internal BatchSaveResult(DataServiceContext context, string method, DataServiceRequest[] queries, SaveChangesOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) : base(context, method, queries, options, callback, state) { this.Queries = queries; this.streamCopyBuffer = new byte[0xfa0]; }
internal LoadPropertyResult(object entity, string propertyName, DataServiceContext context, ODataRequestMessageWrapper request, AsyncCallback callback, object state, DataServiceRequest dataServiceRequest, ProjectionPlan plan) : base(context, "LoadProperty", dataServiceRequest, request, new RequestInfo(context), callback, state) { this.entity = entity; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.plan = plan; }
/// <summary> /// Processes the result for successfull request and produces the actual result of the request. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TElement">Element type of the result.</typeparam> /// <param name="context">The data service context.</param> /// <param name="plan">The plan to use for the projection, if available in precompiled form.</param> /// <returns>A instance of QueryResponseResult created on top of of the request.</returns> internal QueryOperationResponse <TElement> ProcessResult <TElement>(DataServiceContext context, ProjectionPlan plan) { MaterializeAtom materializeAtom = DataServiceRequest.Materialize(context, this.ServiceRequest.QueryComponents, plan, this.ContentType, this.GetResponseStream()); return(this.GetResponse <TElement>(materializeAtom)); }
private NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer(PathBox pb, Type type, DataServiceContext context) { = pb; this.type = type; this.context = context; }
private MaterializeAtom ReadPropertyFromAtom(EntityDescriptor box, ClientPropertyAnnotation property) { MaterializeAtom atom2; DataServiceContext source = (DataServiceContext)base.Source; bool applyingChanges = source.ApplyingChanges; try { source.ApplyingChanges = true; bool flag2 = EntityStates.Deleted == box.State; bool instanceCreated = false; object instance = null; if (property.IsEntityCollection) { instance = this.GetCollectionInstance(property, out instanceCreated); } Type type = property.IsEntityCollection ? property.EntityCollectionItemType : property.NullablePropertyType; IList results = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { type })); DataServiceQueryContinuation continuation = null; using (MaterializeAtom atom = base.GetMaterializer(this.plan)) { bool flag4 = property.EdmProperty.PropertyKind == EdmPropertyKind.Navigation; int num = 0; foreach (object obj3 in atom) { if (property.IsEntityCollection) { property.SetValue(instance, obj3, this.propertyName, true); results.Add(obj3); } else if (property.IsPrimitiveOrComplexCollection) { object obj4 = property.GetValue(this.entity); if (obj4 == null) { obj4 = Activator.CreateInstance(obj3.GetType()); property.SetValue(this.entity, obj4, this.propertyName, false); } else { property.ClearBackingICollectionInstance(obj4); } foreach (object obj5 in (IEnumerable)obj3) { property.AddValueToBackingICollectionInstance(obj4, obj5); } results.Add(obj4); } else { property.SetValue(this.entity, obj3, this.propertyName, false); results.Add(obj3); } num++; if (((obj3 != null) && (MergeOption.NoTracking != atom.MergeOptionValue)) && flag4) { if (flag2) { source.DeleteLink(this.entity, this.propertyName, obj3); } else { source.AttachLink(this.entity, this.propertyName, obj3, atom.MergeOptionValue); } } } continuation = atom.GetContinuation(null); Util.SetNextLinkForCollection(property.IsEntityCollection ? instance : this.entity, continuation); } if (instanceCreated) { property.SetValue(this.entity, instance, this.propertyName, false); } atom2 = MaterializeAtom.CreateWrapper(source, results, continuation); } finally { source.ApplyingChanges = applyingChanges; } return(atom2); }
internal void ExecuteQuery(DataServiceContext context) { try { if ((this.requestContentStream != null) && (this.requestContentStream.Stream != null)) { if (this.requestContentStream.IsKnownMemoryStream) { this.Request.SetContentLengthHeader(); } using (Stream stream = WebUtil.GetRequestStream(this.Request, context)) { int num; byte[] buffer = new byte[0x10000]; do { num = this.requestContentStream.Stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (num > 0) { stream.Write(buffer, 0, num); } }while (num > 0); } } HttpWebResponse response = null; response = WebUtil.GetResponse(this.Request, context, true); this.SetHttpWebResponse(Util.NullCheck <HttpWebResponse>(response, InternalError.InvalidGetResponse)); if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent != this.StatusCode) { using (Stream stream2 = WebUtil.GetResponseStream(this.httpWebResponse, context)) { if (stream2 != null) { Stream asyncResponseStreamCopy = this.GetAsyncResponseStreamCopy(); this.outputResponseStream = asyncResponseStreamCopy; byte[] asyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer = this.GetAsyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer(); long num2 = WebUtil.CopyStream(stream2, asyncResponseStreamCopy, ref asyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer); if (this.responseStreamOwner) { if (0L == num2) { this.outputResponseStream = null; } else if (asyncResponseStreamCopy.Position < asyncResponseStreamCopy.Length) { ((MemoryStream)asyncResponseStreamCopy).SetLength(asyncResponseStreamCopy.Position); } } this.PutAsyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer(asyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer); } } } } catch (Exception exception) { base.HandleFailure(exception); throw; } finally { base.SetCompleted(); this.CompletedRequest(); } if (base.Failure != null) { throw base.Failure; } }
/// <summary> /// Analyzes a lambda expression to check whether it can be satisfied with /// $select and client-side materialization. /// </summary> /// <param name="le">Lambda expression.</param> /// <param name="re">Resource expression in scope.</param> /// <param name="matchMembers">Whether member accesses are matched as top-level projections.</param> /// <param name="context">Context of expression to analyze.</param> /// <returns>true if the lambda is a client-side projection; false otherwise.</returns> internal static bool Analyze(LambdaExpression le, ResourceExpression re, bool matchMembers, DataServiceContext context) { Debug.Assert(le != null, "le != null"); if (le.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant) { if (ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(le.Body.Type)) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_CannotCreateConstantEntity); } re.Projection = new ProjectionQueryOptionExpression(le.Body.Type, le, new List <string>()); return(true); } if (le.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberInit || le.Body.NodeType == ExpressionType.New) { AnalyzeResourceExpression(le, re, context); return(true); } if (matchMembers) { // Members can be projected standalone or type-casted. Expression withoutConverts = SkipConverts(le.Body); if (withoutConverts.NodeType == ExpressionType.MemberAccess) { AnalyzeResourceExpression(le, re, context); return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Appends a type segment to the <see cref="StringBuilder"/> which is building up a URI from a query. /// </summary> /// <param name="stringBuilder">The string builder.</param> /// <param name="type">The type for the segment.</param> /// <param name="dataServiceContext">The data service context.</param> /// <param name="inPath">Whether or not the type segment is being appended within the path (as opposed to within a $filter or $orderby expression).</param> /// <param name="version">The current version.</param> internal static void AppendTypeSegment(StringBuilder stringBuilder, Type type, DataServiceContext dataServiceContext, bool inPath, ref Version version) { // The '$' segment is used to escape known metadata segments in the key-as-segments mode to avoid ambiguity. // Because keys are not allowed inside filter or orderby expressions, we do not need to add it in those cases. if (inPath && dataServiceContext.UrlConventions == DataServiceUrlConventions.KeyAsSegment) { stringBuilder.Append('$'); stringBuilder.Append(FORWARDSLASH); } string typeName = GetEntityTypeNameForUriAndValidateMaxProtocolVersion(type, dataServiceContext, ref version); stringBuilder.Append(typeName); }
/// <summary> /// Analyzes the specified <paramref name="lambda"/> for selection and updates /// <paramref name="resource"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="lambda">Lambda expression to analyze.</param> /// <param name="resource">Resource expression to update.</param> /// <param name="context">Context of expression to analyze.</param> private static void AnalyzeResourceExpression(LambdaExpression lambda, ResourceExpression resource, DataServiceContext context) { PathBox pb = new PathBox(); ProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(lambda, pb, context); resource.Projection = new ProjectionQueryOptionExpression(lambda.Body.Type, lambda, pb.ProjectionPaths.ToList()); resource.ExpandPaths = pb.ExpandPaths.Union(resource.ExpandPaths, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList(); resource.RaiseUriVersion(pb.UriVersion); }
internal AsyncStateBag(System.Data.Services.Client.BaseAsyncResult.PerRequest pereq, DataServiceContext context) { this.PerRequest = pereq; this.Context = context; }
/// <summary>Gets the type name to be used in the URI for the given <paramref name="type"/>.</summary> /// <param name="type">Type to get name for.</param> /// <param name="context">Data context used to generate type names for types.</param> /// <param name="uriVersion">Data service version for the uri</param> /// <returns>The name for the <paramref name="type"/>, suitable for including in a URI.</returns> internal static string GetEntityTypeNameForUriAndValidateMaxProtocolVersion(Type type, DataServiceContext context, ref Version uriVersion) { Debug.Assert(type != null, "type != null"); Debug.Assert(context != null, "context != null"); if (context.MaxProtocolVersionAsVersion < Util.DataServiceVersion3) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_TypeAsNotSupportedForMaxDataServiceVersionLessThan3); } if (!ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(type)) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_TypeAsArgumentNotEntityType(type.FullName)); } // Raise the uriVersion each time we write the type segment on the uri. WebUtil.RaiseVersion(ref uriVersion, Util.DataServiceVersion3); return(context.ResolveNameFromType(type) ?? type.FullName); }
private MaterializeAtom(DataServiceContext context, XmlReader reader, Type type, MergeOption mergeOption) : this(context, reader, new QueryComponents(null, Util.DataServiceVersionEmpty, type, null, null), null, mergeOption) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of RequestInfo class which is used to build the request to send to the server /// </summary> /// <param name="context">wrapping context instance.</param> /// <param name="isContinuation">Whether this is a continuation request.</param> internal RequestInfo(DataServiceContext context, bool isContinuation) : this(context) { this.IsContinuation = isContinuation; }
protected override void AsyncEndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { BaseAsyncResult.AsyncStateBag asyncState = asyncResult.AsyncState as BaseAsyncResult.AsyncStateBag; BaseAsyncResult.PerRequest request = (asyncState == null) ? null : asyncState.PerRequest; DataServiceContext context = (asyncState == null) ? null : asyncState.Context; try { if (base.IsAborted) { if (request != null) { request.SetComplete(); } base.SetCompleted(); } else { this.CompleteCheck(request, InternalError.InvalidEndGetResponseCompleted); request.SetRequestCompletedSynchronously(asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously); base.SetCompletedSynchronously(asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously); HttpWebResponse response = WebUtil.EndGetResponse(Util.NullCheck <ODataRequestMessageWrapper>(request.Request, InternalError.InvalidEndGetResponseRequest), asyncResult, context); request.HttpWebResponse = Util.NullCheck <HttpWebResponse>(response, InternalError.InvalidEndGetResponseResponse); this.SetHttpWebResponse(request.HttpWebResponse); Stream responseStream = null; if (HttpStatusCode.NoContent != response.StatusCode) { responseStream = WebUtil.GetResponseStream(response, context); request.ResponseStream = responseStream; } if ((responseStream != null) && responseStream.CanRead) { if (this.outputResponseStream == null) { this.outputResponseStream = Util.NullCheck <Stream>(this.GetAsyncResponseStreamCopy(), InternalError.InvalidAsyncResponseStreamCopy); } if (this.asyncStreamCopyBuffer == null) { this.asyncStreamCopyBuffer = Util.NullCheck <byte[]>(this.GetAsyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer(), InternalError.InvalidAsyncResponseStreamCopyBuffer); } this.ReadResponseStream(asyncState); } else { request.SetComplete(); base.SetCompleted(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { if (base.HandleFailure(exception)) { throw; } } finally { this.HandleCompleted(request); } }
public DataServiceCollection(DataServiceContext context) : this(context, null, TrackingMode.AutoChangeTracking, null, null, null) { }
/// <summary>Analyzes the specified member-init expression.</summary> /// <param name="mie">Expression to analyze.</param> /// <param name="pb">Path-tracking object to store analysis in.</param> /// <param name="context">Context of expression to analyze.</param> internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb, DataServiceContext context) { Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null"); var epa = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type, context); MemberAssignmentAnalysis targetEntityPath = null; foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings) { MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment; epa.Visit(ma.Expression); if (ma != null) { var analysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, ma.Expression); if (analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null) { throw analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException; } // Note that an "empty" assignment on the binding is not checked/handled, // because the funcletizer would have turned that into a constant // in the tree, the visit earlier in this method would have thrown // an exception at finding a constant in an entity projection. // // We do account however for failing to find a reference off the // parameter entry to detect errors like this: new ET() { Ref = e } // Here it looks like the new ET should be the parent of 'e', but // there is nothing in scope that represents that. // // This also explains while error messages might be a bit misleading // in this case (because they reference a constant when the user // hasn't included any). Type targetType = ClientTypeUtil.GetMemberType(ma.Member); Expression[] lastExpressions = analysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity(); if (lastExpressions.Length == 0) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjectionToEntity(targetType, ma.Expression)); } MemberExpression lastExpression = lastExpressions[lastExpressions.Length - 1] as MemberExpression; Debug.Assert( !analysis.MultiplePathsFound, "!analysis.MultiplePathsFound -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and expressions that can combine paths should have thrown exception during initializer analysis"); #if DEBUG Debug.Assert( lastExpression != null, "lastExpression != null -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and the only expressions that are allowed can be formed off the parameter, so this is always correlatd"); #endif analysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref targetEntityPath); // For DataServiceStreamLink, the last expression will be a constant expression. Hence we won't be comparing name checks and entity checks for those type of bindings if (lastExpression != null) { if (lastExpression.Member.Name != ma.Member.Name) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_PropertyNamesMustMatchInProjections(lastExpression.Member.Name, ma.Member.Name)); } // Unless we're initializing an entity, we should not traverse into the parameter in scope. bool targetIsEntity = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(targetType); bool sourceIsEntity = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(lastExpression.Type); if (sourceIsEntity && !targetIsEntity) { throw new NotSupportedException(Strings.ALinq_ExpressionNotSupportedInProjection(targetType, ma.Expression)); } } } } }
internal DataServiceQueryProvider(DataServiceContext context) { this.Context = context; }
internal void AppendPropertyToPath(PropertyInfo pi, Type convertedSourceType, DataServiceContext context) { bool flag = ClientTypeUtil.TypeOrElementTypeIsEntity(pi.PropertyType); string name = (convertedSourceType == null) ? null : System.Data.Services.Client.UriHelper.GetEntityTypeNameForUriAndValidateMaxProtocolVersion(convertedSourceType, context, ref this.uriVersion); if (flag) { if (convertedSourceType != null) { this.AppendToExpandPath(name); } this.AppendToExpandPath(pi.Name); } StringBuilder sb = null; if (convertedSourceType != null) { this.AppendToProjectionPath(name, false); } sb = this.AppendToProjectionPath(pi.Name, false); if (flag) { AddEntireEntityMarker(sb); } }