예제 #1
        public override MarshalByRefObject CreateInstance(Type serverType)
            // Platform.Assert(Platform.W2K, "ServicedComponent");

            RealProxy          rp = null;
            MarshalByRefObject mo = null;

            DBG.Info(DBG.SC, "SCPA.CreateInstance(" + serverType + ") for managed request");


            // First check if the type is configured to be activated remotely or is a well
            // known remote type.
            if ((null != RemotingConfiguration.IsWellKnownClientType(serverType)) ||
                (null != RemotingConfiguration.IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(serverType)))
                // It is configured for remote activation. Ask remoting services to do the
                // job of creating a remoting proxy and returning it.
                mo = base.CreateInstance(serverType);
                rp = RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(mo);
                bool   bIsAnotherProcess = false;
                string uri         = "";
                bool   bEventClass = ServicedComponentInfo.IsTypeEventSource(serverType);
                IntPtr pUnk        = Thunk.Proxy.CoCreateObject(serverType, !bEventClass, ref bIsAnotherProcess, ref uri);
                if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero)
                    try {
                        // TODO:  Get rid of this useless foreknowledge requirement
                        // Is there a way we can tell by QI'ing this guy if he's
                        // an event class (or something else we need to artificially
                        // wrap?
                        if (bEventClass)
                            // events and queued components use RemoteServicedComponentProxy
                            // set up a TP & Remote ServicedComponentProxy pair
                            rp = new RemoteServicedComponentProxy(serverType, pUnk, true);
                            mo = (MarshalByRefObject)rp.GetTransparentProxy();
                            if (bIsAnotherProcess)              // a-ha, we know it should be a RSCP now !!!!
                                FastRSCPObjRef oref = new FastRSCPObjRef(pUnk, serverType, uri);
                                mo = (MarshalByRefObject)RemotingServices.Unmarshal(oref);

                                DBG.Assert(mo != null, "RemotingServices.Unmarshal returned null!");
                                DBG.Assert(RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(mo) is RemoteServicedComponentProxy, "RemotingServices.Unmarshal did not return an RSCP!");
                            else        // bummer, this will give us back a SCP
                                mo = (MarshalByRefObject)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pUnk);

                                DBG.Info(DBG.SC, "ret = " + mo.GetType());
                                DBG.Info(DBG.SC, "st = " + serverType);
                                DBG.Info(DBG.SC, "rt == sc = " + (mo.GetType() == serverType));
                                DBG.Info(DBG.SC, "instanceof = " + serverType.IsInstanceOfType(mo));

                                if (!(serverType.IsInstanceOfType(mo)))
                                    throw new InvalidCastException(Resource.FormatString("ServicedComponentException_UnexpectedType", serverType, mo.GetType()));

                                rp = RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(mo);
                                if (!(rp is ServicedComponentProxy) && !(rp is RemoteServicedComponentProxy))
                                    // in cross-appdomain scenario, we get back a RemotingProxy, SetCOMIUnknown has not been made on our server!
                                    ServicedComponent sc = (ServicedComponent)mo;

            if (rp is ServicedComponentProxy)
                // Here, we tell the server proxy that it needs to filter out
                // constructor calls:  We only need to do this if
                // the proxy lives in the same context as the caller,
                // otherwise we'll get an Invoke call and can do the
                // filtering automagically:
                ServicedComponentProxy scp = (ServicedComponentProxy)rp;
                if (scp.HomeToken == Thunk.Proxy.GetCurrentContextToken())

            DBG.Assert(mo is ServicedComponent, " CoCI returned an invalid object type");
            DBG.Info(DBG.SC, "SCPA.CreateInstance done.");
        public override MarshalByRefObject CreateInstance(Type serverType)
            RealProxy          realProxy        = null;
            MarshalByRefObject transparentProxy = null;

            if ((RemotingConfiguration.IsWellKnownClientType(serverType) != null) || (RemotingConfiguration.IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(serverType) != null))
                transparentProxy = base.CreateInstance(serverType);
                realProxy        = RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(transparentProxy);
                bool   bIsAnotherProcess = false;
                string uri   = "";
                bool   flag2 = ServicedComponentInfo.IsTypeEventSource(serverType);
                IntPtr pUnk  = Proxy.CoCreateObject(serverType, !flag2, ref bIsAnotherProcess, ref uri);
                if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero)
                        if (flag2)
                            realProxy        = new RemoteServicedComponentProxy(serverType, pUnk, true);
                            transparentProxy = (MarshalByRefObject)realProxy.GetTransparentProxy();
                            bool flag3 = (RemotingConfiguration.IsWellKnownClientType(serverType) != null) || (null != RemotingConfiguration.IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(serverType));
                            if (bIsAnotherProcess && !flag3)
                                FastRSCPObjRef objectRef = new FastRSCPObjRef(pUnk, serverType, uri);
                                transparentProxy = (MarshalByRefObject)RemotingServices.Unmarshal(objectRef);
                                transparentProxy = (MarshalByRefObject)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(pUnk);
                                if (!serverType.IsInstanceOfType(transparentProxy))
                                    throw new InvalidCastException(Resource.FormatString("ServicedComponentException_UnexpectedType", serverType, transparentProxy.GetType()));
                                realProxy = RemotingServices.GetRealProxy(transparentProxy);
                                if ((!bIsAnotherProcess && !(realProxy is ServicedComponentProxy)) && !(realProxy is RemoteServicedComponentProxy))
            if (realProxy is ServicedComponentProxy)
                ServicedComponentProxy proxy2 = (ServicedComponentProxy)realProxy;
                if (proxy2.HomeToken == Proxy.GetCurrentContextToken())