예제 #1
        internal static IntPtr ConvertToNative(int flags, string strManaged)
            if (strManaged == null)
            int length = strManaged.Length;

            byte[] str      = (byte[])null;
            int    cbLength = 0;
            int    num      = 0;

            if (length > num)
                str = AnsiCharMarshaler.DoAnsiConversion(strManaged, (uint)(flags & (int)byte.MaxValue) > 0U, (uint)(flags >> 8) > 0U, out cbLength);
            return(Win32Native.SysAllocStringByteLen(str, (uint)cbLength));
예제 #2
        internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertToNative(int flags, string strManaged, IntPtr pNativeBuffer)
            int num;

            if (strManaged == null)
            byte[] src   = AnsiCharMarshaler.DoAnsiConversion(strManaged, 0 != (flags & 0xff), 0 != (flags >> 8), out num);
            byte * pDest = (byte *)pNativeBuffer;

            if (pDest == null)
                pDest = (byte *)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(num + 2);
            Buffer.memcpy(src, 0, pDest, 0, num);
            pDest[num]     = 0;
            pDest[num + 1] = 0;
예제 #3
        internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertToNative(string strManaged, bool fBestFit, bool fThrowOnUnmappableChar, ref int cch)
            if (null == strManaged)

            byte *pNative;

            cch = strManaged.Length;

            // length field at negative offset + (# of characters incl. the terminator) * max ANSI char size
            int nbytes = checked (sizeof(uint) + ((cch + 1) * Marshal.SystemMaxDBCSCharSize));

            pNative = (byte *)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nbytes);
            int *pLength = (int *)pNative;

            pNative += sizeof(uint);

            if (0 == cch)
                *pNative = 0;
                *pLength = 0;
                byte[] bytes = AnsiCharMarshaler.DoAnsiConversion(strManaged, fBestFit, fThrowOnUnmappableChar, out int nbytesused);

                Debug.Assert(nbytesused >= 0 && nbytesused < nbytes, "Insufficient buffer allocated in VBByValStrMarshaler.ConvertToNative");

                Buffer.Memmove(ref *pNative, ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(bytes), (nuint)nbytesused);

                pNative[nbytesused] = 0;
                *pLength = nbytesused;

            return(new IntPtr(pNative));
예제 #4
        internal static unsafe IntPtr ConvertToNative(int flags, string strManaged, IntPtr pNativeBuffer)
            if (null == strManaged)

            int   nb;
            byte *pbNativeBuffer = (byte *)pNativeBuffer;

            if (pbNativeBuffer != null || Marshal.SystemMaxDBCSCharSize == 1)
                // If we are marshaling into a stack buffer or we can accurately estimate the size of the required heap
                // space, we will use a "1-pass" mode where we convert the string directly into the unmanaged buffer.

                // + 1 for the null character from the user.  + 1 for the null character we put in.
                nb = checked ((strManaged.Length + 1) * Marshal.SystemMaxDBCSCharSize + 1);

                bool didAlloc = false;

                // Use the pre-allocated buffer (allocated by localloc IL instruction) if not NULL,
                // otherwise fallback to AllocCoTaskMem
                if (pbNativeBuffer == null)
                    pbNativeBuffer = (byte *)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nb);
                    didAlloc       = true;

                    nb = Marshal.StringToAnsiString(strManaged, pbNativeBuffer, nb,
                                                    bestFit: 0 != (flags & 0xFF), throwOnUnmappableChar: 0 != (flags >> 8));
                catch (Exception) when(didAlloc)
                if (strManaged.Length == 0)
                    nb             = 0;
                    pbNativeBuffer = (byte *)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(2);
                    // Otherwise we use a slower "2-pass" mode where we first marshal the string into an intermediate buffer
                    // (managed byte array) and then allocate exactly the right amount of unmanaged memory. This is to avoid
                    // wasting memory on systems with multibyte character sets where the buffer we end up with is often much
                    // smaller than the upper bound for the given managed string.

                    byte[] bytes = AnsiCharMarshaler.DoAnsiConversion(strManaged,
                                                                      fBestFit: 0 != (flags & 0xFF), fThrowOnUnmappableChar: 0 != (flags >> 8), out nb);

                    // + 1 for the null character from the user.  + 1 for the null character we put in.
                    pbNativeBuffer = (byte *)Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nb + 2);

                    Buffer.Memmove(ref *pbNativeBuffer, ref MemoryMarshal.GetArrayDataReference(bytes), (nuint)nb);

            pbNativeBuffer[nb]     = 0x00;
            pbNativeBuffer[nb + 1] = 0x00;
