/// <summary>
        /// Update the job cost tax status based on the tax district of a job. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobCode"></param>
        /// <param name="startDate"></param>
        /// <param name="endDate"></param>
        private void UpdateJobCostTaxStatus(long jobCode, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, OleDbConnection con)
            //using (var con = SysconCommon.Common.Environment.Connections.GetOLEDBConnection())
                // Check the tax status of all unbilled job cost records that are marked to be
                // manually overridden for the billing total

                //Get the appropriate tax district information
                string sql = string.Format("SELECT taxdst.* FROM taxdst JOIN actrec ON taxdst.recnum = actrec.slstax "
                                            + "WHERE actrec.recnum = {0}", jobCode);

                DataTable taxInfoDt = con.GetDataTable("TaxInfo", sql);
                if (taxInfoDt.Rows.Count != 1)
                    //No matching tax district set up in job.

                int[] taxStatus = new int[9];
                DataRow dr = taxInfoDt.Rows[0];

                taxStatus[0] = (((string)dr["mattax"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[1] = (((string)dr["labtax"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[2] = (((string)dr["eqptax"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[3] = (((string)dr["subtax"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[4] = (((string)dr["othtax"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[5] = (((string)dr["usrcs6"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[6] = (((string)dr["usrcs7"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[7] = (((string)dr["usrcs8"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
                taxStatus[8] = (((string)dr["usrcs9"]) == "Y") ? 1 : 0;

                //Update the taxable status of unbilled job cost records for this particular job
                string sql2 = string.Format("SELECT * from jobcst "
                                                + "WHERE jobcst.jobnum = {0} "
                                                + "AND jobcst.ovrrde = 1 "
                                                + "AND jobcst.bllsts = 1 "
                                                + "AND BETWEEN(jobcst.trndte, {1},{2})", jobCode,
                                                startDate.ToFoxproDate(), endDate.ToFoxproDate());

                DataTable dt = con.GetDataTable("Jobcst", sql2);
                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    int cstTyp = (int)((decimal)row["csttyp"]);
                    decimal recNum = (decimal)row["recnum"];

                    string updateSql = string.Format("UPDATE jobcst SET taxabl = {0} "
                                                    + "WHERE jobcst.recnum = {1} ", taxStatus[cstTyp - 1], recNum);


예제 #2
        internal static IEnumerable<long> GetAllPaygroups(OleDbConnection con)
            var grpsdt = con.GetDataTable("paygroups", "select recnum from paygrp");

            return from r in grpsdt.Rows.ToIEnumerable()
                   select Convert.ToInt64(r["recnum"]);