예제 #1
 public static void Export(DetailsView dvGetStudent)
     int rows = dvGetStudent.Rows.Count;
     int columns = dvGetStudent.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
     int pdfTableRows = rows;
     iTextSharp.text.Table PdfTable = new iTextSharp.text.Table(2, pdfTableRows);
     PdfTable.BorderWidth = 1;
     PdfTable.Cellpadding = 0;
     PdfTable.Cellspacing = 0;
     for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < rows; rowCounter++)
         for (int columnCounter = 0; columnCounter < columns; columnCounter++)
             string strValue = dvGetStudent.Rows[rowCounter].Cells[columnCounter].Text;
     Document Doc = new Document();
     PdfWriter.GetInstance(Doc, HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream);
     HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
     HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=StudentDetails.pdf");
예제 #2
        public static void Export(DetailsView dvGetStudent, string imageFilePath, string filename)
            int rows = dvGetStudent.Rows.Count;
            int columns = dvGetStudent.Rows[0].Cells.Count;
            int pdfTableRows = rows - 1;
            iTextSharp.text.Table PdfTable = new iTextSharp.text.Table(2, pdfTableRows);
            //PdfTable.BorderWidth = 1;
            PdfTable.Cellpadding = 0;
            PdfTable.Cellspacing = 0;
            iTextSharp.text.Image jpg = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(imageFilePath);
            jpg.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
            jpg.ScaleToFit(150f, 150f);
            string fontUrl = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Files\\arial.ttf";
            BaseFont STF_Helvetica_Russian = BaseFont.CreateFont(fontUrl, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
            Font font = new Font(STF_Helvetica_Russian, Font.DEFAULTSIZE, Font.NORMAL);
            for (int rowCounter = 1; rowCounter < rows; rowCounter++)
                for (int columnCounter = 0; columnCounter < columns; columnCounter++)
                    string strValue = dvGetStudent.Rows[rowCounter].Cells[columnCounter].Text;

                    PdfTable.AddCell(new Paragraph(strValue, font));
            Document Doc = new Document();

            PdfWriter.GetInstance(Doc, HttpContext.Current.Response.OutputStream);
            HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
            HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename + ".pdf");
    protected void myItemUpdated(object sender, DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
        System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView detailsView = sender as System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView;
        Obout.Ajax.UI.FileUpload.FileUpload   fileUpload  = detailsView.FindControl("fileUpload1") as Obout.Ajax.UI.FileUpload.FileUpload;
        if (fileUpload != null)
            if (fileUpload.PostedFiles.Count > 0)
                string result = "";
                foreach (PostedFileInfo info in fileUpload.PostedFiles)
                    // Here you can place the code to save uploaded files

                    if (result.Length == 0)
                        result  = "<b>Uploaded files:</b><br><br>";
                        result += "<table border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>";
                        result += "<tr><td style='font-weight: bold; text-align:left;'>File name</td><td style='font-weight: bold; text-align:left;'>Length</td><td style='font-weight: bold; text-align:left;'>Content type</td></tr>";
                    result += "<tr><td style='text-align:left;'>" + info.FileName + "</td><td style='text-align:left;'>" + info.ContentLength.ToString() + "</td><td style='text-align:left;'>" + info.ContentType + "</td></tr>";
                if (result.Length == 0)
                    result = "No files uploaded";
                    result += "</table>";
                label.Text = result;
        protected string CoalesceBadges(DetailsView dv)
            var gv = (GridView)dv.FindControl("gvBadgeMembership");
            string badgesList= string.Empty;
            foreach(GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) {
                if(((CheckBox)row.FindControl("isMember")).Checked) {
                    badgesList = string.Format("{0},{1}", badgesList, ((Label)row.FindControl("BID")).Text);
            if(badgesList.Length > 0)
                badgesList = badgesList.Substring(1, badgesList.Length - 1);

            return badgesList;
        public void SetDataObject(object dataObject, DetailsView detailsView) {

            DataObject = dataObject;
            TypeDescriptionProvider typeDescriptionProvider;

            CustomTypeDescriptor = dataObject as ICustomTypeDescriptor;
            Type dataObjectType;

            if (CustomTypeDescriptor == null) {
                dataObjectType = dataObject.GetType();
                typeDescriptionProvider = TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(DataObject);
                CustomTypeDescriptor = typeDescriptionProvider.GetTypeDescriptor(DataObject);
            else {
                dataObjectType = GetEntityType();
                typeDescriptionProvider = new TrivialTypeDescriptionProvider(CustomTypeDescriptor);

            // Set the context type and entity set name on ourselves. Note that in this scenario those
            // concepts are somewhat artificial, since we don't have a real context. 

            // Set the ContextType to the dataObjectType, which is a bit strange but harmless
            Type contextType = dataObjectType;

            ((IDynamicDataSource)this).ContextType = contextType;

            // We can set the entity set name to anything, but using the
            // DataObjectType makes some Dynamic Data error messages clearer.
            ((IDynamicDataSource)this).EntitySetName = dataObjectType.Name;

            MetaModel model = null;
            try {
                model = MetaModel.GetModel(contextType);
            catch {
                model = new MetaModel();
                    new SimpleModelProvider(contextType, dataObjectType, dataObject),
                    new ContextConfiguration() {
                        MetadataProviderFactory = (type => typeDescriptionProvider)

            MetaTable table = model.GetTable(dataObjectType);

            if (detailsView != null) {
                detailsView.RowsGenerator = new AdvancedFieldGenerator(table, false);
예제 #6
 private bool ShouldGenerateField(Type propertyType, DetailsView detailsView)
     if (detailsView.RenderingCompatibility < VersionUtil.Framework45 && AutoGenerateEnumFields == null)
         //This is for backward compatibility. Before 4.5, auto generating fields used to call into this method
         //and if someone has overriden this method to force generation of columns, the scenario should still
         //If AutoGenerateEnumFileds is null here, the rendering compatibility must be 4.5
         return(DataBoundControlHelper.IsBindableType(propertyType, enableEnums: AutoGenerateEnumFields ?? true));
        protected void grid_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            DetailsView details = new DetailsView();

            GridViewRow selectedRow = grid.SelectedRow;
            String title_id = selectedRow.Cells[1].Text;

            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * from titles where titles.title_id='"+title_id+"';", con);
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            details.DataSource = ds;
            details.Visible = true;
            details.CssClass = "table table-striped table-hover";
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            _detailsView = new DetailsView
                ID = string.Format("{0}_detailsView", base.ID),
                AutoGenerateRows = false,
                AllowPaging = true

            //Set Paging Events
            _detailsView.PageIndexChanging += DetailsView_PageIndexChanging;

            //Create Custom Field
            var customField = new TemplateField
                HeaderTemplate = new SetTemplate(DataControlRowType.Header, "Name"),
                ItemTemplate = new SetTemplate(DataControlRowType.DataRow)

            //Add custom field to detailsview field

            //Create Bound Field
            var boundField = new BoundField
                DataField = "PhoneNumber",
                HeaderText = "Phone Number",

            //Set header font to bold
            boundField.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true;

            //Add bound field to detailsview field

            //Bind Details View

            //Add detaisview to composite control
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Localizes headers and fields on a DetailsView control
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="detailsView"></param>
 /// <param name="resourceFile">The root name of the resource file where the localized
 ///  texts can be found</param>
 /// <remarks></remarks>
 public static void LocalizeDetailsView(ref DetailsView detailsView, string resourceFile)
     foreach (DataControlField field in detailsView.Fields)
         LocalizeDataControlField(field, resourceFile);
예제 #10
        public string strCrearDocumentoExcelDetalleGrilla(DetailsView objDetailView, int intIdCodAppR)
            string docHtmlExcel = "";

            #region Definicion de Tipo y Caracteristicas del Documento
            const string strDEFDOC =
            "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">" +
            "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">" +
            "<head>" +
            "<title> Reporte para Exportar a Excel</title>";


            #region Definir Hoja de Estilos Dinamica
            const string strSTYLECSS =
            "<style type=\"text/css\">" +
            "a " +
            "{ " +
            "	text-align:left; " +
            "	font-size:11.0pt;" +
            "	font-weight:400; " +
            "	font-style:normal;" +
            "	text-decoration:none; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, sans-serif; " +
            "	}" +
            ".style0 " +
            "	{" +
            "	vertical-align:bottom;" +
            "	white-space:nowrap; " +
            "	color:black; " +
            "	font-size:11.0pt;" +
            "	font-weight:400; " +
            "	font-style:normal;" +
            "	text-decoration:none; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Tahoma; " +
            "	border:none; " +
            "	}" +
            ".font12 " +
            "	{color:black;" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-weight:400; " +
            "	font-style:normal;" +
            "	text-decoration:none; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Tahoma, Courier New;" +
            "	}" +
            ".font13 " +
            "	{color:black;" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-weight:700; " +
            "	font-style:normal;" +
            "	text-decoration:none; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Tahoma, Courier New;" +
            "	}" +
            "td" +
            "	{" +
            "	padding:0px; " +
            "	color:black; " +
            "	font-size:11.0pt;" +
            "	font-weight:400; " +
            "	font-style:normal;" +
            "	text-decoration:none; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, sans-serif; " +
            "	vertical-align:bottom;" +
            "	border:none; " +
            "	white-space:nowrap; " +
            "	}" +

            ".columna1 " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	}" +

            ".TituloTabla " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-weight:700; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	text-align:center;" +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;" +
            "	background:#E26B0A; " +
            "	white-space:normal;}" +
            ".ComentarioTituloTabla " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-weight:700; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	text-align:center;" +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;" +
            "	background:#E26B0A; " +
            "	color:Yellow;}" +
            ".DatosTablaReq " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	text-align:center;" +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;} " +
            ".ParrafoEntreTablas " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	text-align:center;} " +

            ".DatosTablaNotificaciones " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt; " +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;" +
            "   text-align:left;" +
            " } " +

            ".TituloEjecuciones " +
            "	{" +
            "	color:white; " +
            "	font-size:10.0pt;" +
            "	font-weight:700; " +
            "	font-style:italic;" +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Arial;" +
            "	text-align:center;" +
            "	background:navy; " +
            "	}" +

            ".DatosMonitoreo " +
            "	{" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt;" +
            "	font-family:Courier New;" +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;" +
            "	background:#EEECE1; " +
            "	}" +

            ".EjecucionJob " +
            "	{" +
            "	color:windowtext;" +
            "	font-size:8.0pt;" +
            "   font-family:Courier New;" +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;} " +

            ".ObservacionMonitoreo " +
            "	{" +
            "	color:navy;" +
            "	font-size:10.0pt;" +
            "	font-family:Calibri, Courier New;" +
            "	text-align:left; " +
            "	vertical-align:top; " +
            "	border:.5pt solid windowtext;" +
            "	background:#BFBFBF; " +
            "	}" +


            #region Definicion de variables Header

            const string quote = "\"";
            const string barraI = "\\";
            string nombreDocumento = "CDS - Infraestructura: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            const string comentarioDatoObligatorio = "(*) : Dato obligatorio";

            string strNroSN     = objDetailView.Rows[5].Cells[1].Text;          //strNroSN
            string strNroST     = objDetailView.Rows[6].Cells[1].Text;        //strNroST
            string strCodApp    = objDetailView.Rows[2].Cells[1].Text;        //strCodAplicativo
            string strNroTicket = objDetailView.Rows[7].Cells[1].Text;    //strNroTicket

            string strCiclo         = "1";
            string strFechaInicio   = objDetailView.Rows[21].Cells[1].Text;     //dateFechaInicio
            string strFechaFin      = objDetailView.Rows[22].Cells[1].Text;        //dateFechaFin

            string strJAC           = objDetailView.Rows[10].Cells[1].Text;         //strJAC
            string strSupCSW        = objDetailView.Rows[11].Cells[1].Text;      //strSupervisorCSW
            string strCSW           = objDetailView.Rows[12].Cells[1].Text;         //strCertificador

            string strNotificacionNro = "";
            string strNotificacionNombre = "";
            string strNotificacionCorreo = "";

            string strObservacionMonitoreo = objDetailView.Rows[4].Cells[1].Text;        //strObservacionMonitoreo

            string strNombreJobTransaccion = "";
            string strJDE = "";
            string strSoporteAsignado = "";
            string strGrupoServiceDesk = "";
            string strCertificador = "";
            string strMallaServidorBD = "";
            string strCodAplicativo = "";
            string strJobName = "";
            string strCompCode = "";
            string strExecQTime = "";
            string strFechaEjecucion = "";


            #region Definir Seccion 1 Cabecera SeccionHeadCabecera
            string SeccionHeadCabecera =
            "</head>" +
            "<body link=\"blue\" vlink=\"purple\">" +
            "<table border=\"0\"\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">  " +
            "<col width=\"80\" /> " +
            "<col width=\"150\" />" +
            "<col width=\"150\" /> " +
            "<col width=\"300\" />" +
            "<col width=\"141\" />" +
            "<col width=\"150\" /> " +
            "<col width=\"150\" /> " +
            "<col width=\"150\" /> " +
            "<col width=\"200\" span=\"3\" />" +
            "<tr> " +
            "<td class=\"columna1\" colspan=\"2\"> " + nombreDocumento + "  </td>" +
            "</tr>" +
            "<tr> " +
            "<td class=\"xl1565\"colspan=\"7\">" + nombreTitulo + "</td>" +
            "</tr>" +
            "<tr> " +
            "<td class=\"columna1\"  colspan=\"2\"> " + comentarioDatoObligatorio + " </td>" +


            #region Seccion 2 Titulos Tabla "Requerimiento"
            string TitulosTablaReq =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\">N° SN (*) " +
            "<span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[1]</a></span>" +
            "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\">N° ST (*) " +
            "<span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[2]</a> </span>" +
            "</td> " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> CODIGO DEL APLICATIVO (*)  " +
            "<span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"> <a>[3]</a> </span> " +
            "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\" >N° TICKET (* )  " +
            "<span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"> <a>[4]</a> </span> " + "</td>" +


            #region Seccion 2 Datos Tabla "Requerimiento"

            string DatosTablaReq =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td>" +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"\">" + strNroSN + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"\">" + strNroST + " </td>  " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"\">" + strCodApp + "</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\">" + strNroTicket + "</td>" +


            #region Definir Espacio Entre Tablas "ParrafoEntreTabla"
            string ParrafoEntreTabla =
            "<tr> " +
            "<td></td>" +
            "<td></td>  " +
            "<td></td>  " +
            "<td></td>  " +
            "<td></td>  " +


            #region Seccion 3 Titulos Tabla "Ciclos"
            string TitulosTablaCiclos =
            "<tr> " +
            "<td></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> CICLO (*)           <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[5]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\">FECHA DE INICIO (*)  <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[6]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\">FECHA DE FIN (*)     <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[7]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td> </td>  " +


            #region Seccion 3 Datos Tabla "Ciclos"
            string DatosTablaCiclos =
            "<tr> " +
            "<td ></td>  " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"\">" + strCiclo + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"> " + String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DateTime.Parse(strFechaInicio)) + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\">" + String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", DateTime.Parse(strFechaFin)) + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +
            "</tr>" +
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"\" >2</td> " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" >&nbsp;</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" >&nbsp;</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +
            "</tr>" +
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\"\" >3</td> " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" >&nbsp;</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" >&nbsp;</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +


            #region Seccion 4 Titulos Tabla "Certificacion"
            string TitulosTablaCertificacion =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> JEFE DE ANALISTAS CDS   <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[8]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> SUPERVISOR CSW          <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[9]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> CERTIFICADOR            <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[10]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +


            #region Seccion 4 Datos Tabla "Certificacion"
            string DatosTablaCertificacion =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" > " + strJAC + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" >" + strSupCSW + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" >" + strCSW + "</td>" +
            "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +

            #region Seccion 5 Titulos Tabla "Notificacion"
            string TitulosTablaNotificacion =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"TituloTabla\">Personas y/o equipos a recibir el informe de monitoreo <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"><a>[11]</a></span></td>" +
            "</tr>" +
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\" >Nro</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\" >Nombre de Persona</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\" >Correo</td>  " +
            "<td></td>  " +


            //Revisar StoreProcedure
            #region Seccion 5 Datos Tabla "Notificacion"
            cMonitoreoAplicativo objMonitoreoAplicativo = new cMonitoreoAplicativo();
            List<cMonitoreoAplicativo.cMonitoreoRequerimientoNotificacion> objListaNotificaciones = new List<cMonitoreoAplicativo.cMonitoreoRequerimientoNotificacion>();
            objListaNotificaciones = objMonitoreoAplicativo.cUtilIdListaNotificacionesRequerimiento(intIdCodAppR);
            string DatosTablaNotificacion = "";
            int seq = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < objListaNotificaciones.Count; i++)
                DatosTablaNotificacion += "<tr>" + "<td></td> " +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" > " + seq.ToString() + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaNotificaciones\" >" + objListaNotificaciones[i].strNombreNotificacion + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaNotificaciones\" >" + objListaNotificaciones[i].strCorreoNotificacion + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +

            #region Seccion 6 Titulos Tabla "Unidades"
            string TitulosTablaUnidades =
                "<tr>" +
                "<td></td> " +
                "<td colspan=\"4\" class=\"TituloTabla\">UNIDADES IMPACTADAS</td>  " +
                "<td></td>" +
                "</tr>" +
                "<tr>" +
                "<td ></td>  " +
                "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> PROVEEDOR (*)             </td>" +
                "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> CODIGO APLICATIVO (*)     </td>" +
                "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> NOMBRE DEL APLICATIVO (*) </td>" +
                "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> JDE (*)                   </td>" +
                "<td></td>" +


            #region Seccion 6 Datos Tabla "Unidades"
            //cMonitoreoAplicativo objMonitoreoAplicativo = new cMonitoreoAplicativo();
            List<cMonitoreoAplicativo.cMonitoreoRequerimientoUnidadesImpactadas> objListaUnidades = new List<cMonitoreoAplicativo.cMonitoreoRequerimientoUnidadesImpactadas>();
            objListaUnidades = objMonitoreoAplicativo.cUtilIdListaUnidadesRequerimiento(intIdCodAppR);
            string DatosTablaUnidades = "";
            int seq1 = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < objListaUnidades.Count; i++)
                DatosTablaUnidades += "<tr>" + "<td></td> " +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaReq\" > " + objListaUnidades[i].strEmpresaResponsable + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaNotificaciones\" >" + objListaUnidades[i].strCodAplicativo + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaNotificaciones\" >" + objListaUnidades[i].strNombreAplicativo + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"DatosTablaNotificaciones\" >" + objListaUnidades[i].strJefeDeEquipo + "</td>" +
                    "<td class=\"ParrafoEntreTablas\"></td>  " +


            #region Seccion 7 Titulos Tabla "ComentariosMonitoreo"
            string ComentariosMonitoreo =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
                "<td></td>" +
                "<td></td>" +
                "<td></td>" +
                "<td></td>" +
                "<td></td>" +
                "<td></td>  " +
                "<td></td>" +
                "<td></td>" +
            "<td></td>" +

            //"<tr>" +
            //"<td></td> " +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[11]</a></span></td>" +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[12]</a></span></td>" +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[13]</a></span></td>" +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[14]</a></span></td>" +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[15]</a></span></td>" +
            //    "<td></td>  " +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[16]</a></span></td>" +
            //    "<td><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[17]</a></span></td>" +
            //"<td></td>" +


            #region Seccion 7 Titulos Tabla "ObservacionProcesoMonitoreo"
            string ObservacionMonitoreo =
            "<tr style=\"background:#BFBFBF\">" +
            "<td  style=\"background-color:White\";></td>" +
            "<td colspan=\"8\"  class=\"ObservacionMonitoreo\"> " + strObservacionMonitoreo + "</td>" +


            #region Seccion 8 Titulos Tabla "Monitoreo"
            string TitulosTablaMonitoreo =
            "<tr>" +
            "<td></td> " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> EMPRESA (*)                         <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[11]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> JEFE EQUIPO (*)                     <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[12]</a></span></td>  " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> AT / AP / OE  Soporte (*)           <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[13]</a></span><span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\"> <a>[18]</a></span></td>" +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> Grupo de ServiceDesk                <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[14]</a></span></td> " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> REVISOR  / CERTIFICADOR (*)         <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[15]</a></span></td> " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> JOB o SERVICIO (*)</td>  " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> SERVIDOR / BD / MALLA SCHEDULER (*) <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[16]</a></span></td>  " +
            "<td class=\"TituloTabla\"> COD  APLICATIVO (*)                 <span class=\"ComentarioTituloTabla\">" + "<a>[17]</a></span></td> ";


            #region Seccion 10 Datos Tabla "Monitoreo"

            #region Obtener Lista de Jobs y Ejecucion

            List<cMonitoreoAplicativo.cMonitoreoRequerimientoJobsYEjecucion> objListaJobYEjecucion = new List<cMonitoreoAplicativo.cMonitoreoRequerimientoJobsYEjecucion>();
            objListaJobYEjecucion = objMonitoreoAplicativo.cUtilIdListaDetalladaJobMonitoreadoRequerimiento(intIdCodAppR);
            string DatosTablaMonitoreo = "";

            #region Seccion 9 Titulo Tabla "Ejecucion"
            string TituloTablaEjecuciones =
            "<td class=\"TituloEjecuciones\">" + objListaJobYEjecucion[0].dateFechaEjecucion.Substring(0,5) + " " + objListaJobYEjecucion[0].dateFechaEjecucion.Substring(5,5) + " </td>" +
            //"<td class=\"TituloEjecuciones\">02-jun</td>" +
            //"<td class=\"TituloEjecuciones\">03-jun</td>" +

            for (int i = 0; i < objListaJobYEjecucion.Count; i++)
                DatosTablaMonitoreo += "<tr>" + "<td></td> " +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strEmpresa + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strJDE + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strSoporteAsignado + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strGrupoServiceDesk + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strCertificador + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\">" + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strNombreJobTransaccion + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\">" + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strMallaServidorBD + "</td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"DatosMonitoreo\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strCodAplicativo + "</td>" +

                                        "<td class=\"EjecucionJob\"> " + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].dateFechaEjecucion + "<span style=\"color:Red\"> COMPCODE: </span>" + objListaJobYEjecucion[i].strCompCode + " </td>" +
                                        "<td class=\"EjecucionJob\"> </td> " +



            #region Definir Pie de Pagina "strFOOTER"
            const string strFOOTER =
            "<hr/> " +
            "<div> <div> <div><a>[1]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Idem al registrado en la Hoja de Compromiso<br /> " +
            "Cuando no se tenga SN o ST o TK asociado se debe de colocar SN99999999</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[2]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Idem al registrado en la Hoja de Compromiso<br />" +
            "Cuando no se tenga SN o ST o TK asociado se debe de colocar ST99999999</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[3]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Codigo en el inventario de Aplicativo</font></div></div></div></div>  " +
            "<div><div><div><a>[4]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Cuando no se tenga SN o ST o TK asociado se debe de colocar TK999999</font></div></div></div></div> " +
            "<div><div><div><a>[5]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Se completa cuando esta asociado a un TK</font></div></div></div></div>  " +
            "<div><div><div><a>[6]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Se completa cuando esta asociado a un TK</font></div></div></div></div>  " +
            "<div><div><div><a>[7]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Se completa cuando esta asociado a un TK</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[8]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Idem al registrado en la Hoja de Compromiso </font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[9]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Idem al registrado en la Hoja de Compromiso</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[10]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Idem al registrado en la Hoja de Compromiso</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[11]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Empresa responsable del Aplicativo (BCP, TCS, EVERIS )</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[12]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Jefe de Equipo del Aplicativo</font></div></div></div></div> " +
            "<div><div><div><a>[13]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">OE o Especialista de Capa de Control a quien notificar</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[14]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Grupo ServiceDesk responsable del elemento o Aplicativo a Monitorear</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[15]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">En caso se encuentre asignado CSW, ingresar el nombre del CSW</font></div></div></div></div>" +
            "<div><div><div><a>[16]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Para Host completar Malla Scheduler,<br /> " +
            "Para otras plataformas completar Servidor y/o BD según corresponda</font></div></div></div></div> " +
            "<div><div><div><a>[17]</a><div><font class=\"font13\">Codigo del Aplicativo al cual pertenece el elemento</font></div></div> </div> </div> " +
            "<div> <div> <div><a>[18]</a><div><font class=\"font12\">Colocar el nombre del contacto, caso contrario se enviará al grupo Service Desk de soporte del aplicativo<br /> " +
            "</font></div></div></div></div></div> " +
            "</body>" + "</html> ";


            #region Definicion de Header XLS
            docHtmlExcel =

            strDEFDOC +
            strSTYLECSS +
            SeccionHeadCabecera +
            TitulosTablaReq + DatosTablaReq +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            TitulosTablaCiclos +
            DatosTablaCiclos +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            TitulosTablaCertificacion +
            DatosTablaCertificacion +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            TitulosTablaNotificacion +
            DatosTablaNotificacion +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            TitulosTablaUnidades +
            DatosTablaUnidades +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            ComentariosMonitoreo +
            ObservacionMonitoreo +
            TitulosTablaMonitoreo +
            TituloTablaEjecuciones +
            DatosTablaMonitoreo +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            ParrafoEntreTabla +
            #region Pendiente de Ordenar HTML

             "</table>" +
            "<div> " + strFOOTER;


            return docHtmlExcel;
예제 #11
 static public void ErrorLog_Save(Exception ex, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView dv, String spModule)
     ErrorLog_Save(ex, dv, spModule, null, null, null, null);
예제 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemUpdated event
		/// of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has been raised.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterUpdate(DetailsView view, String url)
			RedirectAfterUpdate(view, url, null);
예제 #13
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemUpdated event of the <see cref="DetailsView"/>
		/// has been raised or after the ItemCommand event of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has
		/// been raised with a CommandName of "Cancel".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="grid">A <see cref="GridView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterUpdateCancel(DetailsView view, GridView grid, String url)
			url = GetRedirectUrl(grid, url);
			RedirectAfterUpdateCancel(view, url);
		public void DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions_CausesValidation () {
			DetailsView dv = new DetailsView ();
			dv.Page = new Page ();
			IButtonControl btn = new Button ();
			Assert.IsTrue (btn.CausesValidation);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.CommandName);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.CommandArgument);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.PostBackUrl);
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.ValidationGroup);
			PostBackOptions options = ((IPostBackContainer) dv).GetPostBackOptions (btn);
예제 #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemInserted event
		/// of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has been raised.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterInsert(DetailsView view, String url)
			RedirectAfterInsert(view, url, null);
예제 #16
        private DetailsView GetProjectDetails(UpdateType updateType)
            DetailsView dvProjectDetails = new DetailsView();

            DataTable projectRecord = new DataTable();
            projectRecord.Columns.Add("ProjectId", typeof(Int32));
            projectRecord.Columns.Add("Description", typeof(String));
            DataRow dr = projectRecord.NewRow();
            dr["ProjectId"] = 3;
            dr["Description"] = "Test Project";

            dvProjectDetails.DataSource = projectRecord;

            switch (updateType)
                case UpdateType.Insert:
                case UpdateType.Update:
                //case EditGatewaysPresenterFixture.UpdateType.View:
                //    dvProjectDetails.Rows(p.DetailColumns.PaymentTypeID).Cells[1].Controls.Add(Me.GetPaymentTypeIDLabel);
                //    break;

            return dvProjectDetails;
예제 #17
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailsViewID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(GridViewID))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Too many controls defined");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailsViewID) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GridViewID))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("GridView or DetailsView ID is missing");

            if (Items == null)
                Items = new Dictionary<string, StateContainer>();

            _actionMode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DetailsViewID) ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GridViewID) ? ActionMode.None : ActionMode.List) : ActionMode.Edit;

            switch (_actionMode)
                case ActionMode.Edit:
                    _detailView = (DetailsView)Parent.FindControl(DetailsViewID);
                    if (_detailView != null)
                        _stateName = GetTableName(_detailView);
                        if (!Items.ContainsKey(_stateName))
                            Items.Add(_stateName, new StateContainer());
                case ActionMode.List:
                    _gridView = (GridView)Parent.FindControl(GridViewID);

                    if (_gridView != null)
                        _stateName = GetTableName(_gridView);
                        if (!Items.ContainsKey(_stateName))
                            Items.Add(_stateName, new StateContainer());

                        _gridView.PageIndexChanged += GridViewPagerIndexChanged;
                        _gridView.Sorted += GridViewSorted;
                        if (_gridView.BottomPagerRow != null && _gridView.BottomPagerRow.Cells[0].FindControl("GridViewPager") != null)
                            _pageSizer =

                            if (_pageSizer != null)
                                _pageSizer.SelectedIndexChanged += PageSizeChanged;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterRepeaterID))
                            FilterRepeater filterRepeater = (FilterRepeater)FindControl(Parent.Controls, FilterRepeaterID);
                            if (filterRepeater != null)
                                List<UserControl> filterControls = GetFilterControls(filterRepeater);
                                _filters = new List<DropDownList>();
                                foreach (UserControl ctl in filterControls)
                                    DropDownList listbox = ctl.FindControl("DropDownList1") as DropDownList;
                                    if (listbox != null)
                                        listbox.SelectedIndexChanged += FilterSelectedIndexChanged;
                                if (_filters.Count > 0)
                                    Button btnClear = new Button();
                                    btnClear.Text = "Снять все фильтры";
                                    btnClear.Click += ClearFilters;
                                    btnClear.CssClass = "dropdown";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecentName) && _stateName != RecentName)

            RecentName = _stateName;
        protected void SavePermissions(DetailsView dv, SRPUser obj) {
            GridView gv = (GridView)dv.FindControl("gvUserPermissions");
            string groupPermissions= string.Empty;
            foreach(GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) {
                if(((CheckBox)row.FindControl("isChecked")).Checked) {
                    groupPermissions = string.Format("{0},{1}", groupPermissions, ((Label)row.FindControl("PermissionID")).Text);
            if(groupPermissions.Length > 0)
                groupPermissions = groupPermissions.Substring(1, groupPermissions.Length - 1);

            SRPUser.UpdatePermissions((int)obj.Uid, groupPermissions, ((SRPUser)Session[SessionData.UserProfile.ToString()]).Username);
예제 #19
        protected void SetUp()
            this._DataPath = "/DataFiles";

            this.gvList = new GridView();
            this.dv = new DetailsView();

            this.gvStoryList = new GridView();
        protected void SaveGroups(DetailsView dv, SRPUser obj) {
            GridView gv = (GridView)dv.FindControl("gvUserGroups");
            string memberGroups= string.Empty;
            foreach(GridViewRow row in gv.Rows) {
                if(((CheckBox)row.FindControl("isMember")).Checked) {
                    memberGroups = string.Format("{0},{1}", memberGroups, ((Label)row.FindControl("GID")).Text);
            if(memberGroups.Length > 0)
                memberGroups = memberGroups.Substring(1, memberGroups.Length - 1);

            SRPUser.UpdateMemberGroups((int)obj.Uid, memberGroups, ((SRPUser)Session[SessionData.UserProfile.ToString()]).Username);
        private void ProcessSimpleStringFilter(DetailsView sender, string filterField, ref string whereClause, ref string retColumns, ref SqlParameter[] arrParams, ref string filterStr, string minorSep, string majorSep)
            var txt = ((TextBox)(sender).FindControl(filterField)).Text.Trim();
            if (txt.Length > 0)
                AddSqlParameter(ref arrParams, new SqlParameter("@" + filterField, txt));
                whereClause = Coalesce(whereClause, string.Format("({0} like '%' + @{0} + '%')", filterField), " AND ");

                filterStr = Coalesce(filterStr, string.Format("{0}{1}like {2}", filterField, minorSep, txt), majorSep);
                //retColumns = Coalesce(retColumns, filterField, ",");
예제 #22
        public string cArchivoExcelHTMLPorRequerimientoDetalleGrilla(DetailsView objDetailView, string strNombreArchivo, Page objPage, string IdRequerimiento)
            int intIdRequerimiento = int.Parse(IdRequerimiento);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            #region Creamos la cabecera

            sb.Append(strCrearDocumentoExcelDetalleGrilla(objDetailView, intIdRequerimiento));


            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
            HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
            Page page = new Page();
            HtmlForm form = new HtmlForm();

            #region Crea el Archivo Excel
                objDetailView.AllowPaging = false;
                objDetailView.EnableViewState = false;

                page.EnableEventValidation = false;



                objPage.Response.Buffer = true;
                objPage.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
                objPage.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + strNombreArchivo + "" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + ".xls");
                objPage.Response.Charset = "UTF-8";
                objPage.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Default;

            catch (Exception ex)

                return "Error al crear Archivo Excel " + ": " + ex.ToString();

            return "Por favor guardar el archivo Excel creado";
		public void DetailsView_CurrentMode () {
			DetailsView view = new DetailsView ();
			view.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.Insert;
			Assert.AreEqual (DetailsViewMode.Insert, view.CurrentMode, "DetailsView_CurrentMode#1");
			view.ChangeMode (DetailsViewMode.Edit);
			Assert.AreEqual (DetailsViewMode.Edit, view.CurrentMode, "DetailsView_CurrentMode#2");
예제 #24
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemInserted or ItemUpdated event of the <see cref="DetailsView"/>
		/// has been raised or after the ItemCommand event of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has
		/// been raised with a CommandName of "Cancel".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterInsertUpdateCancel(DetailsView view, String url)
			RedirectAfterInsertUpdateCancel(view, url, null);
		public void DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions () {
			DetailsView dv = new DetailsView ();
			dv.Page = new Page ();
			IButtonControl btn = new Button ();
			btn.CausesValidation = false;
			Assert.IsFalse (btn.CausesValidation, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #1");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.CommandName, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #2");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.CommandArgument, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #3");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.PostBackUrl, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #4");
			Assert.AreEqual (String.Empty, btn.ValidationGroup, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #5");
			PostBackOptions options = ((IPostBackContainer) dv).GetPostBackOptions (btn);
			Assert.IsFalse (options.PerformValidation, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #6");
			Assert.IsFalse (options.AutoPostBack, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #7");
			Assert.IsFalse (options.TrackFocus, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #8");
			Assert.IsTrue (options.ClientSubmit, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #9");
			Assert.IsTrue (options.RequiresJavaScriptProtocol, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #10");
			Assert.AreEqual ("$", options.Argument, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #11");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, options.ActionUrl, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #12");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, options.ValidationGroup, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #13");

			btn.ValidationGroup = "VG";
			btn.CommandName = "CMD";
			btn.CommandArgument = "ARG";
			btn.PostBackUrl = "Page.aspx";
			Assert.IsFalse (btn.CausesValidation, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #14");
			Assert.AreEqual ("CMD", btn.CommandName, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #15");
			Assert.AreEqual ("ARG", btn.CommandArgument, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #16");
			Assert.AreEqual ("Page.aspx", btn.PostBackUrl, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #17");
			Assert.AreEqual ("VG", btn.ValidationGroup, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #18");
			options = ((IPostBackContainer) dv).GetPostBackOptions (btn);
			Assert.IsFalse (options.PerformValidation, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #19");
			Assert.IsFalse (options.AutoPostBack, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #20");
			Assert.IsFalse (options.TrackFocus, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #21");
			Assert.IsTrue (options.ClientSubmit, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #22");
			Assert.IsTrue (options.RequiresJavaScriptProtocol, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #23");
			Assert.AreEqual ("CMD$ARG", options.Argument, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #24");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, options.ActionUrl, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #25");
			Assert.AreEqual (null, options.ValidationGroup, "DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions #26");
예제 #26
    static public void ErrorLog_Save(Exception ex, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView dv, String spModule, String spSource, String spPage, String spQuery, String spFullURL)
        #region SQL Connection
        String sqlStrPortal = Connection.GetConnectionString("PS_Stage", ""); // PS_Production || PS_Stage
        if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ScriptMode"] == "Live")
            sqlStrPortal = Connection.GetConnectionString("PS_Production", ""); // PS_Production || PS_Stage
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(sqlStrPortal))
            #region SQL Command
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("", con))
                if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                cmd.CommandTimeout = 600;
                cmd.CommandText    = "[dbo].[sp_error_log_net]";
                cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                #region SQL Parameters
                if (spModule == null)
                    spModule = "Portal";
                if (spSource == null)
                    spSource = "Ameriprise Admin";
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Module", spModule));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Source", spSource));

                if (spPage == null)
                    spPage = "";
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Page", spPage));
                if (spQuery == null)
                    spQuery = "";
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_QueryString", spQuery));
                if (spFullURL == null)
                    spFullURL = "";
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_FullURL", spFullURL));

                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_Message", ex.Message.ToString()));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_StackTrace", ex.StackTrace.ToString()));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_Source", ex.Source.ToString()));
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_InnerException", ex.InnerException.ToString()));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_InnerException", ""));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_Data", ex.Data.ToString()));
                if (ex.HelpLink != null)
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_HelpLink", ex.HelpLink.ToString()));
                    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_HelpLink", ""));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_Ex_TargetSite", ex.TargetSite.ToString()));

                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@SP_SourceDate", DateTime.Now));

                #endregion SQL Parameters

                #region SQL Processing
                if (dv != null)
                        SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                        DataTable      dt = new DataTable();
                        dv.DataSource = dt; //DetailsView1.DataSource = dt;
                        dv.DataBind();      //DetailsView1.DataBind();
                    catch { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
                    catch { }
                #endregion SQL Processing
            #endregion SQL Command
        #endregion SQL Connection
		public void DetailsView_GetPostBackOptions_Null_Argument () {
			DetailsView dv = new DetailsView ();
			dv.Page = new Page ();
			PostBackOptions options = ((IPostBackContainer) dv).GetPostBackOptions (null);
예제 #28
 static public void ErrorLog_Save(Exception ex, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView dv, String spModule, String spSource, String spPage, String spQuery)
     ErrorLog_Save(ex, dv, spModule, spSource, spPage, spQuery, null);
예제 #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemInserted event
		/// of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has been raised.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="grid">A <see cref="GridView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterInsert(DetailsView view, GridView grid, String url)
			url = GetRedirectUrl(grid, url);
			RedirectAfterInsert(view, url);
        protected bool Save(DetailsView sender)
                var tab1 = ((DetailsView)sender).FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("TabPanel1");
                var tab2 = ((DetailsView)sender).FindControl("TabContainer1").FindControl("TabPanel2");

                var obj = new DAL.SurveyQuestion();
                int pk = int.Parse(lblPK.Text);

                switch (obj.QType)
                    case 1:
                        obj.QText = ((HtmlTextArea)((Panel)tab1.FindControl("pnlType1")).FindControl("QText")).InnerHtml;
                    case 2:
                        var p2 = (Panel)tab1.FindControl("pnlType2");
                        obj.QText = ((HtmlTextArea)p2.FindControl("QText2")).InnerHtml;
                        obj.QName = ((TextBox)p2.FindControl("QName2")).Text;
                        obj.IsRequired = ((CheckBox)p2.FindControl("IsRequired2")).Checked;
                        obj.DisplayControl = ((DropDownList)p2.FindControl("DisplayControl2")).SelectedValue.SafeToInt();
                        obj.DisplayDirection = ((DropDownList)p2.FindControl("DisplayDirection2")).SelectedValue.SafeToInt();
                    case 3:
                        var p3 = (Panel) tab1.FindControl("pnlType3");
                        obj.QText = ((HtmlTextArea)p3.FindControl("QText3")).InnerHtml;
                        obj.QName = ((TextBox)p3.FindControl("QName3")).Text; 
                        obj.IsRequired = ((CheckBox)p3.FindControl("IsRequired3")).Checked;
                    case 4:
                        var p4 = (Panel) tab1.FindControl("pnlType4");
                        obj.QText = ((HtmlTextArea)p4.FindControl("QText4")).InnerHtml;
                        obj.QName = ((TextBox)p4.FindControl("QName4")).Text; 
                        obj.IsRequired = ((CheckBox)p4.FindControl("IsRequired4")).Checked;
                        obj.DisplayControl = ((DropDownList)p4.FindControl("DisplayControl4")).SelectedValue.SafeToInt();

                if (obj.IsValid(BusinessRulesValidationMode.UPDATE))

                    //switch (obj.QType)
                    //    case 2:
                    //        SaveType2Answers(obj.QID, tab2);
                    //        break;
                    //    case 4:
                    //        SaveType4Answers(obj.QID, tab2);
                    //        SaveType4Lines(obj.QID, tab2);
                    //        break;

                    return true;
                    var masterPage = (IControlRoomMaster)Master;
                    string message = String.Format(SRPResources.ApplicationError1, "<ul>");
                    foreach (BusinessRulesValidationMessage m in obj.ErrorCodes)
                        message = string.Format(String.Format("{0}<li>{{0}}</li>", message), m.ErrorMessage);
                    message = string.Format("{0}</ul>", message);
                    if (masterPage != null) masterPage.PageError = message;
                    return false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var masterPage = (IControlRoomMaster)Master;
                if (masterPage != null)
                    masterPage.PageError = String.Format(SRPResources.ApplicationError1, ex.Message);
                return false;
예제 #31
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemUpdated event
		/// of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has been raised.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		/// <param name="dataSource">The associated <see cref="ILinkedDataSource"/> object.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterUpdate(DetailsView view, String url, ILinkedDataSource dataSource)
			view.ItemUpdated += new DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler(
				delegate(object sender, DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
					Redirect(url, dataSource, e.Exception);
		public void DetailsViewRow_BubbleEvent ()
			DetailsView dv = new DetailsView ();
			dv.Page = new Page ();
			PokerDetailsViewRow row = new PokerDetailsViewRow (2, DataControlRowType.Footer, DataControlRowState.Insert);
			Button bt = new Button ();
			dv.Controls.Add (row);
			CommandEventArgs com = new CommandEventArgs (new CommandEventArgs ("Delete", null));
			dv.ItemDeleting += new DetailsViewDeleteEventHandler (R_DataDeleting);
			Assert.AreEqual (false, dataDeleting, "BeforeDeleteBubbleEvent");
			row.DoOnBubbleEvent (row, com);
			Assert.AreEqual (true, dataDeleting, "AfterDeleteBubbleEvent");
			dv.ChangeMode (DetailsViewMode.Insert); 
			com = new CommandEventArgs (new CommandEventArgs ("Insert", null));
			dv.ItemInserting += new DetailsViewInsertEventHandler (dv_ItemInserting);			
			Assert.AreEqual (false, dataInserting, "BeforeInsertBubbleEvent");
			row.DoOnBubbleEvent (row, com);
			Assert.AreEqual (true, dataInserting, "AfterInsertBubbleEvent");
			dv.ChangeMode (DetailsViewMode.Edit); 
			com = new CommandEventArgs (new CommandEventArgs ("Update", null));
			dv.ItemUpdating += new DetailsViewUpdateEventHandler (dv_ItemUpdating);
			Assert.AreEqual (false, dataUpdating, "BeforeUpdateBubbleEvent");
			row.DoOnBubbleEvent (row, com);
			Assert.AreEqual (true, dataUpdating, "AfterUpdateBubbleEvent");
			dv.ItemUpdating += new DetailsViewUpdateEventHandler (dv_ItemUpdating);

예제 #33
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemCommand event
		/// of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has been raised with a
		/// CommandName of "Cancel".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		/// <param name="dataSource">The associated <see cref="ILinkedDataSource"/> object.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterCancel(DetailsView view, String url, ILinkedDataSource dataSource)
			view.ItemCommand += new DetailsViewCommandEventHandler(
				delegate(object sender, DetailsViewCommandEventArgs e)
					// cancel button
					if ( String.Compare("Cancel", e.CommandName, true) == 0 )
						Redirect(url, dataSource);
 private void ProcessSimpleIntFilter(DetailsView sender, string filterField, ref string whereClause, ref string retColumns, ref SqlParameter[] arrParams)
     var txt = ((TextBox)(sender).FindControl(filterField)).Text.Trim();
     if (txt.Length > 0)
         AddSqlParameter(ref arrParams, new SqlParameter("@" + filterField, int.Parse(txt)));
         whereClause = Coalesce(whereClause, string.Format("({0} like '%' + @{0} + '%')", filterField), " AND ");
         //retColumns = Coalesce(retColumns, filterField, ",");
예제 #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Redirects the client to a new URL after the ItemInserted or ItemUpdated event of the <see cref="DetailsView"/>
		/// has been raised or after the ItemCommand event of the <see cref="DetailsView"/> object has
		/// been raised with a CommandName of "Cancel".
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="view">A <see cref="DetailsView"/> object.</param>
		/// <param name="url">The target location.</param>
		/// <param name="dataSource">The associated <see cref="ILinkedDataSource"/> object.</param>
		public static void RedirectAfterInsertUpdateCancel(DetailsView view, String url, ILinkedDataSource dataSource)
			RedirectAfterInsert(view, url, dataSource);
			RedirectAfterUpdate(view, url, dataSource);
			RedirectAfterCancel(view, url, dataSource);
예제 #36
        public override List <AutoGeneratedField> CreateAutoGeneratedFields(object dataItem, Control control)
            if (!(control is DetailsView))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidDefaultAutoFieldGenerator, GetType().FullName, typeof(DetailsView).FullName));

            DetailsView detailsView = control as DetailsView;

            if (dataItem == null)
                // note that we're not throwing an exception in this case, and the calling
                // code should be able to handle a null arraylist being returned

            List <AutoGeneratedField>    generatedFields = new List <AutoGeneratedField>();
            PropertyDescriptorCollection propDescs       = null;
            bool throwException = true;
            Type dataItemType   = null;

            //The base class ensures that the AutoGeneratedFieldProperties collection is reset before this method is called.
            //However we are doing this again in here because we have another caller DetailsView.CreateAutoGeneratedRows which is
            //not being used anywhere today but kept for backward compatibility.
            if (AutoGeneratedFieldProperties.Count > 0)

            if (dataItem != null)
                dataItemType = dataItem.GetType();

            if ((dataItem != null) && (dataItem is ICustomTypeDescriptor))
                // Get the custom properties of the object
                propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(dataItem);
            else if (dataItemType != null)
                // directly bindable types: strings, ints etc. get treated specially, since we
                // don't care about their properties, but rather we care about them directly
                if (ShouldGenerateField(dataItemType, detailsView))
                    AutoGeneratedFieldProperties fieldProps = new AutoGeneratedFieldProperties();

                    fieldProps.Name      = "Item";
                    fieldProps.DataField = AutoGeneratedField.ThisExpression;
                    fieldProps.Type      = dataItemType;

                    AutoGeneratedField field = CreateAutoGeneratedFieldFromFieldProperties(fieldProps);
                    if (field != null)
                    // complex type... we get its properties
                    propDescs = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(dataItemType);

            if ((propDescs != null) && (propDescs.Count != 0))
                string[] dataKeyNames   = detailsView.DataKeyNames;
                int      keyNamesLength = dataKeyNames.Length;
                string[] dataKeyNamesCaseInsensitive = new string[keyNamesLength];
                for (int i = 0; i < keyNamesLength; i++)
                    dataKeyNamesCaseInsensitive[i] = dataKeyNames[i].ToLowerInvariant();
                foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in propDescs)
                    Type propertyType = pd.PropertyType;
                    if (ShouldGenerateField(propertyType, detailsView))
                        string name  = pd.Name;
                        bool   isKey = ((IList)dataKeyNamesCaseInsensitive).Contains(name.ToLowerInvariant());
                        AutoGeneratedFieldProperties fieldProps = new AutoGeneratedFieldProperties();

                        fieldProps.Name       = name;
                        fieldProps.IsReadOnly = isKey;
                        fieldProps.Type       = propertyType;
                        fieldProps.DataField  = name;

                        AutoGeneratedField field = CreateAutoGeneratedFieldFromFieldProperties(fieldProps);
                        if (field != null)

            if ((generatedFields.Count == 0) && throwException)
                // this handles the case where we got back something that either had no
                // properties, or all properties were not bindable.
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.DetailsView_NoAutoGenFields, detailsView.ID));
