private void addonToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Create the new Addon Wizard NewAddonWizard wizard = new NewAddonWizard(); if (wizard.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; //They didnt want to make a new addon. Whatever... KeyValue doc = new KeyValue("AddonInfo"); doc += new KeyValue("addonSteamAppID") + 816; doc += new KeyValue("addontitle") + wizard.addonTitleBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonversion") + wizard.addonVersionBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addontagline") + wizard.addonTagLineBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonauthor") + wizard.addonTagLineBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonSteamGroupName") + wizard.addonSteamGroupName.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonauthorSteamID") + wizard.addonSteamGroupName.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonContent_Campaign") + 0; doc += new KeyValue("addonURL0") + wizard.addonURLBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonDescription") + wizard.addonDescriptionBox.Text; string addonPath = Properties.Settings.Default.dotadir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "dota" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "addons" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + wizard.addonNameBox.Text + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath + "scripts"); Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath + "maps"); Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath + "materials"); Properties.Settings.Default.AddonPath = addonPath; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); File.WriteAllText(addonPath + "addoninfo.txt", DotaData.KVHeader + doc.ToString()); }
private void ShowNewAddonWizard() { NewAddonWizard wizard = new NewAddonWizard(); if (wizard.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; //They didnt want to make a new addon. Whatever... KeyValue doc = new KeyValue("AddonInfo"); doc += new KeyValue("addonSteamAppID") + 816; doc += new KeyValue("addontitle") + wizard.addonTitleBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonversion") + wizard.addonVersionBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addontagline") + wizard.addonTagLineBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonauthor") + wizard.addonTagLineBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonSteamGroupName") + wizard.addonSteamGroupName.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonauthorSteamID") + wizard.addonSteamGroupName.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonContent_Campaign") + 0; doc += new KeyValue("addonURL0") + wizard.addonURLBox.Text; doc += new KeyValue("addonDescription") + wizard.addonDescriptionBox.Text; string addonPath = Properties.Settings.Default.AddOnPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + wizard.addonNameBox.Text + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath + "scripts"); Directory.CreateDirectory(addonPath + "resource"); File.WriteAllText(addonPath + "addoninfo.txt", DotaData.KVHeader + doc.ToString()); LoadProject(addonPath); }
private void ReadDefaultFolders() { //Read the default folder script that is in the executable. Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string resName = "WorldSmith.Scripts.ObjectBrowserFolderOverride.txt"; using (System.IO.Stream s = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(resName)) using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(s)) { DefaultFolders = KVParser.KV1.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd()); } }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static EstimateRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (EstimateRecord)EstimateTable.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
/// <summary> /// This method deletes a specified record /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Keyvalue of the record to be deleted.</param> public static void DeleteRecord(KeyValue kv) { VwSiteView.Instance.DeleteOneRecord(kv); }
/// <summary> /// This method deletes a specified record /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Keyvalue of the record to be deleted.</param> public static void DeleteRecord(KeyValue kv) { EstimateTable.Instance.DeleteOneRecord(kv); }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static ScopeRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (ScopeRecord)ScopeTable.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static ReportRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (ReportRecord)ReportTable.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static CategoryRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (CategoryRecord)CategoryTable.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
public static Data.KeyValue GetByKey(string key) { Data.KeyValue kv = new Data.KeyValue(); try { XmlParamter xpKey = new XmlParamter("Key", key); xpKey.Direction = System.IO.ParameterDirection.Equal; Xml.XmlNode xn = XMLHelper.GetDataOne(path, "KeyValue", xpKey); if (xn == null) { return null; } else { kv.Key = xn.Attributes["Key"].Value; kv.Value = xn.Attributes["Value"].Value; kv.Description = xn.Attributes["Description"].Value; kv.UpdateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(xn.Attributes["UpdateTime"].Value); } } catch { } return kv; }
/// <summary> /// This method deletes a specified record /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Keyvalue of the record to be deleted.</param> public static void DeleteRecord(KeyValue kv) { UsersTable.Instance.DeleteOneRecord(kv); }
/// <summary> /// This method takes a key and returns a keyvalue. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">key could be array of primary key values in case of composite primary key or a string containing single primary key value in case of non-composite primary key.</param> public static KeyValue GetKeyValue(object key) { KeyValue kv = null; if (!(UsersTable.Instance.TableDefinition.PrimaryKey == null)) { bool isCompositePrimaryKey = false; isCompositePrimaryKey = UsersTable.Instance.TableDefinition.PrimaryKey.IsCompositeKey; if ((isCompositePrimaryKey && key.GetType().IsArray)) { // If the key is composite, then construct a key value. kv = new KeyValue(); Array keyArray = ((Array)(key)); if (!(keyArray == null)) { int length = keyArray.Length; ColumnList pkColumns = UsersTable.Instance.TableDefinition.PrimaryKey.Columns; int index = 0; foreach (BaseColumn pkColumn in pkColumns) { string keyString = ((keyArray.GetValue(index)).ToString()); if (UsersTable.Instance.TableDefinition.TableType == BaseClasses.Data.TableDefinition.TableTypes.Virtual) { kv.AddElement(pkColumn.UniqueName, keyString); } else { kv.AddElement(pkColumn.InternalName, keyString); } index = (index + 1); } } } else { // If the key is not composite, then get the key value. kv = UsersTable.Instance.TableDefinition.PrimaryKey.ParseValue(((key).ToString())); } } return kv; }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static VwPropSBondBudgetRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (VwPropSBondBudgetRecord)VwPropSBondBudgetView.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
/// <summary> /// This method checks if record exist in the database using the keyvalue provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Key value of the record.</param> public static bool DoesRecordExist(KeyValue kv) { bool recordExist = true; try { VwPropSBondBudgetView.GetRecord(kv, false); } catch (Exception) { recordExist = false; } return recordExist; }
/// <summary> /// This method deletes a specified record /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Keyvalue of the record to be deleted.</param> public static void DeleteRecord(KeyValue kv) { VwPropSBondBudgetView.Instance.DeleteOneRecord(kv); }
private KeyValueCollection Split(string config) { KeyValueCollection r = new KeyValueCollection(); string[] kvArray = config.Split(';'); foreach (string kv in kvArray) { string[] k_v = kv.Split('='); if (k_v.Length == 2) { string k = k_v[0]; string v = k_v[1]; KeyValue newkv = new KeyValue(k, v); r.Add(newkv); } } return r; }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static VwSiteRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (VwSiteRecord)VwSiteView.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
/// <summary> /// This method checks if record exist in the database using the keyvalue provided. /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Key value of the record.</param> public static bool DoesRecordExist(KeyValue kv) { bool recordExist = true; try { UsersTable.GetRecord(kv, false); } catch (Exception) { recordExist = false; } return recordExist; }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static RolesRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (RolesRecord)RolesTable.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
//Convenience method for getting a record using a KeyValue record identifier public static UsersRecord GetRecord(KeyValue id, bool bMutable) { return (UsersRecord)UsersTable.Instance.GetRecordData(id, bMutable); }
/// <summary> /// This method deletes a specified record /// </summary> /// <param name="kv">Keyvalue of the record to be deleted.</param> public static void DeleteRecord(KeyValue kv) { CategoryTable.Instance.DeleteOneRecord(kv); }