private void CacheCompileErrors(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, CompilerResults results)
     System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider provider = null;
     foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
         if (!error.IsWarning)
             System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider buildProviderFromLinePragma = assemblyBuilder.GetBuildProviderFromLinePragma(error.FileName);
             if (((buildProviderFromLinePragma != null) && (buildProviderFromLinePragma is BaseTemplateBuildProvider)) && (buildProviderFromLinePragma != provider))
                 provider = buildProviderFromLinePragma;
                 CompilerResults results2 = new CompilerResults(null);
                 foreach (string str in results.Output)
                 results2.PathToAssembly            = results.PathToAssembly;
                 results2.NativeCompilerReturnValue = results.NativeCompilerReturnValue;
                 HttpCompileException compileException = new HttpCompileException(results2, assemblyBuilder.GetGeneratedSourceFromBuildProvider(buildProviderFromLinePragma));
                 BuildResult          result           = new BuildResultCompileError(buildProviderFromLinePragma.VirtualPathObject, compileException);
                 BuildManager.CacheVPathBuildResult(buildProviderFromLinePragma.VirtualPathObject, result, this._utcStart);
    // Cache the various compile errors found during batching
    private void CacheCompileErrors(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, CompilerResults results) {

        BuildProvider previous = null;

        // Go through all the compile errors
        foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors) {

            // Skip warnings
            if (error.IsWarning)

            // Try to map the error back to a BuildProvider.  If we can't, skip the error.
            BuildProvider buildProvider = assemblyBuilder.GetBuildProviderFromLinePragma(error.FileName);
            if (buildProvider == null)

            // Only cache the error for template controls.  Otherwise, for file types like
            // asmx/ashx, it's too likely that two of them define the same class.
            if (!(buildProvider is BaseTemplateBuildProvider))

            // If the error is for the same page as the previous one, ignore it
            if (buildProvider == previous)
            previous = buildProvider;

            // Create a new CompilerResults for this error
            CompilerResults newResults = new CompilerResults(null /*tempFiles*/);

            // Copy all the output to the new result.  Note that this will include all the
            // error lines, not just the ones for this BuildProvider.  But that's not a big deal,
            // and we can't easily filter the output here.
            foreach (string s in results.Output)

            // Copy various other fields to the new CompilerResults object
            newResults.PathToAssembly = results.PathToAssembly;
            newResults.NativeCompilerReturnValue = results.NativeCompilerReturnValue;

            // Add this error.  It will be the only one in the CompilerResults object.

            // Create a new HttpCompileException & BuildResultCompileError to wrap this error
            HttpCompileException e = new HttpCompileException(newResults,
            BuildResult result = new BuildResultCompileError(buildProvider.VirtualPathObject, e);

            // Add the dependencies to the compile error build provider, so that
            // we will retry compilation when a dependency changes

            // Cache it
            BuildManager.CacheVPathBuildResult(buildProvider.VirtualPathObject, result, _utcStart);

예제 #3
        private BuildResult CompileWebFile(VirtualPath virtualPath) {

            BuildResult result = null;
            string cacheKey = null;

            if (_topLevelFilesCompiledCompleted) {

                VirtualPath parentPath = virtualPath.Parent;

                // First, try to batch the directory if enabled
                if (IsBatchEnabledForDirectory(parentPath)) {
                    BatchCompileWebDirectory(null, parentPath, true /*ignoreErrors*/);

                    // If successful, it would have been cached to memory
                    cacheKey = GetCacheKeyFromVirtualPath(virtualPath);
                    result = _memoryCache.GetBuildResult(cacheKey);

                    if (result == null && DelayLoadType.Enabled) {
                        // We might not have cached the result in the memory cache
                        // if we are trying to delay loading the assembly.
                        result = GetBuildResultFromCache(cacheKey);

                    if (result != null) {
                        // If what we found in the cache is a CompileError, rethrow the exception
                        if (result is BuildResultCompileError) {
                            throw ((BuildResultCompileError)result).CompileException;

                        return result;

            DateTime utcStart = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Name the assembly based on the virtual path, in order to get a recognizable name
            string outputAssemblyName = BuildManager.WebAssemblyNamePrefix +
                GetGeneratedAssemblyBaseName(virtualPath), false /*topLevel*/);

            BuildProvidersCompiler bpc = new BuildProvidersCompiler(virtualPath /*configPath*/, outputAssemblyName);

            // Create a BuildProvider based on the virtual path
            BuildProvider buildProvider = CreateBuildProvider(virtualPath, bpc.CompConfig,
                bpc.ReferencedAssemblies, true /*failIfUnknown*/);

            // Set the BuildProvider using a single item collection
            bpc.SetBuildProviders(new SingleObjectCollection(buildProvider));

            // Compile it
            CompilerResults results;

            try {
                results = bpc.PerformBuild();
                result = buildProvider.GetBuildResult(results);
            catch (HttpCompileException e) {

                // If we're not supposed to cache the exception, just rethrow it
                if (e.DontCache)

                result = new BuildResultCompileError(virtualPath, e);

                // Add the dependencies to the compile error build provider, so that
                // we will retry compilation when a dependency changes

                // Remember the virtualpath dependencies, so that we will correctly
                // invalidate buildresult when depdency changes.
                e.VirtualPathDependencies = buildProvider.VirtualPathDependencies;

                // Cache it for next time
                CacheVPathBuildResultInternal(virtualPath, result, utcStart);

                // Set the DontCache flag, so that the exception will not be incorrectly
                // cached again lower down the stack (VSWhidbey 128234)
                e.DontCache = true;


            if (result == null)
                return null;

            // Cache it for next time
            CacheVPathBuildResultInternal(virtualPath, result, utcStart);

            if (!_precompilingApp && BuildResultCompiledType.UsesDelayLoadType(result)) {
                // The result uses DelayLoadType, which should not get exposed.
                // If we are not performing precompilation, then we should
                // get the actual result from cache and return that instead.
                if (cacheKey == null) {
                    cacheKey = GetCacheKeyFromVirtualPath(virtualPath);
                result = BuildManager.GetBuildResultFromCache(cacheKey);

            return result;
예제 #4
        // Cache the various compile errors found during batching
        private void CacheCompileErrors(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, CompilerResults results)
            BuildProvider previous = null;

            // Go through all the compile errors
            foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
                // Skip warnings
                if (error.IsWarning)

                // Try to map the error back to a BuildProvider.  If we can't, skip the error.
                BuildProvider buildProvider = assemblyBuilder.GetBuildProviderFromLinePragma(error.FileName);
                if (buildProvider == null)

                // Only cache the error for template controls.  Otherwise, for file types like
                // asmx/ashx, it's too likely that two of them define the same class.
                if (!(buildProvider is BaseTemplateBuildProvider))

                // If the error is for the same page as the previous one, ignore it
                if (buildProvider == previous)
                previous = buildProvider;

                // Create a new CompilerResults for this error
                CompilerResults newResults = new CompilerResults(null /*tempFiles*/);

                // Copy all the output to the new result.  Note that this will include all the
                // error lines, not just the ones for this BuildProvider.  But that's not a big deal,
                // and we can't easily filter the output here.
                foreach (string s in results.Output)

                // Copy various other fields to the new CompilerResults object
                newResults.PathToAssembly            = results.PathToAssembly;
                newResults.NativeCompilerReturnValue = results.NativeCompilerReturnValue;

                // Add this error.  It will be the only one in the CompilerResults object.

                // Create a new HttpCompileException & BuildResultCompileError to wrap this error
                HttpCompileException e = new HttpCompileException(newResults,
                BuildResult result = new BuildResultCompileError(buildProvider.VirtualPathObject, e);

                // Add the dependencies to the compile error build provider, so that
                // we will retry compilation when a dependency changes

                // Cache it
                BuildManager.CacheVPathBuildResult(buildProvider.VirtualPathObject, result, _utcStart);
 private void CacheCompileErrors(AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, CompilerResults results)
     System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider provider = null;
     foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors)
         if (!error.IsWarning)
             System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvider buildProviderFromLinePragma = assemblyBuilder.GetBuildProviderFromLinePragma(error.FileName);
             if (((buildProviderFromLinePragma != null) && (buildProviderFromLinePragma is BaseTemplateBuildProvider)) && (buildProviderFromLinePragma != provider))
                 provider = buildProviderFromLinePragma;
                 CompilerResults results2 = new CompilerResults(null);
                 foreach (string str in results.Output)
                 results2.PathToAssembly = results.PathToAssembly;
                 results2.NativeCompilerReturnValue = results.NativeCompilerReturnValue;
                 HttpCompileException compileException = new HttpCompileException(results2, assemblyBuilder.GetGeneratedSourceFromBuildProvider(buildProviderFromLinePragma));
                 BuildResult result = new BuildResultCompileError(buildProviderFromLinePragma.VirtualPathObject, compileException);
                 BuildManager.CacheVPathBuildResult(buildProviderFromLinePragma.VirtualPathObject, result, this._utcStart);