public DirectoryEntry(string sLDAPPath) { this.sLDAPPath = sLDAPPath; propertyCollection = null; nativeObject = null; sName = null; children = null; objectSecurity = null; guid = Guid.Empty; parent = null; objectClassType = null; SDSUtils.CrackPath(sLDAPPath, out sProtocol, out sServer, out sCNs, out sDCs); /*if (sProtocol != null) Console.WriteLine("sProtocol is " + sProtocol); * if (sServer != null) Console.WriteLine("sServer is " + sServer); * if (sCNs != null) Console.WriteLine("sCNs is " + sCNs); * if (sDCs != null) Console.WriteLine("sDCs is " + sDCs); */ string[] rootDNcom; if (sServer != null) { rootDNcom = sServer.Split('.'); rootDN = ""; foreach (string str in rootDNcom) { string temp = string.Concat("dc=", str, ","); rootDN = string.Concat(rootDN, temp); } rootDN = rootDN.Substring(0, rootDN.Length - 1); } //beacuse rootDN is nothing but collection of all DC's from DN if (sDCs != null) { rootDN = sDCs; } baseDn = ""; //sCNs = RootDSE, Configuration, Schema, Domain if (sCNs != null && sDCs == null) { if (sCNs.Equals("RootDSE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { baseDn = ""; } else if (sCNs.Equals("Configuration", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { baseDn = string.Concat("CN=Configuration,", rootDN); } else if (sCNs.Equals("Schema", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { baseDn = string.Concat("CN=Schema,", rootDN); } else if (sCNs.Equals("Domain", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || sCNs.Equals("", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || sCNs.StartsWith("<")) { if (rootDN != null) { baseDn = rootDN; } } else { baseDn = string.Concat(sCNs, ",", rootDN); } } if (sCNs != null && sDCs != null) { baseDn = string.Concat(sCNs, ",", sDCs); } if (sCNs == null && sDCs != null) { baseDn = sDCs; } if (sCNs == null && sDCs == null) { baseDn = rootDN; } //assign sName value using the dN of this node if (baseDn.Equals("", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { sName = "RootDSE"; } else { sName = baseDn; } }
private void Get_baseDn_Guid_Or_sid() { if (sCNs != null && sCNs.StartsWith("<")) //for instance, LDAP://<GUID=***> <GUID...> part will be used as filter to search the whole domain { //GUID=\XX\XX\XX... if (sCNs.Substring(1, 4).Equals("GUID", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string guidstr = sCNs.Substring(6); guidstr = guidstr.Substring(0, guidstr.Length - 1); Guid myguid = new Guid(guidstr); byte[] guidbytes = myguid.ToByteArray(); System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; string guidbytestr = BitConverter.ToString(guidbytes); guidbytestr = guidbytestr.Replace("-", "\\"); guidbytestr = string.Concat("\\", guidbytestr); string dN = SDSUtils.SearchByGuid(guidbytestr, dirContext); if (dN != null) { baseDn = dN; } get_baseDnFor_guidOrsid_called = true; } //SID=S-1-... Or SID=\XX\XX\XX.... if (sCNs.Substring(1, 3).Equals("SID", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string sid = sCNs.Substring(5); sid = sid.Substring(0, sid.Length - 1); if (!sid.StartsWith("S-")) { char[] ldapsid = new char[sid.Length / 2 * 3]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ldapsid.Length; i++) { if (i % 3 == 0) { ldapsid[i] = '\\'; } else { ldapsid[i] = sid[j]; j++; } } sid = new string(ldapsid); } string dN = SDSUtils.SearchBySid(sid, dirContext); baseDn = dN; get_baseDnFor_guidOrsid_called = true; } } //assign sName value using the dN of this node if (baseDn.Equals("", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { sName = "RootDSE"; } else { sName = baseDn; } }
public void CommitChanges() { Assign_dirContext(); if (dirContext == null) { return; } if (!get_baseDnFor_guidOrsid_called) { Get_baseDn_Guid_Or_sid(); } string[] search_attrs = { null }; LdapMessage ldapMessage = dirContext.SearchSynchronous( baseDn, LdapAPI.LDAPSCOPE.BASE, "(objectClass=*)", search_attrs, false); List <LdapEntry> ldapEntries = (ldapMessage != null ? ldapMessage.Ldap_Get_Entries() : null); //if this object does not exist in AD, we need create it first if (ldapEntries == null || ldapEntries.Count == 0) { int ret = SDSUtils.AddNewObj(dirContext, objectClassType, baseDn); if (ret != 0) { //Console.WriteLine("Create new object failed!"); return; } } //go through the properties to check whether there is PropertyValueCollection has been modified //PropertyCollection: Dictionary<string, PropertyValueCollection> if (propertyCollection != null && propertyCollection.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PropertyValueCollection> kvp in propertyCollection) { if (kvp.Value.Modified) { //Console.WriteLine("BaseDN is " + baseDn + " Modified key value pair: " + kvp.Key ); int ret = SDSUtils.ModifyProperty(dirContext, baseDn, kvp.Key, kvp.Value); //if (ret != 0) ; Console.WriteLine("Modify a property failed"); } } } //go through its children to see whether this is any children marked needed be deleted if (children != null && children.Count > 0) { DirectoryEntries modifiedChildren = new DirectoryEntries(); foreach (DirectoryEntry child in children) { if (child.ToBeDeleted) //delete this DE { int ret = SDSUtils.DeleteObj(dirContext, child.Name); } } //reflect the changes to children collection foreach (DirectoryEntry child in children) { if (!child.ToBeDeleted) { modifiedChildren.Add(child); } } children = modifiedChildren; } }