예제 #1
 /// <include file='doc\AxParameterData.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AxParameterData.AxParameterData3"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public AxParameterData(ParameterInfo info, bool ignoreByRefs)
     Name            = info.Name;
     this.type       = info.ParameterType;
     this.typeName   = AxWrapperGen.MapTypeName(info.ParameterType);
     this.isByRef    = info.ParameterType.IsByRef && !ignoreByRefs;
     this.isIn       = info.IsIn && !ignoreByRefs;
     this.isOut      = info.IsOut && !this.isIn && !ignoreByRefs;
     this.isOptional = info.IsOptional;
 public AxParameterData(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo info, bool ignoreByRefs)
     this.paramInfo  = info;
     this.Name       = info.Name;
     this.type       = info.ParameterType;
     this.typeName   = AxWrapperGen.MapTypeName(info.ParameterType);
     this.isByRef    = info.ParameterType.IsByRef && !ignoreByRefs;
     this.isIn       = info.IsIn && !ignoreByRefs;
     this.isOut      = (info.IsOut && !this.isIn) && !ignoreByRefs;
     this.isOptional = info.IsOptional;
 private string GetAxTypeFromAssembly(string fileName, Guid clsid)
     foreach (System.Type type in this.GetCopiedAssembly(fileName, true, false).GetTypes())
         if (typeof(AxHost).IsAssignableFrom(type))
             CustomAttributeTypedArgument argument = AxWrapperGen.GetAttributeData(type, typeof(AxHost.ClsidAttribute))[0].ConstructorArguments[0];
             if (argument.Value.ToString() == ("{" + clsid.ToString() + "}"))
예제 #4
 /// <include file='doc\AxParameterData.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AxParameterData.AxParameterData1"]/*' />
 /// <devdoc>
 ///    <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
 /// </devdoc>
 public AxParameterData(string inname, Type type)
     Name          = inname;
     this.type     = type;
     this.typeName = AxWrapperGen.MapTypeName(type);
 internal static string GenerateWrappers(AxImporter importer, Guid axClsid, Assembly rcwAssem, string[] refAssemblies, DateTime tlbTimeStamp, out string assem)
     assem = null;
     bool flag = false;
     CodeNamespace ns = null;
     string axctl = null;
         System.Type[] types = rcwAssem.GetTypes();
         for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
             if (IsTypeActiveXControl(types[i]))
                 flag = true;
                 if (ns == null)
                     axctlNS = "Ax" + types[i].Namespace;
                     ns = new CodeNamespace(axctlNS);
                 AxWrapperGen gen = new AxWrapperGen(types[i]);
                 gen.GenerateAxHost(ns, refAssemblies);
                 if (!axClsid.Equals(Guid.Empty) && axClsid.Equals(types[i].GUID))
                     axctl = gen.axctl;
                 else if (axClsid.Equals(Guid.Empty) && (axctl == null))
                     axctl = gen.axctl;
         if (classesInNamespace != null)
             classesInNamespace = null;
     AssemblyName name = rcwAssem.GetName();
     if (flag)
         Version version = name.Version;
         assem = Compile(importer, ns, refAssemblies, tlbTimeStamp, version);
         if (assem != null)
             if (axctl == null)
                 throw new Exception(System.Design.SR.GetString("AXNotValidControl", new object[] { "{" + axClsid + "}" }));
             return (axctlNS + "." + axctl + "," + axctlNS);
     return null;
            private static bool IsValidType(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum e, System.Type t)
                switch (e)
                    case AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Color:
                        return ((((t == typeof(ushort)) || (t == typeof(uint))) || (t == typeof(int))) || (t == typeof(short)));

                    case AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Font:
                        return GetGuid(t).Equals(Guid_IFont);

                    case AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.FontDisp:
                        return GetGuid(t).Equals(Guid_IFontDisp);

                    case AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Handle:
                        return ((((t == typeof(uint)) || (t == typeof(int))) || (t == typeof(IntPtr))) || (t == typeof(UIntPtr)));

                    case AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Picture:
                        return GetGuid(t).Equals(Guid_IPicture);

                    case AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.PictureDisp:
                        return GetGuid(t).Equals(Guid_IPictureDisp);
                return false;
 public static bool IsPicture(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum e)
     if (e != AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Picture)
         return (e == AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.PictureDisp);
     return true;
 public static bool IsFont(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum e)
     if (e != AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Font)
         return (e == AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.FontDisp);
     return true;
 public static System.Type GetWFTypeFromComType(System.Type t, AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum alias)
     if (IsValidType(alias, t))
         if (alias == AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Color)
             return typeof(System.Drawing.Color);
         if (IsFont(alias))
             return typeof(Font);
         if (IsPicture(alias))
             return typeof(Image);
     return t;
 public static string GetWFToComParamConverter(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum alias, System.Type t)
     return t.FullName;
 public static string GetWFToComConverter(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum alias)
     if (alias == AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Color)
         return "GetOleColorFromColor";
     if (IsFont(alias))
         return "GetIFontFromFont";
     if (IsPicture(alias))
         return "GetIPictureFromPicture";
     return "";
 public static string GetComToWFParamConverter(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum alias)
     if (alias == AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Color)
         return typeof(uint).FullName;
     return "";
 public static string GetComToManagedConverter(AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum alias)
     if (alias == AxWrapperGen.ComAliasEnum.Color)
         return "GetColorFromOleColor";
     if (IsFont(alias))
         return "GetFontFromIFont";
     if (IsPicture(alias))
         return "GetPictureFromIPicture";
     return "";
예제 #14
        /// <include file='doc\AxImporter.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="AxImporter.GenerateFromTypeLibrary1"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///       Generates a wrapper for an ActiveX control for use in the design-time
        ///       environment.
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public string GenerateFromTypeLibrary(UCOMITypeLib typeLib, Guid clsid)
            string   axWFW     = null;
            string   axctlType = null;
            Assembly rcw       = null;

            // Look to see if we can find the AxWrapper also for this typeLib.
            axWFW = GetAxReference(typeLib);

            if (axWFW != null && clsid != Guid.Empty)
                axctlType = GetAxTypeFromAssembly(axWFW, clsid);

            if (axWFW == null)
                string tlbName = Marshal.GetTypeLibName(typeLib);
                string rcwName = Path.Combine(options.outputDirectory, tlbName + ".dll");
                Debug.WriteLineIf(AxWrapperGen.AxWrapper.Enabled, "Converting TypeLib Name: " + tlbName + " in " + rcwName);


                string rcwAssem = GetComReference(typeLib);
                if (rcwAssem != null)
                    rcw = GetCopiedAssembly(rcwAssem, false, false);
                    TypeLibConverter tlbConverter = new TypeLibConverter();

                    // Try to locate the primary interop assembly first.
                    rcw = GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(typeLib, tlbConverter);

                    if (rcw != null)
                        rcwAssem = GetLocalPath(rcw.EscapedCodeBase);
                        AssemblyBuilder asmBldr = tlbConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib,
                                                                                        new ImporterCallback(this),

                        if (rcwAssem == null)
                            // Save the assembly to the disk only if we did not find it already on the reference list.
                            rcwAssem = SaveAssemblyBuilder(typeLib, asmBldr, rcwName);
                            rcw      = GetCopiedAssembly(rcwAssem, false, false);
                Debug.Assert(rcw != null, "No assembly obtained from: " + rcwAssem);

                // Create a list of the referenced assemblies and create the WFW Wrapper for the AxControl.
                int      i         = 0;
                string[] refAssems = new string[this.refAssems.Count];
                foreach (string assem in this.refAssems)
                    string name = assem;

                    name = name.Replace("%20", " ");
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(AxWrapperGen.AxWrapper.Enabled, "Adding " + name + " to the wrapper reference list...");
                    refAssems[i++] = name;

                if (axctlType == null)
                    string   file         = GetFileOfTypeLib(typeLib);
                    DateTime tlbTimeStamp = (file == null) ? DateTime.Now : File.GetLastWriteTime(file);

                    // Hook up the type resolution events for the appdomain so we can delay load
                    // any assemblies/types users gave us in the /i option.
                    ResolveEventHandler assemblyResolveEventHandler = new ResolveEventHandler(OnAssemblyResolve);
                    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += assemblyResolveEventHandler;

                    try {
                        if (options.genSources)
                            AxWrapperGen.GeneratedSources = new ArrayList();

                        if (options.outputName == null)
                            options.outputName = "Ax" + tlbName + ".dll";

                        axctlType = AxWrapperGen.GenerateWrappers(this, clsid, rcw, refAssems, tlbTimeStamp, out axWFW);

                        if (options.genSources)
                            generatedSources = AxWrapperGen.GeneratedSources;
                    finally {
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= assemblyResolveEventHandler;

                    if (axctlType == null)
                        throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.AXNoActiveXControls, ((typeLibName != null) ? typeLibName : tlbName)));

                if (axctlType != null)
                    // Add the WFW assembly to the references list.
                    Debug.Assert(axWFW != null && axWFW.Length > 0, "Invalid output assembly name");

        public string GenerateFromTypeLibrary(UCOMITypeLib typeLib, Guid clsid)
            string   fileName           = null;
            string   axTypeFromAssembly = null;
            Assembly assem = null;

            fileName = this.GetAxReference((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib);
            if ((fileName != null) && (clsid != Guid.Empty))
                axTypeFromAssembly = this.GetAxTypeFromAssembly(fileName, clsid);
            if (fileName == null)
                string typeLibName = Marshal.GetTypeLibName((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib);
                string asmFileName = Path.Combine(this.options.outputDirectory, typeLibName + ".dll");
                string comReference = this.GetComReference((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib);
                if (comReference != null)
                    assem = this.GetCopiedAssembly(comReference, false, false);
                    this.AddDependentAssemblies(assem, comReference);
                    TypeLibConverter tlbConverter = new TypeLibConverter();
                    assem = this.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib, tlbConverter);
                    if (assem != null)
                        comReference = this.GetLocalPath(assem.EscapedCodeBase);
                        this.AddDependentAssemblies(assem, comReference);
                        AssemblyBuilder asmBldr = tlbConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib, asmFileName, TypeLibImporterFlags.None, new ImporterCallback(this), this.options.publicKey, this.options.keyPair, null, null);
                        if (comReference == null)
                            comReference = this.SaveAssemblyBuilder((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib, asmBldr, asmFileName);
                            assem        = asmBldr;
                int      num           = 0;
                string[] refAssemblies = new string[this.refAssems.Count];
                foreach (string str6 in this.refAssems)
                    string str7 = str6;
                    str7 = str7.Replace("%20", " ");
                    refAssemblies[num++] = str7;
                if (axTypeFromAssembly == null)
                    string              fileOfTypeLib = GetFileOfTypeLib((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib)typeLib);
                    DateTime            tlbTimeStamp  = (fileOfTypeLib == null) ? DateTime.Now : File.GetLastWriteTime(fileOfTypeLib);
                    ResolveEventHandler handler       = new ResolveEventHandler(this.OnAssemblyResolve);
                    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += handler;
                    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.TypeResolve     += new ResolveEventHandler(this.OnTypeResolve);
                        if (this.options.genSources)
                            AxWrapperGen.GeneratedSources = new ArrayList();
                        if (this.options.outputName == null)
                            this.options.outputName = "Ax" + typeLibName + ".dll";
                        axTypeFromAssembly = AxWrapperGen.GenerateWrappers(this, clsid, assem, refAssemblies, tlbTimeStamp, out fileName);
                        if (this.options.genSources)
                            this.generatedSources = AxWrapperGen.GeneratedSources;
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve -= handler;
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.TypeResolve     -= new ResolveEventHandler(this.OnTypeResolve);
                    if (axTypeFromAssembly == null)
                        string message = System.Design.SR.GetString("AXNoActiveXControls", new object[] { (this.typeLibName != null) ? this.typeLibName : typeLibName });
                        if (this.options.msBuildErrors)
                            message = "AxImp: error aximp000: " + message;
                        throw new Exception(message);
                if (axTypeFromAssembly != null)