public int CompleteAuthToken(ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers) { if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } return SafeDeleteContext.CompleteAuthToken(Library, ref refContext, inputBuffers); }
public int DecryptMessage(SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBufferDescriptor inputOutput, uint sequenceNumber) { if (ComNetOS.IsWin9x) { throw ExceptionHelper.MethodNotImplementedException; } return this.DecryptMessageHelper(context, inputOutput, sequenceNumber); }
internal static int AcceptSecurityContext(SSPIInterface SecModule, ref SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness datarep, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { if (Logging.On) { Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, string.Concat(new object[] { "AcceptSecurityContext(credential = ", credential.ToString(), ", context = ", ValidationHelper.ToString(context), ", inFlags = ", inFlags, ")" })); } int num = SecModule.AcceptSecurityContext(ref credential, ref context, inputBuffer, inFlags, datarep, outputBuffer, ref outFlags); if (Logging.On) { Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_sspi_security_context_input_buffer", new object[] { "AcceptSecurityContext", (inputBuffer == null) ? 0 : inputBuffer.size, outputBuffer.size, (SecurityStatus) num })); } return num; }
public static unsafe int QueryContextChannelBinding(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, Bindings* buffer, SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return QueryContextChannelBinding_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return QueryContextChannelBinding_SECUR32(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return QueryContextChannelBinding_SCHANNEL(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); } return -1; }
public static unsafe int QueryContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte* buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return QueryContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SECUR32: return QueryContextAttributes_SECUR32(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); case SecurDll.SCHANNEL: return QueryContextAttributes_SCHANNEL(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); } return -1; }
private static unsafe int QueryContextAttributes_SCHANNEL(SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte* buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { int num = -2146893055; bool success = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { phContext.DangerousAddRef(ref success); } catch (Exception exception) { if (success) { phContext.DangerousRelease(); success = false; } if (!(exception is ObjectDisposedException)) { throw; } } finally { if (success) { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SCHANNEL.QueryContextAttributesA(ref phContext._handle, contextAttribute, (void*) buffer); phContext.DangerousRelease(); } if ((num == 0) && (refHandle != null)) { if (refHandle is SafeFreeContextBuffer) { ((SafeFreeContextBuffer) refHandle).Set(*((IntPtr*) buffer)); } else { ((SafeFreeCertContext) refHandle).Set(*((IntPtr*) buffer)); } } if ((num != 0) && (refHandle != null)) { refHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } } return num; }
private static unsafe int QueryContextChannelBinding_SCHANNEL(SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, Bindings* buffer, SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { int num = -2146893055; bool success = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { phContext.DangerousAddRef(ref success); } catch (Exception exception) { if (success) { phContext.DangerousRelease(); success = false; } if (!(exception is ObjectDisposedException)) { throw; } } finally { if (success) { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SCHANNEL.QueryContextAttributesA(ref phContext._handle, contextAttribute, (void*) buffer); phContext.DangerousRelease(); } if ((num == 0) && (refHandle != null)) { refHandle.Set(buffer.pBindings); refHandle.size = buffer.BindingsLength; } if ((num != 0) && (refHandle != null)) { refHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } } return num; }
private unsafe int DecryptMessageHelper(SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBufferDescriptor inputOutput, uint sequenceNumber) { int num = -2146893055; bool success = false; uint qualityOfProtection = 0; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { context.DangerousAddRef(ref success); } catch (Exception exception) { if (success) { context.DangerousRelease(); success = false; } if (!(exception is ObjectDisposedException)) { throw; } } finally { if (success) { num = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.NativeNTSSPI.DecryptMessage(ref context._handle, inputOutput, sequenceNumber, &qualityOfProtection); context.DangerousRelease(); } } if ((num == 0) && (qualityOfProtection == 0x80000001)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString("net_auth_message_not_encrypted")); } return num; }
public int QueryContextChannelBinding(SafeDeleteContext context, ContextAttribute attribute, out SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding binding) { binding = null; throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public int QueryContextChannelBinding(SafeDeleteContext context, Interop.Secur32.ContextAttribute attribute, out SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding binding) { // Querying an auth SSP for a CBT is not supported. binding = null; throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public int QuerySecurityContextToken(SafeDeleteContext phContext, out SecurityContextTokenHandle phToken) { return(GetSecurityContextToken(phContext, out phToken)); }
public int InitializeSecurityContext(ref SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { return(SafeDeleteContext.InitializeSecurityContext(Library, ref credential, ref context, targetName, inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, null, outputBuffer, ref outFlags)); }
// // After PINvoke call the method will fix the refHandle.handle with the returned value. // The caller is responsible for creating a correct SafeHandle template or null can be passed if no handle is returned. // // This method switches between three non-interruptible helper methods. (This method can't be both non-interruptible and // reference imports from all three DLLs - doing so would cause all three DLLs to try to be bound to.) // public unsafe static int QueryContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte* buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return QueryContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer, refHandle); default: return -1; } }
private unsafe static int QueryContextChannelBinding_SECURITY(SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, Bindings* buffer, SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { int status = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b = false; // SCHANNEL only supports SECPKG_ATTR_ENDPOINT_BINDINGS and SECPKG_ATTR_UNIQUE_BINDINGS which // map to our enum ChannelBindingKind.Endpoint and ChannelBindingKind.Unique. if (contextAttribute != ContextAttribute.EndpointBindings && contextAttribute != ContextAttribute.UniqueBindings) { return status; } // We don't want to be interrupted by thread abort exceptions or unexpected out-of-memory errors failing to jit // one of the following methods. So run within a CER non-interruptible block. RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { phContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { phContext.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { status = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.QueryContextAttributesW(ref phContext._handle, contextAttribute, buffer); phContext.DangerousRelease(); } if (status == 0 && refHandle != null) { refHandle.Set((*buffer).pBindings); refHandle.size = (*buffer).BindingsLength; } if (status != 0 && refHandle != null) { refHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } } return status; }
private static int GetSecurityContextToken(SafeDeleteContext phContext, out SafeCloseHandle safeHandle) { int status = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b = false; safeHandle = null; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { phContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch (Exception e) { if (b) { phContext.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { status = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles.QuerySecurityContextToken(ref phContext._handle, out safeHandle); phContext.DangerousRelease(); } } return status; }
public static SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding QueryContextChannelBinding(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext, Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute contextAttribute) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Enter("QueryContextChannelBinding", contextAttribute.ToString()); } SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding result; int errorCode = secModule.QueryContextChannelBinding(securityContext, contextAttribute, out result); if (errorCode != 0) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Leave("QueryContextChannelBinding", "ERROR = " + ErrorDescription(errorCode)); } return(null); } if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Leave("QueryContextChannelBinding", LoggingHash.HashString(result)); } return(result); }
private unsafe static int EncryptDecryptHelper(OP op, SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { Interop.SspiCli.SecurityBufferDescriptor sdcInOut = new Interop.SspiCli.SecurityBufferDescriptor(input.Length); var unmanagedBuffer = new Interop.SspiCli.SecurityBufferStruct[input.Length]; fixed(Interop.SspiCli.SecurityBufferStruct *unmanagedBufferPtr = unmanagedBuffer) { sdcInOut.UnmanagedPointer = unmanagedBufferPtr; GCHandle[] pinnedBuffers = new GCHandle[input.Length]; byte[][] buffers = new byte[input.Length][]; try { for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; unmanagedBuffer[i].count = iBuffer.size; unmanagedBuffer[i].type = iBuffer.type; if (iBuffer.token == null || iBuffer.token.Length == 0) { unmanagedBuffer[i].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedBuffers[i] = GCHandle.Alloc(iBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); unmanagedBuffer[i].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(iBuffer.token, iBuffer.offset); buffers[i] = iBuffer.token; } } // The result is written in the input Buffer passed as type=BufferType.Data. int errorCode; switch (op) { case OP.Encrypt: errorCode = secModule.EncryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.Decrypt: errorCode = secModule.DecryptMessage(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.MakeSignature: errorCode = secModule.MakeSignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; case OP.VerifySignature: errorCode = secModule.VerifySignature(context, sdcInOut, sequenceNumber); break; default: if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Unknown OP: " + op); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Unknown OP: " + op); throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); } // Marshalling back returned sizes / data. for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { SecurityBuffer iBuffer = input[i]; iBuffer.size = unmanagedBuffer[i].count; iBuffer.type = unmanagedBuffer[i].type; if (iBuffer.size == 0) { iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } else { checked { // Find the buffer this is inside of. Usually they all point inside buffer 0. int j; for (j = 0; j < input.Length; j++) { if (buffers[j] == null) { continue; } byte *bufferAddress = (byte *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(buffers[j], 0); if ((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].token >= bufferAddress && (byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].token + iBuffer.size <= bufferAddress + buffers[j].Length) { iBuffer.offset = (int)((byte *)unmanagedBuffer[i].token - bufferAddress); iBuffer.token = buffers[j]; break; } } if (j >= input.Length) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Assert("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Output buffer out of range."); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper", "Output buffer out of range."); iBuffer.size = 0; iBuffer.offset = 0; iBuffer.token = null; } } } // Backup validate the new sizes. if (iBuffer.offset < 0 || iBuffer.offset > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length)) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.AssertFormat("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.offset); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'offset' out of range. [" + iBuffer.offset + "]"); } if (iBuffer.size < 0 || iBuffer.size > (iBuffer.token == null ? 0 : iBuffer.token.Length - iBuffer.offset)) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.AssertFormat("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' out of range. [{0}]", iBuffer.size); } Debug.Fail("SSPIWrapper::EncryptDecryptHelper|'size' out of range. [" + iBuffer.size + "]"); } } if (errorCode != 0 && NetEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { if (errorCode == Interop.SspiCli.SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE) { NetEventSource.PrintError(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Security, SR.Format(SR.event_OperationReturnedSomething, op, "SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE")); } else { NetEventSource.PrintError(NetEventSource.ComponentType.Security, SR.Format(SR.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, op, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "0X{0:X}", errorCode))); } } return(errorCode); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < pinnedBuffers.Length; ++i) { if (pinnedBuffers[i].IsAllocated) { pinnedBuffers[i].Free(); } } } } }
public static int VerifySignature(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] input, uint sequenceNumber) { return(EncryptDecryptHelper(OP.VerifySignature, secModule, context, input, sequenceNumber)); }
public static int QuerySecurityContextToken(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext context, out SecurityContextTokenHandle token) { return(secModule.QuerySecurityContextToken(context, out token)); }
internal static int AcceptSecurityContext(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags inFlags, Interop.SspiCli.Endianness datarep, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags outFlags) { if (SecurityEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { SecurityEventSource.Log.AcceptSecurityContext(credential.ToString(), LoggingHash.ObjectToString(context), inFlags); } int errorCode = secModule.AcceptSecurityContext(credential, ref context, inputBuffers, inFlags, datarep, outputBuffer, ref outFlags); if (SecurityEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { SecurityEventSource.Log.SecurityContextInputBuffers("AcceptSecurityContext", (inputBuffers == null ? 0 : inputBuffers.Length), outputBuffer.size, (Interop.SecurityStatus)errorCode); } return(errorCode); }
internal static int InitializeSecurityContext(SSPIInterface secModule, ref SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags inFlags, Interop.SspiCli.Endianness datarep, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags outFlags) { if (SecurityEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { SecurityEventSource.Log.InitializeSecurityContext(credential.ToString(), LoggingHash.ObjectToString(context), targetName, inFlags); } int errorCode = secModule.InitializeSecurityContext(ref credential, ref context, targetName, inFlags, datarep, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, ref outFlags); if (SecurityEventSource.Log.IsEnabled()) { SecurityEventSource.Log.SecurityContextInputBuffer("InitializeSecurityContext", (inputBuffer == null ? 0 : inputBuffer.size), outputBuffer.size, (Interop.SecurityStatus)errorCode); } return(errorCode); }
public int InitializeSecurityContext(SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, Interop.Secur32.ContextFlags inFlags, Interop.Secur32.Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref Interop.Secur32.ContextFlags outFlags) { return(SafeDeleteContext.InitializeSecurityContext(ref credential, ref context, targetName, inFlags, endianness, null, inputBuffers, outputBuffer, ref outFlags)); }
public int QuerySecurityContextToken(SafeDeleteContext phContext, out SafeCloseHandle phToken) { return GetSecurityContextToken(phContext, out phToken); }
public static object QueryContextAttributes(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext, Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute contextAttribute) { int errorCode; return(QueryContextAttributes(secModule, securityContext, contextAttribute, out errorCode)); }
public int InitializeSecurityContext(SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { return SafeDeleteContext.InitializeSecurityContext(Library, ref credential, ref context, targetName, inFlags, endianness, null, inputBuffers, outputBuffer, ref outFlags); }
public static object QueryContextAttributes(SSPIInterface secModule, SafeDeleteContext securityContext, Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute contextAttribute, out int errorCode) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Enter("QueryContextAttributes", contextAttribute.ToString()); } int nativeBlockSize = IntPtr.Size; Type handleType = null; switch (contextAttribute) { case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.Sizes: nativeBlockSize = SecSizes.SizeOf; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.StreamSizes: nativeBlockSize = StreamSizes.SizeOf; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.Names: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.PackageInfo: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.NegotiationInfo: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); nativeBlockSize = Marshal.SizeOf <NegotiationInfo>(); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.ClientSpecifiedSpn: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.RemoteCertificate: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeCertContext); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.LocalCertificate: handleType = typeof(SafeFreeCertContext); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.IssuerListInfoEx: nativeBlockSize = Marshal.SizeOf <Interop.SspiCli.IssuerListInfoEx>(); handleType = typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.ConnectionInfo: nativeBlockSize = Marshal.SizeOf <SslConnectionInfo>(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.net_invalid_enum, "ContextAttribute"), "contextAttribute"); } SafeHandle sspiHandle = null; object attribute = null; try { var nativeBuffer = new byte[nativeBlockSize]; errorCode = secModule.QueryContextAttributes(securityContext, contextAttribute, nativeBuffer, handleType, out sspiHandle); if (errorCode != 0) { if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Leave("Win32:QueryContextAttributes", "ERROR = " + ErrorDescription(errorCode)); } return(null); } switch (contextAttribute) { case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.Sizes: attribute = new SecSizes(nativeBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.StreamSizes: attribute = new StreamSizes(nativeBuffer); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.Names: attribute = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(sspiHandle.DangerousGetHandle()); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.PackageInfo: attribute = new SecurityPackageInfoClass(sspiHandle, 0); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.NegotiationInfo: unsafe { fixed(void *ptr = nativeBuffer) { attribute = new NegotiationInfoClass(sspiHandle, Marshal.ReadInt32(new IntPtr(ptr), NegotiationInfo.NegotiationStateOffest)); } } break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.ClientSpecifiedSpn: attribute = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(sspiHandle.DangerousGetHandle()); break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.LocalCertificate: // Fall-through to RemoteCertificate is intentional. case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.RemoteCertificate: attribute = sspiHandle; sspiHandle = null; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.IssuerListInfoEx: attribute = new Interop.SspiCli.IssuerListInfoEx(sspiHandle, nativeBuffer); sspiHandle = null; break; case Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute.ConnectionInfo: attribute = new SslConnectionInfo(nativeBuffer); break; default: // Will return null. break; } } finally { if (sspiHandle != null) { sspiHandle.Dispose(); } } if (GlobalLog.IsEnabled) { GlobalLog.Leave("QueryContextAttributes", LoggingHash.ObjectToString(attribute)); } return(attribute); }
// // After PINvoke call the method will fix the handleTemplate.handle with the returned value. // The caller is responsible for creating a correct SafeFreeContextBuffer_XXX flavour or null can be passed if no handle is returned. // // Since it has a CER, this method can't have any references to imports from DLLs that may not exist on the system. // private static unsafe int MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECURITY( ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, void* inContextPtr, SecurityBufferDescriptor inputBuffer, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SafeDeleteContext outContext, SecurityBufferDescriptor outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags, SafeFreeContextBuffer handleTemplate) { int errorCode = (int) SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b1 = false; bool b2 = false; // Run the body of this method as a non-interruptible block. RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { inCredentials.DangerousAddRef(ref b1); outContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b2); } catch(Exception e) { if (b1) { inCredentials.DangerousRelease(); b1 = false; } if (b2) { outContext.DangerousRelease(); b2 = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { SSPIHandle credentialHandle = inCredentials._handle; long timeStamp; if (!b1) { // caller should retry inCredentials = null; } else if (b1 && b2) { errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.AcceptSecurityContext( ref credentialHandle, inContextPtr, inputBuffer, inFlags, endianness, ref outContext._handle, outputBuffer, ref outFlags, out timeStamp); // // When a credential handle is first associated with the context we keep credential // ref count bumped up to ensure ordered finalization. // If the credential handle has been changed we de-ref the old one and associate the // context with the new cred handle but only if the call was successful. if (outContext._EffectiveCredential != inCredentials && (errorCode & 0x80000000) == 0) { // Disassociate the previous credential handle if (outContext._EffectiveCredential != null) outContext._EffectiveCredential.DangerousRelease(); outContext._EffectiveCredential = inCredentials; } else { inCredentials.DangerousRelease(); } outContext.DangerousRelease(); // The idea is that SSPI has allocated a block and filled up outUnmanagedBuffer+8 slot with the pointer. if (handleTemplate != null) { handleTemplate.Set(((SecurityBufferStruct*)outputBuffer.UnmanagedPointer)->token); //ATTN: on 64 BIT that is still +8 cause of 2* c++ unsigned long == 8 bytes if (handleTemplate.IsInvalid) { handleTemplate.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } } } if (inContextPtr == null && (errorCode & 0x80000000) != 0) { // an error on the first call, need to set the out handle to invalid value outContext._handle.SetToInvalid(); } } return errorCode; }
public static void QueryContextStreamSizes(SafeDeleteContext securityContext, out StreamSizes streamSizes) { streamSizes = s_streamSizes; }
public static int SetContextAttributes(SecurDll dll, SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte[] buffer) { switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: return SetContextAttributes_SECURITY(phContext, contextAttribute, buffer); default: return -1; } }
public static void QueryContextConnectionInfo(SafeDeleteContext securityContext, out SslConnectionInfo connectionInfo) { connectionInfo = new SslConnectionInfo(((SafeDeleteSslContext)securityContext).SslContext); }
public int CompleteAuthToken(ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers) { return(SafeDeleteContext.CompleteAuthToken(ref refContext, inputBuffers)); }
public unsafe int QueryContextChannelBinding(SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute attribute, out SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { refHandle = SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding.CreateEmptyHandle(Library); // bindings is on the stack, so there's no need for a fixed block Bindings bindings = new Bindings(); return SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding.QueryContextChannelBinding(Library, phContext, attribute, &bindings, refHandle); }
public int SetContextAttributes(SafeDeleteContext context, Interop.Secur32.ContextAttribute attribute, byte[] buffer) { throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); }
public int QuerySecurityContextToken(SafeDeleteContext phContext, out SafeCloseHandle phToken) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public unsafe int DecryptMessage(SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBufferDescriptor inputOutput, uint sequenceNumber) { int status = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b = false; uint qop = 0; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { context.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { context.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { status = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.NativeNTSSPI.DecryptMessage(ref context._handle, inputOutput, sequenceNumber, &qop); context.DangerousRelease(); } } const uint SECQOP_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT = 0x80000001; if (status == 0 && qop == SECQOP_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT) { GlobalLog.Assert("NativeNTSSPI.DecryptMessage", "Expected qop = 0, returned value = " + qop.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_message_not_encrypted)); } return status; }
public unsafe int QueryContextAttributes(SafeDeleteContext context, ContextAttribute attribute, byte[] buffer, Type handleType, out SafeHandle refHandle) { refHandle = null; if (handleType != null) { if (handleType == typeof(SafeFreeContextBuffer)) { refHandle = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(Library); } else if (handleType == typeof(SafeFreeCertContext)) { refHandle = new SafeFreeCertContext(); } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.SSPIInvalidHandleType, handleType.FullName), "handleType"); } } fixed (byte* bufferPtr = buffer) { return SafeFreeContextBuffer.QueryContextAttributes(Library, context, attribute, bufferPtr, refHandle); } }
private static SecurityStatusPal HandshakeInternal(SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, bool isServer, bool remoteCertRequired) { Debug.Assert(!credential.IsInvalid); try { if ((null == context) || context.IsInvalid) { context = new SafeDeleteSslContext(credential as SafeFreeSslCredentials, isServer, remoteCertRequired); } byte[] output = null; int outputSize; bool done; if (null == inputBuffer) { done = Interop.OpenSsl.DoSslHandshake(((SafeDeleteSslContext)context).SslContext, null, 0, 0, out output, out outputSize); } else { done = Interop.OpenSsl.DoSslHandshake(((SafeDeleteSslContext)context).SslContext, inputBuffer.token, inputBuffer.offset, inputBuffer.size, out output, out outputSize); } outputBuffer.size = outputSize; outputBuffer.offset = 0; outputBuffer.token = outputSize > 0 ? output : null; return(new SecurityStatusPal(done ? SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.OK : SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.ContinueNeeded)); } catch (Exception exc) { return(new SecurityStatusPal(SecurityStatusPalErrorCode.InternalError, exc)); } }
public int AcceptSecurityContext(SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, Interop.Secur32.ContextFlags inFlags, Interop.Secur32.Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref Interop.Secur32.ContextFlags outFlags) { return(SafeDeleteContext.AcceptSecurityContext(ref credential, ref context, inFlags, endianness, null, inputBuffers, outputBuffer, ref outFlags)); }
public int SetContextAttributes(SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute attribute, byte[] buffer) { return SafeFreeContextBuffer.SetContextAttributes(Library, phContext, attribute, buffer); }
public int QueryContextIssuerList(SafeDeleteContext securityContext, out Object issuerList) { // TODO (Issue #3362) To be implemented throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); }
public int CompleteAuthToken(ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers) { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public SecurityStatus AcceptSecurityContext(ref SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, bool remoteCertRequired) { return(HandshakeInternal(credential, ref context, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, true, remoteCertRequired)); }
public int QueryContextChannelBinding(SafeDeleteContext context, ContextAttribute attribute, out SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding binding) { // Querying an auth SSP for a CBT doesn't make sense binding = null; throw new NotSupportedException(); }
public SecurityStatus InitializeSecurityContext(ref SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer) { return(HandshakeInternal(credential, ref context, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, false, false)); }
public int SetContextAttributes(SafeDeleteContext context, ContextAttribute attribute, byte[] buffer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public SecurityStatus InitializeSecurityContext(SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer) { Debug.Assert(inputBuffers.Length == 2); Debug.Assert(inputBuffers[1].token == null); return(HandshakeInternal(credential, ref context, inputBuffers[0], outputBuffer, false, false)); }
public int CompleteAuthToken(ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers) { return SafeDeleteContext.CompleteAuthToken(Library, ref refContext, inputBuffers); }
public SecurityStatus EncryptMessage(SafeDeleteContext securityContext, byte[] buffer, int size, int headerSize, int trailerSize, out int resultSize) { // Unencrypted data starts at an offset of headerSize return(EncryptDecryptHelper(securityContext, buffer, headerSize, size, headerSize, trailerSize, true, out resultSize)); }
public int AcceptSecurityContext(SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { return SafeDeleteContext.AcceptSecurityContext(Library, ref credential, ref context, inFlags, endianness, null, inputBuffers, outputBuffer, ref outFlags); }
public int QueryContextChannelBinding(SafeDeleteContext phContext, ChannelBindingKind attribute, out SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding refHandle) { // TODO (Issue #3362) To be implemented throw NotImplemented.ByDesignWithMessage(SR.net_MethodNotImplementedException); }
public int EncryptMessage(SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBufferDescriptor inputOutput, uint sequenceNumber) { int status = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { context.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { context.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { status = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.NativeNTSSPI.EncryptMessage(ref context._handle, 0, inputOutput, sequenceNumber); context.DangerousRelease(); } } return status; }
public unsafe static SafeFreeContextBufferChannelBinding QueryContextChannelBinding(SafeDeleteContext securityContext, ChannelBindingKind attribute) { return(SSPIWrapper.QueryContextChannelBinding(GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, securityContext, (Interop.SspiCli.ContextAttribute)attribute)); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------- internal unsafe static int AcceptSecurityContext( SecurDll dll, ref SafeFreeCredentials inCredentials, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer inSecBuffer, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers, SecurityBuffer outSecBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Enter("SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContex"); GlobalLog.Print(" DLL = " + dll); GlobalLog.Print(" credential = " + inCredentials.ToString()); GlobalLog.Print(" refContext = " + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); GlobalLog.Print(" inFlags = " + inFlags); // GlobalLog.Print(" endianness = " + endianness); // GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffer = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(inSecBuffer)); // if (inSecBuffers==null) { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers = (null)"); } else { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[] = length:" + inSecBuffers.Length); // for (int index=0; index<inSecBuffers.Length; index++) { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[" + index + "] = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(inSecBuffers[index])); } } // GlobalLog.Print(" newContext = {ref} inContext"); // GlobalLog.Print(" outSecBuffer = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(outSecBuffer)); // GlobalLog.Print(" outFlags = {ref} " + outFlags); // GlobalLog.Print(" timestamp = null"); #endif GlobalLog.Assert(outSecBuffer != null, "SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContext()|outSecBuffer != null"); GlobalLog.Assert(inSecBuffer == null || inSecBuffers == null, "SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContext()|inSecBuffer == null || inSecBuffers == null"); if (inCredentials == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("inCredentials"); } SecurityBufferDescriptor inSecurityBufferDescriptor = null; if (inSecBuffer!=null) { inSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); } else if (inSecBuffers!=null) { inSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); } SecurityBufferDescriptor outSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(1); // actually this is returned in outFlags bool isSspiAllocated = (inFlags & ContextFlags.AllocateMemory) != 0 ? true : false; int errorCode = -1; SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) contextHandle = refContext._handle; // these are pinned user byte arrays passed along with SecurityBuffers GCHandle[] pinnedInBytes = null; GCHandle pinnedOutBytes = new GCHandle(); // optional output buffer that may need to be freed SafeFreeContextBuffer outFreeContextBuffer = null; try { pinnedOutBytes = GCHandle.Alloc(outSecBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); SecurityBufferStruct[] inUnmanagedBuffer = new SecurityBufferStruct[inSecurityBufferDescriptor==null ? 1:inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; fixed (void* inUnmanagedBufferPtr = inUnmanagedBuffer) { if (inSecurityBufferDescriptor!=null) { // Fix Descriptor pointer that points to unmanaged SecurityBuffers inSecurityBufferDescriptor.UnmanagedPointer = inUnmanagedBufferPtr; pinnedInBytes = new GCHandle[inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; SecurityBuffer securityBuffer; for (int index = 0; index < inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count; ++index) { securityBuffer = inSecBuffer!=null ? inSecBuffer : inSecBuffers[index]; if (securityBuffer!=null) { // Copy the SecurityBuffer content into unmanaged place holder inUnmanagedBuffer[index].count = securityBuffer.size; inUnmanagedBuffer[index].type = securityBuffer.type; // use the unmanaged token if it's not null; otherwise use the managed buffer if (securityBuffer.unmanagedToken != null) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = securityBuffer.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if (securityBuffer.token == null || securityBuffer.token.Length == 0) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedInBytes[index] = GCHandle.Alloc(securityBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(securityBuffer.token, securityBuffer.offset); } #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("SecBuffer: cbBuffer:" + securityBuffer.size + " BufferType:" + securityBuffer.type); #endif } } } SecurityBufferStruct[] outUnmanagedBuffer = new SecurityBufferStruct[1]; fixed (void* outUnmanagedBufferPtr = outUnmanagedBuffer) { // Fix Descriptor pointer that points to unmanaged SecurityBuffers outSecurityBufferDescriptor.UnmanagedPointer = outUnmanagedBufferPtr; // Copy the SecurityBuffer content into unmanaged place holder outUnmanagedBuffer[0].count = outSecBuffer.size; outUnmanagedBuffer[0].type = outSecBuffer.type; if (outSecBuffer.token == null || outSecBuffer.token.Length == 0) outUnmanagedBuffer[0].token = IntPtr.Zero; else outUnmanagedBuffer[0].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(outSecBuffer.token, outSecBuffer.offset); if (isSspiAllocated) outFreeContextBuffer = SafeFreeContextBuffer.CreateEmptyHandle(dll); switch (dll) { case SecurDll.SECURITY: if (refContext == null || refContext.IsInvalid) refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); errorCode = MustRunAcceptSecurityContext_SECURITY( ref inCredentials, contextHandle.IsZero? null: &contextHandle, inSecurityBufferDescriptor, inFlags, endianness, refContext, outSecurityBufferDescriptor, ref outFlags, outFreeContextBuffer ); break; default: throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } GlobalLog.Print("SafeDeleteContext:AcceptSecurityContext Marshalling OUT buffer"); // Get unmanaged buffer with index 0 as the only one passed into PInvoke outSecBuffer.size = outUnmanagedBuffer[0].count; outSecBuffer.type = outUnmanagedBuffer[0].type; if (outSecBuffer.size > 0) { outSecBuffer.token = new byte[outSecBuffer.size]; Marshal.Copy(outUnmanagedBuffer[0].token, outSecBuffer.token, 0, outSecBuffer.size); } else { outSecBuffer.token = null; } } } } finally { if (pinnedInBytes!=null) { for (int index=0; index<pinnedInBytes.Length; index++) { if (pinnedInBytes[index].IsAllocated) pinnedInBytes[index].Free(); } } if (pinnedOutBytes.IsAllocated) pinnedOutBytes.Free(); if (outFreeContextBuffer != null) outFreeContextBuffer.Close(); } GlobalLog.Leave("SafeDeleteContext::AcceptSecurityContex() unmanaged AcceptSecurityContex()", "errorCode:0x" + errorCode.ToString("x8") + " refContext:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); return errorCode; }
public static SecurityStatusPal AcceptSecurityContext(ref SafeFreeCredentials credentialsHandle, ref SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, bool remoteCertRequired) { Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags unusedAttributes = default(Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags); int errorCode = SSPIWrapper.AcceptSecurityContext( GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, ref credentialsHandle, ref context, ServerRequiredFlags | (remoteCertRequired ? Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags.MutualAuth : Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags.Zero), Interop.SspiCli.Endianness.Native, inputBuffer, outputBuffer, ref unusedAttributes); return(GetSecurityStatusPalFromWin32Int(errorCode)); }
// // // internal unsafe static int CompleteAuthToken( SecurDll dll, ref SafeDeleteContext refContext, SecurityBuffer[] inSecBuffers) { GlobalLog.Enter("SafeDeleteContext::CompleteAuthToken"); GlobalLog.Print(" DLL = " + dll); GlobalLog.Print(" refContext = " + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[] = length:" + inSecBuffers.Length); // for (int index=0; index<inSecBuffers.Length; index++) { GlobalLog.Print(" inSecBuffers[" + index + "] = " + SecurityBuffer.ToString(inSecBuffers[index])); } #endif GlobalLog.Assert(inSecBuffers != null, "SafeDeleteContext::CompleteAuthToken()|inSecBuffers == null"); SecurityBufferDescriptor inSecurityBufferDescriptor = new SecurityBufferDescriptor(inSecBuffers.Length); int errorCode = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; // these are pinned user byte arrays passed along with SecurityBuffers GCHandle[] pinnedInBytes = null; SecurityBufferStruct[] inUnmanagedBuffer = new SecurityBufferStruct[inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; fixed (void* inUnmanagedBufferPtr = inUnmanagedBuffer) { // Fix Descriptor pointer that points to unmanaged SecurityBuffers inSecurityBufferDescriptor.UnmanagedPointer = inUnmanagedBufferPtr; pinnedInBytes = new GCHandle[inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count]; SecurityBuffer securityBuffer; for (int index = 0; index < inSecurityBufferDescriptor.Count; ++index) { securityBuffer = inSecBuffers[index]; if (securityBuffer!=null) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].count = securityBuffer.size; inUnmanagedBuffer[index].type = securityBuffer.type; // use the unmanaged token if it's not null; otherwise use the managed buffer if (securityBuffer.unmanagedToken != null) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = securityBuffer.unmanagedToken.DangerousGetHandle(); } else if (securityBuffer.token==null || securityBuffer.token.Length==0) { inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = IntPtr.Zero; } else { pinnedInBytes[index] = GCHandle.Alloc(securityBuffer.token, GCHandleType.Pinned); inUnmanagedBuffer[index].token = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(securityBuffer.token, securityBuffer.offset); } #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("SecBuffer: cbBuffer:" + securityBuffer.size + " BufferType:" + securityBuffer.type); // securityBuffer.DebugDump(); #endif } } SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle(); if (refContext != null) { contextHandle = refContext._handle; } try { if (dll==SecurDll.SECURITY) { if (refContext == null || refContext.IsInvalid) { refContext = new SafeDeleteContext_SECURITY(); } bool b = false; RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { refContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { refContext.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { errorCode = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.CompleteAuthToken(contextHandle.IsZero? null: &contextHandle, inSecurityBufferDescriptor); refContext.DangerousRelease(); } } } else { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SecurDll"), "Dll"); } } finally { if (pinnedInBytes!=null) { for (int index=0; index<pinnedInBytes.Length; index++) { if (pinnedInBytes[index].IsAllocated) { pinnedInBytes[index].Free(); } } } } } GlobalLog.Leave("SafeDeleteContext::CompleteAuthToken() unmanaged CompleteAuthToken()", "errorCode:0x" + errorCode.ToString("x8") + " refContext:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(refContext)); return errorCode; }
public static SecurityStatusPal InitializeSecurityContext(SafeFreeCredentials credentialsHandle, ref SafeDeleteContext context, string targetName, SecurityBuffer[] inputBuffers, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer) { Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags unusedAttributes = default(Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags); int errorCode = SSPIWrapper.InitializeSecurityContext( GlobalSSPI.SSPISecureChannel, credentialsHandle, ref context, targetName, RequiredFlags | Interop.SspiCli.ContextFlags.InitManualCredValidation, Interop.SspiCli.Endianness.Native, inputBuffers, outputBuffer, ref unusedAttributes); return(GetSecurityStatusPalFromWin32Int(errorCode)); }
private unsafe static int QueryContextAttributes_SECURITY( SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte* buffer, SafeHandle refHandle) { int status = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b = false; // We don't want to be interrupted by thread abort exceptions or unexpected out-of-memory errors failing to jit // one of the following methods. So run within a CER non-interruptible block. RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { phContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { phContext.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { status = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.QueryContextAttributesW(ref phContext._handle, contextAttribute, buffer); phContext.DangerousRelease(); } if (status == 0 && refHandle != null) { if (refHandle is SafeFreeContextBuffer) { ((SafeFreeContextBuffer)refHandle).Set(*(IntPtr*)buffer); } else { ((SafeFreeCertContext)refHandle).Set(*(IntPtr*)buffer); } } if (status != 0 && refHandle != null) { refHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid(); } } return status; }
// // Extracts a remote certificate upon request. // internal static X509Certificate2?GetRemoteCertificate(SafeDeleteContext securityContext) { return(GetRemoteCertificate(securityContext, null)); }
private static int SetContextAttributes_SECURITY( SafeDeleteContext phContext, ContextAttribute contextAttribute, byte[] buffer) { int status = (int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle; bool b = false; // We don't want to be interrupted by thread abort exceptions or unexpected out-of-memory errors failing // to jit one of the following methods. So run within a CER non-interruptible block. RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions(); try { phContext.DangerousAddRef(ref b); } catch(Exception e) { if (b) { phContext.DangerousRelease(); b = false; } if (!(e is ObjectDisposedException)) throw; } finally { if (b) { status = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SafeNetHandles_SECURITY.SetContextAttributesW( ref phContext._handle, contextAttribute, buffer, buffer.Length); phContext.DangerousRelease(); } } return status; }
public int AcceptSecurityContext(ref SafeFreeCredentials credential, ref SafeDeleteContext context, SecurityBuffer inputBuffer, ContextFlags inFlags, Endianness endianness, SecurityBuffer outputBuffer, ref ContextFlags outFlags) { return(SafeDeleteContext.AcceptSecurityContext(Library, ref credential, ref context, inFlags, endianness, inputBuffer, null, outputBuffer, ref outFlags)); }