RenewTicketIfOld() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static RenewTicketIfOld ( FormsAuthenticationTicket tOld ) : FormsAuthenticationTicket
tOld FormsAuthenticationTicket
리턴 FormsAuthenticationTicket
예제 #1
        void OnAuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs args)
            HttpApplication app     = (HttpApplication)sender;
            HttpContext     context = app.Context;

            string cookieName;
            string cookiePath;
            string loginPage;
            bool   slidingExpiration;

            if (_config == null || _config.Mode != AuthenticationMode.Forms)

#if NET_2_0
            cookieName        = _config.Forms.Name;
            cookiePath        = _config.Forms.Path;
            loginPage         = _config.Forms.LoginUrl;
            slidingExpiration = _config.Forms.SlidingExpiration;
            cookieName        = _config.CookieName;
            cookiePath        = _config.CookiePath;
            loginPage         = _config.LoginUrl;
            slidingExpiration = _config.SlidingExpiration;

            if (!VirtualPathUtility.IsRooted(loginPage))
                loginPage = "~/" + loginPage;

            string reqPath   = String.Empty;
            string loginPath = null;
            try {
                reqPath   = context.Request.PhysicalPath;
                loginPath = context.Request.MapPath(loginPage);
            } catch {}             // ignore

            context.SkipAuthorization = String.Compare(reqPath, loginPath, RuntimeHelpers.CaseInsensitive, Helpers.InvariantCulture) == 0;

#if NET_2_0
            //TODO: need to check that the handler is System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader type
            string filePath = context.Request.FilePath;
            if (filePath.Length > 15 && String.CompareOrdinal("WebResource.axd", 0, filePath, filePath.Length - 15, 15) == 0)
                context.SkipAuthorization = true;

            FormsAuthenticationEventArgs    formArgs = new FormsAuthenticationEventArgs(context);
            FormsAuthenticationEventHandler eh       = events [authenticateEvent] as FormsAuthenticationEventHandler;
            if (eh != null)
                eh(this, formArgs);

            bool contextUserNull = (context.User == null);
            if (formArgs.User != null || !contextUserNull)
                if (contextUserNull)
                    context.User = formArgs.User;

            HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies [cookieName];
            if (cookie == null || (cookie.Expires != DateTime.MinValue && cookie.Expires < DateTime.Now))

            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = null;
            try {
                ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);
            catch (ArgumentException) {
                // incorrect cookie value, suppress the exception
            if (ticket == null || (!ticket.IsPersistent && ticket.Expired))

            FormsAuthenticationTicket oldticket = ticket;
            if (slidingExpiration)
                ticket = FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld(ticket);

            context.User = new GenericPrincipal(new FormsIdentity(ticket), new string [0]);

            if (cookie.Expires == DateTime.MinValue && oldticket == ticket)

            cookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
            cookie.Path  = cookiePath;
            if (ticket.IsPersistent)
                cookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;

예제 #2
        private void OnAuthenticate(FormsAuthenticationEventArgs e)
            HttpCookie cookie = null;

            if (this._eventHandler != null)
                this._eventHandler(this, e);
            if (e.Context.User == null)
                if (e.User != null)
                    bool cookielessTicket          = false;
                    FormsAuthenticationTicket tOld = ExtractTicketFromCookie(e.Context, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, out cookielessTicket);
                    if ((tOld != null) && !tOld.Expired)
                        FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = tOld;
                        if (FormsAuthentication.SlidingExpiration)
                            ticket = FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld(tOld);
                        e.Context.SetPrincipalNoDemand(new GenericPrincipal(new FormsIdentity(ticket), new string[0]));
                        if (!cookielessTicket && !ticket.CookiePath.Equals("/"))
                            cookie = e.Context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
                            if (cookie != null)
                                cookie.Path = ticket.CookiePath;
                        if (ticket != tOld)
                            if ((cookielessTicket && (ticket.CookiePath != "/")) && (ticket.CookiePath.Length > 1))
                                ticket = FormsAuthenticationTicket.FromUtc(ticket.Version, ticket.Name, ticket.IssueDateUtc, ticket.ExpirationUtc, ticket.IsPersistent, ticket.UserData, "/");
                            string cookieValue = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
                            if (cookielessTicket)
                                e.Context.CookielessHelper.SetCookieValue('F', cookieValue);
                                if (cookie != null)
                                    cookie = e.Context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
                                if (cookie == null)
                                    cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, cookieValue)
                                        Path = ticket.CookiePath
                                if (ticket.IsPersistent)
                                    cookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;
                                cookie.Value    = cookieValue;
                                cookie.Secure   = FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL;
                                cookie.HttpOnly = true;
                                if (FormsAuthentication.CookieDomain != null)
                                    cookie.Domain = FormsAuthentication.CookieDomain;
예제 #3
        // OnAuthenticate: Forms Authentication modules can override
        //             this method to create a Forms IPrincipal object from
        //             a WindowsIdentity
        private void OnAuthenticate(FormsAuthenticationEventArgs e)
            HttpCookie cookie = null;

            // Step 1: If there are event handlers, invoke the handlers
            if (_eventHandler != null)
                _eventHandler(this, e);

            // Step 2: Check if the event handler created a user-object
            if (e.Context.User != null)
                // do nothing because someone else authenticated

            if (e.User != null)
                // the event handler created a user

            // Step 3: Extract the cookie and create a ticket from it
            bool cookielessTicket            = false;
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = ExtractTicketFromCookie(e.Context, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, out cookielessTicket);

            // Step 4: See if the ticket was created: No => exit immediately
            if (ticket == null || ticket.Expired)

            // Step 5: Renew the ticket
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket2 = ticket;

            if (FormsAuthentication.SlidingExpiration)
                ticket2 = FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld(ticket);

            // Step 6: Create a user object for the ticket
            e.Context.SetPrincipalNoDemand(new GenericPrincipal(new FormsIdentity(ticket2), new String[0]));

            // Step 7: Browser does not send us the correct cookie-path
            //         Update the cookie to show the correct path
            if (!cookielessTicket && !ticket2.CookiePath.Equals("/"))
                cookie = e.Context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
                if (cookie != null)
                    cookie.Path = ticket2.CookiePath;

            // Step 8: If the ticket was renewed, save the ticket in the cookie
            if (ticket2 != ticket)
                if (cookielessTicket && ticket2.CookiePath != "/" && ticket2.CookiePath.Length > 1)
                    FormsAuthenticationTicket tempTicket = FormsAuthenticationTicket.FromUtc(ticket2.Version, ticket2.Name, ticket2.IssueDateUtc,
                                                                                             ticket2.ExpirationUtc, ticket2.IsPersistent, ticket2.UserData,
                    ticket2 = tempTicket;
                String strEnc = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket2, !cookielessTicket);

                if (cookielessTicket)
                    e.Context.CookielessHelper.SetCookieValue('F', strEnc);
                    if (cookie != null)
                        cookie = e.Context.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

                    if (cookie == null)
                        cookie      = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, strEnc);
                        cookie.Path = ticket2.CookiePath;

                    if (ticket2.IsPersistent)
                        cookie.Expires = ticket2.Expiration;
                    cookie.Value    = strEnc;
                    cookie.Secure   = FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL;
                    cookie.HttpOnly = true;
                    if (FormsAuthentication.CookieDomain != null)
                        cookie.Domain = FormsAuthentication.CookieDomain;
        // OnAuthenticate: Forms Authentication modules can override
        //             this method to create a Forms IPrincipal object from
        //             a WindowsIdentity
        private void OnAuthenticate(FormsAuthenticationEventArgs e)
            HttpCookie cookie = null;

            // Step 1: If there are event handlers, invoke the handlers
            if (_eventHandler != null)
                _eventHandler(this, e);

            // Step 2: Check if the event handler create a user-object
            if (e.Context.User != null || e.User != null)
            { // It did
                e.Context.User = (e.Context.User == null ? e.User : e.Context.User);

            // Step 3: Extract the cookie and create a ticket from it
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = null;

            try {
                ticket = ExtractTicketFromCookie(e.Context, _FormsName);
            } catch (Exception) {
                ticket = null;

            // Step 4: See if the ticket was created: No => exit immediately
            if (ticket == null || ticket.Expired)

            // Step 5: Renew the ticket
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket2 = ticket;

            if (FormsAuthentication.SlidingExpiration)
                ticket2 = FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld(ticket);

            // Step 6: Create a user object for the ticket
            e.Context.User = new GenericPrincipal(new FormsIdentity(ticket2), new String[0]);

            // Step 7: Browser does not send us the correct cookie-path
            //         Update the cookie to show the correct path
            if (!ticket2.CookiePath.Equals("/"))
                cookie = e.Context.Request.Cookies[_FormsName];
                if (cookie != null)
                    cookie.Path = ticket2.CookiePath;
                    if (ticket2.IsPersistent)
                        cookie.Expires = ticket2.Expiration;

            // Step 8: If the ticket was renewed, save the ticket in the cookie
            if (ticket2 != ticket)
                String strEnc = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket2);

                if (cookie != null)
                    cookie = e.Context.Request.Cookies[_FormsName];

                if (cookie == null)
                    cookie      = new HttpCookie(_FormsName, strEnc);
                    cookie.Path = ticket2.CookiePath;

                if (ticket2.IsPersistent)
                    cookie.Expires = ticket2.Expiration;
                cookie.Value  = strEnc;
                cookie.Secure = FormsAuthentication.RequireSSL;
            if (cookie != null)