private static void GenerateCodeDomTree(WsdlImporter wsdlImporter, ServiceContractGenerator contractGenerator)
			Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = wsdlImporter.ImportAllContracts();
			Collection<Binding> bindings = wsdlImporter.ImportAllBindings();
			ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = wsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints();

			if (wsdlImporter.Errors.Any(e => !e.IsWarning))
				throw new CodeGenerationException(wsdlImporter.Errors);

			foreach (ContractDescription contract in contracts)
				//TODO:Alex:Make the naming scheme customisable.
				contract.Name = "I" + contract.Name.Replace("Interface", string.Empty);

			foreach (Binding binding in bindings)
				string bindingSectionName, configurationName;
				contractGenerator.GenerateBinding(binding, out bindingSectionName, out configurationName);

			foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints)
				ChannelEndpointElement channelElement;
				contractGenerator.GenerateServiceEndpoint(endpoint, out channelElement);
        public ServiceMetadataInformation ImportMetadata(Collection<MetadataSection> metadataCollection, MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode formatMode)
            CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();
            CodeDomProvider codeDomProvider = m_CodeDomProviderFactory.CreateProvider();

            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(new MetadataSet(metadataCollection));
            switch (formatMode)
                case MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode.DataContractSerializer:
                    AddStateForDataContractSerializerImport(importer, formatMode, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);
                case MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode.XmlSerializer:
                    AddStateForXmlSerializerImport(importer, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);
                case MetadataImporterSerializerFormatMode.Auto:
                    AddStateForDataContractSerializerImport(importer, formatMode, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);
                    AddStateForXmlSerializerImport(importer, codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider);

            if (!importer.State.ContainsKey(typeof(WrappedOptions)))
                importer.State.Add(typeof(WrappedOptions), new WrappedOptions
                    WrappedFlag = false

            Collection<Binding> bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();
            Collection<MetadataConversionError> importErrors = importer.Errors;

            bool success = true;
            if (importErrors != null)
                foreach (MetadataConversionError error in importErrors)
                    if (!error.IsWarning)
                        success = false;
            if (!success)
                //TODO: Throw exception
               return new ServiceMetadataInformation(codeCompileUnit, codeDomProvider)
                   Bindings = bindings,
                   Contracts = contracts,
                   Endpoints = endpoints
예제 #3
        public static void Run(Uri uri, string cache)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator;

            MetadataSet doc;
            string tempfile = null;
            bool needsDownload;
            if (cache == null) {
                needsDownload = true;
                tempfile = Path.GetTempFileName ();
                cache = tempfile;
            } else {
                needsDownload = !File.Exists (cache);

            if (needsDownload) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Downloading service metadata ...");
                DownloadXml (uri, cache);
                Console.WriteLine ("Downloaded service metadata into {0}.", cache);

            try {
                doc = LoadMetadata (uri, cache);
            } finally {
                if (tempfile != null)
                    File.Delete (tempfile);

            var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);

            var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
            var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();

            foreach (var error in importer.Errors) {
                if (error.IsWarning)
                    Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: {0}", error.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine ("ERROR: {0}", error.Message);

            Console.WriteLine ("DONE IMPORTING: {0} {1}", bindings.Count, endpoints.Count);

            foreach (var binding in bindings)
                Console.WriteLine ("BINDING: {0}", binding);
            foreach (var endpoint in endpoints)
                Console.WriteLine ("ENDPOINT: {0}", endpoint.Address);

            foreach (var endpoint in endpoints) {
                try {
                    Run (endpoint);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("ERROR ({0}): {1}", endpoint.Address, ex);
예제 #4
        public WebService(string path)
            var metadataAddress = new EndpointAddress(path);
            var mexClient = new MetadataExchangeClient(metadataAddress.Uri, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
            mexClient.ResolveMetadataReferences = true;

            var metadata = mexClient.GetMetadata(metadataAddress.Uri, MetadataExchangeClientMode.HttpGet);
            var metadataSet = new MetadataSet(metadata.MetadataSections);

            var importer = new WsdlImporter(metadataSet);

            AllWsdlDocuments = importer.WsdlDocuments;
            AllContracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            AllBindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            AllEndpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();

        /// <summary>
        /// Given a WSDL importer, a set of metadata files and a compile unit, import the metadata
        /// files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="importer"></param>
        /// <param name="compileUnit"></param>
        /// <param name="generationErrors">
        /// Errors encountered whie importing the model. Any new errors will be appended to this list.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serviceEndpointList">List of endpoints imported</param>
        /// <param name="bindingCollection">The collection of bindings imported</param>
        /// <param name="contractCollection">The collection of contracts imported</param>
        protected static void ImportWCFModel(WsdlImporter importer,
                                          System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit compileUnit,
                                          IList<ProxyGenerationError> generationErrors,
                                          out List<ServiceEndpoint> serviceEndpointList,
                                          out IEnumerable<System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding> bindingCollection,
                                          out IEnumerable<ContractDescription> contractCollection)
            // We want to remove soap1.2 endpoints for ASMX references, but we can't use the "normal" way 
            // of using a IWsdlImportExtension to do so since BeforeImport is called too late (DevDiv 7857)
            // If DevDiv 7857 is fixed, we can remove the following two lines and instead add the 
            // AsmxEndpointPickerExtension to the importer's wsdl import extensions...
            IWsdlImportExtension asmxFixerUpper = new AsmxEndpointPickerExtension();
            asmxFixerUpper.BeforeImport(importer.WsdlDocuments, null, null);

            // NOTE: we should import Endpoint before Contracts, otherwise some information (related to binding) will be lost in the model (devdiv: 22396)
            serviceEndpointList = new List<ServiceEndpoint>();

            // First we import all the endpoints (ports). This is required so that any WsdlImportExtension's BeforeImport
            // gets called before we actually try to import anything from the WSDL object model. 
            // If we don't do this, we run into problems if any wsdl import extensions want to delete a specific port
            // and this port happens to be the first port we try to import (you can't interrupt the import)

            // We need to go through each endpoint element and "re-import" it in order to get the mapping
            // between the wsdlPort and the ServiceEndpoint... Importing the same endpoint twice is a no-op
            // as far as the endpoint collection is concerned - it is simply a hashtable lookup to retreive 
            // the already generated information...
            foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.ServiceDescription wsdlServiceDescription in importer.WsdlDocuments)
                foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Service wsdlService in wsdlServiceDescription.Services)
                    foreach (System.Web.Services.Description.Port servicePort in wsdlService.Ports)
                            ServiceEndpoint newEndpoint = importer.ImportEndpoint(servicePort);
                        catch (InvalidOperationException)
                            // Invalid operation exceptions should already be in the errors collection for the importer, so we don't
                            // need to add another generationError. The most probable cause for this is that the we failed to import 
                            // the endpoint...
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        { // It is bad, because WsdlImporter.WsdlImportException is a private class
                            generationErrors.Add(new ProxyGenerationError(ProxyGenerationError.GeneratorState.GenerateCode, wsdlServiceDescription.RetrievalUrl, ex));

            bindingCollection = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bindingCollection != null, "The importer should never return a NULL binding collection!");

            contractCollection = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(contractCollection != null, "The importer should never return a NULL contract collection!");

            foreach (MetadataConversionError error in importer.Errors)
                generationErrors.Add(new ProxyGenerationError(error));
예제 #6
		public static void NetTcpBinding (
			TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, SecurityMode security,
			bool reliableSession, TransferMode transferMode, TestLabel label)
			label.EnterScope ("netTcpBinding");

			var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata;

			label.EnterScope ("wsdl");

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var binding = sd.Bindings [0];
			Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());

			WS.Soap12Binding soap = null;
			XmlElement xml = null;
			foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) {
				if (ext is WS.Soap12Binding)
					soap = (WS.Soap12Binding)ext;
				else if (ext is XmlElement)
					xml = (XmlElement)ext;
			CheckSoapBinding (soap, "", label);

			label.EnterScope ("policy-xml");
			Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			var assertions = AssertPolicy (sd, xml, label);
			Assert.That (assertions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			AssertPolicy (assertions, BinaryEncodingQName, label);
			AssertPolicy (assertions, UsingAddressingQName, label);
			if (transferMode == TransferMode.Streamed)
				AssertPolicy (assertions, StreamedTransferQName, label);
			switch (security) {
			case SecurityMode.Message:
				AssertPolicy (assertions, SymmetricBindingQName, label);
				AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss11QName, label);
				AssertPolicy (assertions, Trust10QName, label);
			case SecurityMode.Transport:
				AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label);
			case SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential:
				AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label);
				AssertPolicy (assertions, EndorsingSupportingQName, label);
				AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss11QName, label);
				AssertPolicy (assertions, Trust10QName, label);
			if (reliableSession)
				AssertPolicy (assertions, ReliableSessionQName, label);
			Assert.That (assertions.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("services");
			Assert.That (sd.Services, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (sd.Services.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var service = sd.Services [0];
			Assert.That (service.Ports, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (service.Ports.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var port = service.Ports [0];

			label.EnterScope ("port");
			Assert.That (port.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (port.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (2), label.Get ());

			WS.Soap12AddressBinding soap_addr_binding = null;
			XmlElement port_xml = null;
			foreach (var extension in port.Extensions) {
				if (extension is WS.Soap12AddressBinding)
					soap_addr_binding = (WS.Soap12AddressBinding)extension;
				else if (extension is XmlElement)
					port_xml = (XmlElement)extension;
					Assert.Fail (label.Get ());
			Assert.That (soap_addr_binding, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (port_xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (port_xml.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (Wsa10Namespace), label.Get ());
			Assert.That (port_xml.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("EndpointReference"), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope (); // wsdl

			var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);
			Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			CheckNetTcpBinding (
				bindings [0], security, reliableSession,
				transferMode, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("endpoints");
			var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);
			Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], MetadataSamples.NetTcpUri, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope ();
예제 #7
		static void BasicHttpBinding_inner (
			TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security,
			WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred,
			AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, bool isHttps, TestLabel label)
			var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata;

			label.EnterScope ("wsdl");
			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			var binding = sd.Bindings [0];
			Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());

			bool hasPolicyXml;

			switch (security) {
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.None:
				if (isHttps)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ();
				hasPolicyXml = encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom;
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message:
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport:
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential:
				if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ();
				hasPolicyXml = true;
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly:
				if (isHttps)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ();
				hasPolicyXml = true;
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();
			label.LeaveScope ();

			WS.SoapBinding soap = null;
			XmlElement xml = null;

			foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) {
				if (ext is WS.SoapBinding)
					soap = (WS.SoapBinding)ext;
				else if (ext is XmlElement)
					xml = (XmlElement)ext;

			CheckSoapBinding (soap, WS.SoapBinding.HttpTransport, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("policy-xml");
			if (!hasPolicyXml)
				Assert.That (xml, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			else {
				Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
				var assertions = AssertPolicy (sd, xml, label);
				Assert.That (assertions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
				if (clientCred == HttpClientCredentialType.Ntlm)
					AssertPolicy (assertions, NtlmAuthenticationQName, label);
				if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom)
					AssertPolicy (assertions, MtomEncodingQName, label);
				switch (security) {
				case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message:
					AssertPolicy (assertions, AsymmetricBindingQName, label);
					AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss10QName, label);
				case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport:
					AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label);
				case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential:
					AssertPolicy (assertions, SignedSupportingQName, label);
					AssertPolicy (assertions, TransportBindingQName, label);
					AssertPolicy (assertions, Wss10QName, label);
				Assert.That (assertions.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("services");
			Assert.That (sd.Services, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (sd.Services.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var service = sd.Services [0];
			Assert.That (service.Ports, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (service.Ports.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var port = service.Ports [0];
			label.EnterScope ("port");
			Assert.That (port.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (port.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			WS.SoapAddressBinding soap_addr_binding = null;
			foreach (var extension in port.Extensions) {
				if (extension is WS.SoapAddressBinding)
					soap_addr_binding = (WS.SoapAddressBinding)extension;
					Assert.Fail (label.Get ());
			Assert.That (soap_addr_binding, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope (); // wsdl

			var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);

			Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			string scheme;
			if ((security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport) ||
			    (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential))
				scheme = "https";
				scheme = "http";

			CheckBasicHttpBinding (
				bindings [0], scheme, security, encoding, clientCred,
				authScheme, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("endpoints");
			var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);

			Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			var uri = isHttps ? MetadataSamples.HttpsUri : MetadataSamples.HttpUri;

			CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], uri, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();
예제 #8
 private void ImportMetadata(WsdlImporter wsdlImporter,
     out ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints, 
     out Collection<System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding> bindings, 
     out Collection<ContractDescription> contracts)
     endpoints = wsdlImporter.ImportAllEndpoints();
     bindings = wsdlImporter.ImportAllBindings();
     contracts = wsdlImporter.ImportAllContracts();
        private void ImportMetadata()
            this.codeCompileUnit = new CodeCompileUnit();

            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(new MetadataSet(metadataCollection));

            this.bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            this.contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            this.endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();
            this.importWarnings = importer.Errors;

            bool success = true;
            if (this.importWarnings != null)
                foreach (MetadataConversionError error in this.importWarnings)
                    if (!error.IsWarning)
                        success = false;

            if (!success)
                DynamicProxyException exception = new DynamicProxyException(
                exception.MetadataImportErrors = this.importWarnings;
                throw exception;
예제 #10
		internal static Binding GetBindingFromMetadata(EndpointDiscoveryMetadata metadata)
			var metadataExtension = 
				(from extension in metadata.Extensions
				 where extension.Name == WcfConstants.EndpointMetadata
				 select extension).FirstOrDefault();
			if (metadataExtension == null) return null;

			var endpointMetadata = metadataExtension.Elements().FirstOrDefault();
			if (endpointMetadata == null) return null;

			using (var xmlReader = endpointMetadata.CreateReader())
				var metadataSet = MetadataSet.ReadFrom(xmlReader);
				var importer = new WsdlImporter(metadataSet);
				return importer.ImportAllBindings().FirstOrDefault();
예제 #11
		public void BasicHttpBinding_Error ()
			var label = new TestLabel ("BasicHttpBinding_Error");
			var doc = TestContext.LoadMetadata ("http-error.xml");
			var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata;
			var wsdlBinding = sd.Bindings [0];
			var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);
			label.EnterScope ("all");
			var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ());
			label.EnterScope ("errors");
			Assert.That (importer.Errors, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (importer.Errors.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var error = importer.Errors [0];
			Assert.That (error.IsWarning, Is.False, label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();
			label.LeaveScope ();
			label.EnterScope ("single");
			try {
				importer.ImportBinding (wsdlBinding);
				Assert.Fail (label.Get ());
			} catch {
			Assert.That (importer.Errors.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();
			label.EnterScope ("single-first");
			var importer2 = new WsdlImporter (doc);
			try {
				importer2.ImportBinding (wsdlBinding);
				Assert.Fail (label.Get ());
			} catch {
			Assert.That (importer2.Errors.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			try {
				importer2.ImportBinding (wsdlBinding);
				Assert.Fail (label.Get ());
			} catch {
			var bindings2 = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			Assert.That (bindings2, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings2.Count, Is.EqualTo (0), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();
        private void AssertMetadataForWsHttp(MetadataSet metadata)
            WsdlImporter importer = new WsdlImporter(metadata);
            Collection<ContractDescription> contracts = importer.ImportAllContracts();
            Collection<Binding> bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings();
            ServiceEndpointCollection endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints();

            Assert.IsTrue(metadata.MetadataSections.Count == 4 || metadata.MetadataSections.Count == 5);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, importer.Errors.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, contracts.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, bindings.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, endpoints.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("IMyService", contracts[0].Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(WSHttpBinding), bindings[0].GetType());
예제 #13
		public static void NetTcpBinding (
			TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, SecurityMode security,
			bool reliableSession, TransferMode transferMode, TestLabel label)
			label.EnterScope ("netTcpBinding");

			var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata;

			label.EnterScope ("wsdl");

			label.EnterScope ("extensions");
			Assert.That (sd.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (sd.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			Assert.That (sd.Extensions [0], Is.InstanceOfType (typeof(XmlElement)), label.Get ());
			var extension = (XmlElement)sd.Extensions [0];
			Assert.That (extension.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ());
			Assert.That (extension.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("Policy"), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var binding = sd.Bindings [0];
			Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());

			WS.SoapBinding soap = null;
			XmlElement xml = null;
			foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) {
				if (ext is WS.SoapBinding)
					soap = (WS.SoapBinding)ext;
				else if (ext is XmlElement)
					xml = (XmlElement)ext;
			CheckSoapBinding (soap, "", label);

			if (context.CheckPolicyXml) {
				label.EnterScope ("policy-xml");
				Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
				Assert.That (xml.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ());
				Assert.That (xml.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("PolicyReference"), label.Get ());
				label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope (); // wsdl

			var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);
			Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			CheckNetTcpBinding (
				bindings [0], security, reliableSession,
				transferMode, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("endpoints");
			var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);
			Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], MetadataSamples.NetTcpUri, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope ();
예제 #14
		public static void BasicHttpsBinding (
			TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security,
			WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred,
			AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, TestLabel label)
			label.EnterScope ("basicHttpsBinding");

			var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata;

			label.EnterScope ("wsdl");

			Assert.That (sd.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (sd.Extensions.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			Assert.That (sd.Extensions [0], Is.InstanceOfType (typeof(XmlElement)), label.Get ());

			label.EnterScope ("extensions");
			var extension = (XmlElement)sd.Extensions [0];
			Assert.That (extension.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ());
			Assert.That (extension.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("Policy"), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			var binding = sd.Bindings [0];
			Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			WS.SoapBinding soap = null;
			XmlElement xml = null;

			foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) {
				if (ext is WS.SoapBinding)
					soap = (WS.SoapBinding)ext;
				else if (ext is XmlElement)
					xml = (XmlElement)ext;

			CheckSoapBinding (soap, WS.SoapBinding.HttpTransport, label);

			if (context.CheckPolicyXml) {
				label.EnterScope ("policy-xml");
				Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
				Assert.That (xml.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ());
				Assert.That (xml.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("PolicyReference"), label.Get ());
				label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope (); // wsdl

			var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);
			Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			CheckBasicHttpBinding (
				bindings [0], "https", security, encoding,
				clientCred, authScheme, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("endpoints");
			var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);
			Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());
			CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], MetadataSamples.HttpsUri, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope ();
예제 #15
		public static void BasicHttpBinding (
			TestContext context, MetadataSet doc, BasicHttpSecurityMode security,
			WSMessageEncoding encoding, HttpClientCredentialType clientCred,
			AuthenticationSchemes authScheme, TestLabel label)
			label.EnterScope ("basicHttpBinding");

			var sd = (WS.ServiceDescription)doc.MetadataSections [0].Metadata;

			label.EnterScope ("wsdl");
			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			Assert.That (sd.Bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			var binding = sd.Bindings [0];
			Assert.That (binding.ExtensibleAttributes, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (binding.Extensions, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());

			bool hasPolicyXml;

			switch (security) {
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.None:
				hasPolicyXml = encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom;
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Message:
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport:
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential:
				if (encoding == WSMessageEncoding.Mtom)
					throw new InvalidOperationException ();
				hasPolicyXml = true;
			case BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly:
				hasPolicyXml = true;
				throw new InvalidOperationException ();
			label.LeaveScope ();

			WS.SoapBinding soap = null;
			XmlElement xml = null;

			foreach (var ext in binding.Extensions) {
				if (ext is WS.SoapBinding)
					soap = (WS.SoapBinding)ext;
				else if (ext is XmlElement)
					xml = (XmlElement)ext;

			CheckSoapBinding (soap, WS.SoapBinding.HttpTransport, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("policy-xml");
			if (!hasPolicyXml)
				Assert.That (xml, Is.Null, label.Get ());
			else if (context.CheckPolicyXml) {
				Assert.That (xml, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
				Assert.That (xml.NamespaceURI, Is.EqualTo (WspNamespace), label.Get ());
				Assert.That (xml.LocalName, Is.EqualTo ("PolicyReference"), label.Get ());
			label.LeaveScope ();

			var importer = new WsdlImporter (doc);

			label.EnterScope ("bindings");
			var bindings = importer.ImportAllBindings ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);

			Assert.That (bindings, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (bindings.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			string scheme;
			if ((security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport) ||
			    (security == BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential))
				scheme = "https";
				scheme = "http";

			CheckBasicHttpBinding (
				bindings [0], scheme, security, encoding, clientCred,
				authScheme, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.EnterScope ("endpoints");
			var endpoints = importer.ImportAllEndpoints ();
			CheckImportErrors (importer, label);

			Assert.That (endpoints, Is.Not.Null, label.Get ());
			Assert.That (endpoints.Count, Is.EqualTo (1), label.Get ());

			CheckEndpoint (endpoints [0], MetadataSamples.HttpUri, label);
			label.LeaveScope ();

			label.LeaveScope ();