public static RequestBufferlessStream CreateStream(HttpWorkerRequest workerRequest)
            if (workerRequest == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("workerRequest");

            long totalBytes = (long)workerRequest.GetTotalEntityBodyLength();
            return new RequestBufferlessStream(workerRequest, totalBytes);
예제 #2
        public AsyncUpload(HttpWorkerRequest wRquest)
            if (wRquest == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("wRquest");
            this.uploadProcess = new UploadProcess(delegate(float f) { });
            workerRequest = wRquest;

            this.preLen = workerRequest.GetPreloadedEntityBodyLength();
            this.totLen = workerRequest.GetTotalEntityBodyLength();
            //内容分隔符 如: -----------------------------152733254716788
            if (preLen == 0 && workerRequest.IsClientConnected() && workerRequest.HasEntityBody())
                byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
                preLen = workerRequest.ReadEntityBody(buffer, buffer.Length);
                byte[] buf = new byte[preLen];
                for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; i++) buf[i] = buffer[i];
                this.perBodyBytes = buf;
                this.perBodyBytes = workerRequest.GetPreloadedEntityBody();

            this.headerBytes = this.GetBoundaryBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(workerRequest.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType)));
            //请求流尾部分隔符 如: -----------------------------152733254716788--
            this.contentEnd = new byte[this.headerBytes.Length + 2];
            this.headerBytes.CopyTo(this.contentEnd, 0);
            this.contentEnd[this.headerBytes.Length] = 45;
            this.contentEnd[this.headerBytes.Length + 1] = 45;

            int fHeaderPosition = perBodyBytes.Indexof(fileNameHeader);
            this.fEndPosition = perBodyBytes.Indexof(contentEnd);
            if (fHeaderPosition > -1)
                IList<byte> bufList = new List<byte>();
                int i = fHeaderPosition + fileNameHeader.Length;
                while (i < perBodyBytes.Length)
                    if (perBodyBytes[i] == 34) break;

                this.FileName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bufList.ToArray());//file name
                this.fPosition = perBodyBytes.Indexof(wrapBytes, i) + 4;//当前流中此文件的开始位置
                this.FileLength = this.totLen - this.fPosition;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the request into files then parses the files into form fields and uploaded files.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="r">The r.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 Mapper ParseRequest(HttpWorkerRequest r)
     // get the ID of the upload from the querystring if any
     var qid = r.GetQueryString();
     Guid id;
     if(!Guid.TryParse(qid, out id)) {
         throw new HttpParseException("Upload contains no ID.");
     var d = new HttpUploadStatusEventArgs() {
         Id = id,
         StartedOn = DateTime.Now,
         LastUpdated = DateTime.Now,
         Message = "Beginning Upload."
     var isIdFound = false;
     var isMapFound = false;
     var e = new UTF8Encoding();
     // bytes for "Content-Disposition: form-data; "
     var mapSig = new byte[] {
     var idSig = new byte[] {
     var m = new Mapper();
     // first 46 bytes = boundary signature
     const int f = 131072; // 128kb = 131072b
     var l = r.GetTotalEntityBodyLength();
     d.BytesTotal = l;
     var p = r.GetPreloadedEntityBody();
     var b = GetBoundary(p);
     updateUploadStatus(ref d,l,"Uploading preloaded entity body.");
     // load stream into temp file
     var fst = Path.GetTempFileName();
     using (var fs = new FileStream(fst, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {
         // write preloaded body to file
         Debug.Assert(p != null, "GetPreloadedEntityBody != null");
         fs.Write(p, 0, p.Length);
         var c = p.Length;
         var q = 0;
         var u = new byte[f];
         updateUploadStatus(ref d, l, "Uploading.");
         while (l - c > q) {
             q = r.ReadEntityBody(u, 0, f);
             fs.Write(u, 0, q);
             c += q;
             updateUploadStatus(ref d, c, "Uploading.");
         if (l - c > 0) {
             var ux = new byte[l - c];
             q = r.ReadEntityBody(ux, 0, l - c);
             fs.Write(ux, 0, q);
         fs.Position = 0;
         updateUploadStatus(ref d, c, "Upload Complete, Parsing upload.");
         // read the entire file finding all boundaries
         var s = new List<long>();
         while (fs.Position < fs.Length) {
             s.Add(FindPosition(fs, b, fs.Position));
         fs.Position = 0;
         // the last boundary is the eof
         for (var i = 0; s.Count - 1 > i; i++) {
             // indexes between boundaries - this is the new file size in bytes
             if (s[i + 1] == -1) {
             var z = s[i + 1] - s[i];
             // this is the size of the object between the boundaries (including current boundary)
             var g = (z) < f ? z : f;
             // chunk size (g) = 131072 (f) or next boundary pos - current boundary pos (z)
             var n = Path.GetTempFileName();
             fs.Position = s[i]; // start reading from the beginning position of the object (including boundary)
             using (var a = new FileStream(n, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {
                 q = 0;
                 c = 0;
                 while (z - c > q) {
                     //read blocks while position - mod block size  is less than end position
                     q = fs.Read(u, 0, (int)g);
                     a.Write(u, 0, q);
                     c += q;
                 q = fs.Read(u, 0, (int)z - c);
                 a.Write(u, 0, q);
                 a.Position = 0;
                 // read in form data
                 if (!isMapFound) {
                     if (FindPosition(a, mapSig, 0) > -1) {
                         // this is the map field
                         var mapBytes = new byte[a.Length - a.Position - 2]; // -2 to drop the \r\n
                         a.Read(mapBytes, 0, mapBytes.Length);
                         m.Map = e.GetString(mapBytes);
                         isMapFound = true;
                 if (!isIdFound) {
                     if (FindPosition(a, idSig, 0) > -1) {
                         // id is always 36 bytes
                         var idBytes = new byte[36];
                         a.Read(idBytes, 0, 36);
                         m.Id = Guid.Parse(e.GetString(idBytes));
                         isIdFound = true;
                 // this must be a binary file attachment, rip file apart
                 a.Position = 0;
                 //1) remove boundary
                 while (a.ReadByte() != 13) { }
                 a.Position++; // read past lf
                 //2) parse form data
                 var startOfFormData = a.Position;
                 while (a.ReadByte() != 13) { }
                 a.Position++; // read past lf
                 var endOfFormdata = a.Position;
                 a.Position = startOfFormData;
                 // create a byte array to hold form data
                 var formDataBuffer = new byte[endOfFormdata - startOfFormData];
                 a.Read(formDataBuffer, 0, formDataBuffer.Length);
                 var formData = e.GetString(formDataBuffer);
                 // form data looks like Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Authentication.CreateAccount_files_0_0"; filename="tiny.gif"
                 //3) parse content type
                 a.Position = endOfFormdata;
                 while (a.ReadByte() != 13) { }
                 a.Position++; // read past lf
                 var endOfContentType = a.Position - 2; // -2 so we don't capture \r\n in content type string
                 var contentTypeBuffer = new byte[endOfContentType - endOfFormdata];
                 a.Position = endOfFormdata;
                 a.Read(contentTypeBuffer, 0, contentTypeBuffer.Length);
                 var contentType = e.GetString(contentTypeBuffer);
                 //4) remove extra \r\n\r\n
                 a.Position = endOfContentType + 4;
                 //5) the rest is the binary file
                 // read it and store it in a new file
                 var binLength = a.Length - a.Position;
                 var bufferSize = f > binLength ? binLength : f;
                 var remainingChunckSize = binLength % bufferSize;
                 var bytesRead = 0L;
                 var tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
                 using (var bin = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate)) {
                     while (binLength - remainingChunckSize > bytesRead) {
                         var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
                         bytesRead += a.Read(buffer, 0, (int)bufferSize);
                         bin.Write(buffer, 0, (int)bufferSize);
                     if (remainingChunckSize > 0) {
                         var buffer = new byte[remainingChunckSize];
                         a.Read(buffer, 0, (int)remainingChunckSize);
                         bin.Write(buffer, 0, (int)remainingChunckSize);
                     // make mapper ref
                     var regex = new Regex(@".*name=""([^""]+)""; filename=""([^""]+)""");
                     var matches = regex.Match(formData);
                     var methodSig = matches.Groups[1].Value;
                     var oFileName = matches.Groups[2].Value;
                     regex = new Regex(@"file:::(.*)_(\d)_files_(\d+)_(\d+)");
                     var matchesMetthod = regex.Match(methodSig);
                     var method = matchesMetthod.Groups[1].Value;
                     var methodInstance = matchesMetthod.Groups[2].Value;
                     var fileField = matchesMetthod.Groups[3].Value;
                     var fileNumber = matchesMetthod.Groups[4].Value;
                     var fm = new UploadedFile {
                         ContentType = contentType.Replace("Content-Type: ", ""),
                         // remove the words "Content-Type: " from value
                         Path = tempFileName,
                         FileNumber = int.Parse(fileNumber),
                         Instance = int.Parse(methodInstance),
                         Method = method,
                         FieldNumber = int.Parse(fileField),
                         OriginalFileName = oFileName
             // delete temp file
     d.BytesTotal = 0;
     d.BytesRead = 0;
     d.Complete = true;
     d.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
     d.Message = "Upload Complete.";
     return m;