예제 #1
        private ResultSet FindByDate(
            FindByDateMatcher.DateProperty property,
            MatchType matchType,
            DateTime value,
            Type principalType
            // We use the same SAMQuery set that we use for query-by-example, but with a different
            // SAMMatcher class to perform the date-range filter.

            // Get the entries we'll iterate over.  Write access to Children is controlled through the
            // ctxBaseLock, but we don't want to have to hold that lock while we're iterating over all
            // the child entries.  So we have to clone the ctxBase --- not ideal, but it prevents
            // multithreading issues.
            DirectoryEntries entries = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(_ctxBase.Path, _credentials, _authTypes).Children;

            Debug.Assert(entries != null);

            // The SAMQuerySet will use this to restrict the types of DirectoryEntry objects returned.
            List <string> schemaTypes = GetSchemaFilter(principalType);

            // Create the ResultSet that will perform the client-side filtering
            SAMQuerySet resultSet = new SAMQuerySet(
                -1,                                             // no size limit
                new FindByDateMatcher(property, matchType, value));

예제 #2
        // The core query operation.
        // Given a PrincipalSearcher containg a query filter, transforms it into the store schema
        // and performs the query to get a collection of matching native objects (up to a maximum of sizeLimit,
        // or uses the sizelimit already set on the DirectorySearcher if sizeLimit == -1).
        // If the PrincipalSearcher does not have a query filter (PrincipalSearcher.QueryFilter == null),
        // matches all principals in the store.
        // The collection may not be complete, i.e., paging - the returned ResultSet will automatically
        // page in additional results as needed.
        internal override ResultSet Query(PrincipalSearcher ps, int sizeLimit)
            GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMStoreCtx", "Query");

            Debug.Assert(sizeLimit >= -1);

            // Build the description of the properties we'll filter by.  In SAMStoreCtx, the "native" searcher
            // is simply the QbeFilterDescription, which will be passed to the SAMQuerySet to use to
            // manually filter out non-matching results.
            QbeFilterDescription propertiesToMatch = (QbeFilterDescription)PushFilterToNativeSearcher(ps);

            // Get the entries we'll iterate over.  Write access to Children is controlled through the
            // ctxBaseLock, but we don't want to have to hold that lock while we're iterating over all
            // the child entries.  So we have to clone the ctxBase --- not ideal, but it prevents
            // multithreading issues.
            DirectoryEntries entries = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(_ctxBase.Path, _credentials, _authTypes).Children;

            Debug.Assert(entries != null);

            // Determine the principal types of interest.  The SAMQuerySet will use this to restrict
            // the types of DirectoryEntry objects returned.
            Type qbeFilterType = typeof(Principal);

            if (ps.QueryFilter != null)
                qbeFilterType = ps.QueryFilter.GetType();

            List <string> schemaTypes = GetSchemaFilter(qbeFilterType);

            // Create the ResultSet that will perform the client-side filtering
            SAMQuerySet resultSet = new SAMQuerySet(
                new QbeMatcher(propertiesToMatch));

예제 #3
        internal override bool MoveNext()
            bool flag;
            bool flag1 = false;

            if (this.sizeLimit != -1 && this.resultsReturned >= this.sizeLimit)
                this.endReached = true;
            if (!this.endReached)
                    flag  = this.enumerator.MoveNext();
                    flag1 = false;
                    if (!flag)
                    DirectoryEntry current = (DirectoryEntry)this.enumerator.Current;
                    if (!this.IsOfCorrectType(current) || !this.matcher.Matches(current))
                        flag1 = true;
                        this.current = current;
                        SAMQuerySet sAMQuerySet = this;
                        sAMQuerySet.resultsReturned = sAMQuerySet.resultsReturned + 1;
                }while (flag1);
예제 #4
        // Get groups of which p is a direct member
        internal override ResultSet GetGroupsMemberOf(Principal p)
            // Enforced by the methods that call us
            Debug.Assert(p.unpersisted == false);

            if (!p.fakePrincipal)
                GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMStoreCtx", "GetGroupsMemberOf: is real principal");

                // No nested groups or computers as members of groups in SAM
                if (!(p is UserPrincipal))
                    GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMStoreCtx", "GetGroupsMemberOf: not a user, returning empty set");
                    return(new EmptySet());

                Debug.Assert(p.UnderlyingObject != null);

                DirectoryEntry userDE = (DirectoryEntry)p.UnderlyingObject;

                UnsafeNativeMethods.IADsMembers iadsMembers = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IADsMembers)userDE.Invoke("Groups");

                ResultSet resultSet = new SAMGroupsSet(iadsMembers, this, _ctxBase);
                // ADSI's IADsGroups doesn't work for fake principals like NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE

                // We use the same SAMQuery set that we use for query-by-example, but with a different
                // SAMMatcher class to match groups which contain the specified principal as a member

                // Get the entries we'll iterate over.  Write access to Children is controlled through the
                // ctxBaseLock, but we don't want to have to hold that lock while we're iterating over all
                // the child entries.  So we have to clone the ctxBase --- not ideal, but it prevents
                // multithreading issues.
                DirectoryEntries entries = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(_ctxBase.Path, _credentials, _authTypes).Children;
                Debug.Assert(entries != null);

                // The SAMQuerySet will use this to restrict the types of DirectoryEntry objects returned.
                List <string> schemaTypes = GetSchemaFilter(typeof(GroupPrincipal));

                SecurityIdentifier principalSid = p.Sid;
                byte[]             SidB         = new byte[principalSid.BinaryLength];
                principalSid.GetBinaryForm(SidB, 0);

                if (principalSid == null)
                    GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Warn, "SAMStoreCtx", "GetGroupsMemberOf: bad SID IC");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.StoreCtxNeedValueSecurityIdentityClaimToQuery);

                // Create the ResultSet that will perform the client-side filtering
                SAMQuerySet resultSet = new SAMQuerySet(
                    -1,                                             // no size limit
                    new GroupMemberMatcher(SidB));

예제 #5
        // Get groups of which p is a direct member
        internal override ResultSet GetGroupsMemberOf(Principal p)
            // Enforced by the methods that call us
            Debug.Assert(p.unpersisted == false);

            if (!p.fakePrincipal)
                GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMStoreCtx", "GetGroupsMemberOf: is real principal");

                // No nested groups or computers as members of groups in SAM
                if (!(p is UserPrincipal))
                    GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Info, "SAMStoreCtx", "GetGroupsMemberOf: not a user, returning empty set");
                    return new EmptySet();

                Debug.Assert(p.UnderlyingObject != null);

                DirectoryEntry userDE = (DirectoryEntry)p.UnderlyingObject;

                UnsafeNativeMethods.IADsMembers iadsMembers = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IADsMembers)userDE.Invoke("Groups");

                ResultSet resultSet = new SAMGroupsSet(iadsMembers, this, _ctxBase);
                return resultSet;
                // ADSI's IADsGroups doesn't work for fake principals like NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE

                // We use the same SAMQuery set that we use for query-by-example, but with a different
                // SAMMatcher class to match groups which contain the specified principal as a member

                // Get the entries we'll iterate over.  Write access to Children is controlled through the
                // ctxBaseLock, but we don't want to have to hold that lock while we're iterating over all
                // the child entries.  So we have to clone the ctxBase --- not ideal, but it prevents
                // multithreading issues.
                DirectoryEntries entries = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(_ctxBase.Path, _credentials, _authTypes).Children;
                Debug.Assert(entries != null);

                // The SAMQuerySet will use this to restrict the types of DirectoryEntry objects returned.
                List<string> schemaTypes = GetSchemaFilter(typeof(GroupPrincipal));

                SecurityIdentifier principalSid = p.Sid;
                byte[] SidB = new byte[principalSid.BinaryLength];
                principalSid.GetBinaryForm(SidB, 0);

                if (principalSid == null)
                    GlobalDebug.WriteLineIf(GlobalDebug.Warn, "SAMStoreCtx", "GetGroupsMemberOf: bad SID IC");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(StringResources.StoreCtxNeedValueSecurityIdentityClaimToQuery);

                // Create the ResultSet that will perform the client-side filtering
                SAMQuerySet resultSet = new SAMQuerySet(
                                                    -1,             // no size limit 
                                                    new GroupMemberMatcher(SidB));

                return resultSet;
예제 #6
        private ResultSet FindByDate(
                        FindByDateMatcher.DateProperty property,
                        MatchType matchType,
                        DateTime value,
                        Type principalType
            // We use the same SAMQuery set that we use for query-by-example, but with a different
            // SAMMatcher class to perform the date-range filter.

            // Get the entries we'll iterate over.  Write access to Children is controlled through the
            // ctxBaseLock, but we don't want to have to hold that lock while we're iterating over all
            // the child entries.  So we have to clone the ctxBase --- not ideal, but it prevents
            // multithreading issues.
            DirectoryEntries entries = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(_ctxBase.Path, _credentials, _authTypes).Children;
            Debug.Assert(entries != null);

            // The SAMQuerySet will use this to restrict the types of DirectoryEntry objects returned.
            List<string> schemaTypes = GetSchemaFilter(principalType);

            // Create the ResultSet that will perform the client-side filtering
            SAMQuerySet resultSet = new SAMQuerySet(
                                                -1,             // no size limit 
                                                new FindByDateMatcher(property, matchType, value));

            return resultSet;
예제 #7
		private ResultSet FindByDate(FindByDateMatcher.DateProperty property, MatchType matchType, DateTime value, Type principalType)
			DirectoryEntries children = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(this.ctxBase.Path, this.credentials, this.authTypes).Children;
			List<string> schemaFilter = this.GetSchemaFilter(principalType);
			SAMQuerySet sAMQuerySet = new SAMQuerySet(schemaFilter, children, this.ctxBase, -1, this, new FindByDateMatcher(property, matchType, value));
			return sAMQuerySet;
예제 #8
		internal override ResultSet Query(PrincipalSearcher ps, int sizeLimit)
			QbeFilterDescription nativeSearcher = (QbeFilterDescription)this.PushFilterToNativeSearcher(ps);
			DirectoryEntries children = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(this.ctxBase.Path, this.credentials, this.authTypes).Children;
			Type type = typeof(Principal);
			if (ps.QueryFilter != null)
				type = ps.QueryFilter.GetType();
			List<string> schemaFilter = this.GetSchemaFilter(type);
			SAMQuerySet sAMQuerySet = new SAMQuerySet(schemaFilter, children, this.ctxBase, sizeLimit, this, new QbeMatcher(nativeSearcher));
			return sAMQuerySet;
예제 #9
		internal override ResultSet GetGroupsMemberOf(Principal p)
			if (p.fakePrincipal)
				DirectoryEntries children = SDSUtils.BuildDirectoryEntry(this.ctxBase.Path, this.credentials, this.authTypes).Children;
				List<string> schemaFilter = this.GetSchemaFilter(typeof(GroupPrincipal));
				SecurityIdentifier sid = p.Sid;
				byte[] numArray = new byte[sid.BinaryLength];
				sid.GetBinaryForm(numArray, 0);
				if (sid != null)
					SAMQuerySet sAMQuerySet = new SAMQuerySet(schemaFilter, children, this.ctxBase, -1, this, new GroupMemberMatcher(numArray));
					return sAMQuerySet;
					throw new InvalidOperationException(StringResources.StoreCtxNeedValueSecurityIdentityClaimToQuery);
				if (p as UserPrincipal != null)
					DirectoryEntry underlyingObject = (DirectoryEntry)p.UnderlyingObject;
					UnsafeNativeMethods.IADsMembers aDsMember = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IADsMembers)underlyingObject.Invoke("Groups", new object[0]);
					ResultSet sAMGroupsSet = new SAMGroupsSet(aDsMember, this, this.ctxBase);
					return sAMGroupsSet;
					return new EmptySet();