/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; // http://html5doctor.com/drag-and-drop-to-server/ #region ondrop Native.document.body.ondragover += evt => { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy"; // Explicitly show this is a copy. page.Header.style.color = JSColor.Green; var types = evt.dataTransfer.types == null ? 0 : evt.dataTransfer.types.Length; if (evt.dataTransfer.types != null) foreach (var type in evt.dataTransfer.types.AsEnumerable()) { Console.WriteLine( new { type } ); } var items = evt.dataTransfer.items == null ? 0u : evt.dataTransfer.items.length; var files = evt.dataTransfer.files == null ? 0u : evt.dataTransfer.files.length; Console.WriteLine("ondragover: " + new { types, items, files } ); }; Native.document.body.ondragleave += delegate { page.Header.style.color = JSColor.None; }; #region DetectCanvasFromBytesExperiment Action<Form, WebBrowser, string, string, long> DetectCanvasFromBytesExperiment = (ff, web, ContentValue, src, ContentBytesLength) => { web.Navigated += async delegate { if (ContentValue != "png.png") return; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\canvas\CanvasFromBytes\CanvasFromBytes\Application.cs //Console.WriteLine("interesting, is it one of ours? " + new { ContentValue }); ff.Text = "interesting, is it one of ours? " + new { ContentValue }; var csrci = new IHTMLImage { src = src }; //await csrci.async.onlo await csrci; if (csrci.width != csrci.height) return; var w = csrci.width; // do the reverse var z = new CanvasRenderingContext2D(w, w); z.drawImage(csrci, 0, 0, w, w); //z.canvas.AttachToDocument(); // whats the bytes? var zbytes = z.bytes; ff.Text = "will decode " + new { zbytes.Length, ContentBytesLength }.ToString(); #region decode var decodebytes = await Task.Factory.StartNew( new { zbytes }, scope => { // Native.Console.WriteLine += ? // { Length = 2053956, u4 = 3c68746d } Console.WriteLine( new { scope.zbytes.Length, u4 = new[] { scope.zbytes[0 * 4 + 0], scope.zbytes[0 * 4 +1], scope.zbytes[0 * 4 +2], scope.zbytes[0 * 4 +3] }.ToHexString() } ); // Uncaught Error: InvalidOperationException: { MethodToken = dAAABv_a4OTKgLfLC20SaJA } function is not available at { href = var wwbytes = new byte[scope.zbytes.Length / 4]; var wi = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scope.zbytes.Length; i += 4) { // that be the red //wwbytes[wi] = scope.zbytes[i]; // bet we need alpha wwbytes[wi] = scope.zbytes[i + 3]; wi++; } return wwbytes; } ); #endregion var html = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decodebytes); ff.Text = "decoded " + new { html.Length, ContentBytesLength }.ToString(); //Console.WriteLine(new { html }); // um hide old data. web.Hide(); var xweb = new WebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; xweb.AttachTo(ff); xweb.DocumentText = html; ff.Text = "!decoded " + new { html.Length, ContentBytesLength }.ToString(); }; }; #endregion Native.document.body.ondrop += evt => { //if (evt.dataTransfer == null) // return; var types = evt.dataTransfer.types == null ? 0 : evt.dataTransfer.types.Length; var items = evt.dataTransfer.items == null ? 0u : evt.dataTransfer.items.length; var files = evt.dataTransfer.files == null ? 0u : evt.dataTransfer.files.length; Console.WriteLine("ondrop: " + new { types, items, files } ); page.Header.style.color = JSColor.None; //var xfiles = evt.dataTransfer.files.AsEnumerable().Concat( // from x in evt.dataTransfer.items.AsEnumerable() // let f = x.getAsFile() // where f != null // select f //); #region DataTable if (evt.dataTransfer.items != null) { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\DragDataTableIntoCSVFile\DragDataTableIntoCSVFile\Application.cs evt.dataTransfer.items.AsEnumerable().Where( x => x.type.ToLower() == // let jsc type system sort it out? // how much reflection does jsc give us nowadays? typeof(DataTable).Name.ToLower() ).WithEach( async x => { // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#dfnReturnLink-0 var DataTable_xml = await x.getAsString(); var DataTable = StringConversionsForDataTable.ConvertFromString(DataTable_xml); var ff = new Form { Text = new { typeof(DataTable).Name }.ToString() }; var g = new DataGridView { DataSource = DataTable, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; ff.Controls.Add(g); ff.Show(); } ); } #endregion #region files evt.dataTransfer.files.AsEnumerable().WithEachIndex( (f, index) => { Console.WriteLine( new { f.name, f.size, f.lastModifiedDate } ); var ff = new Form(); ff.PopupInsteadOfClosing(HandleFormClosing: false); ff.Text = new { f.type, f.name, f.size }.ToString(); ff.Show(); ff.MoveTo( evt.CursorX + 32 * index, evt.CursorY + 24 * index ); var fc = ff.GetHTMLTargetContainer(); fc.title = ff.Text; #region image var i = default(IHTMLImage); if (f.type.StartsWith("image/")) { // um would we have a timing issue here? f.ToDataURLAsync( src => { i = new IHTMLImage { src = src }.AttachTo(fc); i.style.width = "100%"; i.InvokeOnComplete( delegate { ff.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size( // keep it reasonable! i.width.Min(600), i.height.Min(400) ); } ); } ); } #endregion // http://html5doctor.com/drag-and-drop-to-server/ #if FUTURE service.XUpload(f, delegate { }); #endif var d = new FormData(); d.append("foo", f, f.name); var xhr = new IXMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTTPMethodEnum.POST, "/upload"); #region InvokeOnComplete xhr.InvokeOnComplete( delegate { Console.WriteLine("upload complete!"); SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); //Console.Beep(); XElement.Parse(xhr.responseText).Elements("ContentKey").WithEach( ContentKey => { var __ContentKey = (Table1_ContentKey)int.Parse(ContentKey.Value); var web = new WebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; web.Hide(); web.AttachTo(ff); var src = "/io/" + ContentKey.Value; if (i == null) { web.Show(); } else { web.Navigated += delegate { i.Orphanize(); web.Show(); }; } // "X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\canvas\CanvasFromBytes\png.png" DetectCanvasFromBytesExperiment( ff, web, f.name, src, (long)f.size ); web.Navigate(src); //if (i != null) //{ // i.src = src; //} __ContentKey.SetLeft(ff.Left); __ContentKey.SetTop(ff.Top); ff.LocationChanged += delegate { __ContentKey.SetLeft(ff.Left); __ContentKey.SetTop(ff.Top); }; ff.SizeChanged += delegate { __ContentKey.SetWidth(ff.Width); __ContentKey.SetHeight(ff.Height); }; ff.FormClosing += delegate { __ContentKey .Delete(); }; #region onmousewheel ff.GetHTMLTarget().With( ffh => { dynamic ffhs = ffh.style; // http://css-infos.net/property/-webkit-transition //ffhs.webkitTransition = "webkitTransform 0.3s linear"; ffh.onmousewheel += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (e.WheelDirection > 0) { ff.Width = (int)(ff.Width * 1.1); ff.Height = (int)(ff.Height * 1.1); } else { ff.Width = (int)(ff.Width * 0.9); ff.Height = (int)(ff.Height * 0.9); } }; } ); #endregion } ); } ); #endregion //------WebKitFormBoundaryDmGHAZzeMBbcD5mu //Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo"; filename="FlashHeatZeeker.UnitPedControl.ApplicationSprite.swf" //Content-Type: application/x-shockwave-flash //------WebKitFormBoundaryDmGHAZzeMBbcD5mu-- Console.WriteLine("before upload..."); xhr.send(d); } ); #endregion // let's disable other handlers //evt.dataTransfer = null; evt.stopPropagation(); evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); }; #endregion #region restore { var index = 0; default(Table1_ContentKey).WithEach( (__ContentKey, ContentBytesLength, ContentValue, Left, Top, Width, Height) => { var ff = new Form(); ff.PopupInsteadOfClosing(HandleFormClosing: false); ff.Text = new { __ContentKey, ContentValue, ContentBytesLength }.ToString(); ff.Show(); if (Left > 0) ff.MoveTo( Left, Top ); else ff.MoveBy( 32 * index, 24 * index ); index++; #region onmousewheel ff.GetHTMLTarget().With( ffh => { dynamic ffhs = ffh.style; // http://css-infos.net/property/-webkit-transition //ffhs.webkitTransition = "webkitTransform 0.3s linear"; ffh.onmousewheel += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (e.WheelDirection > 0) { ff.Width = (int)(ff.Width * 1.1); ff.Height = (int)(ff.Height * 1.1); } else { ff.Width = (int)(ff.Width * 0.9); ff.Height = (int)(ff.Height * 0.9); } }; } ); #endregion //var fc = ff.GetHTMLTargetContainer(); var src = "/io/" + __ContentKey; //var i = new IHTMLImage { src = src }.AttachTo(fc); //i.style.width = "100%"; var web = new WebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; web.AttachTo(ff); //script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.add_DocumentCompleted(System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler)] //script: warning JSC1000: Did you reference ScriptCoreLib via IAssemblyReferenceToken? //script: error JSC1000: error at DropFileIntoSQLite.Application+<>c__DisplayClass2e.<.ctor>b__15, // assembly: V:\DropFileIntoSQLite.Application.exe // type: DropFileIntoSQLite.Application+<>c__DisplayClass2e, DropFileIntoSQLite.Application, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null //web.DocumentCompleted += // delegate // { //}; DetectCanvasFromBytesExperiment( ff, web, ContentValue, src, ContentBytesLength ); web.Navigate(src); if (Width > 0) ff.SizeTo( Width, Height ); //else // i.InvokeOnComplete( // delegate // { // ff.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(i.width, i.height); // } // ); ff.LocationChanged += delegate { __ContentKey.SetLeft(ff.Left); __ContentKey.SetTop(ff.Top); }; ff.SizeChanged += delegate { __ContentKey.SetWidth(ff.Width); __ContentKey.SetHeight(ff.Height); }; ff.FormClosing += delegate { __ContentKey.Delete(); }; } ); } #endregion // can we write about this? #region bookmark launcher var href = @"javascript: ((function(h,i) { var a=-1, b='onreadystatechange', c=document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD')[0], d, e, f, g=c.childNodes, d; e=document.createElement('base'); e.href='%%'; c.appendChild(e); d = function () { next: while (1) { a++; if (a ==h.length) { i(); return; } /* for (f=0;f<g.length;f++) { var v =g[f]; var w =h[a]; if (v.nodeName =='SCRIPT') if (v.src ==w || v.src.substr(v.src.length - w.length - 1,w.length + 1) =='/' + w) continue next; } */ e=document.createElement('SCRIPT'); e.src='%%' + h[a]; e[b in e?b:'onload']= function() { var f=e.readyState; if(f==null||f=='loaded'||f=='complete') d(); }; c.appendChild(e); return; } }; d(); } )(['view-source'],function(){}))".Replace("%%", Native.Document.location + ""); page.Header.draggable = true; page.Header.ondragstart += e => { e.dataTransfer.setData("text/uri-list", href); }; IStyleSheet.Default["#Header:hover"].style.color = "red"; IStyleSheet.Default["#Header:hover"].style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.pointer; #endregion new About().Show(); }
public ApplicationContent( IApp page, Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.IApplicationWebServiceX service, bool DisableBackground = false ) { FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; if (!DisableBackground) { #region I want animated background! WebGLClouds.Application.Loaded += a => { Native.Document.body.parentNode.insertBefore( a.container.Orphanize(), Native.Document.body ); a.container.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.@fixed; }; new WebGLClouds.Application(); #endregion } //var minsize = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); //minsize.style.SetSize(4000, 2000); var f = new Form { Text = "My Files", StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual, SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide }; #region w var ff = new Form { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual, SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide }; var w = new WebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(ff); w.GetHTMLTarget().name = "view"; w.Navigating += delegate { ff.Text = "Navigating"; if (Native.window.Width < 1024) // docked? if (ff.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode != null) Native.window.scrollTo(ff.Left - 8, ff.Top - 8, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300)); }; w.Navigated += delegate { if (w.Url.ToString() == "about:blank") { Native.window.scrollTo(0, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)); ff.Text = "..."; "Web Files".ToDocumentTitle(); return; } //ff.Text = w.DocumentTitle; ff.Text = Native.window.unescape( w.Url.ToString().SkipUntilLastIfAny("/").TakeUntilLastIfAny(".") ); ff.Text.ToDocumentTitle(); }; ff.FormClosing += (sender, e) => { Console.WriteLine(new { e.CloseReason }); if (e.CloseReason == CloseReason.UserClosing) { e.Cancel = true; w.Navigate("about:blank"); } }; #endregion var content = f.GetHTMLTargetContainer(); var hh = new HorizontalSplit { Minimum = 0.05, Maximum = 0.95, Value = 0.4, }; hh.Container.AttachToDocument(); hh.Container.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; hh.Container.style.left = "0px"; hh.Container.style.top = "0px"; hh.Container.style.right = "0px"; hh.Container.style.bottom = "0px"; hh.Split.Splitter.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)"; #region AtResize Action AtResize = delegate { Native.Document.getElementById("feedlyMiniIcon").Orphanize(); Native.Document.body.style.minWidth = ""; if (ff.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode == null) { Native.window.scrollTo(0, 0); f.MoveTo(8, 8).SizeTo(Native.window.Width - 16, Native.window.Height - 16); return; } if (f.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode == null) { Native.window.scrollTo(0, 0); ff.MoveTo(8, 8).SizeTo(Native.window.Width - 16, Native.window.Height - 16); return; } if (Native.window.Width < 1024) { Native.Document.body.style.minWidth = (Native.window.Width * 2) + "px"; f.MoveTo(8, 8).SizeTo(Native.window.Width - 16, Native.window.Height - 16); ff.MoveTo(Native.window.Width + 8, 8).SizeTo(Native.window.Width - 16, Native.window.Height - 16); // already scrolled... if (w.Url.ToString() != "about:blank") // docked? if (ff.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode != null) Native.window.scrollTo(ff.Left - 8, ff.Top - 8); return; } f.MoveTo(16, 64).SizeTo(hh.LeftContainer.clientWidth - 32, Native.window.Height - 128); ff.MoveTo( Native.window.Width - hh.RightContainer.clientWidth + 16 , 64).SizeTo(hh.RightContainer.clientWidth - 32, Native.window.Height - 128); //Console.WriteLine("LeftContainer " + new { hh.LeftContainer.clientWidth }); //Console.WriteLine("RightContainer " + new { hh.RightContainer.clientWidth }); }; hh.ValueChanged += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { AtResize(); }; #endregion //hh.Split.LeftScrollable = new IHTMLDiv { className = "SidebarForButtons" }; ff.Show(); f.Show(); // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20160108 //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true, NotifyDocked: AtResize); //ff.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true, HandleFormClosing: false, NotifyDocked: AtResize); var layout = new Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.HTML.Pages.App(); layout.Container.AttachTo(content); Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.ApplicationContent.Target = "view"; new Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.ApplicationContent( layout, service ); "Web Files".ToDocumentTitle(); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { var random = new Random(); device_id = random.Next(); #region con var con = new ConsoleForm(); con.InitializeConsoleFormWriter(); con.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; con.Show(); // make it slim con.Height = 100; // TopMost con.GetHTMLTarget().style.zIndex = 20002; con.Opacity = 0.9; Action Toggle = delegate { if (con.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) { con.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } else { con.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; } // put the console far right bottom con.MoveTo( Native.window.Width - con.Width, Native.window.Height - con.Height ); }; Action<int> AtKeyCode = KeyCode => { Console.WriteLine( new { KeyCode } ); // US if (KeyCode == 222) { Toggle(); } // EE if (KeyCode == 192) { Toggle(); } }; #if onorientationchange Native.window.onorientationchange += e => { Toggle(); }; #endif Native.document.onkeyup += e => { AtKeyCode(e.KeyCode); }; Toggle(); #endregion Console.WriteLine("console ready for " + new { id = device_id }); var x = 0; var y = 0; #region Virtual Screen FormStyler.AtFormCreated = LikeDesktop; var fs = new Form { }; //fs.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; fs.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 148, 155); fs.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fs.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fs.Show(); fs.Opacity = 0.5; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = LikeVirtualScreen; var fvs = new Form { Text = "Virtual Screen" }; fvs.BackColor = Color.Transparent; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindowsClassic; fvs.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fvs.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fvs.Show(); fvs.Owner = fs; var fw = new Form { }; fw.Width = Native.window.Width / 4; fw.Height = Native.window.Height / 4; fw.Show(); fw.Owner = fvs; fw.Opacity = 0.8; KeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation(fs); KeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation(fvs); KeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation(fw); #endregion // doesnt work yet? //fw.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide; var svg = new ISVGSVGElement().AttachTo(page.content); svg.style.SetLocation(0, 0); var vsvg = new ISVGSVGElement().AttachTo(fvs.GetHTMLTarget()); vsvg.style.SetLocation(0, 0); #region VirtualScreenUpdate Action VirtualScreenUpdate = delegate { if (fs.Capture) return; // dragging it? if (fvs.Capture) return; var max_right = fvs.OwnedForms.Max(k => k.Right); var min_left = fvs.OwnedForms.Min(k => k.Left); var max_bottom = fvs.OwnedForms.Max(k => k.Bottom); var min_top = fvs.OwnedForms.Min(k => k.Top); DisableKeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation = true; fvs.Left = min_left; fvs.Top = min_top; fvs.Width = max_right - min_left; fvs.Height = max_bottom - min_top; page.content.style.SetLocation( (min_left - fw.Left) * 4, (min_top - fw.Top) * 4, (max_right - min_left) * 4, (max_bottom - min_top) * 4 ); DisableKeepOwnedFormsLinkedToOwnerLocation = false; }; #endregion fw.LocationChanged += delegate { VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; #region AtResize Action AtResize = delegate { // screen can change, but only once, when window is moved to the other monitor? fs.Text = "Screen " + new { Native.screen.width, Native.screen.height }; fs.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fs.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fw.Text = " " + new { Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height #if onorientationchange , Native.window.orientation #endif }; fw.Width = Native.window.Width / 4; fw.Height = Native.window.Height / 4; VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.onfocus += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.onblur += delegate { AtResize(); }; new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { AtResize(); } ).StartInterval(1000 / 2); #endregion // what is attaching what? // what about await var svgcursor1ghost = new cursor1().AttachTo(page.content).ToSVG(); var svgcursor1 = new cursor1().AttachTo(page.content).ToSVG(); svgcursor1.fill += svgcursor1ghost.fill; var vcursor = new cursor1().AttachTo(fvs.GetHTMLTarget()).ToSVG(); var Shadows = new List<Form>(); Func<Form, Form> CreateShadow = _fw => { FormStyler.AtFormCreated = LikeVirtualWindow; var fwshadow = new Form(); Shadows.Add(fwshadow); fwshadow.BackColor = Color.Transparent; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindowsClassic; fwshadow.Width = Native.screen.width / 4; fwshadow.Height = Native.screen.height / 4; fwshadow.Show(); Action fwshadow_update = delegate { fwshadow.MoveTo(_fw.Left, _fw.Top); fwshadow.SizeTo(_fw.Width, _fw.Height); }; _fw.LocationChanged += delegate { fwshadow_update(); }; _fw.SizeChanged += delegate { fwshadow_update(); }; fwshadow_update(); _fw.BringToFront(); return fwshadow; }; Shadows.Add(CreateShadow(fw)); bool canexit = false; bool canenter = true; Action at_exit_MultiMouseMode = delegate { //Console.WriteLine("at_exit_MultiMouseMode"); }; Action at_enter_MultiMouseMode = delegate { //Console.WriteLine("at_enter_MultiMouseMode"); }; Action<IEvent.MouseButtonEnum> at_mousedown = button => { //Console.WriteLine("at_enter_mousedown: " + button); }; Action at_mouseup = delegate { //Console.WriteLine("at_enter_mouseup"); }; var path = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 4; fill: none;"); var path_d = ""; var vpath = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(vsvg); vpath.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 1; fill: none;"); var vpath_d = ""; bool internal_ismousedown = false; Action<IEvent.MouseButtonEnum> internal_mousedown = button => { internal_ismousedown = true; path = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); if (button == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 4; fill: none;"); else path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: rgb(0, 108, 115); stroke-width: 32; fill: none;"); path_d = ""; vpath = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(vsvg); if (button == IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left) vpath.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; stroke-width: 1; fill: none;"); else vpath.setAttribute("style", "stroke: rgb(0, 108, 115); stroke-width: 8; fill: none;"); vpath_d = ""; svgcursor1.fill(0, 0, 255); vcursor.fill(0, 0, 255); //path.d = " M100,50 L10,10 L200,200 "; path_d += " M" + x + "," + y; path.d = path_d; vpath_d += " M" + (x / 4) + "," + (y / 4); vpath.d = vpath_d; }; Action<IEvent.MouseButtonEnum> mousedown = button => { at_mousedown(button); internal_mousedown(button); }; Action internal_mouseup = delegate { internal_ismousedown = false; svgcursor1.fill(0, 255, 0); vcursor.fill(0, 255, 0); }; Action mouseup = delegate { at_mouseup(); internal_mouseup(); }; #region exit_MultiMouseMode Action internal_exit_MultiMouseMode = delegate { svgcursor1.fill(0, 0, 0); vcursor.fill(0, 0, 0); con.Opacity = 0.9; page.content.style.Opacity = 0.3; page.content.style.zIndex = 0; page.content.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 148, 155, 1)"; Native.Document.body.style.backgroundColor = "black"; page.content.style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ); page.info.style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ); Shadows.WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ) ); fs.FormsByOwnership().WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ) ); fvs.OwnedForms.WithEach( k => { k.GetHTMLTarget().style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; } ); }; Action exit_MultiMouseMode = delegate { if (!canexit) return; canexit = false; canenter = true; at_exit_MultiMouseMode(); internal_exit_MultiMouseMode(); }; #endregion #region enter_MultiMouseMode Action internal_enter_MultiMouseMode = delegate { svgcursor1.fill(255, 0, 0); vcursor.fill(255, 0, 0); con.Opacity = 0.5; page.content.style.Opacity = 1.0; page.content.style.backgroundColor = ""; Native.Document.body.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0, 148, 155, 1)"; page.content.style.zIndex = 20000; con.GetHTMLTarget().style.zIndex = 20002; page.content.style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = ""; } ); page.info.style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ); fvs.OwnedForms.WithEach( k => { k.GetHTMLTarget().style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.none; } ); Shadows.WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ) ); fs.FormsByOwnership().WithEach( f => f.GetHTMLTarget().style.With( (dynamic s) => { s.webkitFilter = "blur(3px)"; } ) ); }; Action enter_MultiMouseMode = delegate { if (!canenter) return; canexit = true; canenter = false; at_enter_MultiMouseMode(); internal_enter_MultiMouseMode(); }; #endregion #region onmousemove Native.Document.body.onmouseup += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { mouseup(); return; } }; Native.Document.body.onmousedown += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { mousedown(e.MouseButton); return; } Console.WriteLine("requesting MultiMouse mode!"); x = e.CursorX; y = e.CursorY; e.preventDefault(); Native.Document.body.requestPointerLock(); }; Action<int, int> at_set_cursor_position = delegate { }; var pxx = 0; var pyy = 0; var ghost_busy = false; Action<int, int> internal_set_cursor_position = (xx, yy) => { // already set to that exact location! if (pxx == xx) if (pyy == yy) return; pxx = xx; pyy = yy; vcursor.Element.style.SetSize( cursor1.ImageDefaultWidth / 4, cursor1.ImageDefaultHeight / 4 ); vcursor.Element.style.SetLocation( (xx - 14) / 4, (yy - (64 - 56)) / 4 ); svgcursor1.Element.style.SetLocation( xx - 14, // inscaope/svg Y is upside down! yy - (64 - 56) ); if (!ghost_busy) { ghost_busy = true; svgcursor1ghost.Element.style.Opacity = 0.2; svgcursor1ghost.Element.style.With( (dynamic s) => s.webkitTransition = "all 0.5s linear" ); svgcursor1ghost.Element.style.SetLocation( pxx - 14, // inscaope/svg Y is upside down! pyy - (64 - 56) ); new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { svgcursor1ghost.Element.style.SetLocation( pxx - 14, // inscaope/svg Y is upside down! pyy - (64 - 56) ); ghost_busy = false; } ).StartTimeout(500); } // if this window will be activated next time we can continue where we were // told to.. x = xx; y = yy; if (internal_ismousedown) { path_d += " L" + x + "," + y; path.d = path_d; vpath_d += " L" + (x / 4) + "," + (y / 4); vpath.d = vpath_d; } }; Action<int, int> set_cursor_position = (xx, yy) => { at_set_cursor_position(xx, yy); internal_set_cursor_position(xx, yy); }; Native.Document.body.onmousemove += e => { if (Native.Document.pointerLockElement == Native.Document.body) { enter_MultiMouseMode(); x += e.movementX; y += e.movementY; // clip it // fullscreen behaves differently? x = x.Min(fvs.Width * 4).Max(0); y = y.Min(fvs.Height * 4).Max(0); set_cursor_position(x, y); } else { exit_MultiMouseMode(); } }; #endregion internal_exit_MultiMouseMode(); internal_set_cursor_position(0, 0); Native.document.body.ontouchstart += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.touches[0].With( touch => { // how do we enter? enter_MultiMouseMode(); // exit by broswer history move? set_cursor_position(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); // ipad has 11 touchpoints. multiply that with the number of devices/ // for now we support 1 pointer per session :) if (e.touches.length == 1) mousedown(IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left); else mousedown(IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Right); } ); }; Native.document.body.ontouchend += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // ipad has 11 touchpoints. multiply that with the number of devices/ // for now we support 1 pointer per session :) if (e.touches.length == 0) mouseup(); else mousedown(IEvent.MouseButtonEnum.Left); }; Native.document.body.ontouchmove += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.touches[0].With( touch => { set_cursor_position(touch.clientX, touch.clientY); } ); }; #region onmessage bool disable_bind_reconfigure = false; Action<int, int> internal_reconfigure = delegate { }; Action<MessageEvent, XElement> internal_onmessage = (e, xml) => { device_onmessage(0, xml); }; Native.window.onmessage += e => { // who sent this? :P var source = (string)e.data; //var now = DateTime.Now; //Console.WriteLine(now + " " + source); var xml = XElement.Parse(source); internal_onmessage(e, xml); }; var friendly_devices = new { source_device_id = 0, f = default(Form), children = new { child_id = 0, fc = default(Form) }.ToEmptyList() }.ToEmptyList(); #region device_onmessage this.device_onmessage = (source_device_id, xml) => { // mothership to local network? // source_device_id = 0 means it came from one of our virtual screens? if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_mousedown") { int button = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("button").Value); internal_mousedown((IEvent.MouseButtonEnum)button); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_mouseup") { internal_mouseup(); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_enter_MultiMouseMode") { internal_enter_MultiMouseMode(); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_exit_MultiMouseMode") { internal_exit_MultiMouseMode(); } if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_set_cursor_position") { int xx = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("x").Value); int yy = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("y").Value); internal_set_cursor_position(xx, yy); } }; #endregion var ListOfChildren = new { child_id = 0, fc = default(Form) }.ToEmptyList(); // when is this called? this.device_bind = (mothership_postXElement) => { // we might now be able to invoke the server, and via that any other device Console.WriteLine("device_bind"); #region at_enter_MultiMouseMode at_enter_MultiMouseMode += delegate { var xml = new XElement("at_enter_MultiMouseMode"); mothership_postXElement(xml); }; #endregion #region at_exit_MultiMouseMode at_exit_MultiMouseMode += delegate { mothership_postXElement(new XElement("at_exit_MultiMouseMode")); }; #endregion #region at_mousedown at_mousedown += button => { mothership_postXElement(new XElement("at_mousedown", new XAttribute("button", "" + (int)button))); }; #endregion #region at_mouseup at_mouseup += delegate { mothership_postXElement(new XElement("at_mouseup")); }; #endregion #region at_set_cursor_position at_set_cursor_position += (xx, yy) => { var xml = new XElement("at_set_cursor_position", // int not yet supported? new XAttribute("x", "" + xx), new XAttribute("y", "" + yy) ); mothership_postXElement( xml ); }; #endregion // now we can reply.. this.device_onmessage += (source_device_id, xml) => { #region at_virtualwindowsync_reconfigure if (source_device_id != 0) if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_virtualwindowsync_reconfigure") { int __device_id = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("device_id").Value); if (__device_id == device_id) { // are we being reconfigured? friendly_devices.Where(k => k.source_device_id == source_device_id).WithEach( q => { int dx = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dx").Value); int dy = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dy").Value); disable_bind_reconfigure = true; q.f.MoveTo( fw.Left - dx, fw.Top - dy ); disable_bind_reconfigure = false; } ); } } #endregion #region at_virtualwindowsync if (source_device_id != 0) if (xml.Name.LocalName == "at_virtualwindowsync") { Console.WriteLine("got at_virtualwindowsync"); // do we know this device? var q = friendly_devices.FirstOrDefault(k => k.source_device_id == source_device_id); int w = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("w").Value); int h = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("h").Value); Action reposition = delegate { }; if (q == null) { var fc = new Form { Text = new { source_device_id }.ToString() }; q = new { source_device_id, f = fc, children = new { child_id = 0, fc = default(Form) }.ToEmptyList() }; friendly_devices.Add(q); q.f.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; q.f.Show(); // show should respect opacity? q.f.Opacity = 0.3; // where to put it? // left or right? var max_right = fvs.OwnedForms.Max(k => k.Right); var min_left = fvs.OwnedForms.Min(k => k.Left); if (source_device_id < device_id) q.f.Left = min_left - w; else q.f.Left = max_right; q.f.Top = fw.Top; q.f.Owner = fvs; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(q.f); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); #region from now on if we move any of our screens // in relation to this source_device_id we have to notify it Action SendDelta = delegate { var pdx = fc.Left - fw.Left; var pdy = fc.Top - fw.Top; mothership_postXElement( new XElement("at_virtualwindowsync_reconfigure", new XAttribute("device_id", "" + source_device_id), new XAttribute("dx", "" + pdx), new XAttribute("dy", "" + pdy) ) ); }; fw.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; fc.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; #endregion } // thanks for letting us know that you changed your size... q.f.Width = w; q.f.Height = h; xml.Elements("child").WithEach( cxml => { // any new children? int child_id = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("child_id").Value); int pdx = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("pdx").Value); int pdy = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("pdy").Value); int cw = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("w").Value); int ch = int.Parse(cxml.Attribute("h").Value); var cq = q.children.FirstOrDefault(k => k.child_id == child_id); if (cq == null) { var fc = new Form { Text = new { source_device_id, child_id }.ToString() }; cq = new { child_id, fc }; q.children.Add(cq); cq.fc.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; cq.fc.Show(); // show should respect opacity? cq.fc.Opacity = 0.2; // if this child needs to be between then add it // before reposition cq.fc.Owner = fvs; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(cq.fc); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); } cq.fc.Left = q.f.Left + pdx; cq.fc.Top = q.f.Top + pdy; // thanks for letting us know that you changed your size... cq.fc.Width = cw; cq.fc.Height = ch; } ); } #endregion }; // lets tell the world about virtual screens owned by us. // lets start by advertising our size. #region at_virtualwindowsync var t = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { // do we know whats the dx to other windows? var xml = new XElement("at_virtualwindowsync", // int not yet supported? new XAttribute("w", "" + fw.Width), new XAttribute("h", "" + fw.Height) ); #region what about children? ListOfChildren.WithEach( c => { var pdx = c.fc.Left - fw.Left; var pdy = c.fc.Top - fw.Top; xml.Add( new XElement("child", new XAttribute("child_id", "" + c.child_id), // int not yet supported? new XAttribute("pdx", "" + pdx), new XAttribute("pdy", "" + pdy), new XAttribute("w", "" + c.fc.Width), new XAttribute("h", "" + c.fc.Height) ) ); } ); #endregion mothership_postXElement( xml ); Console.WriteLine("sent at_virtualwindowsync"); } ); t.StartInterval(5000); #endregion }; Action<IWindow, Form> bind = (w, fc) => { this.device_bind(w.postXElement); internal_onmessage += (e, xml) => { if (xml.Name.LocalName == "reconfigure") { // how do we know this reconfigrue event is for us? if (e.source == w) { disable_bind_reconfigure = true; int dx = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dx").Value); int dy = int.Parse(xml.Attribute("dy").Value); //Console.WriteLine("reconfigure " + new { dx, dy, fw.Left }); //fw.Left += dx; //fw.Top += dy; fc.MoveTo( fw.Left - dx, fw.Top - dy ); disable_bind_reconfigure = false; } } }; Action SendDelta = delegate { var pdx = fc.Left - fw.Left; var pdy = fc.Top - fw.Top; w.postXElement( new XElement("reconfigure", new XAttribute("dx", "" + pdx), new XAttribute("dy", "" + pdy) ) ); }; fw.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; fc.LocationChanged += delegate { if (disable_bind_reconfigure) return; SendDelta(); }; }; #endregion #region opener Native.window.opener.With( w => { // disable features page.info.Hide(); Console.WriteLine("we have opener: " + w.document.location.href); var fc = new Form { Text = "opener" }; fc.Owner = fvs; Action cAtResize = delegate { fc.Text = "Opener " + new { w.Width, w.Height }; fc.Width = w.Width / 4; fc.Height = w.Height / 4; }; w.onresize += delegate { cAtResize(); }; var ct = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { cAtResize(); } ); ct.StartInterval(1000 / 15); cAtResize(); fc.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fc.Show(); fc.Opacity = 0.7; fc.BackColor = Color.Transparent; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(fc); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { // ScriptCoreLib Windows Forms has a few bugs:P fc.MoveTo(fw.Left - fc.Width, fw.Top); bind(w, fc); }; } ); #endregion #region make info clickable page.info.onmousedown += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; page.info.ontouchstart += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; page.info.ontouchmove += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; page.info.ontouchend += e => { if (internal_ismousedown) return; e.stopPropagation(); }; #endregion #region OpenChildSession page.OpenChildSession.onclick += e => { e.preventDefault(); Console.WriteLine("open child session..."); Native.window.open( Native.Document.location.href, "_blank", 400, 400, true).With( w => { w.onload += delegate { if (w.document.location.href == "about:blank") return; Console.WriteLine("child onload " + w.document.location.href); var fc = new Form { Text = "child" }; Action cAtResize = delegate { fc.Text = "Child " + new { w.Width, w.Height }; fc.Width = w.Width / 4; fc.Height = w.Height / 4; VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; w.onresize += delegate { cAtResize(); }; var ct = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { cAtResize(); } ); ct.StartInterval(1000 / 2); //cAtResize(); fc.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; fc.Show(); fc.Opacity = 0.5; // first child could be a monitor to our right fc.MoveTo(fw.Right, fw.Top); fc.Owner = fvs; fc.BackColor = Color.Transparent; fc.Width = 400 / 4; fc.Height = 400 / 4; VirtualScreenUpdate(); fc.LocationChanged += delegate { VirtualScreenUpdate(); }; var fcShadow = CreateShadow(fc); Shadows.Add(fcShadow); var token = new { child_id = random.Next(), fc }; ListOfChildren.Add(token); #region FormClosing w.onbeforeunload += delegate { if (fc == null) return; w = null; ct.Stop(); fc.Close(); fc = null; }; Native.window.onbeforeunload += delegate { if (w == null) return; w.close(); w = null; }; fc.FormClosing += delegate { if (w == null) return; ListOfChildren.Remove(token); Shadows.Remove(fcShadow); fc = null; w.close(); w = null; }; #endregion bind(w, fc); }; } ); }; #endregion Native.document.documentElement.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.hidden; }
public static void InitializeContent() { #region tutorial step 2 #region arena var map = new Point(2000, 2000); var arena = new ArenaControl(); arena.Layers.Canvas.style.backgroundColor = Color.FromGray(0xc0); arena.SetLocation( Rectangle.Of(0, 0, Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height)); arena.SetCanvasSize(map); arena.Control.AttachToDocument(); arena.DrawTextToInfo(Title, new Point(8, 8), Color.Blue); Native.window.onresize += delegate { arena.SetLocation( Rectangle.Of(0, 0, Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height)); arena.SetCanvasPosition( arena.CurrentCanvasPosition ); }; #endregion #endregion var pending = default(Dude2); #region arsenal var arsenal = new Dictionary<string, DudeAnimationInfo> { {"Soldier", new DudeAnimationInfo { Frames_Stand = Frames.WolfSoldier, Frames_Walk = Frames.WolfSoldier_Walk } }, {"Imp", new DudeAnimationInfo { Frames_Stand = Frames.DoomImp, Frames_Walk = Frames.DoomImp_Walk } } }; #endregion #region tutorial step 3 Func<DudeAnimationInfo, Point, Dude2> CreateActor = (_frames, _coords) => { var actor = new Dude2(); actor.Frames = _frames.Frames_Stand; actor.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand = _frames.Frames_Stand; actor.AnimationInfo.Frames_Walk = _frames.Frames_Walk; actor.Zoom.DynamicZoomFunc = a => 1; actor.SetSize(48, 72); actor.TeleportTo(_coords.X, _coords.Y); actor.Zoom.StaticZoom = DefaultActiorZoom; actor.Direction = Math.PI * 0.5; actor.Control.AttachTo(arena.Layers.Canvas); //actor.HasShadow = _frames.Frames_Stand.Length > 1; if (_frames.Frames_Stand.Length == 1) actor.Shadow.style.Opacity = 0.4; actor.AnimationInfo.WalkAnimationInterval = 1000 / 30; return actor; }; var actors = new List<Dude2> { }; var selection = from i in actors where i.IsSelected select i; arena.ApplySelection += (rect, ev) => { if (pending != null) return; foreach (var v in actors) v.IsSelected = rect.Contains(v.CurrentLocation.ToInt32()); }; var Argh = new Argh(); var Affirmative = new Affirmative(); var ghoullaugh = new ghoullaugh(); var sheep = new sheep(); var pig = new pig(); var click = new click().AttachToDocument(); arena.SelectionClick += (p, ev) => { if (pending != null) return; foreach (var v in selection) { if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.ManWithHorns.Frames_Stand[0].Source) { ghoullaugh.play(); ghoullaugh = new ghoullaugh(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.ThePig.Frames_Stand[0].Source) { pig.play(); pig = new pig(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == MyFrames.TheSheep.Frames_Stand[0].Source) { sheep.play(); sheep = new sheep(); } else if (v.AnimationInfo.Frames_Stand[0].Source == Frames.WolfSoldier[0].Source) { Affirmative.play(); Affirmative = new Affirmative(); } else { Argh.play(); Argh = new Argh(); } v.WalkTo(p.ToDouble()); // move in group formation p.X += 16; p.Y += 16; } }; #endregion #region tutorial step 4 #region CreateDialogAt var CreateDialogAt = new { //Dialog = default(IHTMLDiv), Content = default(IHTMLDiv), Width = default(string) } .ToFunc( (Point pos, string width) => { var f = new Form(); f.Show(); f.SizeTo(200, 200); // https://sites.google.com/a/jsc-solutions.net/work/knowledge-base/15-dualvr/20151115/audio //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing(); f.MoveTo(pos.X, pos.Y); //f.SizeTo( //var dialog = new IHTMLDiv(); //dialog.style.SetLocation(pos.X, pos.Y); //dialog.style.backgroundColor = Color.Gray; //dialog.style.padding = "1px"; //var caption = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(dialog); //caption.style.backgroundColor = Color.Blue; //caption.style.width = width; //caption.style.height = "0.5em"; //caption.style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.move; //var drag = new DragHelper(caption); //drag.Position = pos; //drag.Enabled = true; //drag.DragMove += // delegate // { // dialog.style.SetLocation(drag.Position.X, drag.Position.Y); // }; var _content = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(f.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); _content.style.textAlign = IStyle.TextAlignEnum.center; _content.style.backgroundColor = Color.White; _content.style.padding = "1px"; //dialog.AttachToDocument(); return new { //Dialog = dialog, Content = _content, Width = width }; } ); #endregion #region dialog var toolbar = CreateDialogAt(new Point(2, 2), "8em"); var combo = new IHTMLSelect(); var build = new IHTMLButton(); build.style.SetSize(72, 72); build.style.padding = "0px"; var avatar = new IHTMLImage().AttachTo(build); var remove = new IHTMLButton("Remove"); combo.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); build.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); remove.AttachTo(toolbar.Content); new IHTMLBreak().AttachTo(toolbar.Content); #endregion #region GetSelectedArsenal Func<DudeAnimationInfo> GetSelectedArsenal = () => { if (arsenal.ContainsKey(combo[combo.selectedIndex].value)) return arsenal[combo[combo.selectedIndex].value]; return null; }; #endregion Action Refresh = delegate { var i = GetSelectedArsenal(); if (i != null) avatar.src = i.Images.Random().src; }; combo.Add(arsenal.Keys.ToArray()); Refresh(); combo.onchange += delegate { Refresh(); click.play(); click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #region pending actor arena.MouseMove += p => { if (pending == null) return; pending.TeleportTo(p.X, p.Y); }; arena.Layers.User.oncontextmenu += e => { e.preventDefault(); if (pending != null) { pending.Control.Orphanize(); pending = null; arena.ShowSelectionRectangle = true; return; } actors.ForEach( k => k.IsSelected = false ); }; arena.SelectionClick += (p, ev) => { if (pending == null) { return; } pending.TeleportTo(p.X, p.Y); actors.Add(pending); pending.IsHot = false; var x = GetSelectedArsenal(); pending = CreateActor(x, new Point( Native.window.Width / 2, Native.window.Height / 2 ) ); pending.IsHot = true; click.play(); click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; build.onclick += delegate { if (pending != null) { pending.Control.Orphanize(); pending = null; return; } var x = GetSelectedArsenal(); pending = CreateActor(x, new Point( Native.window.Width / 2, Native.window.Height / 2 ) ); pending.IsHot = true; arena.ShowSelectionRectangle = false; click.play(); click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion remove.onclick += delegate { foreach (var v in selection.ToArray()) { v.Control.Orphanize(); actors.Remove(v); } click.play(); click = new click().AttachToDocument(); }; #endregion if (FilterToImpAndSoldier) { } else { #region step 6 { var n = "NPC"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.NPC3); combo.Add(n); } #endregion { var n = "ManWithHorns"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.ManWithHorns); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "TheSheep"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.TheSheep); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "ThePig"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.ThePig); combo.Add(n); } { var n = "TheCactus"; arsenal.Add(n, MyFrames.TheCactus); combo.Add(n); } } if (BeforeAddingDebris != null) BeforeAddingDebris(arena.Layers.Canvas); 3.Times( delegate() { new DebrisImages().Images.ForEach( img => img.AttachTo(arena.Layers.Canvas).style.SetLocation(map.X.Random(), map.Y.Random()) ); } ); 16.Times( delegate() { actors.Add( CreateActor(arsenal.Random().Value, new Point(map.X.Random(), map.Y.Random())) ); } ); }
// problems with roslyn build? public static void InitializeSidebarBehaviour( IApp page, Form f, bool HandleClosed = true, bool HandleDragToLeft = true ) { var tt = f.GetHTMLTarget(); //page.SidebarInfo.style.tr page.SidebarInfo.style.With( (dynamic s) => s.webkitTransition = "all 0.3s linear" ); var IsMinimized = false; #region Minimize Action Minimize = delegate { if (IsMinimized) return; var t = tt; dynamic style = t.style; var old = new { f.Left, f.Top, f.Height }; // http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AudioVideo/Reference/WebKitTransitionEventClassReference/WebKitTransitionEvent/WebKitTransitionEvent.html var cleartransition = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { style.webkitTransition = ""; style = null; IsMinimized = false; f.MoveTo( old.Left.Max(page.Sidebar.clientWidth + 12) , old.Top); // prevent drawing artifacts tt.style.transform = ""; } ); Action DoRestore = null; DoRestore = delegate { if (t == null) return; DoRestore = null; Console.WriteLine("DoRestore"); style.webkitTransition = "all 0.3s linear"; t.style.transform = "scale(1)"; t.style.left = old.Left.Max(page.Sidebar.clientWidth + 12) + "px"; t.style.top = old.Top + "px"; //t.style.Opacity = 1; f.Opacity = 1; t = null; page.SidebarInfo.style.marginTop = (0) + "px"; }; var clicktorestore = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { style.webkitTransition = ""; page.SidebarOverlay.onclick += delegate { if (DoRestore != null) DoRestore(); }; f.Resize += delegate { if (DoRestore != null) DoRestore(); }; } ); t.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", ee => { if (t == null) { // script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [static Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder.UnaryOperation(Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpBinderFlags, System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType, System.Type, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo, Microsoft.CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a]])] if ((object)style != null) cleartransition.StartTimeout(300); return; } Console.WriteLine("webkitTransitionEnd"); clicktorestore.Stop(); clicktorestore.StartTimeout(300); } ); // http://www.the-art-of-web.com/css/css-animation/ t.style.transformOrigin = "0% 0%"; var scale = (double)(page.Sidebar.clientWidth - 10) / (double)f.Width; page.SidebarInfo.style.marginTop = (f.Height * scale + 20) + "px"; style.webkitTransition = "all 0.2s linear"; t.style.transform = "scale(" + scale + ")"; t.style.left = "0.2em"; t.style.top = "0.2em"; //t.style.Opacity = 0.5; f.Opacity = 0.5; IsMinimized = true; }; #endregion if (HandleDragToLeft) new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { // popup mode? if (f.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode == null) return; if (IsMinimized) { return; } if (tt.offsetLeft < page.Sidebar.clientWidth) { page.SidebarOverlay.style.Opacity = 0.2; var scale = (double)(page.Sidebar.clientWidth - 10) / ((double)tt.clientHeight); Console.WriteLine(new { scale }); page.SidebarInfo.style.marginTop = (f.Height * scale + 20) + "px"; if (f.Capture) return; Console.WriteLine(new { f.WindowState }); if (f.WindowState != FormWindowState.Normal) return; Minimize(); } else { page.SidebarInfo.style.marginTop = (0) + "px"; } page.SidebarOverlay.style.Opacity = 0; } ).StartInterval(100); if (HandleClosed) { f.FormClosing += (s, e) => { if (e.CloseReason == System.Windows.Forms.CloseReason.UserClosing) { e.Cancel = true; Minimize(); } }; } dynamic xstyle = page.SidebarOverlay.style; xstyle.webkitTransition = "all 0.3s linear"; page.SidebarOverlay.onmouseout += delegate { page.SidebarOverlay.style.Opacity = 0; }; page.SidebarOverlay.onmouseover += delegate { page.SidebarOverlay.style.Opacity = 0.3; }; page.SidebarOverlay.onclick += delegate { if (IsMinimized) return; Minimize(); }; #region enforce overflow:hidden Native.window.onscroll += e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); //Console.WriteLine("Window onscroll "); Native.Document.body.scrollTop = 0; Native.Document.body.scrollLeft = 0; }; #endregion }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // localStorage not available on android webview! //E/Web Console( 3751): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '20130329 Hello world' of null at FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; new GrayPatternBackground.HTML.Images.FromAssets.background().ToDocumentBackground(); Console.WriteLine("serial 57770"); "My Notez (loading...)".ToDocumentTitle(); service.AtPendingActions += count => { if (service.ServicePending.ElapsedMilliseconds > 500) { if (service.ServicePending.ElapsedMilliseconds > 4000) { "My Notez (offline)".ToDocumentTitle(); return; } "My Notez (pending)".ToDocumentTitle(); return; } "My Notez".ToDocumentTitle(); }; Native.window.onbeforeunload += e => { if (service.ServicePending.IsRunning) e.Text = "The changes made here have not yet made it to the server."; }; var storage = new MyLocalStorage { AtRemove = x => service.remove_LocalStorage(x), AtSetItem = (key, value) => { service.set_LocalStorage(key, value); } }; Console.WriteLine("Do we have localStorage? [2]"); Native.window.localStorage.With( localStorage => { Console.WriteLine("This browser has localStorage. Lets sync with that. [2]"); for (uint i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { var key = localStorage.key(i); var value = localStorage[key]; storage[key] = value; } // jsc why aint ths working? //storage.AtRemove += localStorage.removeItem; storage.AtRemove += key => localStorage.removeItem(key); storage.AtSetItem += (key, value) => { localStorage[key] = value; }; } ); #region done Action done = delegate { var hh = new HorizontalSplit { Minimum = 0.05, Maximum = 0.95, Value = 0.4, }; hh.Container.AttachToDocument(); hh.Container.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; hh.Container.style.left = "0px"; hh.Container.style.top = "0px"; hh.Container.style.right = "0px"; hh.Container.style.bottom = "0px"; hh.Split.Splitter.style.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.0)"; //var vv = new VerticalSplit var f = new Form { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual, SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide, Text = "Entries" }; var f1 = new Form { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual, SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide, Text = "My Files" }; f1.Show(); var f2 = new Form { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual, SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide, Text = "..." }; f2.Show(); var w = new WebBrowser { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; w.GetHTMLTarget().name = "viewer"; w.AttachTo(f2); w.Navigating += delegate { f2.Text = "Navigating"; }; w.Navigated += delegate { if (w.Url.ToString() == "about:blank") { f2.Text = "..."; return; } //ff.Text = w.DocumentTitle; f2.Text = Native.window.unescape( w.Url.ToString().SkipUntilLastIfAny("/").TakeUntilLastIfAny(".") ); }; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { var layout = new Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.HTML.Pages.App(); layout.Container.AttachTo(f1.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.ApplicationContent.Target = w.GetHTMLTarget().name; new Abstractatech.JavaScript.FileStorage.ApplicationContent( layout, service.service ); }; var LeftScrollable = new IHTMLDiv { className = "SidebarForButtons" }.AttachTo(f.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); LeftScrollable.style.backgroundColor = "white"; var CreateNew = new IHTMLButton { innerText = "+ create new", className = "SidebarButton" }.AttachTo( LeftScrollable ); var ff = new Form { StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual, SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide }; f.Show(); ff.Show(); //var text = new TextEditor(hh.Split.RightScrollable); var text = new TextEditor(ff.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); text.ContainerForBorders.style.border = ""; text.Control.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; text.Control.style.left = "0px"; text.Control.style.top = "0px"; text.Control.style.right = "0px"; text.Control.style.bottom = "0px"; //Native.Window.onresize += // delegate // { // var TopToolbarHeight = text.TopToolbar.clientHeight; // //Console.WriteLine(new { TopToolbarHeight }); // text.DesignerContainer.style.top = (TopToolbarHeight + 4) + "px"; // text.SourceContainer.style.top = (TopToolbarHeight + 4) + "px"; // }; #region DesignerContainer text.DesignerContainer.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; text.DesignerContainer.style.left = "0px"; text.DesignerContainer.style.top = "3em"; text.DesignerContainer.style.right = "0px"; text.DesignerContainer.style.bottom = "3em"; text.DesignerContainer.style.height = ""; text.Frame.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; text.Frame.style.left = "0px"; text.Frame.style.top = "0px"; //text.Frame.style.right = "0px"; //text.Frame.style.bottom = "0px"; text.Frame.style.width = "100%"; text.Frame.style.height = "100%"; #endregion #region SourceContainer text.SourceContainer.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; text.SourceContainer.style.left = "0px"; text.SourceContainer.style.top = "3em"; text.SourceContainer.style.right = "0px"; text.SourceContainer.style.bottom = "3em"; text.SourceContainer.style.height = ""; text.TextArea.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; text.TextArea.style.left = "0px"; text.TextArea.style.top = "0px"; //text.Frame.style.right = "0px"; //text.Frame.style.bottom = "0px"; text.TextArea.style.width = "100%"; text.TextArea.style.height = "100%"; #endregion text.BottomToolbarContainer.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; text.BottomToolbarContainer.style.left = "0px"; text.BottomToolbarContainer.style.right = "0px"; text.BottomToolbarContainer.style.bottom = "0px"; var oldtitle = ""; Action DoRefresh = delegate { }; #region DoCreateNew Action DoCreateNew = delegate { oldtitle = ""; #region default text var now = DateTime.Now; var yyyy = now.Year; var mm = now.Month; var dd = now.Day; var yyyymmdd = yyyy + mm.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + dd.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); string header = yyyymmdd + @" New Header " + storage.Keys.Count(); text.InnerHTML = @" <div><font face='Verdana' size='5' color='#0000fc'>" + header + @"</font></div><div><br /></div><blockquote style='margin: 0 0 0 40px; border: none; padding: 0px;'></blockquote><font face='Verdana'>This is your content.</font> "; #endregion DoRefresh(); }; CreateNew.onclick += delegate { DoCreateNew(); }; #endregion var buttons = new List<IHTMLButton>(); Action EitherCreateNewOrSelectFirst = delegate { if (buttons.Count == 0) { DoCreateNew(); } else { if (buttons.Any(k => k.innerText == oldtitle)) { //already selected } else { oldtitle = buttons.First().innerText; text.InnerHTML = storage[oldtitle]; } } }; #region Remove this document var remove = text.AddButton(null, "Remove this document", delegate { var button = buttons.FirstOrDefault(k => k.innerText == oldtitle); if (button == null) return; //Native.Window.localStorage.removeItem(button.innerText); storage.Remove(button.innerText); button.Orphanize(); buttons.Remove(button); EitherCreateNewOrSelectFirst(); } ); #endregion IHTMLElement remove_element = remove; remove_element.style.Float = IStyle.FloatEnum.right; text.BottomToolbar.appendChild(remove_element); #region new_SidebarButton Func<IHTMLButton> new_SidebarButton = delegate { var button = new IHTMLButton { className = "SidebarButton" }.AttachTo( LeftScrollable ); button.onclick += delegate { oldtitle = ""; text.InnerHTML = storage[button.innerText]; DoRefresh(); }; button.oncontextmenu += e => { e.preventDefault(); storage.Remove(button.innerText); button.Orphanize(); buttons.Remove(button); EitherCreateNewOrSelectFirst(); }; buttons.Add(button); return button; }; #endregion #region DoRefresh DoRefresh = delegate { // what has changed // text not default anymore? // title change? // document unloaded? if (text.Document == null) return; var xml = text.Document.body.AsXElement(); // script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [static System.String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(System.String)] xml.Elements().FirstOrDefault(k => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(k.Value)).With( TitleElement => { // take no action for no title if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TitleElement.Value)) return; // is there a buttn with old title? var button = buttons.FirstOrDefault( k => { if (oldtitle == "") { return k.innerText == TitleElement.Value; } return k.innerText == oldtitle; } ); if (button == null) { button = new_SidebarButton(); } button.innerText = TitleElement.Value; buttons.WithEach( x => x.setAttribute("data-active", x == button) ); if (oldtitle != "") { if (oldtitle != TitleElement.Value) storage.Remove(oldtitle); } ff.Text = TitleElement.Value; // src=" var innerHTML = text.InnerHTML; var href = Native.Document.location.href.TakeUntilLastOrEmpty("/"); // keep only relative paths to current host var xinnerHTML = innerHTML.Replace("src=\"" + href + "/", "src=\"/"); if (innerHTML != xinnerHTML) { text.InnerHTML = xinnerHTML; } storage[TitleElement.Value] = xinnerHTML; oldtitle = TitleElement.Value; //Console.WriteLine("TitleElement: " + TitleElement.Value); } ); // whats the title? }; #endregion foreach (var button_text in storage.Keys) { new_SidebarButton().innerText = button_text; } new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( t => { DoRefresh(); } ).StartInterval(500); EitherCreateNewOrSelectFirst(); #region AtResize Action AtResize = delegate { Native.Document.getElementById("feedlyMiniIcon").Orphanize(); Native.Document.body.style.minWidth = ""; //if (ff.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode == null) //{ // Native.Window.scrollTo(0, 0); // f.MoveTo(8, 8).SizeTo(Native.Window.Width - 16, Native.Window.Height - 16); // return; //} //if (f.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode == null) //{ // Native.Window.scrollTo(0, 0); // ff.MoveTo(8, 8).SizeTo(Native.Window.Width - 16, Native.Window.Height - 16); // return; //} //if (Native.Window.Width < 1024) //{ // Native.Document.body.style.minWidth = (Native.Window.Width * 2) + "px"; // f.MoveTo(8, 8).SizeTo(Native.Window.Width - 16, Native.Window.Height - 16); // ff.MoveTo(Native.Window.Width + 8, 8).SizeTo(Native.Window.Width - 16, Native.Window.Height - 16); // // already scrolled... // if (w.Url.ToString() != "about:blank") // // docked? // if (ff.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode != null) // Native.Window.scrollTo(ff.Left - 8, ff.Top - 8); // return; //} f.MoveTo(16, 16).SizeTo(hh.LeftContainer.clientWidth - 32, Native.window.Height / 3 - 16 - 4); f1.MoveTo(16, Native.window.Height / 3 + 4).SizeTo(hh.LeftContainer.clientWidth - 32, Native.window.Height / 3 - 8); f2.MoveTo(16, Native.window.Height / 3 * 2 + 4).SizeTo(hh.LeftContainer.clientWidth - 32, Native.window.Height / 3 - 16); ff.MoveTo( Native.window.Width - hh.RightContainer.clientWidth + 16 , 16).SizeTo(hh.RightContainer.clientWidth - 32, Native.window.Height - 32); //Console.WriteLine("LeftContainer " + new { hh.LeftContainer.clientWidth }); //Console.WriteLine("RightContainer " + new { hh.RightContainer.clientWidth }); }; hh.ValueChanged += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { AtResize(); }; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { AtResize(); }; #endregion ff.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true, NotifyDocked: AtResize); f.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true, NotifyDocked: AtResize); f1.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true, NotifyDocked: AtResize); f2.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true, NotifyDocked: AtResize); }; #endregion var tt = default(ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer); Action done_timeout = delegate { if (done == null) return; tt.Stop(); done(); done = null; }; service.get_LocalStorage( //add_localStorage: (key, value) => Native.Window.localStorage[key] = value, add_localStorage: (key, value) => { // what if we are resuming from offline edit. // merge? // keep the one we got from localStorage, because it has longer entry? if (storage[key].Length > value.Length) return; storage[key] = value; }, done: done_timeout ); // either server responds in 2000 or we consider us offline... tt = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { done_timeout(); } ); tt.StartTimeout(3000); }
//488: { SourceMethod = Void.ctor(ChromeAppWindowForm.HTML.Pages.IApp), i = [0x02f9] // brtrue.s +0 -1 } //248c:02:01:1e RewriteToAssembly error: System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. /// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // can we get the resize grip to work? // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeAppWindowMouseCapture\ChromeAppWindowMouseCapture\Application.cs #region += Launched chrome.app.window dynamic self = Native.self; dynamic self_chrome = self.chrome; object self_chrome_socket = self_chrome.socket; if (self_chrome_socket != null) { if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create, is that you?"); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeFormsWebBrowserExperiment\ChromeFormsWebBrowserExperiment\Application.cs #region __WebBrowser.InitializeInternalElement __WebBrowser.InitializeInternalElement = that => { var webview = Native.document.createElement("webview"); // You do not have permission to use <webview> tag. Be sure to declare 'webview' permission in your manifest. webview.setAttribute("partition", "p1"); that.InternalElement = (IHTMLIFrame)(object)webview; }; #endregion // pass thru return; } // should jsc send a copresence udp message? chrome.app.runtime.Launched += async delegate { // 0:12094ms chrome.app.window.create {{ href = chrome-extension://aemlnmcokphbneegoefdckonejmknohh/_generated_background_page.html }} Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create " + new { Native.document.location.href }); new chrome.Notification(title: "Launched2"); // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=177706 var o = new object(); var hidden = o == o; var alphaEnabled = o == o; var alwaysOnTop = o == o; var options = new { //allow webkitAppRegion frame = "none", hidden, alphaEnabled, alwaysOnTop }; // The URL used for window creation must be local for security reasons. var xappwindow = await chrome.app.window.create( Native.document.location.pathname, //Native.document.location.pathname + "#http://example.com", options ); //xappwindow.set // can we prevent the white page from appearing? await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; xappwindow.contentWindow.document.title = "http://example.com"; await Task.Delay(100); //await Task.Delay(200); xappwindow.show(); Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window loaded!"); }; return; } #endregion // subst b: X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeAppWindowForm\ChromeAppWindowForm\bin\Debug\staging\ChromeAppWindowForm.Application\web // X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib.Windows.Forms\ScriptCoreLib.Windows.Forms\JavaScript\BCLImplementation\System\Windows\Forms\Form\Form..ctor.cs //CaptionForeground.className = "caption"; // Could not load file or assembly 'ScriptCoreLib' or one of its dependencies. The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) var css = Native.css[typeof(Form)][" .caption"]; //var css = IStyleSheet.all[" .caption"]; //new IHTMLPre { new { css.rule.selectorText } }.AttachToDocument(); // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=229330 (css.style as dynamic).webkitAppRegion = "drag"; //(ff.CaptionForeground.style as dynamic).webkitAppRegion = "drag"; FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; var ShadowRightBottom = 8; var f = new Form { ShowIcon = false, Text = Native.document.title, //Text = Native.document.location.hash, StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual }; f.MoveTo(0, 0).SizeTo( Native.window.Width - ShadowRightBottom, Native.window.Height - ShadowRightBottom ); //f.Opacity = 0.5; f.Show(); var t = new TrackBar { Maximum = 100, Minimum = 40, Dock = DockStyle.Top }; t.AttachTo(f); t.ValueChanged += delegate { f.Opacity = (double)t.Value / (double)t.Maximum; }; f.Opacity = 0.8; var w = new WebBrowser { // this wont work? //Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); w.Navigate( Native.document.title ); f.FormClosed += delegate { // close the appwindow // DWM animates the close. Native.window.close(); }; f.SizeChanged += delegate { Native.window.resizeTo( f.Width + ShadowRightBottom, f.Height + ShadowRightBottom ); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { // outer frame is resized f.SizeTo( Native.window.Width - ShadowRightBottom, Native.window.Height - ShadowRightBottom ); }; // activate resize grip to window width? }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { DiagnosticsConsole.ApplicationContent.BindKeyboardToDiagnosticsConsole(); FormStyler.AtFormCreated = s => { FormStyler.LikeVisualStudioMetro(s); s.TargetOuterBorder.style.borderColor = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.JSColor.FromRGB(0, 127, 0); s.Caption.style.backgroundColor = ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.JSColor.FromRGB(0, 127, 0); s.TargetOuterBorder.style.boxShadow = "rgba(0, 127, 0, 0.3) 0px 0px 6px 3px"; }; //FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeWindows3; var SidebarIdleWidth = 32; var f = new Form { Text = "Sidebar" }; GrayScaleRule.InitializeGrayScaleFor("CLRForm"); f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm"; #region WhileDragging Action WhileDragging = null; WhileDragging = delegate { if (f.Left == 0) { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm_nohover"; f.Text = "Sidebar (docked)"; } else if (f.Capture) { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = ""; f.Text = "Sidebar (dragging)"; } else { f.GetHTMLTarget().className = "CLRForm"; f.Text = "Sidebar"; } Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += WhileDragging; }; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += WhileDragging; #endregion var c = new Sidebar { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); f.Show(); Action<int> SetLeftSidebarWidth = w => { page.SidebarContainer.style.width = w + "px"; page.DocumentContent.style.left = w + "px"; }; Action<int> SetRightSidebarWidth = w => { page.RightSidebarContainer.style.width = w + "px"; page.DocumentContent.style.right = w + "px"; }; #region LocationChanged var LocationChangedDisabled = false; f.LocationChanged += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) return; if (f.Left == 0) return; if (f.Right == Native.window.Width) return; SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); SetRightSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); if (f.Left < SidebarIdleWidth && c.checkBox1.Checked) page.SidebarContainer.style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Blue; else page.SidebarContainer.style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Gray; if (f.Right > Native.window.Width - SidebarIdleWidth && c.checkBox2.Checked) page.RightSidebarContainer.style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Blue; else page.RightSidebarContainer.style.backgroundColor = JSColor.Gray; }; #endregion #region Capture var tt = new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer(); Action AtCapture = null; tt.Tick += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) return; if (f.Left == 0) return; if (f.Right == Native.window.Width) return; if (f.Capture) { if (AtCapture != null) AtCapture(); return; } if (f.Left < SidebarIdleWidth) { if (c.checkBox1.Checked) { var fs = f.Size; SetLeftSidebarWidth(f.ClientSize.Width); f.MoveTo(0, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.SidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width - page.RightSidebarContainer.clientWidth, Native.window.Height); var done = false; Action<IEvent> onresize = delegate { if (done) return; f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.SidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width - page.RightSidebarContainer.clientWidth, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += onresize; AtCapture = delegate { done = true; AtCapture = null; f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 100); f.SizeTo(fs.Width, fs.Height); }; } } else if (f.Right > (Native.window.Width - SidebarIdleWidth)) { if (c.checkBox2.Checked) { var fs = f.Size; SetRightSidebarWidth(f.ClientSize.Width); f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.RightSidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height); var done = false; Action<IEvent> onresize = delegate { if (done) return; f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); f.SizeTo(f.ClientSize.Width, page.RightSidebarContainer.clientHeight); f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(SidebarIdleWidth, Native.window.Height); f.MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += onresize; AtCapture = delegate { done = true; AtCapture = null; f.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 100); f.SizeTo(fs.Width, fs.Height); }; } } }; tt.StartInterval(100); #endregion SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); SetRightSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); #region SizeChanged var PrevRight = 0; f.SizeChanged += delegate { if (LocationChangedDisabled) return; if (f.Left == 0) { SetLeftSidebarWidth(f.Width); } else { //if (f.Left == page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft) //{ // LocationChangedDisabled = true; // f.Left = Native.Window.Width - f.Width; // SetRightSidebarWidth(f.Width); // LocationChangedDisabled = false; //} } PrevRight = f.Right; }; #endregion #region AtButton1 Action AtButton1 = delegate { c.button1.Enabled = false; c.button2.Enabled = true; var cl = f.Location; var cs = f.ClientSize; var cc = f.GetHTMLTarget(); var IsLeft = f.Left < (Native.window.Width - f.Width) / 2; if (IsLeft) { f.MoveTo(0, 0); } else { f.MoveTo(page.RightSidebarContainer.offsetLeft, 0); } f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; Native.window.requestAnimationFrame += delegate { f.Height = Native.window.Height; }; c.button2.Click += delegate { if (cc == null) return; c.button1.Enabled = true; c.button2.Enabled = false; cc.AttachToDocument(); cc = null; f.ClientSize = cs; f.Location = cl; //if (c.checkBox1.Checked) f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable; SetLeftSidebarWidth(SidebarIdleWidth); }; cc.AttachTo(page.SidebarContainer); }; #endregion #region button1 c.button1.Click += delegate { AtButton1(); }; #endregion c.button2.Enabled = false; c.button3.Click += delegate { c.checkBox1.Enabled = false; c.checkBox2.Enabled = false; c.button3.Enabled = false; //f.PopupInsteadOfClosing( // HandleFormClosing: true //); }; f.FormClosing += (ss, ee) => { if (c.button3.Enabled) { // not yet popup mode ee.Cancel = true; if (c.button1.Enabled) AtButton1(); } }; //f.FormClosed += // delegate // { // Native.Document.body.Clear(); // Native.Window.close(); // }; @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); // Send data from JavaScript to the server tier //service.WebMethod2( // @"A string from JavaScript.", // value => value.ToDocumentTitle() //); //#region snippet http://my.jsc-solutions.net/#TestPackageAsApplication //new IHTMLAnchor { "drag me to my.jsc-solutions.net" }.AttachToDocument().With( // dragme => // { // dragme.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.@fixed; // dragme.style.left = "1em"; // dragme.style.bottom = "1em"; // dragme.AllowToDragAsApplicationPackage(); // } //); //#endregion }
public static void Invoke( string AppSource ) { Console.WriteLine("enter TheServerWithAppWindow.Invoke"); if (!(Native.window.opener == null && Native.window.parent == Native.window.self)) { Console.WriteLine("chrome.app.window.create, is that you?"); #region __WebBrowser.InitializeInternalElement __WebBrowser.InitializeInternalElement = that => { var webview = Native.document.createElement("webview"); // You do not have permission to use <webview> tag. Be sure to declare 'webview' permission in your manifest. webview.setAttribute("partition", "p1"); webview.setAttribute("allowtransparency", "true"); // wont work? // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25421586/webview-in-chrome-packaged-app-cannot-be-full-screen webview.setAttribute("allowfullscreen", "true"); webview.style.Opacity = 0.0; // 2012 for web faults.. // 2012 for desktop faults.. // 2013 for web works. roslynctp 0.5 webview.addEventListener("loadstop", async e => { Console.WriteLine("loadstop"); // prevent showing white while loading... // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21624897/how-can-a-chrome-packaged-app-interact-with-a-webview-listen-to-events-fired-fr IWindow contentWindow = (webview as dynamic).contentWindow; // https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/chromium-apps/gOKDKDk99pQ // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\WebGL\WebGLTiltShift\WebGLTiltShift\Application.cs // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\Application.cs // this will break the async even for roslyn ctp 0.5 new { }.With( async delegate { retry: { Console.WriteLine("awaiting to go fullscreen"); await contentWindow.postMessageAsync("virtual webview.requestFullscreen"); Console.WriteLine("awaiting to go fullscreen. go!"); // this makes webview reload. thats bad. //that.FindForm().FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15451888/how-can-i-make-a-chrome-packaged-app-which-runs-in-fullscreen-at-startup chrome.app.window.current().fullscreen(); //webview.requestFullscreen(); goto retry; } } ); await Task.Delay(100); //webview.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; webview.style.Opacity = 1.0; } ); #region permissionrequest // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/chromium-webview-samples // permissionrequest // https://developer.chrome.com/apps/tags/webview#type-WebRequestEventInteface webview.addEventListener("permissionrequest", (e) => { // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=141198 //% c9:176376ms permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock } } //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'allow' of undefined //< webview >: The permission request for "pointerLock" has been denied. // X:\jsc.internal.git\market\chrome\ChromeMyJscSolutionsNet\ChromeMyJscSolutionsNet\Application.cs // https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/git-svn/chrome/common/extensions/api/webview_tag.json // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=896143 // https://developer.chrome.com/apps/tags/webview#event-permissionrequest // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=153540 // The permission request for "pointerLock" has been denied. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16302627/geolocation-in-a-webview-inside-a-chrome-packaged-app // http://git.chromium.org/gitweb/?p=chromium.git;a=commitdiff;h=e1d226c0ea739adaed36cc4b617f7a387d44eca0 string permission = (e as dynamic).permission; xwebviewPointerLockPermissionRequest e_request = (e as dynamic).request; Console.WriteLine("permissionrequest " + new { permission, e, e_request }); //% c9:167409ms permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock } } //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'allow' of undefined e.preventDefault(); //9:122010ms permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock, e = [object Event], e_request = [object Object] } } //9:122028ms delay permissionrequest { { permission = pointerLock, e = [object Event], delay_e_request = [object Object] } } //Uncaught Error: < webview >: Permission has already been decided for this "permissionrequest" event. //Expando. if (e_request != null) e_request.allow(); //Task.Delay(1).ContinueWith( // delegate //{ // xPointerLockPermissionRequest delay_e_request = (e as dynamic).request; // Console.WriteLine("delay permissionrequest " + new { permission, e, delay_e_request }); // if (delay_e_request != null) // delay_e_request.allow(); //} //); } ); #endregion that.InternalElement = (IHTMLIFrame)(object)webview; // src was not copied for some reason. force it. that.Size = that.Size; that.Refresh(); }; #endregion var css = Native.css[typeof(Form)][" .caption"]; (css.style as dynamic).webkitAppRegion = "drag"; // FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; // only if the host does alpha? var ShadowRightBottom = 8; #region Form var f = new Form { ShowIcon = false, Text = Native.document.title, //Text = Native.document.location.hash, StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual }; f.MoveTo(0, 0).SizeTo( Native.window.Width - ShadowRightBottom, Native.window.Height - ShadowRightBottom ); //f.Opacity = 0.5; f.Show(); #endregion var w = new WebBrowser { // this wont work? //Dock = DockStyle.Fill }.AttachTo(f); w.Navigate( Native.document.title ); f.FormClosing += (sender, e) => { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\ChromeWebviewFullscreen\Application.cs if (chrome.app.window.current().isFullscreen()) { e.Cancel = true; chrome.app.window.current().restore(); return; } }; f.FormClosed += delegate { // close the appwindow // DWM animates the close. Native.window.close(); }; { var cs = f.ClientSize; w.SizeTo( cs.Width, cs.Height ); } f.SizeChanged += delegate { var cs = f.ClientSize; w.SizeTo( cs.Width, cs.Height ); Native.window.resizeTo( f.Width + ShadowRightBottom, f.Height + ShadowRightBottom ); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { if (chrome.app.window.current().isFullscreen()) { f.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Hide; f.SizeTo( Native.window.Width, Native.window.Height ); return; } f.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Auto; // outer frame is resized f.SizeTo( Native.window.Width - ShadowRightBottom, Native.window.Height - ShadowRightBottom ); }; return; } // looks like alpha is still not available for chrome, nor is it available if aero is disabled, red. // Unchecked runtime.lastError while running app.window.create: The alphaEnabled option requires dev channel or newer var alphaEnabled = true; //chrome.AppWindow Console.WriteLine("before invoke ChromeTCPServer.TheServer.InvokeAsync " + new { alphaEnabled }); ChromeTCPServer.TheServer.InvokeAsync(AppSource, async uri => { var o = new object(); var hidden = o == o; var alwaysOnTop = o == o; var options = new { //allow webkitAppRegion frame = "none", //hidden, alphaEnabled, alwaysOnTop }; // The URL used for window creation must be local for security reasons. Console.WriteLine("before app.window.create"); // 24950ms before app.window.create //view - source:51336 25004ms { { socketId = 21, port = 19866, xmessage = < string reason = "" c = "1" preview = "" n = "Audi Visualization" > Visit me at </ string > } } // view - source:51336 25045ms after app.window.create { { xappwindow = null } } var xappwindow = await chrome.app.window.create( Native.document.location.pathname, options ); Console.WriteLine("after app.window.create " + new { xappwindow }); // 20265ms after app.window.create {{ xappwindow = null }} // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeAudi\Application.cs // why the ef is it null? if (xappwindow == null) return; //xappwindow.set // can we prevent the white page from appearing? await xappwindow.contentWindow.async.onload; //xappwindow.contentWindow.document.title = "http://example.com"; xappwindow.contentWindow.document.title = uri; await Task.Delay(100); //await Task.Delay(200); xappwindow.show(); } ); }
public a(IBeforeLogin ee) { //FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStyler.LikeVisualStudioMetro; //FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; var ff = new Form { FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None }; var ScrollArea = new App().ScrollArea.AttachTo(ff.GetHTMLTargetContainer()); //ScrollArea.style.backgroundColor = "#185D7B"; //ScrollArea.style.backgroundColor = "#185D7B"; ScrollArea.style.backgroundColor = "#105070"; var SidebarWidth = 172; ff.MoveTo(SidebarWidth, 0); Action AtResize = delegate { ff.SizeTo(Native.window.Width - SidebarWidth, Native.window.Height); }; Native.window.onresize += delegate { AtResize(); }; AtResize(); var iii = global::CSSMinimizeFormToSidebar.ApplicationExtension.InitializeSidebarBehaviour( ff, // should be handle close instead! HandleClosed: true, HandleDragToLeft: false ); iii.SidebarText.className = "AppPreviewText"; //iii.SidebarText.innerText = "My Appz"; //iii.SidebarText.innerText = "Synchronizing..."; //var finish = iii.SidebarText.ToASCIIStyledLoadAnimation("My Appz"); //Native.Document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#105070"; Native.document.body.style.backgroundColor = "#185D7B"; Native.window.onresize += delegate { // lets not centerize //ff.Show(); }; //var page = new App(); //page.ScrollArea.AttachToDocument(); var count = 0; var yield_BringToFront = false; var icon_throttle = 0; #region yield yield_ACTION_MAIN yield = ( packageName, name, __IsCoreAndroidWebServiceActivity, label ) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label)) label = packageName; var IsCoreAndroidWebServiceActivity = System.Convert.ToBoolean(__IsCoreAndroidWebServiceActivity); count++; var a = new AppPreview(); #region icon if (packageName != "foo") { // see also: X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\ImageCachedIntoLocalStorageExperiment\ImageCachedIntoLocalStorageExperiment\Application.cs // extension to the system // data.icon[packageName].With Action loadicon = delegate { new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { new IHTMLImage { src = "/icon/" + packageName }.InvokeOnComplete( i => { var dataURL = i.toDataURL(); // Uncaught QuotaExceededError: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota. // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6276282/how-can-i-request-an-increase-to-the-html5-localstorage-size-on-ipad-like-the-f //message: "An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota." //name: "QuotaExceededError" a.Icon.src = dataURL; try { Native.window.localStorage[new { packageName }] = dataURL; } catch (Exception err) { Console.WriteLine(new { packageName, error = new { err.Message } }); } } ); } ).StartTimeout(icon_throttle); }; // VirtualDictionary? Native.window.localStorage[new { packageName }].With( dataURL => { Console.WriteLine("load from localstorage: " + new { packageName }); a.Icon.src = dataURL; loadicon = delegate { }; } ); loadicon(); icon_throttle += 900; } #endregion //a.Icon.src = "/icon/" + packageName; //a.Icon.src = "data:image/png;base64," + icon_base64; a.Label.innerText = label; if (yield_BringToFront) { Console.WriteLine("yield_BringToFront " + new { packageName }); ScrollArea.insertBefore(a.Container, ScrollArea.firstChild); } else { a.Container.AttachTo(ScrollArea); } //(page.gauge_layer1.style as dynamic).webkitTransition = "-webkit-transform 0.7s ease-in"; //-webkit-transition: filter 0.3s linear; __Form __ff = ff; (__ff.HTMLTarget.style as dynamic).webkitTransition = "-webkit-filter 0.7s ease-in"; #region onclick Action<bool> onclick = CanAutoLaunch => { Console.WriteLine(new { label }); var content = new windows.ApplicationControl(); var f = new Form { Text = label, ShowIcon = false }; f.ClientSize = content.Size; f.FormClosed += delegate { (__ff.HTMLTarget.style as dynamic).webkitFilter = "blur(0px) brightness(1.0)"; }; f.Shown += delegate { ; (__ff.HTMLTarget.style as dynamic).webkitFilter = "blur(4px) brightness(0.8)"; }; f.Show(); //FormAsPopupExtensionsForConsoleFormPackage.PopupInsteadOfClosing( // f, // HandleFormClosing: false, // NotifyDocked: // delegate // { // (__ff.HTMLTarget.style as dynamic).webkitFilter = "blur(4px) brightness(0.8)"; // }, // NotifyFloat: // delegate // { // (__ff.HTMLTarget.style as dynamic).webkitFilter = "blur(0px) brightness(1.0)"; // }, // SpecialCloseOnLeft: delegate // { // Console.WriteLine("SpecialCloseOnLeft"); // service.Launch( // packageName, // name, // DisableCallbackToken: "true" // ); // //f.Close(); // } //); if (CanAutoLaunch && IsCoreAndroidWebServiceActivity) { f.Opacity = 0.5; var w = new WebBrowser(); w.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; f.Controls.Add(w); service.Launch( packageName, name, yield_port: // we should remember the port // to launch it offline via AppCache port => { Console.WriteLine(new { port }); // close to left sidebar! // broken? //ff.Close(); f.Opacity = 1.0; var uri = Native.document.location.protocol + "//" + Native.document.location.host.TakeUntilIfAny(":") + ":" + port; //w.Navigated += // delegate // { // Console.WriteLine("WebBrowser Navigated " + new { packageName, uri, Abstractatech.JavaScript.FormAsPopup.FormAsPopupExtensionsForConsoleFormPackageMediator.InternalPopupHasFrame }); // // FormAsPopupExtensionsForConsoleFormPackageMediator // if (Abstractatech.JavaScript.FormAsPopup.FormAsPopupExtensionsForConsoleFormPackageMediator.InternalPopupHasFrame) // { // } // }; w.Navigate(uri); f.ClientSize = content.Size; } ); } else { f.Controls.Add(content); content.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; content.Label.Text = label; content.Package.Text = packageName; //a.Icon.cloneNode(true).AttachTo( // ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Windows.Forms.Extensions.GetHTMLTargetContainer(content.Icon) //); content.Uninstall.Click += delegate { service.Remove( packageName, name ); //f.Hide(); // http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_text-decoration.asp a.Label.style.textDecoration = "line-through"; f.Close(); }; content.Launch.Click += delegate { // level 1 // run on android // level 2 // run as float // level 3 // run here as iframe // level 4 // run here as js import service.Launch( packageName, name, yield_port: port => { Console.WriteLine(new { port }); // close to left sidebar! ff.Close(); var uri = Native.Document.location.protocol + "//" + Native.Document.location.host.TakeUntilIfAny(":") + ":" + port; var w = new WebBrowser(); f.Controls.Add(w); w.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; w.Navigate(uri); f.ClientSize = content.Size; } ); }; } }; #endregion a.Clickable.oncontextmenu += e => { e.preventDefault(); onclick(false); }; a.Clickable.onclick += e => { e.preventDefault(); onclick(true); }; }; #endregion #region more var skip = 0; var take = 32; { Action done = delegate { }; Action MoveNext = delegate { icon_throttle = 0; //more.disabled = true; //more.innerText = "checking for more..."; Console.WriteLine("MoveNext: " + new { skip, take }); service.queryIntentActivities( yield, skip: "" + skip, take: "" + take, yield_done: done ); //service.File_list("", // ydirectory: ydirectory, // yfile: yfile, // sskip: skip.ToString(), // stake: take.ToString(), // done: done //); skip += take; }; done = delegate { //more.innerText = getmore; //more.disabled = false; if (count == skip) { //Native.Document.body.With( // body => // { // if (more.disabled) // return; // if (body.scrollHeight - 1 <= Native.Window.Height + body.scrollTop) // { MoveNext(); // } // } //); } else { //finish(); yield_BringToFront = true; service.oninstall(yield); } }; MoveNext(); //more.onclick += delegate //{ // MoveNext(); //}; //Native.Window.onscroll += // e => // { // Native.Document.body.With( // body => // { // if (more.disabled) // return; // if (body.scrollHeight - 1 <= Native.Window.Height + body.scrollTop) // { // MoveNext(); // } // } // ); // }; } //); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { //content.AttachControlTo(page.Content); //content.AutoSizeControlTo(page.ContentSize); FormStyler.AtFormCreated = FormStylerLikeFloat.LikeFloat; // I want animated background! new WebGLClouds.Application(); //Native.Document.body.lastChild.MoveNodeToFirst(); var f = new Form(); content.BackColor = Color.Transparent; content.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; content.AttachTo(f); f.Show(); @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); // Send data from JavaScript to the server tier service.WebMethod2( @"A string from JavaScript.", value => value.ToDocumentTitle() ); Action ResizeMargin = delegate { if (f.GetHTMLTarget().parentNode == null) Native.Document.body.style.marginLeft = 16 + "px"; else Native.Document.body.style.marginLeft = (f.Width + 32) + "px"; }; Action AtResize = delegate { ResizeMargin(); f.MoveTo(16, 16); f.SizeTo( f.Width, f.Height.Min(Native.window.Height - 32) ); }; // why this not working? //f.SizeChanged += content.ClientSizeChanged += delegate { ResizeMargin(); }; //new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( // delegate // { // } //).StartInterval(); Native.window.onresize += delegate { AtResize(); }; AtResize(); f.PopupInsteadOfClosing(SpecialNoMovement: true); }