/// <summary> /// 取得目前要使用的樣板 /// </summary> /// <param name="beforeDay">前幾天(節慶)</param> /// <returns>目前要使用的樣板</returns> public TemplateVO GetCurrentTemplate(int beforeDay) { //先抓節日的 (要存農曆日還是西元要再確認,存西元必須每年度去調整) IList<TemplateVO> festivalTemplates = GetTemplateList(TemplateVO.Type.Festival); if (festivalTemplates != null && festivalTemplates.Count > 0) { foreach (TemplateVO templateVO in festivalTemplates) { if (templateVO.Name.Equals("聖誕節") || templateVO.Name.Equals("西洋情人節")) { //此兩個節日用西元算 DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int year = DateTime.Today.Year; int month = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(0, 2)); int day = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(2, 2)); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, month, day); DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(((-1) * beforeDay)); if (today >= startDate && today <= endDate) { return templateVO; } } else { //此其他的節日用農曆算 //先從農曆轉成西元 TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int year = tlc.GetYear(today); int month = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(0, 2)); int day = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(2, 2)); int era = tlc.GetEra(today); //判斷今年是否為閏年,閏年的話抓出正確的日期 if (tlc.IsLeapYear(year, era)) { //閏月月份 int leapMonth = tlc.GetLeapMonth(year, era); //閏月天數 //int monthDays = tlc.GetDaysInMonth(year, leapMonth, era); //閏月有13個月,例如leapMonth=5,代表閏四月,則農曆5月開始要多加1個月 if (month >= leapMonth) { month += 1; } } DateTime endDate = tlc.ToDateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, era); DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(((-1) * beforeDay)); if (today >= startDate && today <= endDate) { return templateVO; } } } } //季節 IList<TemplateVO> seasonTemplates = GetTemplateList(TemplateVO.Type.Season); if (seasonTemplates != null && seasonTemplates.Count > 0) { DateTime date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(beforeDay); string showDate = string.Format("{0}{1}", date.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), date.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0')); int count = 0; foreach (TemplateVO templateVO in seasonTemplates) { count += 1; if (count < seasonTemplates.Count) { if (int.Parse(showDate) >= int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate) && int.Parse(showDate) <= int.Parse(templateVO.EndDate)) { return templateVO; } } else { //最後一季的算法不一樣,可能有跨年(起始日期>結束時 則表示有跨年) if (int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate) > int.Parse(templateVO.EndDate)) { if (int.Parse(showDate) >= int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate) && int.Parse(showDate) <= int.Parse("1231")) { return templateVO; } if (int.Parse(showDate) >= int.Parse("0101") && int.Parse(showDate) <= int.Parse(templateVO.EndDate)) { return templateVO; } } else { if (int.Parse(showDate) >= int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate) && int.Parse(showDate) <= int.Parse(templateVO.EndDate)) { return templateVO; } } } } } //都沒有的話回傳季節的第一個樣板 return seasonTemplates[0]; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("往生者姓名請勿空白!!!", "提示訊息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // MessageBox.Show("往生者姓名請問空白!!!"); } else { SaveFileDialog sf = new SaveFileDialog();//使用存檔的對話框 sf.DefaultExt = "doc"; sf.Filter = "Word document|*.doc"; sf.AddExtension = true; sf.RestoreDirectory = false; sf.Title = "另存新檔"; sf.InitialDirectory = @"C:/"; Word._Application word_app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application(); Word._Document word_document; Object oEndOfDoc = "\\endofdoc"; object path;//設定一些object宣告 object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; object oSaveChanges = Word.WdSaveOptions.wdSaveChanges; object oformat = Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocument97;//wdFormatDocument97為Word 97-2003 文件 (*.doc) object start = 0, end = 0; if (word_app == null)//若無office程式則無法使用 MessageBox.Show("無法建立word檔案!!"); else { if (sf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { path = sf.FileName; word_app.Visible = false;//不顯示word程式 word_app.DisplayAlerts = Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone;//不顯示警告或彈跳視窗。如果出現彈跳視窗,將選擇預設值繼續執行。 word_document = word_app.Documents.Add(ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);//新增檔案 word_document.PageSetup.TopMargin = word_app.CentimetersToPoints(float.Parse("1.5")); 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oPara2.Range.Font.Size = 14; // oPara2.Format.SpaceAfter = 6; oPara2.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); //Insert another paragraph. //插入另外一個段落。 /*------------------------------------*/ string dd = dateTimePicker1.Text; dd = dd.Replace("年", ",").Replace("月", ",").Replace("日", ","); string[] ddd = { " ", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二", "十三", "十四", "十五", "十六", "十七", "十八", "十九", "二十", "二十一", "二十二", "二十三", "二十四", "二十五", "二十六", "二十七", "二十八", "二十九", "三十", "三十一" }; string[] ss = { "", "秦廣王", "楚江王", "宋帝王", "伍官王", "閻羅王", "變成王", "泰山王", "平等王", "都市王", "輪轉王" }; string[] arrday = { "", "首七", "二七", "三七", "四七", "五七", "六七", "滿七", "百日", "對年" }; string[] family = { "", "(兒子)", "", "(女兒)", "", "(孫輩)", "", "(圓滿)", "" }; string[] week = { "", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六","日" }; Dictionary<int, int> lsCalendar = new Dictionary<int, int>() { { 2020, 4 } }; string[] arr = dd.Split(",".ToCharArray()); int a = (int)decimal.Parse(arr[0]); int b = (int)decimal.Parse(arr[1]); int c = (int)decimal.Parse(arr[2]); Word.Paragraph oPara3; oRng = word_document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref oEndOfDoc).Range; oPara3 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara3.Range.Text = "年國曆 月 日"; oPara3.Range.Font.Size = 14; oPara3.Range.Font.Bold = 0; // oPara3.Format.SpaceAfter = 6; Word.Paragraph oPara10; oPara10 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara10.Range.Text = (a-1911)+" 年國曆 " + ddd[b] + "月" + ddd[c] + "日"; oPara10.Range.Font.Size = 14; oPara10.Range.Font.Bold = 0; // oPara10.Format.SpaceAfter = 6; DateTime dtObj = new DateTime(2018, 6, 11); //以 月份 日, 年 的格式輸出 string outputDate = dtObj.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")); // label7.Text = outputDate; DateTime dt = new DateTime(a, b, c); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("zh-tw"); System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar TC = new System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar(); System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar TA = new System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); // label1.Text = string.Format("明國:{0}/{1}/{2} <br>", TC.GetYear(dt), TC.GetMonth(dt), TC.GetDayOfMonth(dt)) + ddd[TC.GetDayOfMonth(dt)]; // label2.Text = string.Format("農歷:{0}/{1}/{2} <br>", TA.GetYear(dt), TA.GetMonth(dt), TA.GetDayOfMonth(dt)); string Date_of_death = "農歷"+ddd[TA.GetMonth(dt)]+"月"+ ddd[TA.GetDayOfMonth(dt)] + "日"; // label2.Text = string.Format("農歷:{0}<br>", TA.AddDays(dt, 365)); int count = 4; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { int d = 7 * i; int dn; // label3.Text += arrday[i] + " " + dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) + Environment.NewLine; /* Word.Paragraph oPara4; oRng = word_document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref oEndOfDoc).Range; oPara4 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oRng); Word.Paragraph oPara5; oRng = word_document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref oEndOfDoc).Range; oPara5 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oRng); oPara4.Range.Text += ss[i] ; oPara4.Range.Font.Superscript = 0; oPara4.Range.Font.Size = 14; oPara4.Range.Font.Bold = 0;*/ Word.Paragraph oPara = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); if (i == 2) { dn = int.Parse(dt.AddDays((d / 2) - 1).ToString("dd")); // label3.Text += "地方風俗 " + arrday[i] + " " + dt.AddDays((d / 2) - 2).ToString("MM 月dd", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) + "日" + Environment.NewLine; oPara.Range.Text += " 地方風俗 " + "國曆 " + dt.AddDays((d / 2) - 2).ToString("MMMM", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) +ddd[dn].PadLeft(3,' ')+ "日 上午 八時至十七時之間("+week[int.Parse(TC.GetDayOfWeek(dt.AddDays((d / 2) - 2)).ToString("d"))]+")"; } dn = int.Parse(dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("dd")); /* oPara5.Range.Text += ss[i]+" "+arrday[i] + " " + dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("MMMM dd", new CultureInfo("zh-tw"))+ddd[dn] ; oPara5.Range.Font.Superscript = 1; oPara5.Range.Font.Size = 14; oPara5.Range.Font.Bold = 0; // oPara4.Format.SpaceAfter = 6; // oPara4.Range.InsertParagraphAfter();*/ string s7 = dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("MMMM", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) + ddd[dn].PadLeft(3,' ') + "日"; oPara.Range.Text += ss[i] + " " + arrday[i] + " 國曆 " +s7.PadRight(7,' ') + "上午 八時至十七時之間("+week[(int)decimal.Parse(TC.GetDayOfWeek(dt.AddDays(d-1)).ToString("d"))]+")"+family[i]; // oPara.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); /* object oStart = oPara.Range.Start + 4; object oEnd = oPara.Range.Start + oPara.Range.Text.Length; Word.Range rSuperscript = word_document.Range(ref oStart, ref oEnd); rSuperscript.Font.Superscript = 1;*/ count += 1; } /* Word.Paragraph oPara14; oRng = word_document.Bookmarks.get_Item(ref oEndOfDoc).Range; oPara14 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oRng); oPara14.Range.Font.Bold = 0; // 0 為非粗體, 1 為粗體 oPara14.Range.Font.Superscript = 0; oPara14.Range.Font.Name = "標楷體"; // 字型 oPara14.Range.Font.Size = 14; // 字體大小 // oPara4.Range.Font.Color = WdColor.wdColorLime; // 顏色 // oPara4.Alignment = WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter; // 置中 oPara14.Range.Text = "作七時刻均為概定 請自行擬定時刻 以上時間參考用"; oPara14.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); oPara14.Range.Text = "一般做七『例如星期三逝世-每星期二為七』"; oPara14.Range.Font.Name = "標楷體"; oPara14.Range.Font.Superscript = 0; oPara14.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); oPara14.Range.Text = "民間風俗做法頭七可作前一日晚上21-23時『交時』"; oPara14.Range.Font.Name = "標楷體"; oPara14.Range.Font.Superscript = 0; oPara14.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); oPara14.Range.Text = "出殯後之做七-可於自宅.(靈骨安置地點或寺廟祭祀)"; oPara14.Range.Font.Name = "標楷體"; oPara14.Range.Font.Superscript = 0; oPara14.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); */ //百日 int dn99 = int.Parse(dt.AddDays(99).ToString("dd")); // dt = dt.AddDays(99); string s99 = dt.AddDays(99).ToString("MMMM", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) + ddd[dn99].PadLeft(3,' ') + "日"; Word.Paragraph oPara4 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara4.Range.Text += ss[8] + " " + arrday[8] + " 國曆 " + s99.PadRight(7,' ')+ "上午 八時至十七時之間("+week[int.Parse(TC.GetDayOfWeek(dt.AddDays(99)).ToString("d"))]+")"; oPara4.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); //對年 string result = string.Empty; System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tls = new System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime begin = tls.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 0); Boolean leap = tls.IsLeapYear(TA.GetYear(dt.AddYears(1))); DateTime dtt = tls.ToDateTime(TA.GetYear(dt), TA.GetMonth(dt), TA.GetDayOfMonth(dt), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (leap) { if (TA.GetMonth(dtt) > lsCalendar[(int)a]) { dtt = tls.AddMonths(dtt, -1); } //label5.Text = "適逢" + TA.GetYear(dt.AddYears(1)) + "年閏月,因而農曆月份須提前一個月"; dtt = tls.AddMonths(dtt, -1); } dtt = tls.AddYears(dtt, 1); TimeSpan tss = dtt - begin; int day = tls.GetDayOfMonth(dtt); int month = tls.GetMonth(dtt); int year = tls.GetYear(dtt); // label4.Text = string.Format("國歷{0}\n農曆{0}年{1}月{2}日", year, month, day, DateTime.Now.Add(tss).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); int dn365 = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Add(tss).ToString("dd")); string s365 = string.Format("{0}", DateTime.Now.Add(tss).ToString("MMMM")) + ddd[dn365].PadLeft(3,' ') + "日"; Word.Paragraph oPara5 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); int year365 = int.Parse(DateTime.Now.Add(tss).ToString("yyyy"))-1911; oPara5.Range.Text = ss[9] + " " + arrday[9] + " 國曆 " + s365.PadRight(7,' ')+ "上午 八時至十七時之間("+week[int.Parse(TC.GetDayOfWeek(DateTime.Now.Add(tss)).ToString("d"))]+")"+"("+ year365 + ")"; oPara5.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); Word.Paragraph oPara6 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara6.Range.Text = "民間風俗-逝者(對年-足一年)不閏月-閏月-正常計算"; Word.Paragraph oPara7 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara6.Range.Text = "忌日祭祀均以農曆計算-"+ Date_of_death; Word.Paragraph oPara3y = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara6.Range.Text = "輪轉王 三年 國曆 月 日 時至 時"; oPara6.Range.InsertParagraphAfter(); Word.Paragraph oPara8 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara8.Range.Text = "拾殿冥王判超昇"; oPara8.Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter; oPara8.Range.Font.Size = 24; Word.Paragraph oPara9 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara8.Range.Text = "作七時刻均為概定 請自行擬定時刻 以上時間參考用"; oPara8.Range.Font.Size = 14; Word.Paragraph oPara11 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara8.Range.Text = "一般做七『例如星期三逝世-每星期二為七』"; oPara8.Range.Font.Size = 14; Word.Paragraph oPara12 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara8.Range.Text = "民間風俗做法頭七可作前一日晚上21-23時『交時』"; oPara8.Range.Font.Size = 14; Word.Paragraph oPara13 = word_document.Content.Paragraphs.Add(ref oMissing); oPara8.Range.Text = "出殯後之做七-可於自宅.(靈骨安置地點或寺廟祭祀)"; oPara8.Range.Font.Size = 14; // label6.Text = string.Format("農歷:{0}/{1}/{2} <br>", TA.GetYear(dt), TA.GetMonth(dt), TA.GetDayOfMonth(dt)); /* Word.Table table = word_document.Tables.Add(rng, 10, 6, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);//設定表格 table.Borders.InsideLineStyle = Word.WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle;//內框線 table.Borders.OutsideLineStyle = Word.WdLineStyle.wdLineStyleSingle;//外框線 table.Select();//選取指令 word_app.Selection.Font.Name = "標楷體";//設定選取的資料字型 word_app.Selection.Font.Size = 10;//設定文字大小 word_app.Selection.Cells.VerticalAlignment = Word.WdCellVerticalAlignment.wdCellAlignVerticalCenter; //將其設為靠中間 for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)//將表格的資料寫入word檔案裡,第一列的值為1,第一行的值為1 for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { table.Cell(i, j).Range.Text = i + "," + j; table.Cell(i, j).Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphCenter; table.Columns[j].Width = 70f; table.Rows[i].Height = 70f; }*/ word_document.SaveAs(ref path, ref oformat, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing , ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);//存檔 word_document.Close(ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);//關閉 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(word_document);//釋放 word_document = null; word_app.Quit(ref oMissing, ref oMissing, ref oMissing);//結束 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(word_app);//釋放 word_app = null; MessageBox.Show("寫入檔案,儲存成功", " 提示訊息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } sf.Dispose();//釋放 sf = null; } } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { label3.Text = ""; /*test*/ System.Globalization.CultureInfo tc = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("zh-TW"); //tc.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime dt2 = DateTime.Now; //label5.Text = dt2.ToString(tc); ; /*test2*/ CultureInfo m_ciTaiwan = new CultureInfo("zh-TW"); m_ciTaiwan.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = m_ciTaiwan.OptionalCalendars[2]; string strDate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyyMMdd", m_ciTaiwan); // label4.Text=strDate;//output:1000512 DateTime dtNow = DateTime.ParseExact(strDate.PadLeft(8, '0'), "yyyyMMdd", m_ciTaiwan); /*test3*/ /**/ string dd = dateTimePicker1.Text; dd = dd.Replace("年", ",").Replace("月", ",").Replace("日", ","); string[] ddd = { " ", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九", "十", "十一", "十二", "十三", "十四", "十五", "十六", "十七", "十八", "十九", "二十", "二十一", "二十二", "二十三", "二十四", "二十五", "二十六", "二十七", "二十八", "二十九", "三十", "三十一" }; string[] ss = { "", "秦廣王", "楚江王", "宋帝王", "伍官王", "閻羅王", "變成王", "泰山王", "平等王", "都市王", "輪轉王" }; string[] arrday = { "", "首七", "二七", "三七", "四七", "五七", "六七", "滿七", "百日", "對年" }; string[] arr = dd.Split(",".ToCharArray()); Dictionary<int,int> lsCalendar = new Dictionary<int,int>() { {2020,4 } } int a = (int)decimal.Parse(arr[0]); int b = (int)decimal.Parse(arr[1]); int c = (int)decimal.Parse(arr[2]); DateTime dtObj = new DateTime(2018, 6, 11); //以 月份 日, 年 的格式輸出 string outputDate = dtObj.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")); //label7.Text = outputDate; DateTime dt = new DateTime(a, b, c); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("zh-tw"); System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar TC = new System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar(); System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar TA = new System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); label1.Text = string.Format("民國:{0}/{1}/{2}", TC.GetYear(dt), TC.GetMonth(dt), TC.GetDayOfMonth(dt)) ; // label2.Text = string.Format("農歷:{0}<br>", TA.AddDays(dt, 99)); //label4.Text = string.Format("民國:{0}/{1}/{2}",TA.GetYear(), ) int count = 4; for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { //做七 int d = 7 * i; int dn; // label3.Text += arrday[i] + " " + dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) + Environment.NewLine; if (i == 2) { dn = int.Parse(dt.AddDays((d/2) - 1).ToString("dd")); label3.Text += "地方風俗 " +" " + dt.AddDays((d/2) - 2).ToString("MM 月dd", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) + "日" + Environment.NewLine; } dn = int.Parse(dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("dd")); label3.Text += ss[i].PadRight(4,' ') + " " + arrday[i] + " " + dt.AddDays(d - 1).ToString("MM 月dd", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")) +"日"+Environment.NewLine; count += 1; } //百日 label6.Text = dt.AddDays(99).ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 ", new CultureInfo("zh-tw")); //對年 string result = string.Empty; System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tls = new System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime begin = tls.AddDays(DateTime.Now, 0); Boolean leap = tls.IsLeapYear(TA.GetYear(dt)); DateTime dtt = tls.ToDateTime(TA.GetYear(dt), TA.GetMonth(dt), TA.GetDayOfMonth(dt), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (leap) { //label5.Text = "適逢"+ TA.GetYear(dt.AddYears(1) )+ "年閏月,因而農曆月份須提前一個月"; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(a); if (TA.GetMonth(dtt) > lsCalendar[(int)a]) { dtt = tls.AddMonths(dtt,-1); } } label2.Text = string.Format("農曆:{0}/{1}/{2}", TA.GetYear(dtt), TA.GetMonth(dtt), TA.GetDayOfMonth(dtt)); dtt = tls.AddYears(dtt, 1); TimeSpan tss = dtt - begin; int day = tls.GetDayOfMonth(dtt); int month = tls.GetMonth(dtt); int year = tls.GetYear(dtt); label4.Text = string.Format("國歷{3}\n農曆{0}年{1}月{2}日", year, month, day, DateTime.Now.Add(tss).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); }
/// <summary> /// 排序樣板 By 日期順序,先來的要先排序在前面被檢測 /// </summary> /// <param name="festivalTemplates"></param> /// <param name="beforeDay">前幾天(節慶)</param> /// <returns></returns> private IList<TemplateVO> SortTemplateByDate(IList<TemplateVO> festivalTemplates, int beforeDay) { IList<TemplateVO> result = new List<TemplateVO>(); if (festivalTemplates != null && festivalTemplates.Count > 0) { foreach (TemplateVO templateVO in festivalTemplates) { if (templateVO.Name.Equals("聖誕節") || templateVO.Name.Equals("西洋情人節")) { //此兩個節日用西元算 DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int year = DateTime.Today.Year; int month = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(0, 2)); int day = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(2, 2)); DateTime endDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, month, day); DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(((-1) * beforeDay)); templateVO.BeginDate = startDate; templateVO.LastDate = endDate; } else { //此其他的節日用農曆算 //先從農曆轉成西元 TaiwanLunisolarCalendar tlc = new TaiwanLunisolarCalendar(); DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int year = tlc.GetYear(today); int month = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(0, 2)); int day = int.Parse(templateVO.StartDate.Substring(2, 2)); int era = tlc.GetEra(today); //春節的話因為還沒到這個年,所以要加1個月 if (templateVO.Name.Equals("春節")) { year = tlc.GetYear(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1)); era = tlc.GetEra(DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1)); } //判斷今年是否為閏年,閏年的話抓出正確的日期 if (tlc.IsLeapYear(year, era)) { //閏月月份 int leapMonth = tlc.GetLeapMonth(year, era); //閏月天數 //int monthDays = tlc.GetDaysInMonth(year, leapMonth, era); //閏月有13個月,例如leapMonth=5,代表閏四月,則農曆5月開始要多加1個月 if (month >= leapMonth) { month += 1; } } DateTime endDate = tlc.ToDateTime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, era); DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(((-1) * beforeDay)); templateVO.BeginDate = startDate; templateVO.LastDate = endDate; } } result = festivalTemplates.OrderBy(p => p.BeginDate).ToList(); } return result; }