None, el); } } return alRow; }
private void Browser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { WebBrowser myBrowser = (WebBrowser)sender; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement html = myBrowser.Document.CreateElement("div"); html.InnerHtml += "<a id=\"popLink\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"display:none;\"></a>"; myBrowser.Document.Body.AppendChild(html); string jsHtml = ""; jsHtml += ", title, prop) "; jsHtml += "{"; jsHtml += "obj = document.getElementById('popLink'); "; jsHtml += "'block'; "; jsHtml += "obj.href=url; "; jsHtml += "obj.focus(); "; jsHtml += "; "; jsHtml += "'none' "; jsHtml += "} "; mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = myBrowser.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2; mshtml.IHTMLWindow2 win = doc.parentWindow as mshtml.IHTMLWindow2; win.execScript(jsHtml, "javascript"); if (tctlControl.SelectedTabPage.Text == "") { tctlControl.SelectedTabPage.Text = "加载失败"; } }
private void AttachContextMenu(HtmlElement he) { if (he.TagName.Equals(TagNames.BodyTagName)) { if (bodyContextMenu == null) { InitializeBodyContextMenu(); } } if (he.TagName.Equals(TagNames.AnchorTagName)) { if (!he.GetAttribute("href").Equals(string.Empty)) { if (linkContextMenu == null) { InitializeLinkContextMenu(); } } } if (he.TagName.Equals(TagNames.ImageTagName)) { if (!he.GetAttribute("longdesc").Equals(string.Empty)) { InitializeEquationContextMenu(); } } }
public static void SetElementValue(HtmlElement htmlElement, string value) { if (htmlElement != null) { htmlElement.SetAttribute("value", value); } }
public IList<HistoryInfo> GetHistoryFromTable(HtmlElement table) { IList<HistoryInfo> result = new List<HistoryInfo>(); if (table == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } HtmlElementCollection rows = table.GetElementsByTagName("tr"); if (rows == null || rows.Count == 0) { return result; } ///The 1st row are columns' name for (int i = 1; i < rows.Count; i++) { HtmlElement currentRow = rows[i]; HistoryInfo item = GetItemFromRow(currentRow); if (item != null) result.Add(item); } return result; }
public HtmlElementCollection GetElementsByName(string name) { int count = this.Count; HtmlElement[] elementArray = new HtmlElement[count]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { HtmlElement element = this[i]; if (element.GetAttribute("name") == name) { elementArray[index] = element; index++; } } if (index == 0) { return new HtmlElementCollection(this.shimManager); } HtmlElement[] array = new HtmlElement[index]; for (int j = 0; j < index; j++) { array[j] = elementArray[j]; } return new HtmlElementCollection(this.shimManager, array); }
public HtmlCheckBox(HtmlElement element) : base(element.Id) { // 如果checkbox的有属性是“checked”它将被检查。 string chekced = element.GetAttribute("checked"); Checked = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(chekced); }
public HtmlElement FindChildWithId(HtmlElement htmlElement, string idToFind) { if (htmlElement.Id != null && htmlElement.Id.Equals(idToFind)) { return htmlElement; } HtmlElement returnHtmlElement = null; foreach (HtmlElement item in htmlElement.Children) { returnHtmlElement = FindChildWithId(item, idToFind); } if (returnHtmlElement != null) { return returnHtmlElement; } while ((htmlElement = htmlElement.NextSibling) != null) { returnHtmlElement = FindChildWithId(htmlElement, idToFind); } if (returnHtmlElement != null) { return returnHtmlElement; } return null; }
//Method "Browse()" provided by assignment description private String Browse() { // Can't find System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser, which might be nice. // See WebBrowser myWebBrowser = null; String innerHTML = ""; txtTitle.Text = "???"; txtValue.Text = "???"; Thread thread = new Thread(delegate() { int elapsedTime; DateTime startTime = new DateTime(), endTime = new DateTime(); startTime = DateTime.Now; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement htmlElement = null; //WebBrowser foo = new System.Net.HttpWebRequest(); // deprecated. Seems to work for Desktop Apps and .Net Framework 2.0 // This causes major crashing of the web server //foo.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(DocumentComplete); myWebBrowser = new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser(); // Must be instantiated inside the Thread myWebBrowser.AllowNavigation = true; myWebBrowser.Navigate(txtURL.Text, false); while (myWebBrowser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) //while (foo.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Interactive) // We don't care if the graphics are loaded //while (foo.IsBusy == true) { txtValue.Text = myWebBrowser.ReadyState.ToString(); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); endTime = DateTime.Now; elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime).Seconds; if (elapsedTime > 30) { break; } } // When we get this far we have hopefully loaded the web page into the browser object try { txtTitle.Text = myWebBrowser.Document.Title; //System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement x = foo.Document.GetElementById("yfs_l84_csco"); htmlElement = myWebBrowser.Document.Body; innerHTML = htmlElement.InnerHtml; } catch (Exception ex) { txtValue.Text += "<p> Exception: " + ex.ToString(); } }); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); thread.Join(); // We won't get here until the Thread completes. // This might be interesting: return(innerHTML); }
/// <summary> /// List, for debugging purposes, the parameters passed to a Denni Hlasatel Death Index query /// </summary> /// <param name="elemTarg">the HTML element into which the list outut will be directed</param> /// <param name="sPath">the Denni Hlasatel Death Index query to be executed</param> /// <param name="lQuery">the arguments to the query, as name/value pairs</param> /// <param name="sBaseMessage">a header string that will be prepended to the list output</param> private static void ListQueryParameters(HtmlElement elemTarg, string sPath, NameValueCollection lQuery, string sBaseMessage) { var sMessage = sBaseMessage + "Path: " + sPath + "<br>" + Environment.NewLine; var items = lQuery.AllKeys.SelectMany(lQuery.GetValues, (k, v) => new { key = k, value = v }); sMessage = items.Aggregate(sMessage, (current, item) => current + (item.key + " = " + item.value + "<br>" + Environment.NewLine)); // MessageBox.Show(sMessage, "DH Death Index URL", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); elemTarg.InnerHtml = sMessage; }
protected override bool OnTextElementFinded(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement textElement, Stack <KeyValuePair <System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement, string> > textNode) { if (textElement.Id == "inputPageNo") { inputPageNo = textElement; } return(!isMatch);; }
private void initbroswer() { HtmlElementCollection collection = webBrowser1.Document.Body.Children; flashdoc = collection[2]; flashdoc.Children[0].Style = "display:none"; flashdoc.Children[1].Style = "display:none"; webBrowser1.Visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// 根据 HtmlElement 创建标记对象. /// </summary> /// <param name="element">用于创建标记对象的 HtmlElement.</param> /// <returns>ElementMark 对象.</returns> public static ElementMark Create ( HtmlElement element ) { if ( null == element ) throw new ArgumentNullException ( "element", "HtmlElement 不能为空" ); return new ElementMark ( element.Id, element.TagName, element.Name, element.GetAttribute ( "class" ), element.GetAttribute ( "type" ), ( element.GetAttribute ( "type" ) == "text" || element.GetAttribute ( "type" ) == "password" ) ? string.Empty : element.GetAttribute ( "value" ), element.GetAttribute ( "href" ), IEBrowser.GetFramePath ( element ) ); }
private void SetValue(HtmlElement element, string attr, string attrValue) { DebugElement(element); this.Call<HtmlElement>(delegate(HtmlElement e) { e.SetAttribute(attr, attrValue); }, element); }
public static void fireEvent(HtmlElement elm, string ev) { if (elm.Id == "") { elm.Id = RndNext(); } string evalStr = string.Format("document.getElementById('{0}').fireEvent('{1}');", elm.Id, ev); execScript(elm.Document, evalStr); }
public static string SafeInnerText(HtmlElement htmlNode) { Debug.Assert(htmlNode != null); if(htmlNode == null) return string.Empty; string strInner = htmlNode.InnerText; if(strInner == null) return string.Empty; return strInner; }
public static List<HtmlElement> GetHtmlElementsByPath(HtmlElement parent, string path) { string[] tag_index_pairs = path.Split('/'); List<HtmlElement> level_hes = new List<HtmlElement>(); level_hes.Add(parent); foreach (string tag_index_pair in tag_index_pairs) { string[] p = tag_index_pair.Split('[', ']', ','); string tag = p[0].Trim(); string _index = null; if (p.Length < 2) _index = "*"; else _index = p[1].Trim(); List<HtmlElement> child_hes = new List<HtmlElement>(); if (_index == "*") { foreach (HtmlElement lhe in level_hes) { HtmlElementCollection hes = lhe.Children; foreach (HtmlElement he in hes) { if (he.TagName != tag) continue; child_hes.Add(he); } } } else { int index = -1; if (!int.TryParse(_index, out index) || index < 0) throw (new Exception("Index '" + _index + "' in the path '" + path + "' is inadmissible. Index might be non-negative integer or '*' only.")); foreach (HtmlElement lhe in level_hes) { HtmlElementCollection hes = lhe.Children; if (hes.Count <= index) continue; int count = 0; foreach (HtmlElement he in hes) { if (he.TagName != tag) continue; if (count++ < index) continue; child_hes.Add(he); break; } } } level_hes = child_hes; } return level_hes; }
private void GetAllValuesSelectBairro(HtmlElement el) { var AllItems = el.All; foreach (HtmlElement item in AllItems) { if (!item.InnerHtml.Contains("SELECIONE")) valuesSelectBairro.Add(item.GetAttribute("value"), "n"); } getValuesSelectBairro = false; }
protected override bool OnButtonElementFinded(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement buttonElement, Stack <KeyValuePair <System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement, string> > textNode) { IHTMLInputElement element = buttonElement.DomElement as IHTMLInputElement; if (element.value == "跳转") { jumpButton = buttonElement; } return(!isMatch); }
//public static object Invoke(Control c, Func<object> code) //{ // if (c.InvokeRequired) // { // return c.Invoke(code); // } // return code.Invoke(); //} public static Point GetOffset(HtmlElement e) { Point p = new Point(0, 0); for (; e != null; e = e.OffsetParent) { p.X += e.OffsetRectangle.X; p.Y += e.OffsetRectangle.Y; } return p; }
private static void ReadTr(List<TRow> alRow, TRowType rowType, HtmlElement elParent) { TRow row = new TRow(); row.RowType = rowType; foreach (HtmlElement el in elParent.Children) { if (String.Compare(el.TagName, "td", true) == 0 || String.Compare(el.TagName, "th", true) == 0) { row.Cells.Add(el.InnerText); } } alRow.Add(row); }
public int getXoffset(HtmlElement el) { int xPos = el.OffsetRectangle.Left; HtmlElement tempEl = el.OffsetParent; while (tempEl != null) { xPos += tempEl.OffsetRectangle.Left; tempEl = tempEl.OffsetParent; } return xPos; }
protected override bool OnRadioElementFinded(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement radioElement, Stack <KeyValuePair <System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement, string> > textNode) { IHTMLDOMNode node = radioElement.DomElement as IHTMLDOMNode; IHTMLDOMAttribute2 attr = node.attributes == null ? null : node.attributes.getNamedItem("title"); if (attr != null && attr.value != "null" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.value) == false) { textNode.Push(new KeyValuePair <HtmlElement, string>(radioElement, attr.value)); } return(base.OnRadioElementFinded(radioElement, textNode)); }
public override void SetValue(HtmlElement element) { // 如果checkbox的有属性是“checked”它将被检查。 if (Checked) { element.SetAttribute("checked", "checked"); } else { element.SetAttribute("checked", null); } }
public void AccountTurnovers(HtmlElement b) { BodyHandler = DetailsOn; HtmlElement detailsOn = b.Find(x => x.Name == "allDetailsOn"); if (detailsOn != null) { detailsOn.ClickElement(); } else { DetailsOn(b); } }
protected override bool OnCheckBoxElementFinded(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement checkElement, Stack <KeyValuePair <System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement, string> > textNode) { if (isMatch) { return(false); } textNode.Clear(); checkBox = checkElement; beginMatch = true; matchedIndex = 0; isMatch = false; return(true); }
public static string SafeAttribute(HtmlElement htmlNode, string strName) { if(htmlNode == null) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(strName)) { Debug.Assert(false); return string.Empty; } string strValue = (htmlNode.GetAttribute(strName) ?? string.Empty); // if((strValue.Length == 0) && strName.Equals("class", StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp)) strValue = (htmlNode.GetAttribute("className") ?? string.Empty); return strValue; }
private static HtmlElement GetKontoEntriesElement(HtmlElement baseElement) { var kontoEntriesElement = baseElement.NextSibling; if (kontoEntriesElement.TagName.Equals("UL")) // .GetAttribute("link-list") != null) { } else { kontoEntriesElement = kontoEntriesElement.NextSibling; } return kontoEntriesElement; }
private void Content_Click(object sender, HtmlElementEventArgs e) { this.ttId.Hide(this); if (this.ignoreMenuFlag) { return; } if (Keys.None == (Keys.Alt & Control.ModifierKeys)) { this.clickedContent = sender as HtmlElement; this.cmsContent.Show(Control.MousePosition); e.BubbleEvent = false; e.ReturnValue = false; } }
public O2FormInputField(HtmlElement heForm_InputField) { //String asd = heForm_InputField.DomElement.GetType().FullName; if (heForm_InputField.DomElement.GetType().FullName == "mshtml.HTMLInputElementClass") { hieForm_InputField = (HTMLInputElementClass) heForm_InputField.DomElement; } else { DI.log.error("in O2FormInputField(), provided object was not a Input Form element: {0}", heForm_InputField.DomElement.GetType().FullName); } }
void IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { HtmlDocument doc = ((WebBrowser)sender).Document; ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted -= IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement search = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("results"); if (search != null) { HtmlElementCollection input1 = search.GetElementsByTagName("TD"); //input1[2].InvokeMember("click"); //ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(SecondNavigation); ieBrowser.Navigate(""); while (ieBrowser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) { Application.DoEvents(); } //ieBrowser.Navigate(""); ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted += IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted; //foreach (System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement input2 in input1) //{ //} //search.SetAttribute("value", "VERINON TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED"); //System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement searchButton = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("edit-submit--3"); } //HtmlDocument doc = ((WebBrowser)sender).Document; //ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted -= IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted; //System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement search = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("searchid"); //if (search != null) //{ // search.SetAttribute("value", "VERINON TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED"); // System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement searchButton = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("edit-submit--3"); // ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(SecondNavigation); // searchButton.InvokeMember("click"); //} }
public int GetYOffset(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement el) { //get element pos int yPos = el.OffsetRectangle.Top; //get the parents pos System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement tempEl = el.OffsetParent; while (tempEl != null) { yPos += tempEl.OffsetRectangle.Top; tempEl = tempEl.OffsetParent; } return(yPos); }
// DocumentCompleted event handle void IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { HtmlDocument doc = ((WebBrowser)sender).Document; ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted -= IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement search = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("name1"); if (search != null) { search.SetAttribute("value", "verinon"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement searchButton = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("checkCompanyName_0"); searchButton.InvokeMember("click"); ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted1); } }
private bool IsElementVisible(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement argElement) { Debug.Assert(null != argElement); bool Result = true; try { IHTMLElement iElement = (IHTMLElement)argElement.DomElement; IHTMLStyle iStyle =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iStyle.display) && iStyle.display.Equals("none", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Result = false; } else { Result = true; } iElement = null; iStyle = null; } catch (System.Exception ex) { Trace.Write(ex.Message); return(true); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argElement.Style)) //{ // string style = argElement.Style; // style = style.ToLowerInvariant(); // int index = style.IndexOf(HtmlRender.s_hideStyle); // if (-1 != index) // { // Result = false; // } //} return(Result); }
private void IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted -= IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted; string value = string.Empty; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement loginCallOut = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-callout"); if (loginCallOut != null && loginCallOut.InnerText.Contains("Trying to sign in?")) { System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlEnail = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-email"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlPassword = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-password"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlSubmit = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-submit"); if (cntrlEnail != null && cntrlPassword != null && cntrlSubmit != null) { cntrlEnail.SetAttribute("value", "*****@*****.**"); cntrlPassword.SetAttribute("value", "kareti1024"); cntrlSubmit.InvokeMember("click"); ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted += IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted1; } } }
void IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted1(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { string value = string.Empty; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement resultTable = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("companyList"); if (resultTable != null) { HtmlElementCollection input1 = resultTable.GetElementsByTagName("TD"); foreach (System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement input2 in input1) { value += input2.InnerText + "\n"; } } else { value = "Not Found"; } Details = value; this.resultEvent.Set(); }
void IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { HtmlDocument doc = ((WebBrowser)sender).Document; ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted -= IEBrowser_DocumentCompleted; //System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlEnail = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-email"); //System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlPassword = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-password"); //System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlSubmit = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("login-submit"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlEnail = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("session_key-login"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlPassword = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("session_password-login"); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement cntrlSubmit = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("btn-primary"); if (cntrlEnail != null && cntrlPassword != null && cntrlSubmit != null) { cntrlEnail.SetAttribute("value", "*****@*****.**"); cntrlPassword.SetAttribute("value", "kareti1024"); cntrlSubmit.InvokeMember("click"); ieBrowser.DocumentCompleted += IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted; } }
public void Html(string value, Label label, System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement html) { // BAD label.Text = Encode(value); label.Text = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value); label.Text = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value)); var encodedValue = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value); html.SetAttribute("a", encodedValue); label.Text = "<img src=\"" + encodedValue + "\" />"; label.Text = string.Format("<img src=\"{0}\" />", encodedValue); // GOOD label.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(value); label.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value)); encodedValue = HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode(encodedValue); html.SetAttribute("a", encodedValue); label.Text = "<img src=\"" + encodedValue + "\" />"; label.Text = string.Format("<img src=\"{0}\" />", encodedValue); encodedValue = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(encodedValue); html.SetAttribute("a", encodedValue); label.Text = "<img src=\"" + encodedValue + "\" />"; label.Text = string.Format("<img src=\"{0}\" />", encodedValue); }
/// <summary> /// 快捷登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void wfBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { //wfBrowser.Document.Body.Style = "overflow:hidden"; #region 控制网站根据窗体大小加载窗体大小 if (wfBrowser.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete) { return; } System.Drawing.Size szb = new System.Drawing.Size(wfBrowser.Document.Body.OffsetRectangle.Width, wfBrowser.Document.Body.OffsetRectangle.Height); System.Drawing.Size sz = (System.Drawing.Size)wfBrowser.Size; int xbili = (int)((float)sz.Width / (float)szb.Width * 100); //水平方向缩小比例 int ybili = (int)((float)sz.Height / (float)szb.Height * 100); //垂直方向缩小比例 wfBrowser.Document.Body.Style = "zoom:" + xbili.ToString() + "%"; wfBrowser.Invalidate(); #endregion #region 博客园登录 if (Common.instance.Apply == 1) { string BlogKey = "sadf";//加密博客园密码 string BlogDecrypt = Common.instance.DESCDecrypt(Common.instance.GetKey(), BlogKey); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement ClickBtn = null; if (e.Url.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("/user/signin") > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument doc = wfBrowser.Document; for (int i = 0; i < doc.All.Count; i++) { if (doc.All[i].TagName.ToUpper().Equals("INPUT")) { switch (doc.All[i].Id) { case "input1": doc.All[i].InnerText = "sdf"; // 用户名 break; case "input2": doc.All[i].InnerText = BlogDecrypt; // 密码 break; case "signin": ClickBtn = doc.All[i]; break; } } } ClickBtn.InvokeMember("Click"); // 点击“登录”按钮 } } #endregion #region 新浪微博登录 else if (Common.instance.Apply == 2) { string SinaKey = "123123";//加密新浪微博密码 string SinaDecrypt = Common.instance.DESCDecrypt(Common.instance.GetKey(), SinaKey); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement ClickBtn = null; if (e.Url.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("/") > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument doc = wfBrowser.Document; for (int i = 0; i < doc.All.Count; i++) { if (doc.All[i].TagName.ToUpper().Equals("INPUT")) { switch (doc.All[i].TabIndex) { case 1: doc.All[i].InnerText = "sdf"; // 用户名 break; case 2: doc.All[i].InnerText = SinaDecrypt; // 密码 break; case 6: ClickBtn = doc.All[i]; break; } } } ClickBtn.InvokeMember("Click"); // 点击“登录”按钮 } } #endregion #region 网易邮箱登录 else if (Common.instance.Apply == 3) { string MailKey = "123";//加密网易邮箱密码 string MailDecrypt = Common.instance.DESCDecrypt(Common.instance.GetKey(), MailKey); System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement ClickBtn = null; if (e.Url.ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("/") > 0) { System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument doc = wfBrowser.Document; for (int i = 0; i < doc.All.Count; i++) { if (doc.All[i].TagName.ToUpper().Equals("INPUT")) { switch (doc.All[i].TabIndex) { case 1: doc.All[i].InnerText = "sdf"; // 用户名 break; case 2: doc.All[i].InnerText = MailDecrypt; // 密码 break; case 8: ClickBtn = doc.All[i]; break; } } } ClickBtn.InvokeMember("Click"); // 点击“登录”按钮 } } #endregion }
public HtmlScreenListElement(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement argElement, HtmlRender argRender) : base(argElement, argRender) { }
public HtmlElement AppendChild(HtmlElement newElement) { return(InsertAdjacentElement(HtmlElementInsertionOrientation.BeforeEnd, newElement)); }
public HtmlElement InsertAdjacentElement(HtmlElementInsertionOrientation orient, HtmlElement newElement) { IHTMLElement iHtmlElement = ((IHTMLElement2)NativeHtmlElement).InsertAdjacentElement(orient.ToString(), (IHTMLElement)newElement.DomElement); return(iHtmlElement != null ? new HtmlElement(shimManager, iHtmlElement) : null); }
private void IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted1(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { string value = string.Empty; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement resultTable1 = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("nav-typeahead-wormhole"); }
protected override bool OnTextAreaElementDetected(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement textAreaElement, Stack <KeyValuePair <System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement, string> > textNode) { return(!isMatch);; }
protected override bool OnLinkElementFinded(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement linkElement, Stack <KeyValuePair <System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement, string> > textNode) { return(!isMatch);; }
protected override bool OnFormElementDetected(System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement formElement) { return(!isMatch);; }
private void IeBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e) { string value = string.Empty; System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement resultTable = ieBrowser.Document.GetElementById("block-system-main"); }