예제 #1
 public AssignmentStatementAst(IScriptExtent extent, ExpressionAst left, TokenKind @operator, StatementAst right, IScriptExtent errorPosition) : base(extent)
     if (((left == null) || (right == null)) || (errorPosition == null))
         throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException((left == null) ? "left" : ((right == null) ? "right" : "errorPosition"));
     if ((@operator.GetTraits() & TokenFlags.AssignmentOperator) == TokenFlags.None)
         throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("operator");
     PipelineAst ast = right as PipelineAst;
     if ((ast != null) && (ast.PipelineElements.Count == 1))
         CommandExpressionAst ast2 = ast.PipelineElements[0] as CommandExpressionAst;
         if (ast2 != null)
             right = ast2;
     this.Operator = @operator;
     this.Left = left;
     this.Right = right;
     this.ErrorPosition = errorPosition;
예제 #2
 public AssignmentStatementAst(IScriptExtent extent, ExpressionAst left, TokenKind @operator, StatementAst right, IScriptExtent errorPosition)
     : base(extent)
     this.Left = left;
     this.Operator = @operator;
     this.Right = right;
     this.ErrorPosition = errorPosition;
예제 #3
        public object VisitStatementBlock(StatementBlockAst statementBlockAst)
            if (statementBlockAst.Traps != null)
            if (statementBlockAst.Statements.Count > 1)
            StatementAst ast = statementBlockAst.Statements.FirstOrDefault <StatementAst>();

            return((ast == null) ? ((object)false) : ((object)((bool)ast.Accept(this))));
예제 #4
 private AstVisitAction VisitStatement(StatementAst statementAst)
     // We execute this in a subcontext, because single enumerable results are 
     // evaluated and its values are written to pipeline (i.e. ". {1,2,3}" writes
     // all three values to pipeline
     // therefore we have to catch exceptions for now to read and write
     // the subVisitors' output stream, so that already written results appear
     // also in this OutputStream
     var subVisitor = this.CloneSub(false);
         var result = subVisitor._pipelineCommandRuntime.OutputStream.Read();
         if (result.Count == 1)
             // this is the actual thing of this whole work: enumerate a single value!
             _pipelineCommandRuntime.WriteObject(result.Single(), true);
         else if (result.Count > 1)
             _pipelineCommandRuntime.WriteObject(result, true);
     return AstVisitAction.SkipChildren;
        public AssignmentTarget(AssignmentStatementAst ast)
            this._targetAst = ast.Left;
            this._rightAst = ast.Right;

            if (_rightAst != null)
                Constant = Undetermined.UndeterminedConstant;
                Type = typeof(Undetermined);

            CommandExpressionAst cmExAst = _rightAst as CommandExpressionAst;

            if (cmExAst != null)
                ExpressionAst exprAst = cmExAst.Expression;
                Type = exprAst.StaticType;

                if (exprAst is ConvertExpressionAst)
                    ConvertExpressionAst convertAst = exprAst as ConvertExpressionAst;

                    Type = DeepestRelatedDerivedClass(convertAst.StaticType, Type);

                    if (convertAst.Child is ConstantExpressionAst)
                        Constant = (convertAst.Child as ConstantExpressionAst).Value;
                else if (exprAst is BinaryExpressionAst)
                    BinaryExpressionAst binAst = exprAst as BinaryExpressionAst;
                    if (binAst != null && binAst.Operator == TokenKind.As && binAst.Right is TypeExpressionAst)
                        Type = DeepestRelatedDerivedClass((binAst.Right as TypeExpressionAst).TypeName.GetReflectionType(),

                        if (binAst.Left is ConstantExpressionAst)
                            Constant = (binAst.Left as ConstantExpressionAst).Value;
                        else if (binAst.Left is VariableExpressionAst)
                            _rightHandSideVariable = new VariableTarget(binAst.Left as VariableExpressionAst);
                else if (exprAst is ConstantExpressionAst)
                    Constant = (cmExAst.Expression as ConstantExpressionAst).Value;
                else if (exprAst is VariableExpressionAst)
                    _rightHandSideVariable = new VariableTarget(cmExAst.Expression as VariableExpressionAst);
                    if (String.Equals((exprAst as VariableExpressionAst).VariablePath.UserPath, "this", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Constant = SpecialVars.ThisVariable;
                //Store the type info for variable assignment from .Net type
                else if (exprAst is MemberExpressionAst)

                    Type = DeepestRelatedDerivedClass(Type, GetTypeFromMemberExpressionAst(exprAst as MemberExpressionAst));
            // We'll consider case where there is only 1 pipeline element for now
            else if (_rightAst is PipelineAst && (_rightAst as PipelineAst).PipelineElements.Count == 1)
                #region Process New-Object command
                CommandAst cmdAst = (_rightAst as PipelineAst).PipelineElements[0] as CommandAst;

                if (cmdAst != null && cmdAst.CommandElements.Count > 1)
                    StringConstantExpressionAst stringAst = cmdAst.CommandElements[0] as StringConstantExpressionAst;

                    if (stringAst != null && String.Equals(stringAst.Value, "new-object", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        CommandParameterAst secondElement = cmdAst.CommandElements[1] as CommandParameterAst;
                        StringConstantExpressionAst typeName = null;

                        if (secondElement != null)
                            if (String.Equals(secondElement.ParameterName, "TypeName", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                if (secondElement.Argument != null)
                                    typeName = secondElement.Argument as StringConstantExpressionAst;
                                    if (cmdAst.CommandElements.Count > 2)
                                        typeName = cmdAst.CommandElements[2] as StringConstantExpressionAst;
                            typeName = cmdAst.CommandElements[1] as StringConstantExpressionAst;

                        if (typeName != null)
                            Type = System.Type.GetType(typeName.Value) ?? typeof(object);


예제 #6
파일: Compiler.cs 프로젝트: 40a/PowerShell
        private void CompileTrappableExpression(List<Expression> exprList, StatementAst stmt)
            var expr = Compile(stmt);

            var pipeAst = stmt as PipelineAst;
            if (pipeAst != null)
                if (pipeAst.PipelineElements.Count == 1 && pipeAst.PipelineElements[0] is CommandExpressionAst)
                    // A single expression - must set $? after the expression.
                var assignmentStatementAst = stmt as AssignmentStatementAst;
                if (assignmentStatementAst != null)
                    Ast right = null;
                    var assignAst = assignmentStatementAst;
                    while (assignAst != null)
                        right = assignAst.Right;
                        assignAst = right as AssignmentStatementAst;

                    pipeAst = right as PipelineAst;
                    if (right is CommandExpressionAst ||
                        (pipeAst != null && pipeAst.PipelineElements.Count == 1 &&
                         pipeAst.PipelineElements[0] is CommandExpressionAst))
                        // If the RHS of the assign was an expression, 
예제 #7
파일: Compiler.cs 프로젝트: 40a/PowerShell
        private Expression CaptureStatementResults(
            StatementAst stmt,
            CaptureAstContext context,
            MergeRedirectExprs generateRedirectExprs = null)
            var result = CaptureStatementResultsHelper(stmt, context, generateRedirectExprs);

            // If we're generating code for a condition and the condition contains some command invocation,
            // we want to be sure that $? is set to true even if the condition fails, e.g.:
            //     if (get-command foo -ea SilentlyContinue) { foo }
            //     $?  # never $false here
            // Many conditions don't invoke commands though, and in trivial empty loops, setting $? = $true
            // does have a measurable impact, so only set $? = $true if the condition might change $? to $false.
            // We do this after evaluating the condition so that you could do something like:
            //    if ((dir file1,file2 -ea SilentlyContinue) -and $?) { <# files both exist, otherwise $? would be $false if 0 or 1 files existed #> }
            if (context == CaptureAstContext.Condition && AstSearcher.FindFirst(stmt, ast => ast is CommandAst, searchNestedScriptBlocks: false) != null)
                var tmp = NewTemp(result.Type, "condTmp");
                result = Expression.Block(new[] { tmp },
                    Expression.Assign(tmp, result),
            return result;
예제 #8
파일: Compiler.cs 프로젝트: 40a/PowerShell
        private Expression CaptureStatementResultsHelper(
            StatementAst stmt,
            CaptureAstContext context,
            MergeRedirectExprs generateRedirectExprs)
            var commandExpressionAst = stmt as CommandExpressionAst;
            if (commandExpressionAst != null)
                if (commandExpressionAst.Redirections.Count > 0)
                    return GetRedirectedExpression(commandExpressionAst, captureForInput: true);
                return Compile(commandExpressionAst.Expression);

            var assignmentStatementAst = stmt as AssignmentStatementAst;
            if (assignmentStatementAst != null)
                var expr = Compile(assignmentStatementAst);
                if (stmt.Parent is StatementBlockAst)
                    expr = Expression.Block(expr, ExpressionCache.Empty);
                return expr;

            var pipelineAst = stmt as PipelineAst;
            if (pipelineAst != null)
                var expr = pipelineAst.GetPureExpression();
                if (expr != null) { return Compile(expr); }

            return CaptureAstResults(stmt, context, generateRedirectExprs);
예제 #9
파일: Parser.cs 프로젝트: dfinke/powershell
        private ScriptBlockAst ScriptBlockRule(Token lCurly, bool isFilter, StatementAst predefinedStatementAst)
            //G  script-block:
            //G      using-statements:opt   param-block:opt   statement-terminators:opt   script-block-body:opt
            //G  using-statements:
            //G      using-statement
            //G      using-statements   using-statement

            // We could set the mode here, but we can avoid rescanning keywords if the caller
            // sets the mode before skipping newlines.
            Diagnostics.Assert(_tokenizer.Mode == TokenizerMode.Command,
                "Caller to make sure the mode is correct.");

            // Skipping newlines here saves a more expensive resync if there is no parameter block.

            var usingStatements = lCurly == null ? UsingStatementsRule() : null;

            var restorePoint = _tokenizer.GetRestorePoint();
            ParamBlockAst paramBlock = ParamBlockRule();
            if (paramBlock == null)
                // In case we scanned some attributes or type constraints but they didn't
                // belong to a param statement, we need to reparse them (because they will
                // mean something different, such as a type literal expression, or a cast.)

            return ScriptBlockBodyRule(lCurly, usingStatements, paramBlock, isFilter, predefinedStatementAst);
예제 #10
 public AssignmentStatementAst(IScriptExtent extent, ExpressionAst left, TokenKind @operator, StatementAst right, IScriptExtent errorPosition)
     : base(extent)
     this.Left          = left;
     this.Operator      = @operator;
     this.Right         = right;
     this.ErrorPosition = errorPosition;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Check that label exists inside the method.
        /// Only call it, when label is present and can be calculated in compile time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ast">BreakStatementAst or ContinueStatementAst</param>
        /// <param name="label">label name. Can be null</param>
        private void CheckLabelExists(StatementAst ast, string label)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(label))

            Ast parent;
            for (parent = ast.Parent; parent != null; parent = parent.Parent)
                if (parent is FunctionDefinitionAst)
                    if (parent.Parent is FunctionMemberAst)
                        _parser.ReportError(ast.Extent, () => ParserStrings.LabelNotFound, label);

                var loop = parent as LoopStatementAst;
                if (loop != null)
                    if (LoopFlowException.MatchLoopLabel(label, loop.Label ?? ""))
예제 #12
파일: Compiler.cs 프로젝트: nickchal/pash
 private void CompileTrappableExpression(List<Expression> exprList, StatementAst stmt)
     Expression item = this.Compile(stmt);
     PipelineAst ast = stmt as PipelineAst;
     if (ast != null)
         if ((ast.PipelineElements.Count == 1) && (ast.PipelineElements[0] is CommandExpressionAst))
     else if (stmt is AssignmentStatementAst)
         Ast right = null;
         for (AssignmentStatementAst ast3 = (AssignmentStatementAst) stmt; ast3 != null; ast3 = right as AssignmentStatementAst)
             right = ast3.Right;
         ast = right as PipelineAst;
         if ((right is CommandExpressionAst) || (((ast != null) && (ast.PipelineElements.Count == 1)) && (ast.PipelineElements[0] is CommandExpressionAst)))
예제 #13
파일: Compiler.cs 프로젝트: nickchal/pash
 private Expression CaptureStatementResultsHelper(StatementAst stmt, CaptureAstContext context, MergeRedirectExprs generateRedirectExprs)
     CommandExpressionAst commandExpr = stmt as CommandExpressionAst;
     if (commandExpr != null)
         if (commandExpr.Redirections.Any<RedirectionAst>())
             return this.GetRedirectedExpression(commandExpr, true);
         return this.Compile(commandExpr.Expression);
     AssignmentStatementAst ast = stmt as AssignmentStatementAst;
     if (ast != null)
         Expression expression = this.Compile(ast);
         if (stmt.Parent is StatementBlockAst)
             expression = Expression.Block(expression, ExpressionCache.Empty);
         return expression;
     PipelineAst ast3 = stmt as PipelineAst;
     if (ast3 != null)
         ExpressionAst pureExpression = ast3.GetPureExpression();
         if (pureExpression != null)
             return this.Compile(pureExpression);
     return this.CaptureAstResults(stmt, context, generateRedirectExprs);
예제 #14
파일: Compiler.cs 프로젝트: nickchal/pash
 private Expression CaptureStatementResults(StatementAst stmt, CaptureAstContext context, MergeRedirectExprs generateRedirectExprs = null)
     Expression right = this.CaptureStatementResultsHelper(stmt, context, generateRedirectExprs);
     if ((context == CaptureAstContext.Condition) && (AstSearcher.FindFirst(stmt, ast => ast is CommandAst, false) != null))
         ParameterExpression left = this.NewTemp(right.Type, "condTmp");
         right = Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { left }, new Expression[] { Expression.Assign(left, right), _setDollarQuestionToTrue, left });
     return right;
예제 #15
 public DropDownEntryInfo(StatementAst body)
     Body = body;
예제 #16
        public AssignmentStatementAst(IScriptExtent extent, ExpressionAst left, TokenKind @operator, StatementAst right, IScriptExtent errorPosition) : base(extent)
            if (((left == null) || (right == null)) || (errorPosition == null))
                throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentNullException((left == null) ? "left" : ((right == null) ? "right" : "errorPosition"));
            if ((@operator.GetTraits() & TokenFlags.AssignmentOperator) == TokenFlags.None)
                throw PSTraceSource.NewArgumentException("operator");
            PipelineAst ast = right as PipelineAst;

            if ((ast != null) && (ast.PipelineElements.Count == 1))
                CommandExpressionAst ast2 = ast.PipelineElements[0] as CommandExpressionAst;
                if (ast2 != null)
                    right = ast2;
            this.Operator = @operator;
            this.Left     = left;
            this.Right = right;
            this.ErrorPosition = errorPosition;
예제 #17
파일: Parser.cs 프로젝트: dfinke/powershell
        private ScriptBlockAst ScriptBlockBodyRule(Token lCurly, List<UsingStatementAst> usingStatements, ParamBlockAst paramBlockAst, bool isFilter, StatementAst predefinedStatementAst)
            //G  script-block-body:
            //G      named-block-list
            //G      statement-list

            Token token = PeekToken();

            if ((token.TokenFlags & TokenFlags.ScriptBlockBlockName) == TokenFlags.ScriptBlockBlockName)
                return NamedBlockListRule(lCurly, usingStatements, paramBlockAst);

            List<TrapStatementAst> traps = new List<TrapStatementAst>();
            List<StatementAst> statements = new List<StatementAst>();
            if (predefinedStatementAst != null)
            IScriptExtent statementListExtent = paramBlockAst != null ? paramBlockAst.Extent : null;
            IScriptExtent scriptBlockExtent;

            while (true)
                IScriptExtent extent = StatementListRule(statements, traps);
                if (statementListExtent == null)
                    statementListExtent = extent;
                else if (extent != null)
                    statementListExtent = ExtentOf(statementListExtent, extent);

                if (CompleteScriptBlockBody(lCurly, ref statementListExtent, out scriptBlockExtent))

            return new ScriptBlockAst(scriptBlockExtent, usingStatements, paramBlockAst,
                new StatementBlockAst(statementListExtent ?? PositionUtilities.EmptyExtent, statements, traps), isFilter);