private double EvaluateExpression(string expression, DataTable dataTable)
            // replace B1:B7 => B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
            expression = RegexReplacer.ReplaceRangeOperators(expression);

            // Creating list of variables specified
            List<VariableValue> variables = new List<VariableValue>();

            const string patternForMatchVariables = @"(?<Cell>(?<Column>[a-zA-Z]{1,3})(?<Row>\d{1,3}))";

            foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(expression, patternForMatchVariables))
                var cellName = match.Groups["Cell"].Value;
                var col = SSColumns.Parse(match.Groups["Column"].Value);
                var row = int.Parse(match.Groups["Row"].Value);
                var spreadsheetCell = dataTable.GetSpreadsheetCell(row, col);

                this.CheckForRecursion(spreadsheetCell, dataTable, this.CellName.FullName);

                double cellValue;

                if (spreadsheetCell != null)
                    if (!this.DependentCells.Contains(spreadsheetCell.Tag.CellName))
                        Logger.WriteLogInfo(string.Format("Added [{0}] cell to dependent list of cell [{1}]",
                                                          spreadsheetCell.Tag.CellName.FullName, this.CellName.FullName));
                    if (this.ConsequentialCells.Contains(spreadsheetCell.Tag.CellName))
                        throw new RecursiveCellCallException("Infinity recursive loop detected!");
                    if (!spreadsheetCell.Tag.ConsequentialCells.Contains(this.CellName))
                        Logger.WriteLogInfo(string.Format("Added [{0}] cell to consequential list of cell [{1}]",
                                                          this.CellName.FullName, spreadsheetCell.Tag.CellName.FullName));

                    if (spreadsheetCell.Content == string.Empty)
                        cellValue = 0;
                        if (!double.TryParse(spreadsheetCell.Content, out cellValue))
                            throw new CellContensIsNotNumericException(string.Format("Cell [{0}] content must be numeric for using in formulas", cellName));
                    throw new CellIndexIsOutOfRange(string.Format("Cell [{0}] is not present in table", cellName));

                if (!variables.Any(v => v.VariableName == cellName))
                    variables.Add(new VariableValue(cellValue, cellName));

            return this.EvaluateExpressionWithVariables(expression, variables);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize table by creating new and copying old values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exGrid"></param>
        /// <param name="oldDataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="rowsNum"></param>
        /// <param name="colsNum"></param>
        private void ResizeTable(ExtendedDataGrid exGrid, DataTable oldDataTable, int rowsNum, int colsNum)
            int boundRows = oldDataTable.Rows.Count < rowsNum ? oldDataTable.Rows.Count : rowsNum;
            int boundCols = oldDataTable.Columns.Count < colsNum ? oldDataTable.Columns.Count : colsNum;

            DataTable newDataTable = new DataTable(oldDataTable.TableName);

            for (int i = 0; i < colsNum; i++)
                newDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(SSColumns.ToString(i), typeof(SpreadsheetCell)));

            for (int i = 0; i < rowsNum; i++)
                var row = newDataTable.NewRow();
                for (int j = 0; j < colsNum; j++)
                    string cellName = SSColumns.ToString(j) + i;
                    row[j] = new SpreadsheetCell(string.Empty, newDataTable, new SpreadsheetCellCustomInfo(new CellName(cellName, i, j)));

            // copy data
            for (int i = 0; i < boundRows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < boundCols; j++)
                    SpreadsheetCell cell = newDataTable.GetSpreadsheetCell(i, j);
                    SpreadsheetCell oldCell = oldDataTable.GetSpreadsheetCell(i, j);
                    cell.Content = oldCell.Content;
                    cell.Tag = oldCell.Tag;
            this.DataTables[this.CurrentSheetNumber] = newDataTable;
            // VERY VERY DIRTY HACK because nulling throws exception, dunno why
                exGrid.ItemsSource = null;
            catch { }
            exGrid.ItemsSource = newDataTable.DefaultView;
        private void CheckForRecursion(SpreadsheetCell cell, DataTable dataTable, string cellNameToCheck)
            if (cell.Tag.CellName.FullName == cellNameToCheck)
                throw new RecursiveCellCallException("Infinity recursive loop detected!");

            foreach (var consCellName in cell.Tag.DependentCells)
                var consCell = dataTable.GetSpreadsheetCell(consCellName.Row, consCellName.Col);
                CheckForRecursion(consCell, dataTable, cellNameToCheck);