public string GetfeederActivationCode(string fid) { CheckHasRows(); DataView dv = new DataView(dtfeeder); dv.RowFilter = "feederNumber = " + fid; string returnval = ""; if (dv.Count > 0) { returnval = dv[0]["FeederActivationCode"].ToString(); } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
public double GetfeederPosX(string fid) { CheckHasRows(); DataView dv = new DataView(dtfeeder); dv.RowFilter = "feederNumber = " + fid; double returnval = 0.0; if (dv.Count > 0) { returnval = double.Parse(dv[0]["PosX"].ToString()); } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
public void addData(int iAddCnt, int iScrollingRowIndex, DataView dv) { try { int iRowCnt = base.dgvLogData.Rows.Count + iAddCnt; int count = base.m_dvLogData.Count; int num3 = 0; if (iAddCnt >= base.iMaxLogCnt) { base.m_dtLogData.Rows.Clear(); num3 = iAddCnt - base.iMaxLogCnt; } else if (iRowCnt > base.iMaxLogCnt) { for (int i = 1; i <= (iRowCnt - base.iMaxLogCnt); i++) { base.m_dvLogData.Delete((int) (count - i)); } } base.m_dvLogData.Sort = ""; DataRow row = null; int num5 = 0; while (num3 < iAddCnt) { row = dv[num3].Row; num5 = base.dgvLogData.SelectedRows.Count; base.m_dtLogData.ImportRow(row); num3++; } base.SetCurrentRow(base.dgvLogData, iRowCnt, base.iMaxLogCnt, iAddCnt); num5 = base.dgvLogData.SelectedRows.Count; row = null; base.m_dvLogData.Sort = "ReceTime DESC"; if (num5 == 0) { base.dgvLogData.ClearSelection(); } if (iScrollingRowIndex >= 0) { base.dgvLogData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = iScrollingRowIndex; } base.dgvLogData.Refresh(); dv.Dispose(); dv = null; } catch { } }
public double GetComponentsHeight(string fid) { if (dscomponents.Tables.Count == 0) { POPComponentsTable(); } DataView dv = new DataView(dscomponents.Tables[0]); dv.RowFilter = "ComponentCode = " + fid; double returnval = 0.0; if (dv.Count > 0) { returnval = double.Parse(dv[0]["ComponentHeight"].ToString()); } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
public string GetComponentPackage(string fid) { if (dscomponents.Tables.Count == 0) { POPComponentsTable(); } DataView dv = new DataView(dscomponents.Tables[0]); dv.RowFilter = "ComponentCode = " + fid; string returnval = ""; if (dv.Count > 0) { returnval = dv[0]["Package"].ToString(); } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
public double GetfeederPosX(string fid) { if (ds.Tables.Count == 0) { POPFeedersTable(); } DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables[0]); dv.RowFilter = "feederNumber = " + fid; double returnval = 0.0; if (dv.Count > 0) { returnval = double.Parse(dv[0][2].ToString()); } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
public string GetfeederNumber(string fid) { if (ds.Tables.Count == 0) { POPFeedersTable(); } DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables[0]); dv.RowFilter = "feederNumber = " + fid; string returnval = ""; if (dv.Count > 0) { returnval = dv[0][0].ToString(); } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
public bool GetFeederPickPlusChipHeight(string fid) { CheckHasRows(); DataView dv = new DataView(dtfeeder); dv.RowFilter = "feederNumber = " + fid; bool returnval = false; if (dv.Count > 0) { if (dv[0]["PickPlusChipHeight"].ToString().Equals("True")) { returnval = true; } else { returnval = false; } } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
private string FootprintCatGetRows(System.Data.DataView dv, string strFilter, int intCurrentPage, string strPageName) { try { if (strFilter.Length > 0) { StringBuilder CatMenusb = new StringBuilder(); dv.RowFilter = "FCPkey = " + strFilter + ""; foreach (System.Data.DataRowView drv in dv) { if (intCurrentPage == 1) { CatMenusb.Insert(0, " > " + drv["FCName"].ToString() + ""); intCurrentPage = 0; CatMenusb.Insert(0, FootprintCatGetRows(dv, drv["ParentCategory"].ToString(), intCurrentPage, strPageName)); } else { CatMenusb.Insert(0, " > " + drv["FCName"].ToString() + ""); CatMenusb.Insert(0, FootprintCatGetRows(dv, drv["ParentCategory"].ToString(), intCurrentPage, strPageName)); } } dv.Dispose(); return(CatMenusb.ToString()); } else { return(""); } } catch { return("error with CatGetRows function"); } }
public void ObtenerPorProceso(Procesos proceso) { Conexion datos = new Conexion(Empresa); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); DataView dataView = new DataView(); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); String sql = null; sql = "usp_oper_permisos_obtenerPorProceso "; sql += "'" + proceso.ToString() + "'"; try { dataSet = datos.ExecuteReader(sql); dataView = dataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; dataTable = dataView.Table; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } finally { Cargar(dataTable, proceso.ToString()); if (dataTable != null) dataTable.Dispose(); if (dataView != null) dataView.Dispose(); if (dataSet != null) dataSet.Dispose(); datos.Desconectar(); } }
private void Bind() { int ChType = 1; B_Dictionary dictionBll = new B_Dictionary(); DataTable chTypeDt = dictionBll.GetDictionary(ChType); for (int i = 0; i < chTypeDt.Rows.Count; i++) { TreeNode chTypeNode = new TreeNode(); chTypeNode.ToolTip = "分类右键操作$" + chTypeDt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString(); chTypeNode.Text = chTypeDt.Rows[i]["DicName"].ToString(); chTypeNode.ImageUrl = "~/system/images/category.gif"; chTypeNode.NavigateUrl = "~/system/info/ChannelList.aspx?ChType=" + chTypeDt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString(); chTypeNode.Target = "ContentIframe"; tvNav.Nodes.Add(chTypeNode); } TreeNode chTypeOtherNode = new TreeNode(); chTypeOtherNode.ToolTip = "分类右键操作$0"; chTypeOtherNode.Text = "其他"; chTypeOtherNode.ImageUrl = "~/system/images/category.gif"; chTypeOtherNode.NavigateUrl = "~/system/info/ChannelList.aspx?ChType=0"; chTypeOtherNode.Target = "ContentIframe"; tvNav.Nodes.Add(chTypeOtherNode); B_Channel channelBll = new B_Channel(); B_Column columnBll = new B_Column(); DataView channelDv = channelBll.GetList(false); for (int i = 0; i < tvNav.Nodes.Count-1; i++) { int chType = int.Parse(chTypeDt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); DataTable chDt = channelDv.ToTable(); DataView chTypeDv = new DataView(chDt); chTypeDv.RowFilter=string.Format("[chtype]={0}",chType); for (int j = 0; j < chTypeDv.Count; j++) { TreeNode channelNode = new TreeNode(); channelNode.ToolTip = "频道右键操作$" + chTypeDv[j]["ChId"].ToString() + "$" + chTypeDv[j]["ChType"].ToString(); channelNode.Text = chTypeDv[j]["ChName"].ToString(); channelNode.ImageUrl = "~/system/images/folder.gif"; channelNode.NavigateUrl = "~/system/info/ColumnList.aspx?ChId=" + chTypeDv[j]["ChId"]; channelNode.Target = "ContentIframe"; tvNav.Nodes[i].ChildNodes.Add(channelNode); } for (int j = 0; j < chTypeDv.Count; j++) { DataView dv = columnBll.GetColumnListByChannelId((int)chTypeDv[j]["ChId"]); DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(); dv.Dispose(); BindColumn(0, tvNav.Nodes[i].ChildNodes[j], dt, (int)chTypeDv[j]["ModelType"], (int)chTypeDv[j]["ChId"]); } chDt.Dispose(); chTypeDv.Dispose(); } DataTable chDt2 = channelDv.ToTable(); DataView chTypeDv2 = new DataView(chDt2); chTypeDv2.RowFilter = "[chtype]=0 or [chtype] is null"; for (int j = 0; j < chTypeDv2.Count; j++) { TreeNode channelNode = new TreeNode(); channelNode.ToolTip = "频道右键操作$" + chTypeDv2[j]["ChId"].ToString() + "$" + chTypeDv2[j]["ChType"].ToString(); channelNode.Text = chTypeDv2[j]["ChName"].ToString(); channelNode.ImageUrl = "~/system/images/folder.gif"; channelNode.NavigateUrl = "~/system/info/ColumnList.aspx?ChId=" + chTypeDv2[j]["ChId"]; channelNode.Target = "ContentIframe"; tvNav.Nodes[tvNav.Nodes.Count - 1].ChildNodes.Add(channelNode); } for (int j = 0; j < chTypeDv2.Count; j++) { DataView dv = columnBll.GetColumnListByChannelId((int)chTypeDv2[j]["ChId"]); DataTable dt = dv.ToTable(); dv.Dispose(); BindColumn(0, tvNav.Nodes[tvNav.Nodes.Count - 1].ChildNodes[j], dt, (int)chTypeDv2[j]["ModelType"], (int)chTypeDv2[j]["ChId"]); } chDt2.Dispose(); chTypeDv2.Dispose(); }
private void PopulateDropDowns() { //getting all the drop downs and applying filter foreach (Control ctrl in pageControls) { if (ctrl.GetType().Name == "DropDownList") { DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)ctrl; DataView dv = new DataView(lookUp, "ControlName='" + ddl.ID + "'", "SortOrder ", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); if (dv.Count > 0) { ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("", "")); ddl.AppendDataBoundItems = true; ddl.DataSource = dv; ddl.DataTextField = "FieldValue"; ddl.DataValueField = "FieldDescription"; ddl.DataBind(); //checking for duplicate values Dictionary<string, string> dups = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int dupCount = 1; foreach (ListItem liDups in ddl.Items) { if (dups.ContainsKey(liDups.Value)) { liDups.Value += "~" + dupCount.ToString(); dupCount++; } else { dups.Add(liDups.Value, ""); } } //selecting the default value string defaultValue = dv[0]["DefaultValue"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : dv[0]["DefaultValue"].ToString(); ListItem li = ddl.Items.FindByValue(defaultValue); if (li != null) { li.Selected = true; //break; } } dv.Dispose(); } } }
public string bindPageInstitute(DataTable dtInstitute, DataTable dtInstAdmis) { string xAxis = ""; string xData = ""; string xData2 = ""; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("$(function () {"); builder.Append("$('#container1').highcharts({").AppendLine(); builder.Append("chart: {").AppendLine(); builder.Append("type: 'bar'").AppendLine(); builder.Append(" },").AppendLine(); builder.Append("title: {").AppendLine(); builder.Append("text: 'Institute Wise Admission (" + dtInstitute.Rows[0]["AcademicYear"].ToString() + ")' ").AppendLine(); builder.Append(" },").AppendLine(); builder.Append("subtitle: {").AppendLine(); builder.Append("text: ''").AppendLine(); builder.Append("},").AppendLine(); builder.Append("xAxis: { type: 'category'").AppendLine(); //for (int cnt = 0; cnt < dtResult.Rows.Count; cnt++) //{ // if (cnt == (dtResult.Rows.Count - 1)) // { // xAxis = xAxis + "'" + dtResult.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "'"; // } // else // xAxis = xAxis + "'" + dtResult.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "',"; //} //builder.Append("categories: [" + xAxis.ToString() + " ],").AppendLine(); //builder.Append("crosshair: true").AppendLine(); builder.Append(" },").AppendLine(); builder.Append("yAxis: { title: { text: 'No Of Students' }},").AppendLine(); builder.Append("legend: { enabled: false },").AppendLine(); builder.Append("tooltip: {headerFormat: '<span style='font-size:10px'>{point.key}</span><table>',").AppendLine(); builder.Append("pointFormat: '<tr><td style='color:{series.color};padding:0'>{}: </td>' +").AppendLine(); builder.Append("'<td style='padding:0'><b>{point.y:.1f} Students </b></td></tr>',").AppendLine(); builder.Append("footerFormat: '</table>', shared: true,useHTML: true },").AppendLine(); builder.Append("plotOptions: { series: { pointPadding: 0, borderWidth: 0, dataLabels: { enabled: true } }},").AppendLine(); //builder.Append("legend: {layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', x: -40, y: 80, floating: true, borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: ((Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.legendBackgroundColor) || '#FFFFFF'), shadow: true},").AppendLine(); builder.Append("series: [{").AppendLine(); builder.Append("name: 'Institute', colorByPoint: true,").AppendLine(); for (int cnt = 0; cnt < dtInstitute.Rows.Count; cnt++) { DataView dv = new DataView(dtInstAdmis); dv.RowFilter = " Institute = '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "'"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string dataInner = ""; if (dv != null) { dt = dv.ToTable(); dv.Dispose(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int cnt1 = 0; cnt1 < dt.Rows.Count; cnt1++) { if (cnt1 == (dt.Rows.Count - 1)) { dataInner = dataInner + "" + " [ '" + dt.Rows[cnt1]["AdmissionType"].ToString() + "', " + dt.Rows[cnt1]["TotalStudent"].ToString() + "]"; } else { dataInner = dataInner + "" + " [ '" + dt.Rows[cnt1]["AdmissionType"].ToString() + "', " + dt.Rows[cnt1]["TotalStudent"].ToString() + "],"; } } } else { dataInner = ""; } } if (cnt == (dtInstitute.Rows.Count - 1)) { xData = xData + "" + " { name: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "', y: " + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["TotalStudent"].ToString() + ", drilldown: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "'}"; if (dataInner !="") xData2 = xData2 + "" + " { name: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "', id: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "', data: [" + dataInner + " ]}"; } else { xData = xData + "" + " { name: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "', y: " + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["TotalStudent"].ToString() + ", drilldown: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "'},"; if (dataInner!="") xData2 = xData2 + "" + " { name: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "', id: '" + dtInstitute.Rows[cnt]["Institute"].ToString() + "',data: [" + dataInner + " ]},"; } } builder.Append("data: [" + xData + "]").AppendLine(); builder.Append("}] ").AppendLine(); builder.Append(", drilldown: { series: [").AppendLine(); builder.Append("" + xData2 + "").AppendLine(); builder.Append("] } ").AppendLine(); ///series End builder.Append("}); }); ").AppendLine(); string innerString = builder.ToString().Replace("style='", "style=\"").Replace("'>", "\">"); return innerString; // System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "Submitted", innerString, true); }
private DataRow ObtenerEmpleadoPorIdEmpleado(Decimal ID_EMPLEADO) { Conexion conexion = new Conexion(Empresa); DataSet _dataSet = new DataSet(); DataView _dataView = new DataView(); DataTable _dataTable = new DataTable(); DataRow _dataRow = null; String sql = null; sql = "usp_lps_nom_empleados_obtenerPorIdEmpleado " + ID_EMPLEADO.ToString(); try { _dataSet = conexion.ExecuteReader(sql); _dataView = _dataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; _dataTable = _dataView.Table; _dataRow = _dataTable.Rows[0]; } catch (Exception e) { MensajeError = e.Message; } finally { conexion.Desconectar(); } if (_dataSet != null) _dataSet.Dispose(); if (_dataView != null) _dataView.Dispose(); if (_dataTable != null) _dataTable.Dispose(); return _dataRow; }
public int GetfeederVerifywithCamera(string fid) { if (ds.Tables.Count == 0) { POPFeedersTable(); } DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables[0]); dv.RowFilter = "feederNumber = " + fid; int returnval = 0; if (dv.Count > 0) { if (dv[0]["VerifywithCamera"].ToString().Equals("true")) { returnval = 1; } else { returnval = 0; } } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
private void bt_UnCheckAll_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // toggle selection on datagrid checkboxes foreach (DataRow row in dsData.Tables["Components"].Rows) { row["Pick"] = 0; } DataView dv = new DataView(dsData.Tables["Components"]); dv.RowFilter = "Pick = 1"; lblInfo.Content = dv.Count.ToString() + " selected"; dv.Dispose(); }
public string[] PllUpisiStavku(string skladisteOznaka, int godina, string broj, string robaBarkod, string lokacijaOznakaIzlaz, float kolicinaIzlaz, string lokacijaOznakaUlaz, float kolicinaUlaz, string mac, string matBroj, string lozinka) { int id = 0; string strGreska = "OK"; float fltGreska = 0; // Kontrola jel PLL zaprti. Okay, zakrpa je JADNA zbog GOTO naredbe, ali mi se nije dalo zafrkavat s ifovima. //DataSet kontrolaPLLDS = PllDajPoSkladistu(skladisteOznaka); //if (kontrolaPLLDS != null) //{ // if (kontrolaPLLDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 1) // { // strGreska = "GreskaPriUpisu"; // kontrolaPLLDS.Dispose(); // goto Kraj; // } //} //else //{ // strGreska = "GreskaPriUpisu"; // kontrolaPLLDS.Dispose(); // goto Kraj; //} // Kraj kontrole // - - Nova kontrola jel PLL zaprti, 8.1.2009 - - strGreska = PllProvjeri(skladisteOznaka, broj); if (strGreska != "OK") { goto Kraj; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - if (JeAutenticiran(matBroj, lozinka, mac)) { MobTransLokStaTA mobTransLokStaTA = new MobTransLokStaTA(); decimal? decID = null; decimal? decKapacitet = null; #region Priprema parametara string lokIzlaz = null; if (lokacijaOznakaIzlaz != null && lokacijaOznakaIzlaz != String.Empty) { lokIzlaz = lokacijaOznakaIzlaz; } float? kolIzlaz = null; if (lokIzlaz != null) { kolIzlaz = kolicinaIzlaz; } string lokUlaz = null; if (lokacijaOznakaUlaz != null && lokacijaOznakaUlaz != String.Empty) { lokUlaz = lokacijaOznakaUlaz; } float? kolUlaz = null; if (lokUlaz != null) { kolUlaz = kolicinaUlaz; } #endregion #region Izlaz // Ako se radi o izlazu, treba provjeriti postoji li uopæe roba na toj lokaciji. if (lokIzlaz != null && lokUlaz == null) { DataSet ds = RobaDajLokacije(skladisteOznaka, robaBarkod, null); if (ds != null) { DataView dv = new DataView(ds.Tables[0], "LokacijaOznaka='" + lokIzlaz + "'", "LokacijaOznaka", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); if (dv.Count == 1) { float fltRobaStanje = 0; if (dv[0]["RobaStanje"].ToString() != String.Empty && dv[0]["RobaStanje"].ToString() != null) { fltRobaStanje = Convert.ToSingle(dv[0]["RobaStanje"]); } // Ako robe ima na lokaciji, treba provjeriti kolièinu za skidanje... if (kolicinaIzlaz > fltRobaStanje) { strGreska = "PrevelikoIzuzimanje"; fltGreska = kolicinaIzlaz - fltRobaStanje; } } else if (dv.Count == 0) { strGreska = "NemaNaLokaciji"; } else { strGreska = "PogresanBrojLokacija"; } dv.Dispose(); } else { strGreska = "GreskaPriDohvatuLokacija"; } ds.Dispose(); } #endregion #region Ulaz // Ako se radi o ulazu, treba provjeriti da li je roba prethodno izuzeta. else if (lokIzlaz == null && lokUlaz != null) { //string[] stanje = PllIzmjestenaRobaDajStanje(skladisteOznaka, godina, broj, null, robaBarkod, matBroj); string[] stanje = PllIzmjestenaRobaDajStanje(skladisteOznaka, godina, broj, null, robaBarkod, null); if (stanje[0] == "1") { if (stanje[2] != String.Empty) { float fltStanje1 = 0; if (stanje[1] != String.Empty) { fltStanje1 = Convert.ToSingle(stanje[1]); } if (kolicinaUlaz > Convert.ToSingle(stanje[2]) - fltStanje1) { strGreska = "PrevelikUlaz"; fltGreska = kolicinaUlaz - (Convert.ToSingle(stanje[2]) - fltStanje1); } } else { strGreska = "NepostojeciIzlaz"; } } else { strGreska = "GreskaPriDohvatuStanja"; } } #endregion if (strGreska == "OK") { try { mobTransLokStaTA.Insert(skladisteOznaka, godina.ToString(), broj, lokIzlaz, kolIzlaz, lokUlaz, kolUlaz, robaBarkod, mac, matBroj, out decID, out decKapacitet); if (Convert.ToInt32(decID) == -2) { strGreska = "KapacitarnaGreska"; } } catch (Exception) { strGreska = "GreskaPriUpisu"; decID = null; } finally { mobTransLokStaTA.Dispose(); // Za otpuštanje table adaptera se brine garbage collector, ali ne šteti ako ga ruèno anuliramo. } if (decID != null) { id = Convert.ToInt32(decID); } if (decKapacitet != null) { fltGreska = Convert.ToSingle(decKapacitet); } } } Kraj: string[] upis = new string[3]; upis[0] = strGreska; upis[1] = fltGreska.ToString(); upis[2] = id.ToString(); // < Štoperica> //TimeSpan intervalWS = DateTime.Now.Subtract(pocetakWS); //Kraj(id2, intervalWS.TotalMilliseconds, dogodilaSeGreska); // </štoperica> return upis; }
private string GetIndexSpNav(string paramStr) { string paramValue = ""; string str2 = ""; string str3 = ""; string str4 = "10"; string str5 = ""; this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "navcss", ref paramValue); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "arrange", ref str2); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "compart", ref str3); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "navcount", ref str4); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "target", ref str5); DataTable specials = this.SpecialBll.GetSpecials(0); DataView view = new DataView(specials); view.RowFilter = "islock=0"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < view.Count; i++) { int specialId = (int)view[i]["ID"]; string str6 = view[i]["SpecialCName"].ToString(); if (str2 == "true") { if (i == int.Parse(str4)) { builder.Append("<a href='"); builder.Append(this.GetSpecialUrl(specialId, 1)); builder.Append("' target='"); builder.Append(str5); builder.Append("' class='"); builder.Append(paramValue); builder.Append("'>"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append("</a><br/>"); } else if (i >= (view.Count - 1)) { builder.Append("<a href='"); builder.Append(this.GetSpecialUrl(specialId, 1)); builder.Append("' target='"); builder.Append(str5); builder.Append("' class='"); builder.Append(paramValue); builder.Append("'>"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append("</a>"); } else { builder.Append("<a href='"); builder.Append(this.GetSpecialUrl(specialId, 1)); builder.Append("' target='"); builder.Append(str5); builder.Append("' class='"); builder.Append(paramValue); builder.Append("'>"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append("</a>"); builder.Append(str3); } } else { builder.Append(str3); builder.Append("<a href='"); builder.Append(this.GetSpecialUrl(specialId, 1)); builder.Append("' target='"); builder.Append(str5); builder.Append("' class='"); builder.Append(paramValue); builder.Append("'>"); builder.Append(str6); builder.Append("</a><br/>"); } } specials.Dispose(); view.Dispose(); return builder.ToString(); }
public void TestDeleteClosed () { DataView TestView = new DataView (dataTable); TestView.Dispose (); // Close the table TestView.Delete (0); }
public override void addLogMsg(DataTable dtLogResult) { if ((dtLogResult != null) && (dtLogResult.Rows.Count != 0)) { try { bool flag = true; string str = null; DataView view = null; dtLogResult.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ColLog")); dtLogResult.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LocalCurTime")); view = new DataView(dtLogResult) { RowFilter = base.m_dvLogData.RowFilter }; int firstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = base.dgvLogData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex; int count = view.Count; if (base.m_dvLogData.RowFilter.Length > 0) { int length = dtLogResult.Select(base.m_dvLogData.RowFilter).Length; } this.execSetLaPlace(dtLogResult); if (base.m_dvLogData.Sort.Length == 0) { base.m_dtLogData = dtLogResult.Clone(); base.m_dvLogData = new DataView(base.m_dtLogData, "", "LocalCurTime DESC,ReceTime DESC,OrderId DESC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); base.dgvLogData.DataSource = base.m_dvLogData; } foreach (DataRow row in dtLogResult.Select(base.m_dvLogData.RowFilter)) { flag = true; str = row["OrderId"].ToString(); if (dtLogResult.Columns.IndexOf("RespCode") >= 0) { this.CancelAlarmResponse(row); } if (base.m_dtLogData.Rows.Count > 0) { if (((Convert.ToInt32(row["msgType"]) == CmdParam.OrderType.Command) || (Convert.ToInt32(row["msgType"]) == CmdParam.OrderType.SendMsg)) && ((row["OrderName"].ToString() != "末次位置查询") && (row["OrderName"].ToString() != "提示信息"))) { string filterExpression = string.Format("OrderId='{0}'", str); string str3 = ""; foreach (DataRow row2 in base.m_dtLogData.Select(filterExpression)) { row2["OrderResult"] = row["OrderResult"]; row2["CommFlag"] = row["CommFlag"]; str3 = row["Describe"].ToString().Trim(); if (str3.Length > 0) { row2["Describe"] = str3; } flag = false; } } else if ((Convert.ToInt32(row["msgType"]) == CmdParam.OrderType.Terminal) && ((row["OrderName"].ToString().Equals("设置多功能区域报警应答", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || row["OrderName"].ToString().Equals("设置车台分路段超速报警应答", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) || row["OrderName"].ToString().Equals("设置取消区域报警应答", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { string str4 = string.Format("OrderId='{0}' and OrderName='{1}'", str, row["OrderName"].ToString()); string str5 = ""; foreach (DataRow row3 in base.m_dtLogData.Select(str4)) { row3["OrderResult"] = row["OrderResult"]; row3["CommFlag"] = row["CommFlag"]; str5 = row["Describe"].ToString().Trim(); if (str5.Length > 0) { row3["Describe"] = str5; } flag = false; } } this.BatchName(row, str); } if (flag) { int num2 = base.dgvLogData.SelectedRows.Count; row["LocalCurTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); base.m_dtLogData.ImportRow(row); if (num2 == 0) { base.dgvLogData.ClearSelection(); } if (base.m_dtLogData.Rows.Count > base.iMaxLogCnt) { base.m_dvLogData.Delete(base.iMaxLogCnt); } } } str = null; if (firstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex >= 0) { base.dgvLogData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = firstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex; } base.dgvLogData.Refresh(); view.Dispose(); view = null; } catch (Exception exception) { if (Variable.bLogin) { Record.execFileRecord("最新日志添加操作", exception.Message); } } finally { if (dtLogResult != null) { dtLogResult = null; } } } }
public Proceso ObteneroPorId(tabla.proceso procesoManualDeServicio, String empresa) { Conexion datos = new Conexion(empresa); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); DataView dataView = new DataView(); DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); String sql = null; String proceso = Homologar(procesoManualDeServicio); sql = "usp_oper_permisos_obtenerPorProceso "; sql += "'" + proceso + "'"; try { dataSet = datos.ExecuteReader(sql); dataView = dataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; dataTable = dataView.Table; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } finally { Cargar(dataTable); if (dataTable != null) dataTable.Dispose(); if (dataView != null) dataView.Dispose(); if (dataSet != null) dataSet.Dispose(); datos.Desconectar(); } return this; }
protected void dgTotalConsultaCliente_SortCommand(object source, DataGridSortCommandEventArgs e) { try { DataView dv = new DataView((DataTable) this.Session["DT_TOTAL_CONSULTA_CLIENTE"]) { Sort = e.SortExpression }; this.mpeTotalCliente.Show(); this.dgTotalConsultaCliente.DataSource = dv; this.dgTotalConsultaCliente.DataBind(); dv.Dispose(); } catch (Exception exception1) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1); Exception ex = exception1; throw new Exception(GlobalPage.MsgErro(((Usuario)this.Session["USUARIO"]).Cliente.Nome.ToUpper(), ((Usuario)this.Session["USUARIO"]).DsLogin.ToUpper(), "intouch", "RelatorioClean.aspx", "dgTotalConsultaCliente_SortCommand", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, this.Form.Controls)); } }
private void _dgComponents_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { DataView dv = new DataView(dsData.Tables["Components"]); dv.RowFilter = "Pick = 1"; lblInfo.Content = dv.Count.ToString() + " selected"; dv.Dispose(); }
public bool GetComponentTapeFeeder(string fid) { if (dscomponents.Tables.Count == 0) { POPComponentsTable(); } DataView dv = new DataView(dscomponents.Tables[0]); dv.RowFilter = "ComponentCode = " + fid; bool returnval = false; if (dv.Count > 0) { if (dv[0]["TapeFeeder"].ToString().Equals("True")) { returnval = true; } else { returnval = false; } } dv.Dispose(); return returnval; }
private string Index_Ch_GetNav(string paramStr) { string paramValue = ""; string str2 = ""; string str3 = ""; string str4 = "10"; string str5 = ""; this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "navcss", ref paramValue); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "arrange", ref str2); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "compart", ref str3); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "navcount", ref str4); this.GetParamValue(paramStr, "target", ref str5); DataTable table = this.ChannelBll.GetList(false).ToTable(); DataView view = new DataView(table); view.RowFilter = "isdisabled=0"; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= view.Count; i++) { int chId = (int)view[i - 1]["chid"]; string str6 = view[i - 1]["content"].ToString(); string str7 = view[i - 1]["chname"].ToString(); if (str2 == "true") { if (((i % int.Parse(str4)) == 0) && (i != view.Count)) { builder.Append(string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"{1}\" title=\"{2}\" class=\"{3}\">{4}</a><br/>", new object[] { this.GetChannelUrl(chId), str5, str6, paramValue, str7 })); } else if (i == view.Count) { builder.Append(string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"{1}\" title=\"{2}\" class=\"{3}\">{4}</a>", new object[] { this.GetChannelUrl(chId), str5, str6, paramValue, str7 })); } else { builder.Append(string.Format("<a href=\"{0}\" target=\"{1}\" title=\"{2}\" class=\"{3}\">{4}</a>{5}", new object[] { this.GetChannelUrl(chId), str5, str6, paramValue, str7, str3 })); } } else { builder.Append(string.Format("{0}<a href=\"{1}\" target=\"{2}\" title=\"{3}\" class=\"{4}\">{5}</a></br>", new object[] { str3, this.GetChannelUrl(chId), str5, str6, paramValue, str7 })); } } table.Dispose(); view.Dispose(); return builder.ToString(); }
public override void addLogMsg(DataTable dtLogResult) { if ((dtLogResult == null) || (dtLogResult.Rows.Count == 0)) { base.txtNewLogCnt2.Text = "0"; } else { DataView dv = null; try { dtLogResult.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ColLog")); dv = new DataView(dtLogResult) { RowFilter = base.m_dvLogData.RowFilter }; int firstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = base.dgvLogData.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex; int count = dv.Count; if (base.m_dvLogData.Sort.Length == 0) { base.m_dtLogData = dtLogResult.Clone(); if (Variable.sShowTogether.Equals("0")) { base.m_dvLogData = new DataView(base.m_dtLogData, "", "ReceTime DESC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); } else { dtLogResult.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { dtLogResult.Columns["CarId"] }; base.m_dtLogData = dtLogResult.Clone(); base.m_dvLogData = new DataView(base.m_dtLogData, "", "CarNum", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); } base.dgvLogData.DataSource = base.m_dvLogData; } if (Variable.sShowTogether.Equals("0")) { this.addData(count, firstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex, dv); } else { foreach (DataRow row in dtLogResult.Rows) { string key = row["CarId"].ToString(); if (base.m_dtLogData.Rows.Contains(key)) { this.updateData(row); } else { base.m_dtLogData.Rows.Add(row.ItemArray); } } base.m_dvLogData = new DataView(base.m_dtLogData, "", "CarNum", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); } dv.Dispose(); dv = null; } catch (Exception exception) { if (Variable.bLogin) { Record.execFileRecord("最新位置日志添加操作", exception.Message); } } } }
private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { // run all background tasks here BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; DataTable dtComponents = dsData.Tables["Components"]; DataView dv = new DataView(dtComponents); dv.RowFilter = "Pick = 1"; int currentrow = 0; int totalrows = dv.Count; Nozzle1Xoffset = dh.Nozzle1Xoffset; Nozzle1Yoffset = dh.Nozzle1Yoffset; Nozzle2Xoffset = dh.Nozzle2Xoffset; Nozzle2Yoffset = dh.Nozzle2Yoffset; if (totalrows > 0) { /* Components table columns ComponentCode ComponentName PlacementX PlacementY PlacementRotate PlacementNozzle * component list * ComponentCode * ComponentValue * Package * * PlacementHeight * FeederHeight * FeederX * FeederY * VerifywithCamera * TapeFeeder * */ double pcbHeight = double.Parse(dsData.Tables["BoardInfo"].Rows[0][1].ToString()); double feedrate = 20000; double feederPosX = 0; double feederPosY = 0; double feederPosZ = 0; double placePosX = 0; double placePosY = 0; //double placePosZ = 0; // double placePosA = 0; // double placePosRotateZ = 0; // double placePosRotateB = 0; double ComponentRotation = 0; double PlacementHeight = 0; int PlacementNozzle = 1; bool TapeFeeder = false; while (currentrow < totalrows) { if (backgroundWorkerBuildPCB.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; dv.Dispose(); break; } PlacementNozzle = int.Parse(dv[currentrow]["PlacementNozzle"].ToString()); feederPosX = CalcXLocation(comp.GetFeederX(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString()),PlacementNozzle); feederPosY = CalcYLocation(comp.GetFeederY(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString()),PlacementNozzle); feederPosZ = comp.GetFeederHeight(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString()); PlacementHeight = comp.GetPlacementHeight(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString()) - pcbHeight; TapeFeeder = comp.GetComponentTapeFeeder(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString()); placePosX = CalcXLocation(double.Parse(dv[currentrow]["PlacementX"].ToString()),PlacementNozzle); placePosY = CalcYLocation(double.Parse(dv[currentrow]["PlacementY"].ToString()), PlacementNozzle); ComponentRotation = double.Parse(dv[currentrow]["PlacementRotate"].ToString()); PlacementNozzle = int.Parse(dv[currentrow]["PlacementNozzle"].ToString()); if (currentrow == 0) { SetFeederOutputs(comp.GetFeederID(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString())); // send feeder to position } kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); if (comp.GetComponentTapeFeeder(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString())) { while (!usbController.getFeederReadyStatus()) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Thread.Sleep(50); // use picker 1 kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, feederPosZ, ClearHeight, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(200); // go down and turn on suction usbController.setVAC1(true); Thread.Sleep(150); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); } else { // use picker 2 while (usbController.CheckChipMotorRunning()) { Thread.Sleep(10); } kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, feederPosZ, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(200); usbController.setVAC2(true); Thread.Sleep(300); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); } // send picker to pick next item if (currentrow >= 0 && (currentrow + 1) < totalrows) { Thread.Sleep(100); Thread.Sleep(100); SetFeederOutputs(comp.GetFeederID(dv[currentrow + 1]["ComponentCode"].ToString())); // send feeder to position } // rotate head //SetResultsLabelText("Placing Component"); if (comp.GetComponentTapeFeeder(dv[currentrow]["ComponentCode"].ToString())) { kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, ComponentRotation); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, PlacementHeight, ClearHeight, 0, ComponentRotation); Thread.Sleep(200); usbController.setVAC1(false); Thread.Sleep(50); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, ComponentRotation); } else { // use picker 2 CalcXwithNeedleSpacing kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, ComponentRotation, 0); Thread.Sleep(200); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, PlacementHeight, ComponentRotation, 0); // go down and turn off suction Thread.Sleep(300); usbController.setVAC2(false); Thread.Sleep(200); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, ComponentRotation, 0); } currentrow++; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Board file not loaded"); } backgroundWorkerBuildPCB.CancelAsync(); usbController.setResetFeeder(); usbController.RunVibrationMotor(MotorRunLoop); kf.RunHomeAll(); dv.Dispose(); dtComponents.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// BUTTON 上面的存檔鈕 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void but_Up_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); try { #region 檢查欄位 System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); if (this.slp_Up_CHAN_NO.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"通路\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.slp_Z_O.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"營業所\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.slp_STORE.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"門市\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.slp_Up_BUSDATE.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"處理日期\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.txt_ANSWER_TIME.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"接聽時間\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.slp_SAL_ID.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"營業人員\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.slp_BUSUID.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"處理人員\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } // 2009-12-10 cyhsu :Insert 才檢查路線路順,因為歷史資料可能會沒有路線路順 if (this.hid_Page_Status.Value == "INSERT") { if (this.txt_ROUTD_ID.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"路線\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.txt_ROUTD_STEP.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"路順\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } } if (this.txt_DEAL_CONTENT.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { sb.Append("\"處理內容\"欄位尚未設定\\r\\n"); } if (this.chkbl_Detail.SelectedIndex == -1) { sb.Append("\"服務項目\"[線上加量-D儲區]~[退返品查詢]至少必須勾選一個項目"); } if (GetStringLen(txt_DEAL_CONTENT.Text) > 600) { sb.Append("\"處理內容\"欄位資料長度太長\\r\\n"); } if (sb.ToString() != string.Empty) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.up_Button, this.GetType(), "TO_CRM011.aspx", "alert('" + sb.ToString() + "')", true); #region 設定頁面模式 this.hid_Page_Status.Value = "INSERT"; this.txt_Page_Status.Text = "INSERT"; #endregion return; } #endregion int i_Return_Id = 0; BCO.RecordCRMRecord bco = new BCO.RecordCRMRecord(ConntionDB); ArrayList ParameterList = new ArrayList();//20091117 if (this.hid_Page_Status.Value == "INSERT") { #region 整理明細服務項目資料 //取得 VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL 的 SCHEMA //並將使用者選取資料放入 TEMP_TABLE ParameterList.Clear(); ParameterList.Add(Session["UID"].ToString()); ParameterList.Add(DateTime.Now); DataTable dt_Detail = bco.QuerySwitch(BCO.RecordCRMRecord.QueryType.CRM011_DETL_SCHEMA, ParameterList); DateTime d_Date_Now = DateTime.Now; foreach (ListItem li in this.chkbl_Detail.Items) { if (li.Selected == true) { DataRow dRow = dt_Detail.NewRow(); dRow["CREATEDATE"] = d_Date_Now; dRow["CREATEUID"] = Session["UID"].ToString(); dRow["UPDATEDATE"] = d_Date_Now; dRow["UPDATEUID"] = Session["UID"].ToString(); dRow["ONLINE_NO"] = li.Value; dRow["FLAG"] = 1; dt_Detail.Rows.Add(dRow); } } #endregion #region 處理新增資料 ParameterList.Clear(); ParameterList.Add(DateTime.ParseExact(this.slp_Up_BUSDATE.Text, "yyyy/MM/dd", null));//BUSDATE ParameterList.Add(this.slp_BUSUID.Text.Trim());//BUSUID ParameterList.Add(d_Date_Now);//CREATEDATE ParameterList.Add(Session["UID"].ToString());//CREATEUID ParameterList.Add(d_Date_Now);//UPDATEDATE ParameterList.Add(Session["UID"].ToString());//UPDATEUID ParameterList.Add(1);//STATUS ParameterList.Add(1);//ENABLE ParameterList.Add(this.slp_Up_CHAN_NO.Text.Trim());//CHAN_NO ParameterList.Add(this.slp_STORE.Text.Trim());//STORE ParameterList.Add(DateTime.ParseExact(this.txt_ANSWER_TIME.Text.Substring(0, 2) + ":" + txt_ANSWER_TIME.Text.Substring(2).Trim(), "HH:mm", null));//ANSWER_TIME ,yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss ParameterList.Add(this.txt_STORE_FAX_AREA.Text.Trim());//FAX_AREA ParameterList.Add(this.txt_STORE_FAX_NO.Text.Trim());//FAX_NO ParameterList.Add(this.txt_DEAL_CONTENT.Text.Trim());//DEAL_CONTENT ParameterList.Add(Session["UID"].ToString());//V_LOG_UPDATEUID ParameterList.Add(DateTime.Now);//D_LOG_UPDATEDATE i_Return_Id = bco.CreateCRMRecord(ParameterList, null, dt_Detail); #endregion } else if (this.hid_Page_Status.Value == "EDIT") { #region 整理明細服務項目資料 DataSet ds_OldData = new DataSet(); DateTime d_Date_Now = DateTime.Now; #region 使用XML轉回DataSet System.IO.StringReader sr_OldData = new System.IO.StringReader(xml_OLDData.InnerHtml); ds_OldData.ReadXml(sr_OldData); #endregion #region 新增一個欄位,記錄狀態 DataColumn dColum = new DataColumn(); dColum.ColumnName = "STATUS"; dColum.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String"); ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL"].Columns.Add(dColum); #endregion #region 比對ds_OldData檔與CheckBox的資料,如果ds_OldData有CheckBox沒有,則註記該筆資料被使用者刪除 foreach (DataRow dRow in ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL"].Rows) { if (this.chkbl_Detail.Items.FindByValue(dRow["ONLINE_NO"].ToString()).Selected == false) { //如果使用者沒有勾選該筆資料,則將該筆資料從ds_OldData中移除 dRow["STATUS"] = "DELETE"; } } #endregion #region 比對CheckBox與ds_OldData檔的資料,如果CheckBox有ds_OldData沒有,則新增該筆資料進入ds_OldData,且註記該筆資料被使用者新增 foreach (ListItem li in this.chkbl_Detail.Items)//畫面上使用者選的通路 { if (li.Selected == true) { DataView dv_Detail = new DataView(); dv_Detail.Table = ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL"].Copy(); dv_Detail.RowFilter = "ONLINE_NO = '" + li.Value + "'"; if (dv_Detail.Count == 0) { DataRow dRow_New = (DataRow)ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL"].NewRow(); dRow_New["CREATEDATE"] = d_Date_Now; dRow_New["CREATEUID"] = Session["UID"].ToString(); dRow_New["UPDATEDATE"] = d_Date_Now; dRow_New["UPDATEUID"] = Session["UID"].ToString(); dRow_New["ONLINE_NO"] = li.Value; dRow_New["FLAG"] = 1; dRow_New["STATUS"] = "ADD"; ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL"].Rows.Add(dRow_New); } dv_Detail.Dispose(); }//if }//foreach #endregion #endregion #region 處理更新資料 ParameterList.Clear(); //新資料 ParameterList.Add(this.txt_DEAL_CONTENT.Text.Trim()); ParameterList.Add(Session["UID"].ToString()); ParameterList.Add(DateTime.Now); //舊資料 ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["ID"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["CHAN_NO"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["CODE"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["STORE"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["BUSDATE"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["ANSWER_TIME"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["BUSUID"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["FAX_AREA"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["FAX_NO"]); ParameterList.Add(ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_MAIN"].Rows[0]["DEAL_CONTENT"]); i_Return_Id = bco.UpdateCRMRecord(ParameterList, null, ds_OldData.Tables["VDS_CRM_RECORD_DETL"]); #endregion } #region 新增 & 更新後處理 if (i_Return_Id > 0)//代表新增或更新成功 { ParameterList.Clear(); ParameterList.Add(Session["UID"].ToString()); aryParamsPKey = bco.QueryIDForBROWSER(ParameterList); s_ID = i_Return_Id.ToString(); QueryDataAndSetControls(); #region 設定 PageStatus & Button 狀態 string s_Page_Status = string.Empty; s_Page_Status = this.hid_Page_Status.Value; this.hid_Page_Status.Value = "VIEW"; this.txt_Page_Status.Text = "VIEW"; #endregion if (s_Page_Status == "INSERT") {//在新增模式下按下"存檔"鈕 System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.up_Button, this.GetType(), "TO_CRM011.aspx", "alert('新增成功')", true); } else if (s_Page_Status == "EDIT") {//在編輯模式下按下"存檔"鈕 System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.up_Button, this.GetType(), "TO_CRM011.aspx", "alert('更新成功')", true); } } else { if (this.hid_Page_Status.Value == "INSERT") {//在新增模式下按下"存檔"鈕 System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.up_Button, this.GetType(), "TO_CRM011.aspx", "alert('新增失敗')", true); } else if (this.hid_Page_Status.Value == "EDIT") {//在編輯模式下按下"存檔"鈕 System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.up_Button, this.GetType(), "TO_CRM011.aspx", "alert('更新失敗')", true); } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { WaringLogProcess(ex.Message); this.ErrorMsgLabel.Text = ex.Message; } finally { GetPageDefault(); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Updates the Page sequence /// </summary> /// <param name="parentSiteUrl">Site URL.</param> /// <param name="listName">List Name.</param> /// <param name="auditListName">Name of the audit list.</param> /// <param name="dvUpdateListitems">DataView.</param> /// <param name="actionPerformed">Audit Action ID.</param> /// <param name="userName">Name of the user.</param> public void UpdateChapterSequence(string parentSiteUrl, string listName, string auditListName, DataView dvUpdateListitems, string actionPerformed, string userName) { objCommonDAL = new CommonDAL(); objCommonDAL.UpdateSequence(parentSiteUrl, listName, dvUpdateListitems, "Chapter_Sequence"); if (dvUpdateListitems != null && dvUpdateListitems.Count > 0) { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < dvUpdateListitems.Count; rowIndex++) { objCommonDAL.UpdateListAuditHistory(parentSiteUrl, auditListName, int.Parse(dvUpdateListitems[rowIndex]["ID"].ToString()), userName, actionPerformed); } } if (dvUpdateListitems != null) dvUpdateListitems.Dispose(); }
public void TestDeleteClosed () { DataView TestView = new DataView (dataTable); TestView.Dispose (); // Close the table TestView.Delete (0); // cannot access to item at 0. }
private void backgroundWorkerDoCommand_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; DataView rundata = new DataView(); rundata = dtom3.ConvertToGCode(dataGridView1, Double.Parse(ribbonTextBoxBoardOffsetX.TextBoxText), Double.Parse(ribbonTextBoxBoardOffsetY.TextBoxText)); double feedrate = double.Parse(ribbonTextBoxFeedRate.TextBoxText); int currentrow = 0; int totalrows = rundata.Count; if (totalrows > 0) { // MessageBox.Show(totalrows.ToString()); // RunMach3Command(Script, "G01 B0 C0"); /* table columns RefDes Type PosX PosY ComponentRotation ComponentValue feederNumber Code ComponentHeight DefaultRotation VerifywithCamera TapeFeeder feederPosX feederPosY feederPosZ PickPlusChipHeight * */ double progresspert = 0; double progresspertcalc = 100 / totalrows; double feederPosX = 0; double feederPosY = 0; double feederPosZ = 0; double placePosX = 0; double placePosY = 0; double ComponentRotation = 0; double DefaultRotation = 0; double componentHeight = 0; double newrotation = 0; while (currentrow < totalrows) { if (backgroundWorkerDoCommand.CancellationPending) { e.Cancel = true; SetCurrentCommandText("Stopped"); rundata.Dispose(); break; } feederPosX = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["feederPosX"].ToString()) + Xoffset; feederPosY = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["feederPosY"].ToString()) + Yoffset; feederPosZ = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["feederPosZ"].ToString()); placePosX = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["PosX"].ToString()) + Xoffset; placePosY = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["PosY"].ToString()) + Yoffset; ComponentRotation = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["ComponentRotation"].ToString()); DefaultRotation = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["DefaultRotation"].ToString()); componentHeight = double.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["ComponentHeight"].ToString()); if (currentrow == 0) { SetFeederOutputs(Int32.Parse(rundata[currentrow]["FeederNumber"].ToString())); // send feeder to position } SetCurrentCommandText("Feeder Activate"); SetCurrentCommandText(rundata[currentrow]["RefDes"].ToString()); StetActiveComponentText(rundata[currentrow]["RefDes"].ToString()); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); SetCurrentCommandText("Picking Component"); if (rundata[currentrow]["TapeFeeder"].ToString().Equals("True")) { while (!usbController.getFeederReadyStatus()) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Thread.Sleep(50); // use picker 1 kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, CalcAZHeight(feederPosZ), ClearHeight, 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(50); // go down and turn on suction ChangeVacOutput(1, true); Thread.Sleep(50); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); } else { // use picker 2 kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, CalcAZHeight(feederPosZ), 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(50); ChangeVacOutput(2, true); //Thread.Sleep(500); Thread.Sleep(50); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, feederPosX, feederPosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); } // send picker to pick next item if (currentrow >= 0 && (currentrow + 1) < totalrows) { Thread.Sleep(100); SetFeederOutputs(Int32.Parse(rundata[currentrow + 1]["FeederNumber"].ToString())); // send feeder to position } // rotate head SetResultsLabelText("Placing Component"); if (rundata[currentrow]["TapeFeeder"].ToString().Equals("True")) { // use picker 1 if (DefaultRotation != ComponentRotation) { newrotation = DefaultRotation + ComponentRotation; if (ComponentRotation == 0) { newrotation = DefaultRotation; } kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, newrotation); } else { kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); } SetResultsLabelText("ComponentHeight: " + CalcAZPlaceHeight(componentHeight).ToString()); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, CalcAZPlaceHeight(componentHeight), ClearHeight, 0, newrotation); Thread.Sleep(100); ChangeVacOutput(1, false); Thread.Sleep(200); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, placePosX, placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, newrotation); } else { // use picker 2 CalcXwithNeedleSpacing if (DefaultRotation != ComponentRotation) { newrotation = DefaultRotation + ComponentRotation; if (ComponentRotation == 0) { newrotation = DefaultRotation; } kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, CalcXwithNeedleSpacing(placePosX), placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, newrotation, 0); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, CalcXwithNeedleSpacing(placePosX), placePosY, ClearHeight, CalcAZPlaceHeight(componentHeight), newrotation, 0); // go down and turn off suction Thread.Sleep(150); ChangeVacOutput(2, false); Thread.Sleep(50); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, CalcXwithNeedleSpacing(placePosX), placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, newrotation, 0); } else { kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, CalcXwithNeedleSpacing(placePosX), placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, CalcXwithNeedleSpacing(placePosX), placePosY, ClearHeight, CalcAZPlaceHeight(componentHeight), 0, 0); Thread.Sleep(150); ChangeVacOutput(2, false); Thread.Sleep(50); kf.MoveSingleFeed(feedrate, CalcXwithNeedleSpacing(placePosX), placePosY, ClearHeight, ClearHeight, 0, 0); } } currentrow++; progresspert = currentrow * progresspertcalc; worker.ReportProgress(Int32.Parse(progresspert.ToString())); } rundata.Dispose(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Board file not loaded"); } backgroundWorkerDoCommand.CancelAsync(); worker.ReportProgress(100); // home all axis and zero SetResultsLabelText("Home and Reset"); //kf.HomeAll(); //Thread thrd = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoHomeAll)); //thrd.Start(); // thrd.IsBackground = true; }