public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            #if DEBUG
            if (HttpTraceHelper.Api.TraceVerbose)
                HttpTraceHelper.WriteLine("ListenerResponseStream#" + HttpTraceHelper.HashString(this) + "::Write() count:" + count.ToString());
            if (m_ContentLength != -1 && m_SentContentLength + count > m_ContentLength)
                Exception exception = new ProtocolViolationException();
            #if DEBUG
                if (HttpTraceHelper.ExceptionThrown.TraceVerbose)
                    HttpTraceHelper.WriteLine("ListenerResponseStream#" + HttpTraceHelper.HashString(this) + "::Write() throwing: " + exception.ToString());
                throw exception;

            Socket checkSocket;
            if (!m_HttpListenerWebResponse.SentHeaders)
                // we didn't send the headers yet, do so now.
                // we null out the Socket when we cleanup
                // make a local copy to avoid null reference exceptions
                checkSocket = m_HttpListenerWebResponse.Request.ConnectionState.ConnectionSocket;
                if (checkSocket != null)
            #if DEBUG
                    if (HttpTraceHelper.Socket.TraceVerbose)
                        HttpTraceHelper.WriteLine("ListenerResponseStream#" + HttpTraceHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetResponseStream() calling Socket.Send() Length:" + m_HttpListenerWebResponse.HeadersBuffer.Length.ToString());
                    m_HttpListenerWebResponse.SentHeaders = true;

            int DataToWrite = count;

            if (m_WriteChunked)
                string ChunkHeader = "0x" + Convert.ToString( count, 16 );
                DataToWrite += ChunkHeader.Length + 4;
                byte[] newBuffer = new byte[DataToWrite];

                for (int index=0; index<ChunkHeader.Length; index++)
                    newBuffer[index] = (byte)ChunkHeader[index];

                newBuffer[ChunkHeader.Length] = 0x0D;
                newBuffer[ChunkHeader.Length + 1] = 0x0A;

                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, newBuffer, ChunkHeader.Length + 2, count);

                newBuffer[DataToWrite - 2] = 0x0D;
                newBuffer[DataToWrite - 1] = 0x0A;

                buffer = newBuffer;
                offset = 0;
            #if DEBUG
            if (HttpTraceHelper.Socket.TraceVerbose)
                HttpTraceHelper.WriteLine("ListenerResponseStream#" + HttpTraceHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetResponseStream() calling Socket.Send() Length:" + DataToWrite.ToString());
            // we null out the Socket when we cleanup
            // make a local copy to avoid null reference exceptions
            checkSocket = m_HttpListenerWebResponse.Request.ConnectionState.ConnectionSocket;
            if (checkSocket != null)
                checkSocket.Send(buffer, offset, DataToWrite, SocketFlags.None);

            if (m_ContentLength != -1)
                // keep track of the data transferred
                m_SentContentLength -= count;