private void DisposeDescriptorHandle()
     OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = this._hdesc;
     if (handle != null)
         this._hdesc = null;
예제 #2
        // Get the Descriptor Handle for the current statement
        internal OdbcDescriptorHandle GetDescriptorHandle(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute)
            OdbcDescriptorHandle hdesc = _hdesc;

            if (null == _hdesc)
                _hdesc = hdesc = new OdbcDescriptorHandle(_stmt, attribute);
예제 #3
        private void DisposeDescriptorHandle()
            OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = _hdesc;

            if (null != handle)
                _hdesc = null;
예제 #4
        private void DisposeDescriptorHandle()
            OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = this._hdesc;

            if (handle != null)
                this._hdesc = null;
예제 #5
        internal OdbcDescriptorHandle GetDescriptorHandle(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute)
            OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = this._hdesc;

            if (this._hdesc == null)
                this._hdesc = handle = new OdbcDescriptorHandle(this._stmt, attribute);
예제 #6
        internal void Bind(OdbcStatementHandle hstmt, OdbcCommand command, short ordinal, CNativeBuffer parameterBuffer, bool allowReentrance)
            ODBC32.RetCode   retcode;
            ODBC32.SQL_C     sql_c_type   = _prepared_Sql_C_Type;
            ODBC32.SQL_PARAM sqldirection = SqlDirectionFromParameterDirection();

            int    offset      = _preparedOffset;
            int    size        = _preparedSize;
            object value       = _preparedValue;
            int    cbValueSize = GetValueSize(value, offset);           // count of bytes for the data
            int    cchSize     = GetColumnSize(value, offset, ordinal); // count of bytes for the data, used to allocate the buffer length
            byte   precision   = GetParameterPrecision(value);
            byte   scale       = GetParameterScale(value);
            int    cbActual;

            HandleRef valueBuffer = parameterBuffer.PtrOffset(_preparedValueOffset, _preparedBufferSize);
            HandleRef intBuffer   = parameterBuffer.PtrOffset(_preparedIntOffset, IntPtr.Size);

            // for the numeric datatype we need to do some special case handling ...
            if (ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC == sql_c_type)
                // for input/output parameters we need to adjust the scale of the input value since the convert function in
                // sqlsrv32 takes this scale for the output parameter (possible bug in sqlsrv32?)
                if ((ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT_OUTPUT == sqldirection) && (value is decimal))
                    if (scale < _internalScale)
                        while (scale < _internalScale)
                            value = ((decimal)value) * 10;
                SetInputValue(value, sql_c_type, cbValueSize, precision, 0, parameterBuffer);

                // for output parameters we need to write precision and scale to the buffer since the convert function in
                // sqlsrv32 expects these values there (possible bug in sqlsrv32?)
                if (ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT != sqldirection)
                    parameterBuffer.WriteInt16(_preparedValueOffset, (short)(((ushort)scale << 8) | (ushort)precision));
                SetInputValue(value, sql_c_type, cbValueSize, size, offset, parameterBuffer);

            // Try to reuse existing bindings if
            //  the binding is valid (means we already went through binding all parameters)
            //  the parametercollection is bound already
            //  the bindtype ParameterType did not change (forced upgrade)

            if (!_hasChanged &&
                (_boundSqlCType == sql_c_type) &&
                (_boundParameterType == _bindtype._sql_type) &&
                (_boundSize == cchSize) &&
                (_boundScale == scale) &&
                (_boundBuffer == valueBuffer.Handle) &&
                (_boundIntbuffer == intBuffer.Handle)

            retcode = hstmt.BindParameter(
                ordinal,                                        // Parameter Number
                (short)sqldirection,                            // InputOutputType
                sql_c_type,                                     // ValueType
                _bindtype._sql_type,                            // ParameterType
                (IntPtr)cchSize,                                // ColumnSize
                (IntPtr)scale,                                  // DecimalDigits
                valueBuffer,                                    // ParameterValuePtr
                intBuffer);                                     // StrLen_or_IndPtr

            if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode)
                if ("07006" == command.GetDiagSqlState())
                    if (allowReentrance)
                        this.Bind(hstmt, command, ordinal, parameterBuffer, false);
                command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
            _hasChanged         = false;
            _boundSqlCType      = sql_c_type;
            _boundParameterType = _bindtype._sql_type;
            _boundSize          = cchSize;
            _boundScale         = scale;
            _boundBuffer        = valueBuffer.Handle;
            _boundIntbuffer     = intBuffer.Handle;

            if (ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC == sql_c_type)
                OdbcDescriptorHandle hdesc = command.GetDescriptorHandle(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.APP_PARAM_DESC);
                // descriptor handle is cached on command wrapper, don't release it

                // Set descriptor Type
                //SQLSetDescField(hdesc, i+1, SQL_DESC_TYPE, (void *)SQL_C_NUMERIC, 0);
                retcode = hdesc.SetDescriptionField1(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.TYPE, (IntPtr)ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC);

                if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode)
                    command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);

                // Set precision
                cbActual = (int)precision;
                //SQLSetDescField(hdesc, i+1, SQL_DESC_PRECISION, (void *)precision, 0);
                retcode = hdesc.SetDescriptionField1(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.PRECISION, (IntPtr)cbActual);

                if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode)
                    command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);

                // Set scale
                // SQLSetDescField(hdesc, i+1, SQL_DESC_SCALE,  (void *)llen, 0);
                cbActual = (int)scale;
                retcode  = hdesc.SetDescriptionField1(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.SCALE, (IntPtr)cbActual);

                if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode)
                    command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);

                // Set data pointer
                // SQLSetDescField(hdesc, i+1, SQL_DESC_DATA_PTR,  (void *)&numeric, 0);
                retcode = hdesc.SetDescriptionField2(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.DATA_PTR, valueBuffer);

                if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode)
                    command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
예제 #7
// todo: Another 3.0 only attribute that is guaranteed to fail on V2 driver.
// need to special case this for V2 drivers.
        private String GetDescFieldStr(int i, ODBC32.SQL_DESC attribute, ODBC32.HANDLER handler) {
            Int32   numericAttribute = 0;

            // protect against dead connection, dead or canceling command.
            if ((Connection == null) || _cmdWrapper.Canceling) {
                return "";

            // APP_PARAM_DESC is a (ODBCVER >= 0x0300) attribute
            if (!Connection.IsV3Driver) {
                Debug.Assert (false, "Non-V3 driver. Must not call GetDescFieldStr");
                return null;

            ODBC32.RetCode retcode;
            CNativeBuffer buffer = Buffer;

            // Need to set the APP_PARAM_DESC values here
            using(OdbcDescriptorHandle hdesc = new OdbcDescriptorHandle(StatementHandle, ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.APP_PARAM_DESC)) {
                retcode = hdesc.GetDescriptionField(i+1, attribute, buffer, out numericAttribute);

                //Since there are many attributes (column, statement, etc), that may or may not be
                //supported, we don't want to throw (which obtains all errorinfo, marshals strings,
                //builds exceptions, etc), in common cases, unless we absolutly need this info...
                if((retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS) || (numericAttribute == 0))
                    if (retcode == ODBC32.RetCode.ERROR) {
                        if ("HY091" == Command.GetDiagSqlState()) {
                            Connection.FlagUnsupportedColAttr(attribute, (ODBC32.SQL_COLUMN)0);
                    if(handler == ODBC32.HANDLER.THROW) {
                        Connection.HandleError(StatementHandle, retcode);
                    return null;
            string retval = buffer.PtrToStringUni(0, numericAttribute/2 /*cch*/);
            return retval;
예제 #8
 static internal extern /*SQLRETURN*/ODBC32.RetCode SQLSetDescFieldW (
     /*SQLHSTMT*/OdbcDescriptorHandle StatementHandle,
     /*SQLSMALLINT*/Int16 ColumnNumber,
     /*SQLSMALLINT*/ODBC32.SQL_DESC  FieldIdentifier,
     /*SQLPOINTER*/IntPtr CharacterAttribute,
     /*SQLINTEGER*/Int32 BufferLength);
예제 #9
 static internal extern /*SQLRETURN*/ODBC32.RetCode SQLGetDescFieldW (
     /*SQLHSTMT*/OdbcDescriptorHandle StatementHandle,
     /*SQLUSMALLINT*/Int16 RecNumber,
     /*SQLUSMALLINT*/ODBC32.SQL_DESC FieldIdentifier,
     /*SQLPOINTER*/CNativeBuffer ValuePointer,
     /*SQLINTEGER*/Int32 BufferLength,
     /*SQLINTEGER* */out Int32 StringLength);
예제 #10
 private void DisposeDescriptorHandle() {
     OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = _hdesc;
     if (null != handle) {
         _hdesc = null;
예제 #11
 // Get the Descriptor Handle for the current statement
 internal OdbcDescriptorHandle GetDescriptorHandle(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute) {
     OdbcDescriptorHandle hdesc = _hdesc;
     if (null == _hdesc) {
         _hdesc = hdesc = new OdbcDescriptorHandle(_stmt, attribute);
     return hdesc;
예제 #12
        internal void Bind(OdbcStatementHandle hstmt, OdbcCommand command, short ordinal, CNativeBuffer parameterBuffer, bool allowReentrance)
            ODBC32.SQL_C     sql_c       = this._prepared_Sql_C_Type;
            ODBC32.SQL_PARAM sql_param   = this.SqlDirectionFromParameterDirection();
            int       offset             = this._preparedOffset;
            int       sizeorprecision    = this._preparedSize;
            object    obj2               = this._preparedValue;
            int       valueSize          = this.GetValueSize(obj2, offset);
            int       num4               = this.GetColumnSize(obj2, offset, ordinal);
            byte      parameterPrecision = this.GetParameterPrecision(obj2);
            byte      parameterScale     = this.GetParameterScale(obj2);
            HandleRef buffer             = parameterBuffer.PtrOffset(this._preparedValueOffset, this._preparedBufferSize);
            HandleRef intbuffer          = parameterBuffer.PtrOffset(this._preparedIntOffset, IntPtr.Size);

            if (ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC == sql_c)
                if (((ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT_OUTPUT == sql_param) && (obj2 is decimal)) && (parameterScale < this._internalScale))
                    while (parameterScale < this._internalScale)
                        obj2           = ((decimal)obj2) * 10M;
                        parameterScale = (byte)(parameterScale + 1);
                this.SetInputValue(obj2, sql_c, valueSize, parameterPrecision, 0, parameterBuffer);
                if (ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT != sql_param)
                    parameterBuffer.WriteInt16(this._preparedValueOffset, (short)((parameterScale << 8) | parameterPrecision));
                this.SetInputValue(obj2, sql_c, valueSize, sizeorprecision, offset, parameterBuffer);
            if (((this._hasChanged || (this._boundSqlCType != sql_c)) || ((this._boundParameterType != this._bindtype._sql_type) || (this._boundSize != num4))) || (((this._boundScale != parameterScale) || (this._boundBuffer != buffer.Handle)) || (this._boundIntbuffer != intbuffer.Handle)))
                ODBC32.RetCode retcode = hstmt.BindParameter(ordinal, (short)sql_param, sql_c, this._bindtype._sql_type, (IntPtr)num4, (IntPtr)parameterScale, buffer, (IntPtr)this._preparedBufferSize, intbuffer);
                if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                    if ("07006" == command.GetDiagSqlState())
                        Bid.Trace("<odbc.OdbcParameter.Bind|ERR> Call to BindParameter returned errorcode [07006]\n");
                        if (allowReentrance)
                            this.Bind(hstmt, command, ordinal, parameterBuffer, false);
                    command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
                this._hasChanged         = false;
                this._boundSqlCType      = sql_c;
                this._boundParameterType = this._bindtype._sql_type;
                this._boundSize          = num4;
                this._boundScale         = parameterScale;
                this._boundBuffer        = buffer.Handle;
                this._boundIntbuffer     = intbuffer.Handle;
                if (ODBC32.SQL_C.NUMERIC == sql_c)
                    OdbcDescriptorHandle descriptorHandle = command.GetDescriptorHandle(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.APP_PARAM_DESC);
                    retcode = descriptorHandle.SetDescriptionField1(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.TYPE, (IntPtr)2L);
                    if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                        command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
                    int num2 = parameterPrecision;
                    retcode = descriptorHandle.SetDescriptionField1(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.PRECISION, (IntPtr)num2);
                    if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                        command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
                    num2    = parameterScale;
                    retcode = descriptorHandle.SetDescriptionField1(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.SCALE, (IntPtr)num2);
                    if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                        command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
                    retcode = descriptorHandle.SetDescriptionField2(ordinal, ODBC32.SQL_DESC.DATA_PTR, buffer);
                    if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                        command.Connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);
 internal OdbcDescriptorHandle GetDescriptorHandle(ODBC32.SQL_ATTR attribute)
     OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = this._hdesc;
     if (this._hdesc == null)
         this._hdesc = handle = new OdbcDescriptorHandle(this._stmt, attribute);
     return handle;
 private string GetDescFieldStr(int i, ODBC32.SQL_DESC attribute, ODBC32.HANDLER handler)
     int numericAttribute = 0;
     if ((this.Connection == null) || this._cmdWrapper.Canceling)
         return "";
     if (!this.Connection.IsV3Driver)
         return null;
     CNativeBuffer buffer = this.Buffer;
     using (OdbcDescriptorHandle handle = new OdbcDescriptorHandle(this.StatementHandle, ODBC32.SQL_ATTR.APP_PARAM_DESC))
         ODBC32.RetCode retcode = handle.GetDescriptionField(i + 1, attribute, buffer, out numericAttribute);
         if ((retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS) || (numericAttribute == 0))
             if ((retcode == ODBC32.RetCode.ERROR) && ("HY091" == this.Command.GetDiagSqlState()))
                 this.Connection.FlagUnsupportedColAttr(attribute, ODBC32.SQL_COLUMN.COUNT);
             if (handler == ODBC32.HANDLER.THROW)
                 this.Connection.HandleError(this.StatementHandle, retcode);
             return null;
     return buffer.PtrToStringUni(0, numericAttribute / 2);
 internal static extern ODBC32.RetCode SQLGetDescFieldW(OdbcDescriptorHandle StatementHandle, short RecNumber, ODBC32.SQL_DESC FieldIdentifier, CNativeBuffer ValuePointer, int BufferLength, out int StringLength);
 internal static extern ODBC32.RetCode SQLSetDescFieldW(OdbcDescriptorHandle StatementHandle, short ColumnNumber, ODBC32.SQL_DESC FieldIdentifier, HandleRef CharacterAttribute, int BufferLength);