private void AddValidRow(DataGridViewRow dr, Dictionary<string, string> results) { if (results.Count == 0) return; // Prepare the new row DataGridViewRow dgvr = new DataGridViewRow(); dgvr.CreateCells(gridViewResults); DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; style.ForeColor = Color.Black; dgvr.Cells[3].Style = style; // Based on the Crawling Settings, add the new data to the result grid view switch (cs.CrawlItemType) { case "Social Media": dgvr.SetValues(new object[] {count, dr.Cells[1].Value, dr.Cells[2].Value, "Valid", results["facebook"], results["linkedin"], results["twitter"], results["youtube"] }); SaveToDB(count, dr.Cells[1].Value, dr.Cells[2].Value, "Valid", results["facebook"], results["linkedin"], results["twitter"], results["youtube"]); break; case "Contact Info": dgvr.SetValues(new object[] {count, dr.Cells[1].Value, dr.Cells[2].Value, "Valid", results["email"], results["phone"], results["fax"] }); break; } gridViewResults.Rows.Add(dgvr); }
public DialogShipGroupColumnFilter( DataGridView target, ShipGroupData group ) { InitializeComponent(); var rows = new LinkedList<DataGridViewRow>(); var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ColumnView ); row.SetValues( "(全て)", null, null, "-" ); row.Cells[ColumnView_Width.Index].ReadOnly = true; rows.AddLast( row ); foreach ( var c in group.ViewColumns.Values.OrderBy( c => c.DisplayIndex ) ) { row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ColumnView ); row.SetValues( target.Columns[c.Name].HeaderText, c.Visible, c.AutoSize, c.Width ); row.Cells[ColumnView_Width.Index].ValueType = typeof( int ); row.Tag = c.Name; rows.AddLast( row ); } ColumnView.Rows.AddRange( rows.ToArray() ); ScrLkColumnCount.Minimum = 0; ScrLkColumnCount.Maximum = group.ViewColumns.Count; ScrLkColumnCount.Value = group.ScrollLockColumnCount; }
private void AddInvalidRow(DataGridViewRow dr) { DataGridViewCellStyle style = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); style.BackColor = Color.Red; style.ForeColor = Color.Black; DataGridViewRow dgvr = new DataGridViewRow(); dgvr.CreateCells(gridViewResults); dgvr.SetValues(new object[] {count, dr.Cells[1].Value, dr.Cells[2].Value, "Invalid" }); dgvr.Cells[3].Style = style; gridViewResults.Rows.Add(dgvr); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new tune to the Tune List. /// </summary> /// <param name="assetNumber">Tune asset number</param> /// <param name="tuneType">Tune type</param> /// <param name="tuneDate">Tune date</param> /// <param name="entryDate">Date tune entered into program</param> /// <param name="staffMember">Tuning staff</param> /// <param name="notes">Extra notes about the tune</param> public void AddNewTune(string assetNumber, string tuneType, string tuneDate, string entryDate, string staffMember, string notes) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells(mTuneListDGV); bool rowSet = row.SetValues(assetNumber, tuneType, tuneDate, entryDate, staffMember, notes); row.HeaderCell.Value = (1 + mTuneListDGV.Rows.Count).ToString() ; mTuneListDGV.Rows.Add(row); // The first entered row will be selected, we dont want this to happen. if (mTuneListDGV.Rows.Count == 1) { mTuneListDGV.Rows[0].Selected = false; // Now that the first row is inserted and unselected we can // enable calls to OnSelectionChanged to actually do something mAllowSelectionChange = true; } }
public DialogShipGroupSortOrder( DataGridView target, ShipGroupData group ) { InitializeComponent(); var rows_enabled = new LinkedList<DataGridViewRow>(); var rows_disabled = new LinkedList<DataGridViewRow>(); var columns = target.Columns.Cast<DataGridViewColumn>(); var names = columns.Select( c => c.Name ); if ( group.SortOrder == null ) group.SortOrder = new List<KeyValuePair<string, ListSortDirection>>(); foreach ( var sort in group.SortOrder.Where( s => names.Contains( s.Key ) ) ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( EnabledView ); row.SetValues( target.Columns[sort.Key].HeaderText, sort.Value ); row.Cells[EnabledView_Name.Index].Tag = sort.Key; row.Tag = columns.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Name == sort.Key ).DisplayIndex; rows_enabled.AddLast( row ); } foreach ( var name in names.Where( n => group.SortOrder.Count( s => n == s.Key ) == 0 ) ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( DisabledView ); row.SetValues( target.Columns[name].HeaderText ); row.Cells[DisabledView_Name.Index].Tag = name; row.Tag = columns.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Name == name ).DisplayIndex; rows_disabled.AddLast( row ); } EnabledView.Rows.AddRange( rows_enabled.ToArray() ); DisabledView.Rows.AddRange( rows_disabled.ToArray() ); AutoSortFlag.Checked = group.AutoSortEnabled; }
/// <summary> /// 更新dataGridView /// </summary> /// <param name="_alarmlist"></param> public void UpdateDataGrid(AlarmList _alarmlist) { dgvAlarmList.Rows.Clear(); int i = 0; foreach (Alarm alarm in _alarmlist) { DataGridViewRow dgvr = new DataGridViewRow(); dgvr.SetValues(new object[4]); dgvAlarmList.Rows.Add(dgvr); dgvAlarmList.Rows[i].Cells["id"].Value = alarm.ID; dgvAlarmList.Rows[i].Cells["unit"].Value = alarm.Unit; dgvAlarmList.Rows[i].Cells["channel"].Value = alarm.Chanenl; dgvAlarmList.Rows[i].Cells["action"].Value = alarm.AlarmEvent; dgvAlarmList.Rows[i].Cells["time"].Value = alarm.Time; //取出AlarmRoot Data.AlarmRoot alarmRoot = new Data.AlarmRoot(Convert.ToInt32(alarm.Chanenl.IP), alarm.Unit.IP, alarm.Chanenl.Code); AlAlarmRoot.Add(alarmRoot.ToString()); i = i + 1; } dgv_Resize(dgvAlarmList); //排序 if (dgvAlarmList.Columns != null) { // ReSharper disable AssignNullToNotNullAttribute dgvAlarmList.Sort(dgvAlarmList.Columns["id"], ListSortDirection.Ascending); // ReSharper restore AssignNullToNotNullAttribute } }
/// <summary> /// ShipView用の新しい行のインスタンスを作成します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="ship">追加する艦娘データ。</param> private DataGridViewRow CreateShipViewRow( ShipData ship ) { if ( ship == null ) return null; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ShipView ); row.SetValues( ship.MasterID, ship.MasterShip.ShipType, ship.MasterShip.Name, ship.Level, ship.ExpTotal, ship.ExpNext, ship.ExpNextRemodel, new Fraction( ship.HPCurrent, ship.HPMax ), ship.Condition, new Fraction( ship.Fuel, ship.MasterShip.Fuel ), new Fraction( ship.Ammo, ship.MasterShip.Ammo ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 0 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 1 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 2 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 3 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 4 ), ship.FleetWithIndex, ship.RepairingDockID == -1 ? ship.RepairTime : -1000 + ship.RepairingDockID, ship.FirepowerBase, ship.FirepowerRemain, ship.TorpedoBase, ship.TorpedoRemain, ship.AABase, ship.AARemain, ship.ArmorBase, ship.ArmorRemain, ship.ASWBase, ship.EvasionBase, ship.LOSBase, ship.LuckBase, ship.LuckRemain, ship.IsLocked, ship.SallyArea ); row.Cells[ShipView_Name.Index].Tag = ship.ShipID; row.Cells[ShipView_Level.Index].Tag = ship.ExpTotal; { DataGridViewCellStyle cs; double hprate = (double)ship.HPCurrent / Math.Max( ship.HPMax, 1 ); if ( hprate <= 0.25 ) cs = CSRedRight; else if ( hprate <= 0.50 ) cs = CSOrangeRight; else if ( hprate <= 0.75 ) cs = CSYellowRight; else if ( hprate < 1.00 ) cs = CSGreenRight; else cs = CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_HP.Index].Style = cs; } { DataGridViewCellStyle cs; if ( ship.Condition < 20 ) cs = CSRedRight; else if ( ship.Condition < 30 ) cs = CSOrangeRight; else if ( ship.Condition < Utility.Configuration.Config.Control.ConditionBorder ) cs = CSYellowRight; else if ( ship.Condition < 50 ) cs = CSDefaultRight; else cs = CSGreenRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Condition.Index].Style = cs; } row.Cells[ShipView_Fuel.Index].Style = ship.Fuel < ship.MasterShip.Fuel ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Ammo.Index].Style = ship.Fuel < ship.MasterShip.Fuel ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; { DataGridViewCellStyle cs; if ( ship.RepairTime == 0 ) cs = CSDefaultRight; else if ( ship.RepairTime < 1000 * 60 * 60 ) cs = CSYellowRight; else if ( ship.RepairTime < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6 ) cs = CSOrangeRight; else cs = CSRedRight; row.Cells[ShipView_RepairTime.Index].Style = cs; } row.Cells[ShipView_FirepowerRemain.Index].Style = ship.FirepowerRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_TorpedoRemain.Index].Style = ship.TorpedoRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_AARemain.Index].Style = ship.AARemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_ArmorRemain.Index].Style = ship.ArmorRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_LuckRemain.Index].Style = ship.LuckRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Locked.Index].Style = ship.IsLocked ? CSIsLocked : CSDefaultCenter; return row; }
private void LoadFiles( string path ) { if ( !Directory.Exists( path ) ) return; CurrentPath = path; APIView.Rows.Clear(); var rows = new LinkedList<DataGridViewRow>(); foreach ( string file in Directory.GetFiles( path, "*.json", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly ) ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( APIView ); row.SetValues( Path.GetFileName( file ) ); rows.AddLast( row ); } APIView.Rows.AddRange( rows.ToArray() ); APIView.Sort( APIView_FileName, ListSortDirection.Ascending ); }
/// <summary> /// 詳細ビューを更新します。 /// </summary> private void UpdateDetailView( int equipmentID ) { DetailView.SuspendLayout(); DetailView.Rows.Clear(); //装備数カウント var eqs = KCDatabase.Instance.Equipments.Values.Where( eq => eq.EquipmentID == equipmentID ); var countlist = new IDDictionary<DetailCounter>(); foreach ( var eq in eqs ) { var c = countlist[DetailCounter.CalculateID( eq )]; if ( c == null ) { countlist.Add( new DetailCounter( eq.Level, eq.AircraftLevel ) ); c = countlist[DetailCounter.CalculateID( eq )]; } c.countAll++; c.countRemain++; c.countRemainPrev++; } //装備艦集計 foreach ( var ship in KCDatabase.Instance.Ships.Values ) { foreach ( var eq in ship.AllSlotInstance.Where( s => s != null && s.EquipmentID == equipmentID ) ) { countlist[DetailCounter.CalculateID( eq )].countRemain--; } foreach ( var c in countlist.Values ) { if ( c.countRemain != c.countRemainPrev ) { int diff = c.countRemainPrev - c.countRemain; c.equippedShips.Add( ship.NameWithLevel + ( diff > 1 ? ( " x" + diff ) : "" ) ); c.countRemainPrev = c.countRemain; } } } //行に反映 var rows = new List<DataGridViewRow>( eqs.Count() ); foreach ( var c in countlist.Values ) { if ( c.equippedShips.Count() == 0 ) { c.equippedShips.Add( "" ); } foreach ( var s in c.equippedShips ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( DetailView ); row.SetValues( c.level, c.aircraftLevel, c.countAll, c.countRemain, s ); rows.Add( row ); } } DetailView.Rows.AddRange( rows.ToArray() ); DetailView.Sort( DetailView_AircraftLevel, ListSortDirection.Ascending ); DetailView.Sort( DetailView_Level, ListSortDirection.Ascending ); DetailView.ResumeLayout(); Text = "装備一覧 - " + KCDatabase.Instance.MasterEquipments[equipmentID].Name; }
public DialogAlbumMasterShip() { InitializeComponent(); Aircrafts = new ImageLabel[] { Aircraft1, Aircraft2, Aircraft3, Aircraft4, Aircraft5 }; Equipments = new ImageLabel[] { Equipment1, Equipment2, Equipment3, Equipment4, Equipment5 }; TitleHP.ImageList = TitleFirepower.ImageList = TitleTorpedo.ImageList = TitleAA.ImageList = TitleArmor.ImageList = TitleASW.ImageList = TitleEvasion.ImageList = TitleLOS.ImageList = TitleLuck.ImageList = TitleSpeed.ImageList = TitleRange.ImageList = Rarity.ImageList = Fuel.ImageList = Ammo.ImageList = TitleBuildingTime.ImageList = MaterialFuel.ImageList = MaterialAmmo.ImageList = MaterialSteel.ImageList = MaterialBauxite.ImageList = PowerUpFirepower.ImageList = PowerUpTorpedo.ImageList = PowerUpAA.ImageList = PowerUpArmor.ImageList = RemodelBeforeLevel.ImageList = RemodelBeforeAmmo.ImageList = RemodelBeforeSteel.ImageList = RemodelAfterLevel.ImageList = RemodelAfterAmmo.ImageList = RemodelAfterSteel.ImageList = ResourceManager.Instance.Icons; TitleAirSuperiority.ImageList = TitleDayAttack.ImageList = TitleNightAttack.ImageList = Equipment1.ImageList = Equipment2.ImageList = Equipment3.ImageList = Equipment4.ImageList = Equipment5.ImageList = ResourceManager.Instance.Equipments; TitleHP.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterHP; TitleFirepower.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterFirepower; TitleTorpedo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterTorpedo; TitleAA.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterAA; TitleArmor.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterArmor; TitleASW.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterASW; TitleEvasion.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterEvasion; TitleLOS.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterLOS; TitleLuck.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterLuck; TitleSpeed.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterSpeed; TitleRange.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterRange; Fuel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceFuel; Ammo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceAmmo; TitleBuildingTime.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.FormArsenal; MaterialFuel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceFuel; MaterialAmmo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceAmmo; MaterialSteel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceSteel; MaterialBauxite.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceBauxite; PowerUpFirepower.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterFirepower; PowerUpTorpedo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterTorpedo; PowerUpAA.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterAA; PowerUpArmor.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterArmor; RemodelBeforeAmmo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceAmmo; RemodelBeforeSteel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceSteel; RemodelAfterAmmo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceAmmo; RemodelAfterSteel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceSteel; TitleAirSuperiority.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.EquipmentContent.CarrierBasedFighter; TitleDayAttack.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.EquipmentContent.Seaplane; TitleNightAttack.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.EquipmentContent.Torpedo; ParameterLevel.Value = ParameterLevel.Maximum = ExpTable.ShipMaximumLevel; TableBattle.Visible = false; BasePanelShipGirl.Visible = false; ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableShipName ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableParameterMain ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableParameterSub ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableConsumption ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableEquipment ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableArsenal ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableRemodel ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableBattle ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( ShipView ); //ShipView Initialize ShipView.SuspendLayout(); ShipView_ShipID.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; ShipView_ShipType.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; ShipView.Rows.Clear(); List<DataGridViewRow> rows = new List<DataGridViewRow>( KCDatabase.Instance.MasterShips.Values.Count( s => s.Name != "なし" ) ); foreach ( var ship in KCDatabase.Instance.MasterShips.Values ) { if ( ship.Name == "なし" ) continue; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ShipView ); row.SetValues( ship.ShipID, KCDatabase.Instance.ShipTypes[ship.ShipType].Name, ship.NameWithClass ); rows.Add( row ); } ShipView.Rows.AddRange( rows.ToArray() ); ShipView_ShipID.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCellsExceptHeader; ShipView_ShipType.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCellsExceptHeader; ShipView.Sort( ShipView_ShipID, ListSortDirection.Ascending ); ShipView.ResumeLayout(); }
public DialogAlbumMasterEquipment() { InitializeComponent(); TitleFirepower.ImageList = TitleTorpedo.ImageList = TitleAA.ImageList = TitleArmor.ImageList = TitleASW.ImageList = TitleEvasion.ImageList = TitleLOS.ImageList = TitleAccuracy.ImageList = TitleBomber.ImageList = TitleSpeed.ImageList = TitleRange.ImageList = Rarity.ImageList = MaterialFuel.ImageList = MaterialAmmo.ImageList = MaterialSteel.ImageList = MaterialBauxite.ImageList = ResourceManager.Instance.Icons; EquipmentType.ImageList = ResourceManager.Instance.Equipments; TitleFirepower.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterFirepower; TitleTorpedo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterTorpedo; TitleAA.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterAA; TitleArmor.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterArmor; TitleASW.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterASW; TitleEvasion.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterEvasion; TitleLOS.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterLOS; TitleAccuracy.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterAccuracy; TitleBomber.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterBomber; TitleSpeed.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterSpeed; TitleRange.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ParameterRange; MaterialFuel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceFuel; MaterialAmmo.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceAmmo; MaterialSteel.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceSteel; MaterialBauxite.ImageIndex = (int)ResourceManager.IconContent.ResourceBauxite; BasePanelEquipment.Visible = false; ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableEquipmentName ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableParameterMain ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableParameterSub ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( TableArsenal ); ControlHelper.SetDoubleBuffered( EquipmentView ); //Initialize EquipmentView EquipmentView.SuspendLayout(); EquipmentView_ID.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; EquipmentView_Icon.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; //EquipmentView_Type.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; EquipmentView.Rows.Clear(); List<DataGridViewRow> rows = new List<DataGridViewRow>( KCDatabase.Instance.MasterEquipments.Values.Count( s => s.Name != "なし" ) ); foreach ( var eq in KCDatabase.Instance.MasterEquipments.Values ) { if ( eq.Name == "なし" ) continue; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( EquipmentView ); row.SetValues( eq.EquipmentID, eq.IconType, FormMain.Instance.Translator.GetTranslation(eq.CategoryTypeInstance.Name, Utility.TranslationType.EquipmentType), eq.Name ); rows.Add( row ); } EquipmentView.Rows.AddRange( rows.ToArray() ); EquipmentView_ID.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCellsExceptHeader; EquipmentView_Icon.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCellsExceptHeader; //EquipmentView_Type.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCellsExceptHeader; EquipmentView.Sort( EquipmentView_ID, ListSortDirection.Ascending ); EquipmentView.ResumeLayout(); }
private void UpdateBGMPlayerUI() { BGMPlayer_ControlGrid.Rows.Clear(); var rows = new DataGridViewRow[BGMHandles.Count]; int i = 0; foreach ( var h in BGMHandles.Values ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( BGMPlayer_ControlGrid ); row.SetValues( h.Enabled, h.HandleID, h.Path ); rows[i] = row; i++; } BGMPlayer_ControlGrid.Rows.AddRange( rows ); BGMPlayer_VolumeAll.Value = (int)BGMHandles.Values.Average( h => h.Volume ); }
void BindRow(DataGridViewRow row) { var vals = new object[Grid.Columns.Count]; var t = (Test)row.Tag; if (t == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Row has no associated Test"); if (t.Result == TestResult.Pass) { vals[_resultImageColIndex] = AllImages.Images[PassStatusIcon]; } else if (t.Result == TestResult.Fail) { vals[_resultImageColIndex] = AllImages.Images[FailStatusIcon]; } else if (t.Result == TestResult.Unknown) { vals[_resultImageColIndex] = AllImages.Images[UnknownStatusIcon]; } if (!_funcElm.IsShared) { vals[_thisColIndex] = t.ThisString; } foreach (var p in _paramInfos) { var arg = t.GetArgument (p.Name); vals[p.ColIndex] = arg.ValueString; } if (_testType == TestType.Function || _testType == TestType.PropertyGetter) { vals[_resultColIndex] = t.ValueString; vals[_expectedColIndex] = t.ExpectedValueString; } vals[_assertColIndex] = t.AssertString; vals[_failColIndex] = TrimCellText (t.FailInfo); row.SetValues (vals); }
public void refresh(string connectionString) { List<int> focus_ids = new List<int>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in SelectedRows) { focus_ids.Add(row.Index); } int scrollIndexDiff = 0; try { scrollIndexDiff = this.SelectedRows[0].Index - this.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex; } catch { } Rows.Clear(); try { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { con.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SelectQuery, con)) { SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount]; reader.GetValues(values); DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells(this); row.SetValues(values); this.Rows.Add(row); } reader.Close(); } con.Close(); } } catch { } tablestrip.filter_use(this); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in Rows) { if (focus_ids.Contains(row.Index)) { row.Selected = true; } else { row.Selected = false; } } int scrollIndex = 0; try { scrollIndex = this.SelectedRows[0].Index; } catch { } while (scrollIndexDiff != 0) { if (scrollIndex == 0) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in this.Rows) { if (row.Visible == true) { scrollIndex = row.Index; break; } } break; } scrollIndex--; if (this.Rows[scrollIndex].Visible == true) { scrollIndexDiff--; } } this.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = scrollIndex; }
private void ClearQuestView() { QuestView.Rows.Clear(); { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( QuestView ); row.SetValues( null, null, null, GeneralRes.Unacquired, null ); QuestView.Rows.Add( row ); } }
public GameResultForm(GameResult Game, bool isProcessed) { InitializeComponent(); // Build Team Grid 1 foreach (Player P in Game.GetPlayersByTeam(1).OrderByDescending(p => p.RoundScore)) { DataGridViewRow Row = new DataGridViewRow(); Row.CreateCells(Team1Grid); Row.SetValues(new object[] { Image.FromStream(Me.GetManifestResourceStream("BF2Statistics.Resources.rank_" + P.Rank + "icon.gif")), P.Name, P.RoundScore, P.Stats.Kills, P.Stats.Deaths }); Row.Tag = P.Pid; Team1Grid.Rows.Add(Row); } // Build Team Grid 2 foreach (Player P in Game.GetPlayersByTeam(2).OrderByDescending(p => p.RoundScore)) { DataGridViewRow Row = new DataGridViewRow(); Row.CreateCells(Team2Grid); Row.SetValues(new object[] { Image.FromStream(Me.GetManifestResourceStream("BF2Statistics.Resources.rank_" + P.Rank + "icon.gif")), P.Name, P.RoundScore, P.Stats.Kills, P.Stats.Deaths }); Row.Tag = P.Pid; Team2Grid.Rows.Add(Row); } // Set flag images ArmyFlag1.Image = Image.FromStream(Me.GetManifestResourceStream("BF2Statistics.Resources.armyflag_" + GetArmyCode(Game.Team1ArmyId) + ".png")); ArmyFlag2.Image = Image.FromStream(Me.GetManifestResourceStream("BF2Statistics.Resources.armyflag_" + GetArmyCode(Game.Team2ArmyId) + ".png")); // Set team names TeamName1.Text = ArmyNames[Game.Team1ArmyId]; TeamName2.Text = ArmyNames[Game.Team2ArmyId]; // Set secondary team text if (Game.WinningTeam == 1) { TicketsLabel1.Text = "Has won the Round!"; } else if (Game.WinningTeam == 2) { TicketsLabel2.Text = "Has won the Round!"; } else { TicketsLabel1.Text = "Remaining Tickets: " + Game.Team1Tickets; TicketsLabel2.Text = "Remaining Tickets: " + Game.Team2Tickets; } // Set window title text this.Text = String.Format("Game Result: {0} [{1}] - {2} UTC", Game.MapName, Game.Mod, Game.RoundEndDate.ToString()); this.MapNameLabel.Text = Game.MapName + " (ID: " + Game.MapId + ")"; this.ModLabel.Text = Game.Mod; this.KillsLabel.Text = Game.MapKills.ToString(); this.DeathsLabel.Text = Game.MapDeaths.ToString(); this.StartTimeLabel.Text = DateTime.UtcNow.FromUnixTimestamp(Game.RoundStartTime).ToLocalTime().ToString(); this.EndTimeLabel.Text = DateTime.UtcNow.FromUnixTimestamp(Game.RoundEndTime).ToLocalTime().ToString(); this.RoundTimeLabel.Text = Game.RoundTime.ToString(); this.ServerNameLabel.Text = Game.ServerName; this.ServerPortLabel.Text = Game.ServerPort.ToString(); this.TotalPlayersLabel.Text = Game.PlayersConnected.ToString(); this.Team1PlayersLabel.Text = Game.Team1Players.ToString(); this.Team2PlayersLabel.Text = Game.Team2Players.ToString(); this.EorPlayers1Label.Text = Game.Team1PlayersEnd.ToString(); this.EorPlayers2Label.Text = Game.Team2PlayersEnd.ToString(); this.RoundProcLabel.Text = isProcessed ? "True" : "False"; // Set Gamemode this.GameModeLabel.Text = GetGameModeText(Game.GameMode); }
private void insertNewRowToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int x = 0; indexOfInsertion = dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index+1; DataGridViewRow dr = new DataGridViewRow(); dr.CreateCells(dataGridView1, new string[] { "", "" }); dr.SetValues(new string[] { "", "" }); dataGridView1.Rows.InsertRange(indexOfInsertion, dr); //dataGridView1.Sort(dataGridView1.Columns[0], System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending); newRow = true; }
private void RowRefresh(DataGridViewRow r, SvnExternalItem ii) { r.SetValues( ii.Reference, null, ii.Revision.ToString(), null, ii.Target); }
public void FillData(DataGridViewRow row, World world) { row.SetValues( AntName, DirectFactor, string.Format("{0}, {1}", AntPosition.X, AntPosition.Y), world.hiveSmell[AntPosition.X, AntPosition.Y], world.foodSmell[AntPosition.X, AntPosition.Y], Loaded, DistanceFromHive, LastDecision); }
private void onRuleSave(IO2Rule o2SavedRule, DataGridViewRow currentRow) { if (currentRow!= null) currentRow.SetValues(getRowDataFromO2Fule(o2SavedRule)); addRuleToChangedRulesList(o2SavedRule); }
public DataGridViewRow getDataGridViewRow(DataGridView dg, KeeperTracker mt) { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells(dg); string dgIdentifier = this.ident.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + "h"; string dgRemoteRequest = (this.remote_request?"Yes":"No"); string dgLength = this.data_length.ToString(); string dgData = byteArrayToHexString(, this.data_length); string dgPeriod = mt.getPeriod(this).ToString(); string dgCount = mt.getCount(this).ToString(); string dgTime = mt.getTime(this).ToLongTimeString(); ArrayList a = new ArrayList(); a.Add(dgIdentifier); a.Add(dgRemoteRequest); a.Add(dgLength); a.Add(dgData); a.Add(dgPeriod); a.Add(dgCount); a.Add(dgTime); a.Add(this.ident); a.Add(this); row.SetValues(a.ToArray()); return row; }
/// <summary> /// Load any maze data /// </summary> /// <param name="rows"></param> private void LoadGrid(int grid, string[] rows = null, int startRow = 0) { // Clear datagrid while (App.GetLevel(grid).Columns.Count > 0) App.GetLevel(grid).Columns.RemoveAt(0); // set columns int[] defaultRow = new int[Config.X_COUNT]; for (int col = 0; col < Config.X_COUNT; col++) { DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn c = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); c.ValueType = typeof(int); c.Width = 15; c.HeaderText = (col + 1).ToString(); App.GetLevel(grid).Columns.Add(c); defaultRow[col] = 0; } // Remove extra column if (App.GetLevel(grid).Columns.Count == 1 + Config.X_COUNT) App.GetLevel(grid).Columns.RemoveAt(0); // Set rows for (int row = 0; row < Config.Y_COUNT; row++) { DataGridViewRow r = new DataGridViewRow(); r.Height = 15; r.HeaderCell.Value = (row + 1).ToString(); r.SetValues(defaultRow); App.GetLevel(grid).Rows.Add(r); // Set integer value for all cells for (int col = 0; col < Config.X_COUNT; col++) Cell.SetValue(0, col, row, grid); } // Sets rows if none given if (rows == null) // From existing if no rows were given rows = Config.MAZEDATA; // Loads data to grid for (int row = 0; row < Config.Y_COUNT; row++) { if (rows.Count() > startRow + row && rows[startRow + row] != "") // Check if row contains data { String[] rowValues = rows[startRow + row].Split(','); for (int col = 0; col < Config.X_COUNT; col++) Cell.SetValue(int.Parse(rowValues[col]), col, row, grid); } } }
private void ClearQuestView() { QuestView.Rows.Clear(); { DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( QuestView ); row.SetValues( null, null, null, "(未取得)", null ); QuestView.Rows.Add( row ); } }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaseConexion conn2 = new ClaseConexion(); //DataGridView1.Rows.Add(ComboBox2.Text); DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.SetValues(ComboBox2.Text); //for (int i = 0; i < DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) //{ //if (DataGridView1.Rows.SharedRow(i).Cells[0].Value.ToString() != ComboBox2.SelectedText) //{ //DataGridView1.Rows.Add(ComboBox2.Text); // } // } List<String> datos = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { string dato; dato = DataGridView1.Rows.SharedRow(i).Cells[0].Value.ToString(); //DataGridView1.Rows.Add(ComboBox2.Text); //DataGridView1.DataSource datos.Add(dato); } if (datos.Contains(ComboBox2.Text)) { Console.WriteLine("repetido"); } else { //nuevos = new List<int>(); DataGridView1.Rows.Add(ComboBox2.Text); string tipo = ComboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString(); SqlCommand consultan = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 [COD_ENC_DEDUCCION] FROM [Nomina].[dbo].[HRM_ENC_DEDUCCION] where HRM_ENC_DEDUCCION.TIPO_DEDUCCION like '%" + tipo + "%'", conn2.abrirconexion()); int encdeduccion = Convert.ToInt32(consultan.ExecuteScalar()); //int encdeduccion = ;//.Columns[0].ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(encdeduccion); //listadetalles.Add(encdeduccion); nuevos.Add(encdeduccion); //Console.WriteLine("repetido"); } }
public virtual void Insert (int rowIndex, params object[] values) { if (values == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("Values is null."); if (dataGridView.VirtualMode || dataGridView.DataSource != null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow (); row.SetValues (values); Insert (rowIndex, row); }
private DataGridViewRow GetExpressionDetailViewRow( ExpressionData exp ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ExpressionDetailView ); row.SetValues( exp.Enabled, exp.LeftOperand, exp.RightOperand, exp.Operator ); return row; }
/// <summary> /// ShipView用の新しい行のインスタンスを作成します。 /// </summary> /// <param name="ship">追加する艦娘データ。</param> private DataGridViewRow CreateShipViewRow( ShipData ship ) { if ( ship == null ) return null; DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ShipView ); row.SetValues( ship.MasterID, ship.MasterShip.ShipType, ship.MasterShip.Name, ship.Level, ship.ExpTotal, ship.ExpNext, ship.ExpNextRemodel, new Fraction( ship.HPCurrent, ship.HPMax ), ship.Condition, new Fraction( ship.Fuel, ship.FuelMax ), new Fraction( ship.Ammo, ship.AmmoMax ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 0 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 1 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 2 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 3 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 4 ), GetEquipmentString( ship, 5 ), //補強スロット new Fraction( ship.Aircraft[0], ship.MasterShip.Aircraft[0] ), new Fraction( ship.Aircraft[1], ship.MasterShip.Aircraft[1] ), new Fraction( ship.Aircraft[2], ship.MasterShip.Aircraft[2] ), new Fraction( ship.Aircraft[3], ship.MasterShip.Aircraft[3] ), new Fraction( ship.Aircraft[4], ship.MasterShip.Aircraft[4] ), new Fraction( ship.AircraftTotal, ship.MasterShip.AircraftTotal ), ship.FleetWithIndex, ship.RepairingDockID == -1 ? ship.RepairTime : -1000 + ship.RepairingDockID, ship.RepairSteel, ship.RepairFuel, ship.FirepowerBase, ship.FirepowerRemain, ship.FirepowerTotal, ship.TorpedoBase, ship.TorpedoRemain, ship.TorpedoTotal, ship.AABase, ship.AARemain, ship.AATotal, ship.ArmorBase, ship.ArmorRemain, ship.ArmorTotal, ship.ASWBase, ship.ASWTotal, ship.EvasionBase, ship.EvasionTotal, ship.LOSBase, ship.LOSTotal, ship.LuckBase, ship.LuckRemain, ship.LuckTotal, ship.BomberTotal, ship.MasterShip.Speed, ship.Range, ship.AirBattlePower, ship.ShellingPower, ship.AircraftPower, ship.AntiSubmarinePower, ship.TorpedoPower, ship.NightBattlePower, ship.IsLocked ? 1 : ship.IsLockedByEquipment ? 2 : 0, ship.SallyArea ); row.Cells[ShipView_Name.Index].Tag = ship.ShipID; //row.Cells[ShipView_Level.Index].Tag = ship.ExpTotal; { DataGridViewCellStyle cs; double hprate = ship.HPRate; if ( hprate <= 0.25 ) cs = CSRedRight; else if ( hprate <= 0.50 ) cs = CSOrangeRight; else if ( hprate <= 0.75 ) cs = CSYellowRight; else if ( hprate < 1.00 ) cs = CSGreenRight; else cs = CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_HP.Index].Style = cs; } { DataGridViewCellStyle cs; if ( ship.Condition < 20 ) cs = CSRedRight; else if ( ship.Condition < 30 ) cs = CSOrangeRight; else if ( ship.Condition < Utility.Configuration.Config.Control.ConditionBorder ) cs = CSYellowRight; else if ( ship.Condition < 50 ) cs = CSDefaultRight; else cs = CSGreenRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Condition.Index].Style = cs; } row.Cells[ShipView_Fuel.Index].Style = ship.Fuel < ship.FuelMax ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Ammo.Index].Style = ship.Ammo < ship.AmmoMax ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; { var current = ship.Aircraft; var max = ship.MasterShip.Aircraft; row.Cells[ShipView_Aircraft1.Index].Style = ( max[0] > 0 && current[0] == 0 ) ? CSRedRight : ( current[0] < max[0] ) ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Aircraft2.Index].Style = ( max[1] > 0 && current[1] == 0 ) ? CSRedRight : ( current[1] < max[1] ) ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Aircraft3.Index].Style = ( max[2] > 0 && current[2] == 0 ) ? CSRedRight : ( current[2] < max[2] ) ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Aircraft4.Index].Style = ( max[3] > 0 && current[3] == 0 ) ? CSRedRight : ( current[3] < max[3] ) ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Aircraft5.Index].Style = ( max[4] > 0 && current[4] == 0 ) ? CSRedRight : ( current[4] < max[4] ) ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_AircraftTotal.Index].Style = ( ship.MasterShip.AircraftTotal > 0 && ship.AircraftTotal == 0 ) ? CSRedRight : ( ship.AircraftTotal < ship.MasterShip.AircraftTotal ) ? CSYellowRight : CSDefaultRight; } { DataGridViewCellStyle cs; if ( ship.RepairTime == 0 ) cs = CSDefaultRight; else if ( ship.RepairTime < 1000 * 60 * 60 ) cs = CSYellowRight; else if ( ship.RepairTime < 1000 * 60 * 60 * 6 ) cs = CSOrangeRight; else cs = CSRedRight; row.Cells[ShipView_RepairTime.Index].Style = cs; } row.Cells[ShipView_FirepowerRemain.Index].Style = ship.FirepowerRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_TorpedoRemain.Index].Style = ship.TorpedoRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_AARemain.Index].Style = ship.AARemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_ArmorRemain.Index].Style = ship.ArmorRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_LuckRemain.Index].Style = ship.LuckRemain == 0 ? CSGrayRight : CSDefaultRight; row.Cells[ShipView_Locked.Index].Style = ship.IsLocked ? CSIsLocked : CSDefaultCenter; return row; }
private DataGridViewRow GetExpressionViewRow( ExpressionList exp ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( ExpressionView ); row.SetValues( exp.Enabled, exp.ExternalAnd, exp.Inverse, exp.InternalAnd, exp.ToString() ); return row; }
/// <summary> /// 一覧ビューを更新します。 /// </summary> private void UpdateView() { var ships = KCDatabase.Instance.Ships.Values; var equipments = KCDatabase.Instance.Equipments.Values; var masterEquipments = KCDatabase.Instance.MasterEquipments; int masterCount = masterEquipments.Values.Count( eq => !eq.IsAbyssalEquipment ); var allCount = new Dictionary<int, int>( masterCount ); //全個数計算 foreach ( var e in equipments ) { if ( !allCount.ContainsKey( e.EquipmentID ) ) { allCount.Add( e.EquipmentID, 1 ); } else { allCount[e.EquipmentID]++; } } var remainCount = new Dictionary<int, int>( allCount ); //剰余数計算 foreach ( var ship in ships ) { foreach ( var eq in ship.AllSlotInstanceMaster ) { if ( eq == null ) continue; remainCount[eq.EquipmentID]--; } } //表示処理 EquipmentView.SuspendLayout(); EquipmentView.Enabled = false; EquipmentView.Rows.Clear(); var rows = new List<DataGridViewRow>( allCount.Count ); var ids = allCount.Keys; foreach ( int id in ids ) { var row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells( EquipmentView ); row.SetValues( id, masterEquipments[id].IconType, masterEquipments[id].Name, allCount[id], remainCount[id] ); rows.Add( row ); } for ( int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++ ) rows[i].Tag = i; EquipmentView.Rows.AddRange( rows.ToArray() ); EquipmentView.Sort( EquipmentView_Name, ListSortDirection.Ascending ); EquipmentView.Enabled = true; EquipmentView.ResumeLayout(); if ( EquipmentView.Rows.Count > 0 ) EquipmentView.CurrentCell = EquipmentView[0, 0]; }
private void CargarDatosDeReceta() { txtNombreReceta.Text = receta.nombre; ValidateEmptyStringRule(txtNombreReceta); txtCostoReceta.Text = receta.costoReceta.ToString(); listaInsumosReceta.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < receta.listaInsumos.Count; i++) { CommonUtils.Insumo insumo = ((CommonUtils.RecetaInsumo)receta.listaInsumos[i]).insumo; listaInsumosReceta.Add(insumo.idInsumo, insumo); DataGridViewRow row = new DataGridViewRow(); row.CreateCells(dataGridViewListInsumoReceta); row.SetValues(insumo.idInsumo, insumo.nombre, insumo.costoUnidad.ToString(), ((CommonUtils.RecetaInsumo)receta.listaInsumos[i]).cantidad.ToString(), insumo.unidad); dataGridViewListInsumoReceta.Rows.Add(row); } CargarListaInsumos(); }