예제 #1
        internal List <MethodInfo> GetMatchingAliasedMethods(ControllerContext controllerContext, string actionName)
            // find all aliased methods which are opting in to this request
            // to opt in, all attributes defined on the method must return true

            var methods = from methodInfo in AliasedMethods
                          let attrs = ReflectedAttributeCache.GetActionNameSelectorAttributes(methodInfo)
                                      where attrs.All(attr => attr.IsValidName(controllerContext, actionName, methodInfo))
                                      select methodInfo;

        private static bool IsMatchingAliasedMethod(MethodInfo method, ControllerContext controllerContext, string actionName)
            // return if aliased method is opting in to this request
            // to opt in, all attributes defined on the method must return true
            ReadOnlyCollection <ActionNameSelectorAttribute> attributes = ReflectedAttributeCache.GetActionNameSelectorAttributes(method);
            // Caching count is faster for ReadOnlyCollection
            int attributeCount = attributes.Count;

            // Performance sensitive, so avoid foreach
            for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
                if (!attributes[i].IsValidName(controllerContext, actionName, method))