private static DWORD GetWinTrustData(string fileName, string fileContent, out NativeMethods.WINTRUST_DATA wtData) { DWORD dwResult = Win32Errors.E_FAIL; IntPtr WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2 = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr wtdBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; Guid actionVerify = new Guid("00AAC56B-CD44-11d0-8CC2-00C04FC295EE"); try { WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2 = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(actionVerify)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(actionVerify, WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2, false); NativeMethods.WINTRUST_DATA wtd; if (fileContent == null) { NativeMethods.WINTRUST_FILE_INFO wfi = NativeMethods.InitWintrustFileInfoStruct(fileName); wtd = NativeMethods.InitWintrustDataStructFromFile(wfi); } else { NativeMethods.WINTRUST_BLOB_INFO wbi = NativeMethods.InitWintrustBlobInfoStruct(fileName, fileContent); wtd = NativeMethods.InitWintrustDataStructFromBlob(wbi); } wtdBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(wtd)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(wtd, wtdBuffer, false); // The result is returned to the caller, and handled generically. // Disable the PreFast check for Win32 error codes, as we don't care. #pragma warning disable 56523 dwResult = NativeMethods.WinVerifyTrust( IntPtr.Zero, WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2, wtdBuffer); #pragma warning enable 56523 wtData = ClrFacade.PtrToStructure <NativeMethods.WINTRUST_DATA>(wtdBuffer); } finally { ClrFacade.DestroyStructure <Guid>(WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(WINTRUST_ACTION_GENERIC_VERIFY_V2); ClrFacade.DestroyStructure <NativeMethods.WINTRUST_DATA>(wtdBuffer); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(wtdBuffer); } return(dwResult); }
internal static Signature SignFile(SigningOption option, string fileName, X509Certificate2 certificate, string timeStampServerUrl, string hashAlgorithm) { bool result = false; Signature signature = null; IntPtr pSignInfo = IntPtr.Zero; DWORD error = 0; string hashOid = null; Utils.CheckArgForNullOrEmpty(fileName, "fileName"); Utils.CheckArgForNull(certificate, "certificate"); // If given, TimeStamp server URLs must begin with http:// if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(timeStampServerUrl)) { if ((timeStampServerUrl.Length <= 7) || (timeStampServerUrl.IndexOf("http://", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException( "certificate", Authenticode.TimeStampUrlRequired); } } // Validate that the hash algorithm is valid if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(hashAlgorithm)) { IntPtr intptrAlgorithm = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(hashAlgorithm); IntPtr oidPtr = NativeMethods.CryptFindOIDInfo(NativeConstants.CRYPT_OID_INFO_NAME_KEY, intptrAlgorithm, 0); // If we couldn't find an OID for the hash // algorithm, it was invalid. if (oidPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException( "certificate", Authenticode.InvalidHashAlgorithm); } else { NativeMethods.CRYPT_OID_INFO oidInfo = ClrFacade.PtrToStructure <NativeMethods.CRYPT_OID_INFO>(oidPtr); hashOid = oidInfo.pszOID; } } if (!SecuritySupport.CertIsGoodForSigning(certificate)) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException( "certificate", Authenticode.CertNotGoodForSigning); } SecuritySupport.CheckIfFileExists(fileName); //SecurityUtils.CheckIfFileSmallerThan4Bytes(fileName); try { // CryptUI is not documented either way, but does not // support empty strings for the timestamp server URL. // It expects null, only. Instead, it randomly AVs if you // try. string timeStampServerUrlForCryptUI = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(timeStampServerUrl)) { timeStampServerUrlForCryptUI = timeStampServerUrl; } // // first initialize the struct to pass to // CryptUIWizDigitalSign() function // NativeMethods.CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_INFO si = NativeMethods.InitSignInfoStruct(fileName, certificate, timeStampServerUrlForCryptUI, hashOid, option); pSignInfo = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Marshal.SizeOf(si)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(si, pSignInfo, false); // // sign the file // // The GetLastWin32Error of this is checked, but PreSharp doesn't seem to be // able to see that. #pragma warning disable 56523 result = NativeMethods.CryptUIWizDigitalSign( (DWORD)NativeMethods.CryptUIFlags.CRYPTUI_WIZ_NO_UI, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, pSignInfo, IntPtr.Zero); #pragma warning enable 56523 if (si.pSignExtInfo != null) { ClrFacade.DestroyStructure <NativeMethods.CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_EXTENDED_INFO>(si.pSignExtInfo); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(si.pSignExtInfo); } if (!result) { error = GetLastWin32Error(); // // ISSUE-2004/05/08-kumarp : there seems to be a bug // in CryptUIWizDigitalSign(). // It returns 80004005 or 80070001 // but it signs the file correctly. Mask this error // till we figure out this odd behavior. // if ((error == 0x80004005) || (error == 0x80070001) || // CryptUIWizDigitalSign introduced a breaking change in Win8 to return this // error code (ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED) when you provide an invalid // timestamp server. It used to be 0x80070001. // Also masking this out so that we don't introduce a breaking change ourselves. (error == 0x80072EE7) ) { result = true; } else { if (error == Win32Errors.NTE_BAD_ALGID) { throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException( "certificate", Authenticode.InvalidHashAlgorithm); } s_tracer.TraceError("CryptUIWizDigitalSign: failed: {0:x}", error); } } if (result) { signature = GetSignature(fileName, null); } else { signature = new Signature(fileName, (DWORD)error); } } finally { ClrFacade.DestroyStructure <NativeMethods.CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_INFO>(pSignInfo); Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pSignInfo); } return(signature); }