private static IEnumerable<string> GetTags(Capture extraInfoGroup) { char[] separators = { '.', ' ', '-', '_' }; var extraInfo = extraInfoGroup.Value; var tags = extraInfo.Split(separators); return tags.Select(e => e.Trim()); }
private void FindPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { RichTextBox TextBox = null; TextBox = this.TextBox; int length = 0; if (TextBox.SelectionStart >= 0) { length = TextBox.SelectionStart; } string text = TextBox.Text.Substring(0, length); Match m = Regex.Match(text, FindBox.Text, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.RightToLeft); if (m.Success) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture c = m.Groups[0].Captures[0]; TextBox.Select(c.Index, c.Length); } else { FindPrev.Enabled = false; } FindNext.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Message.Error(ex); } }
void find_next() { try { RichTextBox TextBox = null; TextBox = this.TextBox; int start = 0; if (TextBox.SelectionStart >= 0) { start = TextBox.SelectionStart + TextBox.SelectionLength; } string text = TextBox.Text.Substring(start); Match m = Regex.Match(text, FindBox.Text, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); if (m.Success) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture c = m.Groups[0].Captures[0]; TextBox.Select(start + c.Index, c.Length); } else { FindNext.Enabled = false; } FindPrev.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Message.Error(ex); } }
static void Capture_Value(JSVCall vc) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture _this = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture)vc.csObj; var result = _this.Value; JSApi.setStringS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, result); }
static void Capture_Length(JSVCall vc) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture _this = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture)vc.csObj; var result = _this.Length; JSApi.setInt32((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (System.Int32)(result)); }
private static string GetTypedViewName(Capture view) { if (view == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.Value)) return null; // strip .NET standard generic notation if (view.Value.IndexOf('`')<0) { if (view.Value.IndexOf(',') > -1) throw new AspViewException("Basetype for views cannot be of a generic type with more than a single type parameter. found \"{0}\"", view.Value); return view.Value; } for (var i=2; i <=10; ++i) if (view.Value.Contains("`"+i)) throw new AspViewException("Basetype for views cannot be of a generic type with more than a single type parameter. found \"{0}\"", view.Value); var viewTypeName = view.Value .Replace("`1[[", "<") .Replace("`1[", "<") .Replace("]]", ">") .Replace("]", ">"); return viewTypeName.Split(new[]{','})[0].Trim(); }
private TreeNode AddSubNode(int parentNodeIndex, string caption, Capture matchCapture, int groupIndex, int captureIndex) { TreeNode node = Nodes[parentNodeIndex].Nodes[groupIndex - 1]; TreeNode subNode = makeCaptureNode(caption); node.Nodes.Add(subNode); node.Nodes[captureIndex].Tag = matchCapture; return subNode; }
private void PropertyMatch(ref string source, System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture capture) { string propertyName = BuildTaskUtility.PropertyNameFromCapture(capture); string propertyValue = GetEvaluatedProperty(propertyName); source.Replace(capture.Value, propertyValue); }
protected static string SubstituteKownValue(string transformValue, RegularExpressions.Regex patternRegex, string patternPrefix, GetValueCallback getValueDelegate) { var position = 0; var matchsExpr = new List <RegularExpressions.Match>(); do { position = transformValue.IndexOf(patternPrefix, position, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (position > -1) { RegularExpressions.Match match = patternRegex.Match(transformValue, position); // Add the successful match to collection if (match.Success) { matchsExpr.Add(match); position = match.Index + match.Length; } else { position++; } } } while (position > -1); var strbuilder = new StringBuilder(transformValue.Length); if (matchsExpr.Count > 0) { strbuilder.Remove(0, strbuilder.Length); position = 0; var index = 0; foreach (RegularExpressions.Match match in matchsExpr) { strbuilder.Append(transformValue.Substring(position, match.Index - position)); RegularExpressions.Capture captureTagName = match.Groups["tagname"]; string attributeName = captureTagName.Value; string newValue = getValueDelegate(attributeName); if (newValue != null) // null indicate that the attribute is not exist { strbuilder.Append(newValue); } else { // keep original value strbuilder.Append(match.Value); } position = match.Index + match.Length; index++; } strbuilder.Append(transformValue.Substring(position)); transformValue = strbuilder.ToString(); } return(transformValue); }
private static bool AreDelimiterGroupsEmpty(Capture singleCharDelimiterGroup, Capture multiCharDelimiterGroup) { if (singleCharDelimiterGroup == null || multiCharDelimiterGroup == null) { return true; } return (singleCharDelimiterGroup.Length + multiCharDelimiterGroup.Length) < 1; }
public void Deny_Unrestricted () { Assert.AreEqual (0, coll.Count, "Count"); Assert.IsTrue (coll.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly"); Assert.IsFalse (coll.IsSynchronized, "IsSynchronized"); Assert.IsNotNull (coll.SyncRoot, "SyncRoot"); Assert.IsNotNull (coll.GetEnumerator (), "GetEnumerator"); Capture[] captures = new Capture[0]; coll.CopyTo (captures, 0); }
static public int get_Value(IntPtr l) { try { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture self = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.Value); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
private static void ExpandEnvironmentMatch(ref string source, Capture capture) { string envVar = PropertyNameFromCapture(capture); string expandedVar = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%" + envVar + "%"); if (expandedVar != null) { source = source.Replace(capture.Value, expandedVar); } }
static new public int ToString(IntPtr l) { try { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture self = (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture)checkSelf(l); var ret = self.ToString(); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, ret); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
private void EvaluateCaptureAfterFirstGroup(Capture capture, int index, int length) { var isGherkinKeyword = this.gherkinLanguageKeywords.Any(gherkinKeyword => string.CompareOrdinal(gherkinKeyword, capture.Value) == 0); if (isGherkinKeyword) { this.syntaxParserObserver.AddGherkinSyntaxSpanAt(index, length); } else { this.syntaxParserObserver.AddPascalCaseSpanAt(index, length); } }
private int addSnippetAndReturnNewIndex(string text, FontStyle style, Capture capture, int currentindex) { int index = currentindex; if (text != string.Empty) { addSnippet(text, style); index = capture.Index + capture.Length; } else { index += capture.Length; } return index; }
private string GetValue(List<Capture> captures, Capture capture, Domain domain) { var lastCapture = captures.Where(x => x.Index < capture.Index).OrderByDescending(x => x.Index).FirstOrDefault(); if ((lastCapture != null) && (lastCapture.Value.Equals("{"))) { var childDomain = domain.GetChildDomain(capture.Value); if ((childDomain.GetType().Name.Contains("EntityDomain")) && (childDomain.ObjectValue != null)) { return childDomain.ObjectValue.ToString(); } return (childDomain.Value ?? string.Empty).ToString(); } return capture.Value; }
private static string GetBaseClass(Capture baseClass) { if (baseClass == null) return DefaultBaseClassName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseClass.Value)) return DefaultBaseClassName; if (baseClass.Value == DefaultDesignTimeClassName) return DefaultBaseClassName; var extractedName = baseClass.Value; if (extractedName.EndsWith(DesignTimeClassPrefix)) extractedName = extractedName.Substring(0, extractedName.Length - DesignTimeClassPrefix.Length); return extractedName; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the set of captures for the group /// </summary> private Capture GetCapture(int i) { if (i == _capcount - 1 && i >= 0) return _group; if (i >= _capcount || i < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("i"); // first time a capture is accessed, compute them all if (_captures == null) { _captures = new Capture[_capcount]; for (int j = 0; j < _capcount - 1; j++) { _captures[j] = new Capture(_group._text, _group._caps[j * 2], _group._caps[j * 2 + 1]); } } return _captures[i]; }
string value_from(string argument_name, Capture match) { var replace = match.Value.Replace("-{0}:'".format_using(argument_name), ""); return replace.Remove(replace.Length - 1, 1); }
private static int ExtractEndEpisode(Capture endEpisodeGroup, int episode) { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(endEpisodeGroup.Value) ? int.Parse(endEpisodeGroup.Value) : episode; }
internal void Add(Capture capture) { captures.Add(capture); }
private HashSet<XElement> Find_SOSS(Match match, Capture capture) { HashSet<XElement> set = null; foreach (Capture idCapture in match.Groups["IDSelector"].SubcapturesOf(capture)) Filter_ID(ref set, idCapture.Value.Substring(1)); foreach (Capture typeCapture in match.Groups["TypeSelector"].SubcapturesOf(capture)) Filter_Type(ref set, typeCapture.Value); foreach (Capture attributeCapture in match.Groups["AttributeSelector"].SubcapturesOf(capture)) { string op, value; string name = match.Groups["Identifier"].SubcapturesOf(attributeCapture).First().Value; Capture opCap = match.Groups["ComparisonOperator"].SubcapturesOf(attributeCapture).SingleOrDefault(); if (opCap == null) { op = null; value = null; } else { op = opCap.Value; value = match.Groups["AttributeValue"].SubcapturesOf(attributeCapture).Single().Value; } Filter_Attribute(ref set, name, op, value); } return set ?? new HashSet<XElement>(RootElement.DescendantsAndSelf()); }
private static bool IsParameterCapture(Capture match) { return match.Value.StartsWith("{") && match.Value.EndsWith("}"); }
private FontStyle determineNextStyleFromCapture(Capture capture) { FontStyle newStyle = FontStyle.Regular; if (this.styles.Count > 0) { newStyle = this.styles.Peek(); } switch (capture.Value) { case BEGINNING_DEL_TAG: newStyle = newStyle | FontStyle.Strikeout; this.styles.Push(newStyle); break; case BEGINNING_EM_TAG: newStyle = newStyle | FontStyle.Italic; this.styles.Push(newStyle); break; case BEGINNING_INS_TAG: newStyle = newStyle | FontStyle.Underline; this.styles.Push(newStyle); break; case BEGINNING_STRONG_TAG: newStyle = newStyle | FontStyle.Bold; this.styles.Push(newStyle); break; case ENDING_DEL_TAG: newStyle = this.styles.Pop() ^ FontStyle.Strikeout; break; case ENDING_EM_TAG: newStyle = this.styles.Pop() ^ FontStyle.Italic; break; case ENDING_INS_TAG: newStyle = this.styles.Pop() ^ FontStyle.Underline; break; case ENDING_STRONG_TAG: newStyle = this.styles.Pop() ^ FontStyle.Bold; break; } return newStyle; }
private void AppendCapturedStylesForNestedLanguage(Capture regexCapture, int offset, string nestedLanguageId, ICollection<Scope> capturedStyles) { ILanguage nestedLanguage = languageRepository.FindById(nestedLanguageId); if (nestedLanguage == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("The nested language was not found in the language repository."); else { CompiledLanguage nestedCompiledLanguage = languageCompiler.Compile(nestedLanguage); Match regexMatch = nestedCompiledLanguage.Regex.Match(regexCapture.Value, 0, regexCapture.Value.Length); if (!regexMatch.Success) return; else { while (regexMatch.Success) { List<Scope> capturedStylesForMatchedFragment = GetCapturedStyles(regexMatch, 0, nestedCompiledLanguage); List<Scope> capturedStyleTree = CreateCapturedStyleTree(capturedStylesForMatchedFragment); foreach (Scope nestedCapturedStyle in capturedStyleTree) { IncreaseCapturedStyleIndicies(capturedStyleTree, offset); capturedStyles.Add(nestedCapturedStyle); } regexMatch = regexMatch.NextMatch(); } } } }
public void FixtureSetUp () { capture = (Capture) Match.Empty.Groups [0]; }
private static Function FindFunc(string text, Capture match) { var pos = match.Index + match.Length; var prototype = match.Value; var namePos = match.Index; var func = new Function {NamePos = namePos}; var i = 0; while (prototype[i++] != ' ') { } func.Type = i == "function ".Length ? FuncType.Function : FuncType.Procedure; while (prototype[i++] == ' ') { } var j = i; while (prototype[i] != ' ') { i++; } while (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(prototype[i - 1])) i--; func.Name = prototype.Substring(j - 1, i - j + 1); func.EndPos = new Regex("\\bend\\s+" + func.Name + "\\b").Match(text, pos).Index; func.Local = GetLocals(text.Substring(func.NamePos, func.EndPos - func.NamePos)).ToArray(); var declares = new Regex(@"(\bdeclare)((.|\n)+)(begin)((.|\n)+)(end;)").Matches(text.Substring(func.NamePos, func.EndPos - func.NamePos)); foreach (Match declare in declares) { var localsInDeclare = new Regex("(\\s*\\w[\\w\\d_]*\\s*)(,\\s*\\w[\\w\\d_]*\\s*)*:[^=]").Matches(declare.Value); foreach (Match localDec in localsInDeclare) if (localDec.Value.IndexOf(',') > 0) foreach (var local in localDec.Value.Substring(0, localDec.Value.Length - ": ".Length).Split(',')) { for (var k = 0; k < func.Local.Length; k++) if (func.Local[k].Name == local.Trim()) { func.Local[k].LocalType = LocalType.DeclareParametr; break; } } else { for (var k = 0; k < func.Local.Length; k++) if (func.Local[k].Name == localDec.Value.Substring(0, localDec.Value.Length - ": ".Length).Trim()) { func.Local[k].LocalType = LocalType.DeclareParametr; break; } } } return func; }
private static string UpdateString(string input, Capture group, IDictionary<string, string> lookup) { var output = input.Remove(group.Index - 1, group.Length + 2); return output.Insert(group.Index - 1, lookup[group.Value]); }
private static string GetTypedViewName(Capture view) { if (view == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.Value)) return null; return view.Value; }
private void AddSubNode(int parentNodeIndex,string caption,Capture matchCapture,int groupIndex,int captureIndex) { if(InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new StdAddSubNodeDelegateCapture(AddSubNode), new object[]{parentNodeIndex, caption, matchCapture, groupIndex, captureIndex}); return ; } TreeNode node = Tree.Nodes[parentNodeIndex].Nodes[groupIndex-1]; node.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(caption,ICON_CAPTURE,ICON_CAPTURE)); node.Nodes[captureIndex].Tag=matchCapture; }
public static IEnumerable<Capture> SubcapturesOf(this Group g, Capture c) { return g.Captures.Cast<Capture>().Where(x => x.Index >= c.Index && x.Index + x.Length <= c.Index + c.Length); }
public ElementContent(ElementContent content, Capture capture) : this(content, capture.Index, capture.Length) { }
public MatchItem(Capture item) { Children = new ObservableCollection<MatchItem>(); Content = item.Value; }
private static void AppendCapturedMatchesForRegexCapture(Capture regexCapture, string capture, ICollection<Scope> capturedScopes) { capturedScopes.Add(new Scope(capture, regexCapture.Index, regexCapture.Length)); }
private void AppendCapturedStylesForRegexCapture(Capture regexCapture, int currentIndex, string styleName, ICollection<Scope> capturedStyles) { if (styleName.StartsWith(ScopeName.LanguagePrefix)) { string nestedGrammarId = styleName.Substring(1); AppendCapturedStylesForNestedLanguage(regexCapture, regexCapture.Index - currentIndex, nestedGrammarId, capturedStyles); } else capturedStyles.Add(new Scope(styleName, regexCapture.Index - currentIndex, regexCapture.Length)); }
public void MatchText() { SetPending(); this.Refresh(); txtTestText.ClearDocumentStyle(); txtTestText.StartStyling(0); txtTestText.SetStyling(txtTestText.TextLength, 0); txtTestText.Styles[Style.Default].Size = 12; txtTestText.Styles[Style.Default].Font = "Consolas"; if (this.txtRE.Text == "" || this.txtTestText.Text == "") { this.lblResultSummary.Text = "Nothing to match"; this.lblResultSummary.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; return; } if (_Dirty) { try { // _re = new RegexTools.SafeRegex(Pattern, 500, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); _re = new RegexTools.SafeRegex(Clean(Pattern), 500, RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); _Dirty = false; } catch (Exception ex) { SetInfo("Pattern error: " + ex.Message, true); // ResumeUpdating(); return; } } var groupNames = _re.BaseRegex.GetGroupNames(); List <Target> targets = new List <Target>(); foreach (var groupName in groupNames) { if (groupName.ToString() != "0") { targets.Add(new Target(groupName.ToString())); } } this.lblResultSummary.Visible = true; string info = ""; try { _matches = _re.Matches(Input); } catch (Conductor.RegexTools.RegexPerformanceException pex) { SetInfo("Performance error: " + pex.Message, true); return; } catch (Exception ex) { SetInfo("Error: " + ex.Message, true); return; } if (_matches.Count == 0) { info = "No match"; } if (_matches.Count == 1) { info = "Single match starting at " + _matches[0].Index; } if (_matches.Count > 1) { info = _matches.Count.ToString() + " matches"; } info = info + " (" + _re.LastMatchExecutionTime.Value + " ms)"; SetInfo(info, _matches.Count == 0); _namedCaptures.Clear(); int colorIndex = 0; for (int matchIndex = 0; matchIndex < _matches.Count; matchIndex++) { // colorIndex++; Match match = _matches[matchIndex]; // List<Capture> currentCaptures = new List<Capture>(); foreach (Target target in targets) { Group g = match.Groups[]; if (g.Index != 0) { Capture capture = new Capture(; capture.value = g.Value; capture.position = g.Index; capture.length = g.Length; _namedCaptures.Add(capture); } // currentCaptures.Add(capture); } // allCap.Add(currentCaptures); for (int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < match.Groups.Count; groupIndex++) { colorIndex++; Group group = match.Groups[groupIndex]; for (int captureIndex = 0; captureIndex < group.Captures.Count; captureIndex++) { System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture capture = group.Captures[captureIndex]; // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(matchIndex.ToString() + ":" + groupIndex.ToString() + ":" + captureIndex.ToString() + " " + match.Index.ToString() + ":" + group.Index.ToString() + ":" + // capture.Index.ToString() + " '" + capture.Value + "'" + " ColorIndex:" + colorIndex.ToString()); colorIndex = colorIndex++ % STYLE_MAX; if (colorIndex == 0) { colorIndex = 1; } if (false) { // if (colorIndex > 30) return; int start = capture.Index; txtTestText.StartStyling(start); txtTestText.Styles[colorIndex].BackColor = Conductor.GUI.ColorHelper.GetColor(colorIndex); int length = capture.Length; txtTestText.SetStyling(length, colorIndex); } } } } colorIndex = -1; int styleIndex; Capture firstCapture = (_namedCaptures.Count > 0) ? _namedCaptures[0] : null; foreach (var capture in _namedCaptures) { colorIndex = (colorIndex + 1) % STYLE_MAX; styleIndex = colorIndex + 1; if (capture.position != 0) { int start = capture.position; txtTestText.StartStyling(start); txtTestText.Styles[styleIndex].BackColor = Conductor.GUI.ColorHelper.GetColor(colorIndex); int length = capture.length; txtTestText.SetStyling(length, styleIndex); } } if (firstCapture != null) { int position = firstCapture.position; Line line = this.txtTestText.Lines[this.txtTestText.LineFromPosition(position)]; // this.txtTestText.ScrollRange(line.Position, line.Position); } this.gridCaptures.DataSource = _namedCaptures; this.gridCaptures.Grid.Columns["position"].Visible = false; this.gridCaptures.Grid.Columns["length"].Visible = false; //ResumeUpdating(); }
private TemplateElement CreateAttributeList(Capture capture) { TemplateElement result = new TemplateElement(this.Document, TemplateElementTypes.AttributeList, capture.Index, capture.Length, null); return result; }
private static string GetStringBetweenCaptures (Capture current, Capture next, string str, int termPos) { int lastIndex = current.Index + current.Length; string strBetween = next != null ? str.Substring(lastIndex, next.Index - lastIndex) : str.Substring(lastIndex, termPos - lastIndex); return strBetween; }