private static extern void UnRegisterTypeLib(ref Guid libID, short wVerMajor, short wVerMinor, int lcid, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND syskind);
private static extern int UnRegisterTypeLib ( ref Guid libID, short wVerMajor, short wVerMinor, int lCID, SYSKIND tSysKind);
public static extern int UnRegisterTypeLibForUser( ref Guid id, short majorVersion, short minorVersion, int lcid, ComTypes.SYSKIND sysKind);
public extern static UInt32 UnRegisterTypeLib(ref Guid libID, UInt16 wVerMajor, UInt16 wVerMinor, int lcid, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND syskind);
private static extern int UnRegisterTypeLibForUser(ref Guid libID, short wMajorVerNum, short wMinorVerNum, int lcid, SYSKIND syskind);
internal static extern int CreateTypeLib2(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND sysKind, string szFile, out ICreateTypeLib ppctlib);
private static extern int UnRegisterTypeLib( ref Guid libID, short wVerMajor, short wVerMinor, int lCID, SYSKIND tSysKind);
internal static bool ValidateMachineType(TypeLibImporterFlags flags, _SYSKIND syskind) { int count = 0; if (IsImportingToX86(flags)) count++; if (IsImportingToX64(flags)) count++; if (IsImportingToItanium(flags)) count++; if (IsImportingToAgnostic(flags)) count++; if (count > 1) { Output.WriteError(Resource.FormatString("Err_BadMachineSwitch"), ErrorCode.Err_BadMachineSwitch); return false; } // Check the import type against the type of the type library. if (syskind == _SYSKIND.SYS_WIN64) { // If x86 was chosen, throw an error. if (IsImportingToX86(flags)) { Output.WriteError(Resource.FormatString("Err_BadMachineSwitch"), ErrorCode.Err_BadMachineSwitch); return false; } // If nothing is chosen, output a warning on all platforms. if (IsImportingToDefault(flags)) { Output.WriteWarning(Resource.FormatString("Wrn_AgnosticAssembly"), WarningCode.Wrn_AgnosticAssembly); } } else if (syskind == _SYSKIND.SYS_WIN32) { // If a 64-bit option was chosen, throw an error. if (IsImportingToItanium(flags) || IsImportingToX64(flags)) { Output.WriteError(Resource.FormatString("Err_BadMachineSwitch"), ErrorCode.Err_BadMachineSwitch); return false; } #if WIN64 // If nothing is chosen, and we're on a 64-bit machine, output a warning if (IsImportingToDefault(flags)) { Output.WriteWarning(Resource.FormatString("Wrn_AgnosticAssembly"), WarningCode.Wrn_AgnosticAssembly); } #endif } return true; }
internal static extern void UnRegisterTypeLib([In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid libID, short wVerMajor, short wVerMinor, int lcid, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND syskind);
private static extern void UnRegisterTypeLib(ref Guid libId, short majorVersion, short minorVersion, int lcid, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND sysKind);
internal static extern void UnregisterTypeLib([In] ref Guid guid, [In] short wMajorVerNum, [In] short wMinorVerNum, [In] int lcid, [In] System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND syskind);