private static SystemNetworkInterface[] GetAdaptersAddresses(AddressFamily family, FixedInfo fixedInfo)
            uint          outBufLen        = 0;
            SafeLocalFree adapterAddresses = null;
            ArrayList     list             = new ArrayList();

            SystemNetworkInterface[] interfaceArray = null;
            uint num2 = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetAdaptersAddresses(family, 0, IntPtr.Zero, SafeLocalFree.Zero, ref outBufLen);

            while (num2 == 0x6f)
                    adapterAddresses = SafeLocalFree.LocalAlloc((int)outBufLen);
                    num2             = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetAdaptersAddresses(family, 0, IntPtr.Zero, adapterAddresses, ref outBufLen);
                    if (num2 == 0)
                        IpAdapterAddresses ipAdapterAddresses = (IpAdapterAddresses)Marshal.PtrToStructure(adapterAddresses.DangerousGetHandle(), typeof(IpAdapterAddresses));
                        list.Add(new SystemNetworkInterface(fixedInfo, ipAdapterAddresses));
                        while ( != IntPtr.Zero)
                            ipAdapterAddresses = (IpAdapterAddresses)Marshal.PtrToStructure(, typeof(IpAdapterAddresses));
                            list.Add(new SystemNetworkInterface(fixedInfo, ipAdapterAddresses));
                    if (adapterAddresses != null)
                    adapterAddresses = null;
            switch (num2)
            case 0xe8:
            case 0x57:
                return(new SystemNetworkInterface[0]);
            if (num2 != 0)
                throw new NetworkInformationException((int)num2);
            interfaceArray = new SystemNetworkInterface[list.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                interfaceArray[i] = (SystemNetworkInterface)list[i];
        internal static NetworkInterface[] GetNetworkInterfaces()
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <NetworkInterface[]>() != null);
            AddressFamily family     = AddressFamily.Unspecified;
            uint          bufferSize = 0;
            SafeLocalFree buffer     = null;
            FixedInfo     fixedInfo  = SystemIPGlobalProperties.GetFixedInfo();
            List <SystemNetworkInterface> interfaceList = new List <SystemNetworkInterface>();

            GetAdaptersAddressesFlags flags =
                | GetAdaptersAddressesFlags.IncludeWins;

            // Figure out the right buffer size for the adapter information
            uint result = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetAdaptersAddresses(
                family, (uint)flags, IntPtr.Zero, SafeLocalFree.Zero, ref bufferSize);

            while (result == IpHelperErrors.ErrorBufferOverflow)
                try {
                    // Allocate the buffer and get the adapter info
                    buffer = SafeLocalFree.LocalAlloc((int)bufferSize);
                    result = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetAdaptersAddresses(
                        family, (uint)flags, IntPtr.Zero, buffer, ref bufferSize);

                    // If succeeded, we're going to add each new interface
                    if (result == IpHelperErrors.Success)
                        // Linked list of interfaces
                        IntPtr ptr = buffer.DangerousGetHandle();
                        while (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                            // Traverse the list, marshal in the native structures, and create new NetworkInterfaces
                            IpAdapterAddresses adapterAddresses =
                                (IpAdapterAddresses)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(IpAdapterAddresses));
                            interfaceList.Add(new SystemNetworkInterface(fixedInfo, adapterAddresses));

                            ptr =;
                finally {
                    if (buffer != null)
                    buffer = null;

            // if we don't have any interfaces detected, return empty.
            if (result == IpHelperErrors.ErrorNoData || result == IpHelperErrors.ErrorInvalidParameter)
                return(new SystemNetworkInterface[0]);

            // Otherwise we throw on an error
            if (result != IpHelperErrors.Success)
                throw new NetworkInformationException((int)result);
